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423 FREE

# in some cities

April 27, 2011 — May 10, 2011















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4 April 27, 2011 fab
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since 1994 CONTENTS
#423 APRIL 27–MAY 10, 2011
Brandon Matheson
Matt Mills
Drew Rowsome & Matt Thomas
Lesley Fraser
Paul Bellini, Drasko Bogdanovic, Rolyn Chambers,
John Crouch, Ryan English, Michael Lyons,
Heroine Marks, Max MacDonald, Eduardo Sabate,
Jordi Santo, Jonathan Valelly & Phil Villeneuve
Drasko Bogdanovic, Tony Fong, David Hawe & Heroine Marks
John Crouch, Ryan English, Michael Lyons,
Reham Saeed, Eduardo Sabate & Jonathan Valelly
Ken Hickling
Jeffrey Hoffman
Brian Garrison
Eugene Coon
John Webster
Cassidy Phillips
Lucinda Wallace
Leslie Miller
Darryl Mabey, Andrew Tran & Bryce Stuart
Joel Cembal
Craig Palmer
Ted Hawkins
SUBSCRIPTIONS (26 issues): In Canada C$55.95;
United States US$63; all other countries: US$115.

Distribution & subscription inquiries 416-644-5204

491 Church St, Ste 200, Toronto, ON, Canada M4Y 2C6
Tel: 416-925-6665 Fax: 416-925-6674


The appearance of anyone in this magazine is no
guarantee that they are gay (just fab). Distributed free
in Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton and London and sold for
$4.50 on selected newsstands across Canada. 2011 RESULTS
Submissions and letters to the editor are welcome, but we are
not responsible for unsolicited material and cannot acknowledge
receipt. We do not consider anonymous submissions. 6 LETTERS 26 GAY AGENDA
Printed and published in Canada. ©2011 Pink Triangle Press
fab is published every two weeks by Pink Triangle Press 7 EDITORIAL 29 fab CITY
Directors: Jim Bartley, Gerald Hannon, Peter Kingstone, 20 DEEP DISH DIRECTORY
Jennifer O’Connor, Maureen Phillips, Ken Popert,
Gillian Rodgerson & Tori Smith 23 BELLINI AT LARGE 32 CLASSIFIEDS
Honorary Director: Colin Brownlee
President & Executive Director: Ken Popert
Publisher & Editor-at-Large: David Walberg 25 TUNES 34 fab GUY
Chief Operating Officer: Andrew Chang
Pink Triangle Press is a not-for-profit corporation,
with offices in Toronto and Vancouver publishing fab
and Xtra and operating &
No unauthorized reproduction, in whole or in part, Photography: David Hawe,
without the written consent of the publisher. Models: Jamie Cole and Jeremy Feist (

fab April 27, 2011 5

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422 FREE

April 13, 2011 — April 26, 2011

Not bowled over to IGBO-2011. Approximately nights and many more, Out and
I read your story about gay Toronto sports 600 bowlers from around the Out has an option for everyone
teams [“Playing for the Other Teams,” fab world are expected to attend Playing for the at
#422, April 13] and noticed that our gay for competition and social other teams Another important resource
Gay sports teams want you!

bowling league was not covered. activities. If you have an to discover Toronto’s LGBT
The Toronto Historical Bowling Society established bowling average, sports scene is OutSport
has been around for 28 years and is the there is still time to register for IGBO-2011. Toronto at
largest league in North America. We bowl Further information can be obtained from — DelightfulDavid
three days a week and have between 300 For year-round bowling
and 400 bowlers from all walks of life. schedules: or
You might want to check out our web- — Colin J Rainsbury, Come out
site: public relations for IGBO-2011 Re: “Palm Springs: The Gay Oasis” on
— Stephen Park, THBS president
Wow. I can’t wait to get to California.
Come out — kurtpuzzle
Gutter opportunities Re: “Playing for the Other Teams” on
To add to your theme that “gay sports teams Oops: In “Playing for the Other Teams” [fab
want you” in “Playing for the Other Teams” Out and Out is also a great option for #422, April 13] Downtown Soccer Toronto
[fab #422, April 13], we would be grateful those looking for a variety of activities ( was misidenti-
if you could draw your readers’ attention without making an ongoing commitment. fied. We hope this apology suffices and they
to the International Gay Bowling And it’s the oldest of Toronto’s LGBT sports won’t kick our balls.
Organization (IGBO) activities. and recreational groups. It’s surprising that
The Toronto Historical Bowling Society you missed it.
(THBA) is in its 28th year, and Toronto was Many members join for the hikes or to
one of the original six founding cities of partake in the big summer event, Jamboree.
Send your raves, rants and comments
IGBO in 1980. From Wednesday, May 25 With activities including inline skating, hula-
to Monday, May 30, Toronto will play host hooping, hiking, ball hockey, board game

