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This chapter presents the review of literature and studies, synthesis, conceptual

paradigm of the study and definition of terms.

A. Review of related literature and studies

It presents different related literature and studies that had been gathered from

different materials regarding the significance of the orange card program

implemented by Sta Ana Hospital. Related literature gave additional information

that have provided this research a great depth.


Related literature are articles and journals coming from books, newspapers and

other electronic resources that can aid the researchers on giving further venture on

the present study. It also consists of facts to which the present study is related.

These pieces of literature shed more light on consideration of the current study.

Foreign Literature

According to (insertname) the European Health Insurance Card (or EHIC) is issued

free of charge and allows anyone who is insured by or covered by a statutory social
security scheme of the EEA countries and Switzerland to receive medical treatment

in another member state free or at a reduced cost, if that treatment becomes

necessary during their visit (for example, due to illness or an accident), or if they

have a chronic pre-existing condition which requires care such as kidney dialysis. The

term of validity of the card varies according to the issuing country.

Widodo (2012) stated the Jakarta health card program is considered a good

policy on the demand side, as the program encourages poor people to seek health

care from health centers and hospitals. All residents of Jakarta should be covered by

the health insurance plan. Under the initial phase of the program, 4.7 million people

were eligible for primary care clinics and hospital services including inpatient care in

the third-class wards (the cheapest hospital room, each of which may be occupied

by more than two patients).

Local Literature

Binay (2011) cited to receive free medical services and free medicines,

residents should present their updated Yellow Card (Makati Health Plus Card) or

PhilHealth Card. The Makati health plus(MHP)program better known as the “yellow

card”, provides indigent and low income residents and other beneficiaries with

access to quality health care through subsidized hospitalization and free out-patient

services at the city-run ospital ng Makati(OSMAK). Yellow card beneficiaries are also
entitled to free check-ups or consultations at the city’s fully-equipped barangay

health centers , where medical services ranging from maternal and child care to

elderly care are available. Medical services are not just available at the OsMak.

Barangay health centers are capable of attending such services to the people. In the

barangay level alone, the city government can immediately respond to medical

needs, the basic mandate that a local government or a local public official should


According to Fresnedi (2013), through the Muntinlupa Care Card, we can

provide each and every member of the Muntinlupeño family easy and convenient

access to all programs of the local government. With the Muntinlupa care card

(MCC), cardholders get accident insurance coverage, subsidies of up to P25,000 at

the Ospital ng Muntinlupa, and access to free services offered in the barangays.

Ejercito (2007) stated that health is one important aspect to be considered in

the development of the individual and the family that often been neglected due to

family’s insufficient income. Low per capita income of indigent families in Laguna

(annual per capita income of a family is P16, 457.00 – 2007 poverty threshold – NSO

against the P10, 636.00 – 2007 food threshold) makes their hospitalization

opportunities lessen. Laguna’s increasing poverty incidence is an indication that

there is a high demand for providing quality services including health care program
to its constituents. There are several poverty alleviation programs and health

programs being implemented in the province and hospitalization of clients has the

biggest demand. The Laguna Health Access Program or The Orange “ER”Card of

Laguna is another health program cropped to somehow answer the increasing

demand in the hospitalization of the poorest of the poor legitimate residents of






Figure I shows the conceptual paradigm of the study using the input-process-

output model.


● Sta Ana Hospital ● Qualitative methods ● To find out the

significance of the
1. Questionnaire
→ Orange Card
2. Interview
implemented by Sta
Ana Hospital

Orange card holders will benefit this


The Significance of Orange Card

Program implemented by

Sta Ana Hospital

Definition of Terms

The following operational and contextual terms are here with defined for better

understanding of the study.


Cardholder- principal owner of the card beneficiary of the program.

Dependents- Family members who are qualified dependents of the cardholder

In-patient case- Confinement in a hospital for a minimum of 24 hours

Out-patient case- any condition which does not require hospital confinement.

Third class wards- the cheapest hospital room, each of which may be occupied by

more than two patients

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