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Financial Officer Dimensions - Are You Balanced?

As you continue to grow and develop as a CFO, how are you balancing out your dimensions?
For each dimension below, place an x on each bar indicating where you currently stand

Company Your Responsibility You

Relationship with CEO Relationships with Peers Health
You spend time every week with CEO You are a go to person to collaborate You exercise regularly, sleep well at
on strategic issues and are a valued and provide insight on new night and get a good report from the
partner endeavors doctor
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree

Strategy Financial House Relationships with family and friends

A clear strategy is in place, widely Your corporate financial house is in You see your friends and family
known and discussed regularly order. Cash flows and earnings are regularly, and they feel like you are
strong, bankers and auditors view present and supportive
you highly
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree

Metrics Your Team Interests outside of work

You have clear metrics that inform You have a strong, balanced team You have activities that you enjoy,
how the business is performing and that is focused, effective and well give you energy and you regularly
are published regularly regarded internally and externally participate
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree

Products and Customers Financial Reporting Stress

You understand the products or You close the books quickly, provide You know how to control stress,
services of the business, and what both succinct dashboard reports and laugh regularly and shrug off the little
customers value more in depth fit for use reporting stuff
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree

Action Plan
Your Company's Current Year Goals Your Work Goals Your Personal Goals
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3

Resources Needed to Achieve Goals

1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3

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