Peek inside our Pink Box

to pick up fab and Xtra
In addition to our purple Xtra and blue
fab boxes, we’ve added a flashy new pink
combination box for your pleasure.

6 April 27, 2011 fab

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Free home
staging The view from SED
in 5
with all Radio City... Day

It’s a shame to Radio City, #2506-281 Mutual St., Junior 1 Bedroom

be ashamed
with spectacular unobstructed views. Available May 1.
$1350/mo., all utilities incl.

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he response to fab’s anonymous 2011 Gay Sex Survey can
only be described as epic. More than 2,500 guys took the URBAN REALTY
(office) 416-461-9900 • (direct) 416-666-4410
time to fill out the survey online or via hard copies that
were sent to our office, some bravely including a name and return
address. A few even sent us pictures or suggested we add an
upload feature on our next survey for even more explicit details.
We more than doubled the numbers of US national gay magazine
OUT’s sex survey, and we clocked almost three times the responses
we’ve received in previous years. Clearly, gay guys want to talk
about sex — but I worry that our numbers would be smaller if A Summer that will last a Lifetime Alberta
respondents had to give their full names. July 28–31
Reading through the results elicits feelings of shock, titillation Join us this summer for fun, friendship, and amazing Saskatchewan
and the occasional “Oh my God — I did that too!” Every time we workshops at Camp fYrefly, Canada’s only national August 18-21
put out our inquiry, we’re impressed by people’s honest, raw leadership retreat for sexual minority and gender variant
responses. There’s something for everyone to identify with: from youth. Please visit our website to apply or to learn how to
the perfect penis to fucking in air balloons. But unfortunately, make a charitable donation to help send a kid to camp!
anonymous responses do not a two-way dialogue make.
Some gay men need to push their comfort levels when it comes
to talking openly (and in person) about their bedroom antics,
while others need to make that crucial first step. This year, for
the first time, we put a link to the survey on; a surpris-
ing 45 percent of respondents identified as being closeted or
married to a woman. This survey allows those guys to share freely General and
Cosmetic Dentistry
about their sexuality and learn about gay sex in a safe forum that
we hope will break down a few closet doors. The rest of us must
lead by example: by communicating everything — and I mean
everything — out in the open we can help put to rest any linger-
ing connection of sex with shame.
People feel ashamed about discussing their sex lives for different
reasons. Some are afraid of being labelled slutty — but having lots
Dr.Martin Sterling
of safe, sane, consensual sex should be a badge of honour. Anyone Dr.Stephen Forgacs
who thinks otherwise is likely jealous. As long as you wrap your
cock there’s no reason why you can’t share it with whomever you
and Associates
choose. And the details make for stimulating conversation.
For those afraid that your sexual behaviours are atypical, take
solace: if you can think of a sexual act, sometime over the history
of human sexuality it’s already been done. While some friends
may balk at descriptions of hot fisting and piss-play sessions,
those who indulge in them certainly aren’t alone in their inclina-
tions — and our survey proves it.
You’ll never find sexual camaraderie or get any constructive
tips unless you open your lips about what happens at your hips.
You’d be surprised what people admit to when they feel safe,
and if you can’t feel safe with your friends, that really is a shame.
Let’s take this conversation off the page and into the street, boys Early Morning and Evening Appointments
— we’ve clearly got some hot stories we’re dying to tell.
2 Bloor Street West, Suite 1904 416.923.8042

