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Programming Logic and Design



At the end of the topic session the students are

expected to:
1. Describe what is C++ while statement.
2. Describe the general format of while
3. Develop a C++ program using C++ while
1. Powerpoint Presentation
2. PLD Module #15


Flow of discussion for C++ While Statement:

1. Introduce C++ while statement.
2. Discuss the syntax of while statement.
3. Discuss sample C++ program using while

Prepared by : FREDDIE M. TAMAYAO, MENG-CPE, CISSP Page 1 of 5

Programming Logic and Design

C++ While Statement Concept

The second loop available in C++ is the while

loop. The while loop is an entry-controlled loop.
C++ while Loop Syntax

Syntax of the while loop :

loop-body ;
where the loop-body may contain a single
statement, a compound statement or an empty
statement. The loop iterates while the expression
evaluates to true. When the expression becomes
false, the program control passes to the line after
the loop-body code.
In a while loop, a loop control variable should be
initialized before the loop begins as an
uninitialized variable can be used in the
expression. The loop variable should be updated
inside the body-of-the-while.
C++ while Loop Example

Sample program illustrates the working of a while

loop :
/* C++ Iteration Statements - C++ while Loop */

Prepared by : FREDDIE M. TAMAYAO, MENG-CPE, CISSP Page 2 of 5

Programming Logic and Design

void main()
unsigned long num, fact=1;
cout<<"Enter a number: ";
fact = fact*num;
cout<<"The factorial of the number
is "<<fact;
When the above program compile and executed,
it will produce the following output:

Prepared by : FREDDIE M. TAMAYAO, MENG-CPE, CISSP Page 3 of 5

Programming Logic and Design

The above program inputs an integer num. Then

as long as num is nonzero (according to while
(num)) the loop-body iterates i.e., fact is
multiplied with num and the result is stored back
in fact, followed by the decrement of num. Again
the test-expression (num) is evaluated : if it is
true, the loop repeated otherwise terminated.

Prepared by : FREDDIE M. TAMAYAO, MENG-CPE, CISSP Page 4 of 5

Programming Logic and Design


 C++: From Problem Analysis to Program Design

 Introduction to C++ Programming Logic

Prepared by : FREDDIE M. TAMAYAO, MENG-CPE, CISSP Page 5 of 5

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