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Reinforced Concrete Building Structures

Reinforced Concrete Shear Wall

LB3 Civil Engineering ITS

Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

Last Edited Nov-2021

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Performance Objectives

Special R/C Shear Wall

Resist Axial force, flexure, and shear
Boundary Member
Where compression stress/strain is large, maintain capacity.
Development of Rebar in panel
Ductile coupling beam
Ordinary R/C Shear Wall
No Seismic Requirement, Ch.18 does not apply
Design of shear walls for seismic resistance includes designing to resist
axial forces, flexure, and shear. Special boundary confinement is
required at the ends of walls where the maximum compressive stress
associated with flexural and axial loads are high.
In additional to shear walls, SNI 2847(ACI 318) provides detailing
requirements for coupling beams.

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Special structural walls and coupling beams – The distributed web reinforcement ratios, ρl and ρt , for

p not be less than 0.0025, except that if Vu does not
structural walls shall
exceed 0.083Acv λ fc0 , ρl and ρt shall be permitted to be reduced to the
values required in 11.6. Reinforcement spacing each way in structural
walls shall not exceed 450 mm. Reinforcement contributing to Vn shall
be continuous and shall be distributed across the shear plane. – At least two curtains
p of reinforcement shall be used in a
wall if Vu exceeds 0.17Acv λ fc0 or hw /lw ≥ 2.0, in which hw and lw refer
to height and length of entire wall, respectively.

(ITS Surabaya) Reinforced Concrete Building Structures First Ed Nov-2016 3 / 34 – Reinforcement in structural walls shall be developed or
spliced for fy in tension in accordance with 25.4, 25.5, and (a) through
(a) Longitudinal reinforcement shall extend beyond the point at
which it is no longer required to resist flexure by least 0.8lw ,
except at the top of a wall
(b) At locations where yielding of longitudinal reinforcement is likely
to occur as a result of lateral displacements, development lengths
of longitudinal reinforcement shall be 1.25 times the values
calculated for fy in tension
(c) Mechanical splices of reinforcement shall conform to 18.2.7 and
welded splices of reinforcement shall conform to 18.2.8

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18.10.4 – Shear strength – Vn of structural walls shall not exceed

Vn = Acv (αc λ fc0 + ρt fy ) (

where the coefficient αc is 0.25 for hw /lw ≤ 1.5, is 0.17 for hw /lw ≥ 2.0,
and varies linearly between 0.25 and 0.17 for hw /lw between 1.5 and
2.0. – In, the value of ratio hw /lw used for determining
V n for segments of a wall shall be the larger of the ratios for the entire
wall and the segment of wall considered. – Walls shall have distributed shear reinforcement in two
orthogonal directions in the plane of the wall. If hw /lw does not exceed
2.0, reinforcement ratio ρl shall be at least the reinforcement ratio ρt .

(ITS Surabaya) Reinforced Concrete Building Structures First Ed Nov-2016 5 / 34 – For all vertical wall segments sharingpa common lateral
force, V n shall not be taken greater than 0.66Acv fc0 , where Acv is the
gross area of concrete bounded by web thickness and length of section.
For any one of the individualp vertical wall segments, V n shall not be
taken greater than 0.66Acw fc , where A Acw is the area of concrete. – For horizontal wall segments
p 0 and coupling beams, V n shall
not be taken larger than 0.83Acw fc , where Acw is the area of concrete
section of a horizontal wall segment or coupling beam.

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18.10.5 – Design for flexure and axial loads –Structural walls and portions of such walls subject to

combined flexure and axial loads shall be designed in accordance with
22.4. Concrete and developed longitu- dinal reinforcement within
effective flange widths, boundary elements, and the wall web shall be
considered effective. The effects of openings shall be considered. – Unless a more detailed analysis is performed, effective
flange widths of flanged sections shall extend from the face of the web
a distance equal to the lesser of one-half the distance to an adjacent
wall web and 25 percent of the total wall height.