Matt Thomas

fab April 27, 2011 7

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full frontal SUSHI

Follow the bouncing balls
“I fell off the big red balls into the water as little Orphan Annie and came out
as Daddy Warbucks,” laughs the unsinkable Miss Conception. With her segment
of Wipeout Canada (see fab #422) in the can and set to air on Sunday,
May 1, Miss C is out to extend her 15 minutes of fame. What could be better
than to organize a viewing party in front of hundreds of her nearest and
. dearest? And just to be sure that she doesn’t get sideswiped in the editing
e process, Miss C has made her own Wipeout video-clip collection that can be
quickly substituted if necessary. But Miss C’s heart is as big as her abundant
ego: “The party is about celebrating me on the show, but most of all it’s about
raising money for an amazing cause: the PWA Friends for Life Bike Rally.”
— Drew Rowsome “I wouldn’t have thought
anyone would have a problem.”
Pornstar Logan McCree is
Miss Conception’s Wipeout Canada Viewing Party is Sun, May 1 at 6pm
surprised that local councillor
at Woody’s, 465 Church St.
George Farlow thinks the tattooed
star’s plans to build a home in
Durness, Scotland, are “totally
Follow the brown inappropriate.”
“I like the idea of Glee, but why
bouncing balls is it that every time I watch an
episode I feel like I’ve stepped
“I thought it was a great idea because the play is about stripping down
into a puddle of HIV?”
stereotypes, about being naked,” says playwright Byron Abalos of a nude
A tweet by author Bret Easton
photo shoot he did in support of Brown Balls. Written over the course of
Ellis literally goes viral.
six years, the play focuses on three Asian men and addresses issues of
race, gender and sexuality head-on. Abalos says the character Charlie, a “I’d love to show her some
gay biracial man, underlines issues faced by gay Asians: “Within the gay moves. William would
community he’s on the fringe because he’s Asian, and in the Asian definitely have a cracking treat
community he’s on the fringe because he’s gay.” David Yee plays the part on his wedding night.”
of Charlie and says his own experience mirrors that of the character. Yee Pussycat Doll Kimberly Wyatt offers
says Charlie makes every attempt to challenge homophobia, with varying Kate Middleton pole-dancing
degrees of success. “At every opportunity he’s getting a dig in or bringing
a question to light. No answers are provided, but by the end of the play Traditional multi-tiered fruit.
the question has been raised.” — Ryan English Kate Middleton’s choice of cake for
the royal wedding.
Brown Balls runs Tues, May 3 to Sun, May 15 at
“Who wants to stand in the
Factory Studio Theatre, 125 Bathurst St.
cold weather eating healthy
food? This is street meat.”
Hot-dog vendor Mehran Agha
It takes balls Berman is skeptical of a city plan
that will allow street vendors to offer
Winning a Dora is fantastic, but for Agokwe creator and alternatives to the standard hot dog.
actor Waawaate Fobister the play’s effect on his peers
is even better. “I was so terrified,” says Fobister of a “I basically love anything that
comes in a hot-dog bun.
staged reading of Agokwe in his hometown of Kenora.
Except hot dogs.”
“It was my first time being in front of an all-native
Gwyneth Paltrow hypes her new
audience. It was my first time doing it in front of all high
cookbook, My Father’s Daughter.
school students.” A reasonable apprehension, when a
group of teenaged boys, the same kind who bullied him verbally and physically while he was growing up, sat at the front “It’s an old Broadway trick:
of the audience with their feet up on the stage. As the reading progressed, Fobister knew that he had their attention. “After two-thirds water and
the show those boys came up to me — ‘Fuck man! Fuckin’ good play!’ — shaking my hand.” Agokwe is an Anishinaabe one-third vodka, spray
term that means “two-spirited, a male and a female spirit entwined in one body,” which is how Fobister identifies. your armpits and you’ll
“A lot of people have never heard of it, or they may have heard of it but they’ve never really connected it with someone never smell again.”
real, a real story.” Fobister shares the story as a way for native youth to connect to their roots. Above all, he encourages Joan Rivers reveals a sanitary
them, saying, “Shoot for your dreams, because I did and I’m living my dreams.” — Michael Lyons secret at a Svedka vodka–
sponsored event.
Agokwe runs Thurs, May 5 to Sun, May 15 at Buddies, 12 Alexander St.

