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Module 3: Leadership & Teamwork

“Ang mga lider ay tinuturing na huwaran.”

Leaders are always taken as role models.
Let’s Exercise!
Below are statements that a leader says. Fill in the blanks with the leadership style being

Statement Leadership Style

1. I already have the solution to our problem. I did not have time to
consult you because you are all very busy. But I assure you that
this solution will benefit all of you, so please accept it. The Persuading Leader

2. I have given you the background information about our company’s

problem. I think we should transfer to a new location, but I would
like to get your views before I make the final decision. I am open The Consulting Leader
to your recommendations.

3. I own this company and I have been running this for the last 10
years. Mia, contact the suppliers at once! Dan, this is not the time
to ask many questions. Inform our field offices immediately about The Authoritarian Leader
my decision.

4. Please feel free to discuss the issue among yourselves. You may ask
me for guidance if you need to, but I leave the decision entirely up
The Joining Leader
to the team.

Let’s Apply!
Reflect upon and write about your own leadership style in the writing space below.

Your own leadership qualities: Which qualities do you already have? Which qualities would you
like to improve upon?

Your leadership style: What is your preferred leadership style? Which leadership style are you
least comfortable with? Is it possible to use /adopt all types of leadership styles?

This session is going to focus on leading teamwork and group cooperation. On the space
provided below, write at least two experiences, knowledge, skills or abilities that you have about
leading teams and practicing team work.

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