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18.10.6 – Boundary elements of special structural walls – The need for special boundary elements at the edges of
structural walls shall be evaluated in accordance with or The requirements of and also shall be
satisfied. – Walls or wall piers with hw /lw w ≥ 2.0 that are effectively
continuous from the base of structure to top of wall and are designed
to have a single critical section for flexure and axial loads shall satisfy
(a) and (b) or shall be designed by
(a) Compression zones shall be reinforced with special boundary
elements where
c≥ (
600(1.5δu /hw )
and c corresponds to the largest neutral axis depth calculated for
the factored axial force and nominal moment strength consistent
with the design displacement δu . Ratio δu /hw shall not be taken
less than 0.005;
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(b) Where special boundary elements are required by, the
special boundary element reinforcement shall extend vertically
above and below the critical section at least the greater of lw or
M u /4V u , except as permitted in – Structural walls not designed in accordance with

shall have special boundary elements at boundaries and edges around
openings of structural walls where the maximum extreme fiber
compressive stress, corresponding to load combinations including
earthquake effects E, exceeds 0.2f c0 . The special boundary element
shall be permitted to be discontinued where the calculated
compressive stress is less than 0.15f c0 . Stresses shall be calculated for
the factored loads using a linearly elastic model and gross section
properties. For walls with flanges, an effective flange width as given in shall be used.

(ITS Surabaya) Reinforced Concrete Building Structures First Ed Nov-2016 9 / 34 – Where special boundary elements are required by
or, (a) through (h) shall be satisfied:
(a) The boundary element shall extend horizontally from the extreme
compression fiber a distance at least the larger of c − 0.1lw and c/2,
where c is the largest neutral axis depth calculated for the factored
axial force and nominal moment strength consistent with δu ;
(b) Width of the flexural compression zone, b, over the horizontal
distance calculated by, including flange if present,
shall be at least hu /16;
(c) For walls or wall piers with hw /lw ≥ 2.0 that are effectively
continuous from the base of structure to top of wall, designed to
have a single critical section for flexure and axial loads, and with
c/lw ≥ 3/8, width of the flexural compression zone b over the
length calculated in shall be greater than or equal to
300 mm.
(d) In flanged sections, the boundary element shall include the
effective flange width in compression and shall extend at least 300
mm into the web.;
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(e) The boundary element transverse reinforcement shall satisfy through (e) and, except the value hx in
shall not exceed the lesser of 350 mm. and two-thirds of the
boundary element thickness, and the transverse reinforcement
spacing limit of shall be one-third of the least
dimension of the boundary element.
(f) The amount of transverse reinforcement shall be in accordance
with Table
(g) Where the critical section occurs at the wall base, the boundary
element transverse reinforcement at the wall base shall extend
into the support at least ld , in accordance with, of the
largest longitudinal reinforcement in the special boundary
element. Where the special boundary element terminates on a
footing, mat, or pile cap, special boundary element transverse
reinforcement shall extend at least 300 mm into the footing, mat,
or pile cap, unless a greater extension is required by

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(h) Horizontal reinforcement in the wall web shall extend to within
150 mm of the end of the wall. Reinforcement shall be anchored to
develop f y within the confined core of the boundary element
using standard hooks or heads. Where the confined boundary
element has sufficient length to develop the horizontal web
reinforcement, and As f y /s of the horizontal web reinforcement
does not exceed As f yt /s of the boundary element transverse
reinforcement parallel to the horizontal web reinforcement, it shall
be permitted to terminate the horizontal web reinforcement
without a standard hook or head.

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(ITS Surabaya) Reinforced Concrete Building Structures First Ed Nov-2016 14 / 34 – Where special boundary elements are not required by or, (a) and (b) shall be satisfied:
(a) If the longitudinal reinforcement ratio at the wall boundary is
greater than 2.8/f y , boundary transverse reinforcement shall
satisfy through (e) over the distance calculated in
accordance with The longitudinal spacing of
transverse reinforcement at the wall boundary shall not exceed
the lesser of 200 mm. and 8db of the smallest primary flexural
reinforcing bars, except the spacing shall not exceed the lesser of
150 mm and 6db within a distance equal to the greater of lw and
M u /4V u above and below critical sections where yielding of
longitudinal reinforcement is likely to occur as a result of inelastic
lateral displacements.
(b) Except where Vu in the plane of the wall less than 0.083Acv λf c0 ,
horizontal reinforcement terminating at the edges of structural
walls without boundary elements shall have a standard hook
engaging the edge reinforcement or the edge reinforcement shall
be enclosed in U-stirrups having the same size and spacing as,
and spliced to, the horizontal reinforcement.
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Overview of Special Wall

ρl and ρt nor less than

0.0025 unless
Vu ≤ 0.083Avc fc0

Spacing not to exceed

contribute to Vn shall
be continuous and
distributed across shear

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Overview of Special Wall

two curtains of reinforcement required if :

Vu ≥ 0.17Acv λ fc0

Design shear force determined from lateral load analysis.