8 April 27, 2011 fab

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dirty talk
AND Filthy
daVid haWe

BY Jordi

fab’s 2011 Gay Sex Survey once again broke records:

we received 2,508 responses. Gay men wrote
candidly about their desires, fetishes, emo-
tions and needs. The overwhelming amount
of raw data and comments required an
entire team of fab writers to sort, sift and
select the most startling and titillating
material. Fortunately, John Crouch,
Ryan English, Michael Lyons, Drew
Rowsome, Eduardo Sabate, Matt
Thomas and Jonathan Valelly were
up, no pun intended, for the
daunting task.

hiGh-ranGe highest. • it’s cool when you can have a • Married in a relationship she thinks is
FreQuencies conversation and not only like them physically
but be turned on by their mind, too. • the more
monogamous. • single and looking for a
connection. • i’m tired of kissing frogs and toads.
31% of respondents have sex weekly,
of a slut i feel like, the better. • love the raw, • i’m trying hard to be monogamous.
followed by biweekly at 25%. A lucky
dirty, animalistic feelings of hot sex.
12% get it daily and only 7% say they’re
not getting any. Most who commented
wanted more, and a few did brag. toys
not-so-bindinG For boys
When he brings home his paycheque.
• never with my partner — maybe once
attachMents The Fleshlight is the most
Almost half of respondents are single, and desired sex toy purchase,
a month with someone else. • try to have sex
those who are attached have varied defini- according to 24%
% of respondents.
every day, and i do have days with sex twice a day.
tions of what a relationship entails. Many The dildo dominated as the toy respon-
• Annually. • twice a night on the nights we are
of the attached respondents claim to be dents most used, coming in at 39%. %.
together. • sex about twice a week and jerking
monogamous but admit they play on the Sounding rods were the least desired sex
off every day. • looking to hand in virgin card.
side — this is particularly true of toy — 20% of respondents said
the surprisingly large they’d never use one.
number of married-to-
is it hot in here? women men. Wearing i’m on my third colt
More than half — 52% — believe that white and skipping Waterproof silver rod
sexual heat is the most important part of a down the aisle does not vibrator (available at Priape).
relationship. 34% prefer companionship guarantee fidelity. i wore the first one out then
and 14% believe in romance. Many had dropped the second one and
other suggestions. it’s monogamous, it broke. • i don’t own any of
with the those because i live with my
respect. • cock and ass; nothing else understanding that if family and it’s not easy to
matters. • romance and sexual heat are something happens with hide them. • seriously, is
fine, but you do have to be able to stand to be someone else, it happens: as “would you never use?” a
around each other. • companionship sustains me, long as it’s just sex. • single, necessary option? i think every gay
but i always need to relieve the pressure in my balls. searching and kind of slutty. man encounters these at least
• companionship with my partner, but outside of my • Monogamous, but we also once in his lifetime, even those
relationship it would be sexual heat. • if love comes screw around together with other prissy twinks who don’t know any
along, the heat can be turned down a little. • if this guys at the bathhouse. • We call it better. • toys are for those with
weren’t a sex survey, i would rate companionship monogamy with a little leeway. little imagination or drive.

10 April 27, 2011 fab

Weird, whacky Ass around the world
and wanton Respondents were split when it came to ethnic preference or lack thereof (51% said
Many respondents said that being asked yes to a preference, 49% said no). All ethnicities have a healthy percentage of men
to incorporate bodily functions normally who are particularly horny for them.
associated with the bathroom into sex play
was the weirdest request they’d fielded. Respondents have a 59%
Other frequent proposals include atypical particular taste for...
sex toys, unique role-playing, family affairs
and more than just fetch with man’s best 52%

Cum on my boyfriend’s sushi rolls. 45% 46%

• To have someone make and eat a salad, 41%
complete with vinaigrette, off my chest.
• Describing anything sexual as “weird” is
ignorant to me, so the answer is nothing. 33%
• Assist someone in getting fucked by a doorknob. 31% 31%
• What is weird, anyway? One man’s weird is
another man’s wonderful. • Pretend that I was
dead so they could have their way with my limp
corpse. • Stick a chopstick down the penis hole.
• A nerdy middle-aged man asked me to make 15% 16%

Middle Eastern
barnyard animal noises while he fucked me.

