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The Story of Abu Bakr ash-Siddiq

Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq was one of the main companions of the Prophet Muhammad
SAW and was included in the early group of Muslims. He also became the first caliph after
the death of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. As an early followers of Islam, Abu Bakr Ash-
Siddiq has taken on various major roles, one of which is to reunite the tribes who tried to
break away from Islam after the death of the Prophet. He also played a role in the
preservation of the written texts that became the holy book of Islam, the Qur'an. Prophet
Muhammad SAW bestowed the title Ash-Siddiq which means 'the one who speaks the truth'
after he confirmed and believed the Isra Mi'raj incident that was told by the Prophet
Muhammad SAW to his followers.

During the leadership of Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq there were several problems that
threatened the unity among Muslims at that time. Starting from the many tribes who decided
to leave Islam (apostasy) for various reasons. In addition, the rise of Muslims who are
reluctant to issue zakat. The tribes claim that they only had commitments with the Prophet
Muhammad SAW and with his death his commitments were no longer valid. Because of this,
Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq issued a decision to fight these people, known as the Ridda war. In the
Ridda war, the biggest battle was against "Ibn Habib al-Hanafi" better known as Musailamah
al-Kazzab, who claimed to be the new prophet to replace the Prophet Muhammad SAW. In
the end, the Muslim army lead by Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq won the war.

Along with the many victories obtained by Caliph Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq, many
Hafizh Qur'ans died in the war. This made Abu Bakr collect the verses of the Qur'an in a
mushaf so that they would not be lost. After becoming one manuscript, this Qur'anic
manuscript was originally stored at the residence of Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq, then given to
Umar bin Khattab, and after that it was handed over to Hafshah, the wife of the Prophet
Muhammad SAW. After carrying out the mandate as a caliph and serving as caliph for 2
years 3 months 3 days, finally Caliph Abu Bakr Ash-Siddiq died at the age of 63 years. He
was buried in Aisha's house next to the grave of the Prophet Muhammad SAW.

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