Shear strength:
Vn = Acv αc fc + ρt fy
αc = 3.0 for hw /lw ≤ 1.5
αc = 2.0 for hw /lw ≥ 2.0 interpolation beetween

Wall must have reinforcement in two orthogonal directions.

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Overview of Special Wall

Determine the required longitudinal reinforcement, the wall is

treated like a column.

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Overview of Special Wall: Boundary Element

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Overview of Special Wall: Boundary Element

Two options for determining need for boundary elements:

Strain based: Determined using wall deflection and associated wall
Stress based: Determined using maximum extreme fiber
compressive stress.
Boundary element are required if:

600(1.5δu /hw )
δu =design displacement
c =Depth to natural axis from strain compatibility
analysis with load causing δu

Boundary element required where maximum fiber compressive

stress exceed 0.2 fc0

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Overview of Special Wall: Boundary Element

Boundary element must extend horizontally not less than the

larger of c/2 or c − 0.1lw
In flanged walls, boundary element must include all the effective
flange width and at least 300mm of the web.
transverse reinforcement must extend into the foundation.

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Shear Frame Example

Typical floor plan as picture.

12-storey concrete building
N-S direction SMRF
E-W Dual System
Modal Analysis procedure
Shear wall at grid 3 to 6
SMRF at grid 1,2,7, and 8

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Ag = 2 × 750 × 750 + 400 × 5250
Ag = 3225000mm2
Acv = 400(5250 + 2 × 750)
Acv = 2700000mm2

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Storey Shears: E-W Loading

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Shear Wall Loading

At ground floor : shear and moment determined from the lateral

analysis and axial load from gravity load rundown.
All are factored forces (wall at grid 3):

Vu = 2949.02 kN
Mu = 41372.92 kN-m
Pu,max = 24130.40 kN
Pu,min = 10733.00 kN

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Shear Panel Reinforcement

φVn = φAcv (α fc0 + ρt fy )
Vu = 2949 kN
fc0 = 30 MPa, fy = 400 MPa.
α = 2.0
φ = 0.75
φAcv α fc0 = 22182 kN. > Vu
use ρmin = 0.0025
use D13 - 250,
ρt = 2 × 113.1/(250 ∗ 400) = 0.0026

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Axial Flexural Design

At ground floor : shear and moment determined from the lateral

analysis and axial load from gravity load rundown.
All are factored forces (wall at grid 3):

Mu = 41372.92 kN-m
Pu,max = 24130.40 kN
Pu,min = 10733.00 kN
Mu /Agh = 2.27 MPa
Pu,max /Ag = 8.94 MPa
Pu,min /Ag = 3.97 MPa

use D13-250 at wall and 12D29 at each column.

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Boundary Element Check

Use stress based procedure (SNI/ACI

Boundary element required if max stress > 0.2fc0 .
Ground level axial load and moment are determined based on factored

Pu Mu 24130.4 41372.9
+ = + = 16360 kN/m2 = 16.36 MPa
Ag S 3.225 4.66
0.2fc0 = 0.2 × 300 = 6MPa
∴ Stress more than 0.2fc0 , boundary element is needed.

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Boundary Element Length

BE length : larger of c/2 or c − 0.1lw

From M-N interaction diagram , max c = 1900 mm,
So, c/2 = 950 mm, and c − 0.1lw = 1100

Since boundary element larger than column dimension, either

Extend boundary into wall panel
Increase fc0 = reduce boundary element length
For this example, assume fc0 = 50, the required boundary length is

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Boundary Element Confinement

Transverse reinforcement in boundary element is to be designed

essentially like column transverse reinforcement.
Assume D13 ties and 100mm in spacing.

sbc fc0 100 × 650 × 30

Ash = 0.09 = 0.09 = 438.75 mm2
fyt 400
use D13, 4 legs = 530.9 mm2

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