First Nation
• A straight 6’6” volleyball player asked me to treat East Indian
him like a baby with diapers, bottle, feeding, bib,



baby powder, Vaseline and a soother. He actually

had a giant change table in his bedroom. We did
this baby scene and then he wet his diaper and
ejaculated in it. • Have sex with a boy and his
All are horny. • Hispanic, Arabic or African American: they all seem to know that an ass is for
mother. • Was asked to take two brothers and their
fucking. • If I wasn’t taken, I’d like to try them all! • Ethnicity is so far down on the list, by the
father at the same time. • To worship someone’s
time it gets to this point, someone is already in or out. • Is an Aussie considered ethnic?
car before getting to suck them off. • Once a guy
I knew got me to spend the whole day walking
round on all fours pretending to be his pet cat. I did
enjoy being his little pussy. • Once I was asked to
use popcorn butter topping as a lube because he • He wanted me to spank him with his skateboard. Get rimmed by a dog when I was a
liked the way it tasted. • Put peanut butter and Hard. I obliged. • Perform oral sex on my teenager, and fuck yes, I liked it. • Put a
marshmallow on my cock. • Let someone smell partner while he was playing Bach on the bicycle-pump hose in a guy’s ass and pumped it.
my ass through a peephole at Home Depot. I was piano. • Put a cellphone in my ass on vibrate. Did I enjoy it? He liked it, but it was difficult for me,
16 and got scared and ran. • Get married and be • Fuck my ass while yelling my mother’s name. keeping up the “This is hot” act. I kept wanting to
monogamous. • Talk about my feelings. • Dress in • Take a hamster anally. • My friend asked me laugh. • Fuck a guy’s brother while he watched.
school uniform and say, ‘Daddy no, Daddy stop’ to suck and fuck his dog. I did not, and needless Nope. • Stuck a hairbrush up my arse: fabulous!
and cry while he fucked me. • Sandpaper a guy’s to say he is no longer my friend. • Weirdest thing I’ve done was stroke and suck
cock. • Slide a custard pie inside a guy’s ass. on a horse cock. I saw it out in the field and OMG
• Shove a rubber ducky up my arse then shit it out. When it comes to weird requests becoming it was incredible — I had to have it.
• To get dressed up like a clown and fuck some actions, many of the same scatological,
dude’s boyfriend. incestuous and barnyard themes are appar-
ent — with varying degrees of enjoyment.
Where the
boys are
Most respondents preferred picking up at
bars or nightclubs, at a bathhouse or from
an internet sex site. The top three bars for
successful pick-ups were Woody’s,
The Barn and the Black Eagle. Steamworks
was by far the most popular bathhouse
destination, while received more
than half the votes for the online sex
website of choice. To the one respondent
who got laid using Twitter, we say, “Way
to be resourceful” and #gaysexwinning.

fab April 27, 2011 11

cock 39%
chest 25%
ass 14%
face 7%
legs 4%
arms 3%
smile 3%
eyes 2%
balls 2%
nipples 1%
feet 1%

39% of respondents think cocks are the
most attractive thing about naked men,
followed by chests at 25% and asses at
14%. Many respondents had more specific
examples: abs, back and areas with body
hair, such as armpits and treasure trails.

neck to knees. • it’s the whole

package, but i always end up sucking
the cock. • Balls are beautiful if they are
shaved and bulging or protruding from under
a nice cock. • All naked men have a way of hair-raisinG
making me swoon, anyway. this is an 42% of respondents prefer brunettes, while
unfair question for me. 30% prefer blonds; 18% like a shaved head
and 10% like redheads. Many respondents
— presumably Anderson Cooper fans —
wrote in lamenting that we’d neglected to
provide silver, white or salt-and-pepper
hair as an option.
Penis PerFection intense Blonds are for fun; brunettes are for
Appealing penises come in many forms, situations commitment. • the last thing i am
with lots of preferences for both cut and The combination of poppers and huge looking at is his hair.
uncut. Many respondents appear to be cocks, dildos or fists was powerful for many,
size queens, while others note the appeal registering as their most intense experience. 35% of respondents like their men to have
of veins. Many voted for unique sex locations while some body hair, while 27% prefer them to
others chose fucking their first boyfriends be meticulously manscaped. 25% like
two uncut coke cans stacked, oozing smooth as a baby’s bottom, but only 6% like
or people they were in love with.
precum. • like a slab of roseate marble, a complete shave, which is slightly less than
10 inches long, with a head that just peeks out of Had sex on a coral reef in the caribbean the 7% who prefer a gorilla-like pelt.
his foreskin when hard. • Glistening in the with sharks swimming only metres away.
sunshine, with a slight wet sheen, semi-hard, • i was fucked in the storeroom of a toys “r” Us come as you are; no preference if
about seven inches, uncut with just a little store. • i’m a climber, and having sex suspended the dude’s cool. • Whatever makes him
amount of head peeking through, hairy (but on the side of a cliff has got to be up there. • Had comfortable with himself. • i’m open-minded and
trimmed) bush and a mouthful of relaxed hanging my balls sizzled by having electric current put certainly not offended by a hairy man, but i’m very
balls. • oh God, just one? You expect me to describe through them until the flesh started cooking. • Had thrilled about someone who’s manscaped. it’s all
just one? Which one? there have been so bloody sex on the ttc with two other guys watching us about attitude and how you wear your hair. • tufts
many nice ones, it is simply cruel to make me late at night. of hair, not a chewbacca. • it doesn’t matter as
describe only one. long as he has a hard, juicy cock between his legs.

12 April 27, 2011 fab

MeasurinG uP

What is the size of...

the perfect cock 7" 20%
7.5" 16%
8" 25%
the average cock 5.5" 16%
6" 49%
6.5" 16%
your cock 6" 20%
6.5" 20% Most respondents have a healthy attitude
7" 20% about the size of their own cocks. Very few
were self-loathing, but many would like to
have a little extra, particularly girth.
depends who’s attached to it. • People
who say they aren’t size queens are i think all guys feel pressure about this.
lying. • Anything bigger than 6.5 inches looks i am fine with the size of my cock, and
really good but is too difficult to fit anywhere i always figure if people want to have sex with you
interesting. • i find guys with small cocks an more than once you are doing all right. And i’m
even bigger turn-on than guys with big ones. doing all right. • Fine with it. When you are as
• i really care not about penis size; i am there kinky as me, size rarely matters for great sex.
for the warm sweet semen and lots and lots of • Average length; slimmer than usual. i’ve been
kisses. • i’m assuming we’re speaking in real rejected by a couple of size queens, but it seems
inches and not exaggerated internet inches. like every novice bottom wants a ride.

Most disGustinG hottest thinG Most hilarious

thinG said said aFter thinG said
aFter seX seX aFter seX
“i gotta call my mom.” “i want to help you teach “no way will i be able to hide just how
• “Your ass is soupy.” • “Your a seminar on how to freshly fucked i am.” • “to properly
cum tastes like pizza.” • “You should lose fuck guys properly.” • “You’re dominate a person, one must find their secret spot
weight.” • “that was better than a pussy.” totally one of my top five.” • “i’m and then use it to control their lives.” • “Fuck the
not going to pull out of you. i’m dentist; i made your teeth whiter than ever.”
going to stay inside until i get hard • “that’s the best fuck i’ve had since the reagan
Most disGustinG again and fuck you all night.” • “i wanna
gangbang you with my mates.”
administration.” • “Unchain me, and i won’t run off,
honest.” • “can i tongue-punch your fart box?”
thinG said • “oh God, the poor dog. it saw everything.”
durinG seX
“You must have slept with a lot of guys to hottest thinG
learn all that.” • “look at me, man, don’t said durinG seX Most hilarious
you think i should be worshipped?” • “i don’t
“shhh, my wife and family are asleep
thinG said
kiss!” • “Yeah, why don’t you teach my sloppy
pussy a lesson?” • “i wish my brother could see upstairs.” • “Mmfh, achhhh, eurgge,” while durinG seX
this.” • “i’m going to puke,” and he did. • “i’m he was eating my ass. • “i want you to get me “this could only be better if i was having ice
gonna cum so much i think i’m gonna shit pregnant, dad!” • “let’s move this to the window so cream at the same time.” • “that tickles,”
myself.” • “can i pretend you’re 14?” • “stop everyone can see.” • “i called some friends over to said with my cock in his ass. • He started singing
laying there and move your bitch ass; it’s like i watch and have you when i’m done.” while he was blowing me. • “oh fuck, you are so big
am fucking a pillow.” • “i’d like to fuck your ear.” you are piercing my lungs.” • “i still think you look like
• “let me rape your chocolate tunnel.” • “can we Weird Al Yankovic.” • “Hurry up and cum; Two and a
get this over with? i have to get to sleep.” Half Men is coming on.” • “don’t text when you are
fucking me!”

fab April 27, 2011 13

hey sailor does it in an alleyway.” • “did you wash
your clothes in Windex?” • “i’m gonna drill
• “You’re cute. Wanna dance?” works perfectly
fine. • name, number and dick size. • “i own
Respondents generously revealed their best you like an oil rig.” • “i don’t charge much.” you, you filthy little slut.” • “i’ve got a big cock.
pick-up techniques and lines. Most sug- • someone tried to buy me a drink, which i Wanna see?” • “Wanna grab a beer before we
gested being friendly, complimentary and refused. then they offered me their gold card. get to each other?” • no lines: just a kiss and eye
smiling, while many found the direct As if they could just swipe it through my contact. i am like butter after that. i spread in any
approach (“Let’s fuck” or “Want a blow- asscrack. • “stop hurting me with your smile.” direction very easily. • none — just stick your
job?”) most effective. Some are even more • “What’s your sign?” • “For $100 you can come cock in me. • A stiff cock “accidentally” pushed
direct: they pull out their dicks or grab the home and give me a blowjob.” • “i know the up against me. • Just that gaydar look, looking
basket or nipples of the desired person. owner; i can get you a drink.” • “Get your coat, back to see if you are looking back to see — very
Alcohol is the preferred pick-up aid — no you’ve pulled.” • “i wish you were a door so exciting. • “i’m rich and love getting my dick
doubt all the techniques and lines benefit i could slam you all day long.” • “Are you from sucked.” • Anything said with a British accent.
from being slurred. tennessee? Because you’re the only 10 i see.” • i engage with anyone who is good-looking and
• “Well, that guy wasn’t interested. You wanna obviously sane. • i like cheesy. the cheesier and
“Wanna see the eighth wonder of the
get out of here now?” • i’ve never turned down funnier a pick-up line is, the more likely i am to
world? come to the bathroom with me
sex. • “Were you fat as a child?” • Flopping out continue talking to him.
and you will.” • smash ice on the bar and say,
a warted dick. • “if i told you you had a great
“now that i’ve broken the ice will you sleep with
body, would you hold it against me?” • “i have a
me?” • “You have 365 bones in your body; want
another?” • “i have snacks.” • Buying a guy a
chubby fetish. Wanna fuck?” • i met a guy who
played simba in The Lion King. He sang, “can you
star Fuckers
shot and telling him it’s to take the sting off how
feel the love tonight?” in my ear. • “i’ve just got (or not)
his ass is gonna feel in a few hours. • “My bed or The celebrities respondents most wanted
out of a relationship; you wanna be my
yours?” • “i swallow.” • “You really don’t deserve to fuck were Jake Gyllenhaal (18%), Ryan
boyfriend?” • “do you like really hairy guys?”
me, but i am feeling charitable.” • “didn’t i see Reynolds (16%), Justin Bieber (11%) and,
• “i’m actually a spy.” • “can i suck your feet?”
you in ________ movie? i swear you look just surprisingly, Lady Gaga (11%). Celebrities
• “You look like a whore. How much?” • “Put this
like ________!” • Excuse me, sir, you dropped respondents would like to have seen on
up your bum and poo on the floor.” • “is that a
something. oh — it’s my number.” • “nice bulge. our list were George Clooney, Bradley
mirror in your pocket? Because i can see myself
it would look better with my face on it.” • “Your Cooper, Ben Affleck, Taylor Lautner and
in your pants.” • “i have a wife, but we don’t have
dad must be a robber, because he stole the Justin Timberlake.
sex anymore because i’m a gay, too.” • “if i
stars from the sky and put them in your As for the celebrities respondents least
rape you, would you turn me in?” • “Are you
eyes.” • “Hi. i’ve lost my number. can i wanted to have sex with, there were some
a nazi? Because you’re setting this Jew on
have yours?” • nod. Adjust disturbing crossovers. Respondents would
fire.” • “Want to rumble in my jungle?” • “i’m
basket. • Grab my crutch. • rather fuck Rob Ford (8%) than Justin
really discreet.” • “Are you from ireland?
show them pics of my Bieber (31%), Lady Gaga (20%) or Charlie
cause my penis is dublin.” • “Well,
foreskin. • “Your eyes are as there’s no one else left here. You wanna Sheen (14%). Imma let Rob Ford finish,
blue as my toilet water.” • but Kanye West (8%) and Prince William
go for it?” • “i think you’ve fucked half
Acting dumb. • Grabbing (7%) were somehow considered to be on
of my friends, so why don’t we go for it, too?”
their dick and saying, “this goes in the same playing field as our mayor.
• “Want to meet me at the Walmart parking
my ass tonight.” • “is that a banana
lot?” • “You look intelligent, so i will be
in your pocket?” • “You can have a cigarette, cannot choose; i want all. • it wouldn’t
upfront: i want you to fuck me.”
but only if you smoke it in my bedroom.” matter as long as he was willing to face
• kneeling in front of a glory hole with my mouth Genuine compliments or a straightforward fuck me while i was in a full silk or satin dress.
wide open. • “can i borrow your phone? “You’re hot” works best for most. But so • Justin Bieber is a choice? that can’t be legal,
My ex said to let him know when i find something does the direct approach of “Let’s fuck.” and sorry lady Gaga: love your music, but unless
better.” • “My cock is like a metal detector: it you’re sprouting a penis, it ain’t ever going to
finds the hottest ass in the room — and it’s they all work on me. • compliment first. happen. • How come Prince William is on the list
yours.” • “do you own a chicken farm? cause you Ask for my number to set up coffee and not Prince Harry?
sure know how to raise a cock.” or drinks. then get me drunk and
be a great kisser. • Any sign of
Respondents have less fond memories of legitimate interest. • “Wow, you
pick-up techniques and lines that didn’t have a sexy smile!” always makes
work on them. me melt. • Walk up to me and
push me to my knees and grab my
“Wanna see the eighth wonder of the
head and pull it into your smelly
world? come to the bathroom with me
crotch. • “oi you. i wanna shag you
and you will.” • He smashed ice on the bar and
fucking silly.” • “can i have
said, “now that i’ve broken the ice will you sleep
your spunk?” • “i live
with me?” • “Hey, did you know your body has
round the corner.”
233 bones in it? Would you like one more?”
• talk nerdy to me.
• “i want to take you to steamworks and put you
• “i wanna fuck
in a sling.” • it was something about elves and
that ass until
his north Pole. it was the holidays. • “i love
you scream.”
chinese eyes.” i am not chinese. • “Want some
dark meat?” • “You look like the type of guy that

14 April 27, 2011 fab

Most respondents noted, however, that they
satisFaction had not yet made their fantasies a reality.
What is the most important components of satisfying sex?
Having sex with my hunky straight family
doctor. never did it, just got little details
intimacy about the kind of underwear he prefers to wear
kinkiness 11% and the kind of manscaping he does. • i want to
move into charlie sheen’s mansion and have
a sense of humour
orgies. it has not happened. • raping a burglar,
a tight ass 29% and no, i missed the chance. • i like to have my
an adventurous attitude face slapped but would like to have someone hit

a big cock
18% me closed-fisted and give me a black eye. i
haven’t done it yet. • Have sex with all seven of
a hot body my brothers at the same time. • setting up an
island sex resort, but that probably won’t happen
since i have no money.
Many respondents said
“chemistry”; several made 11%
their choices but added that Get to knoW
a big cock never hurts.
24% 3% your Fantasy
Where is passion on this list? 3% FiGures
• change positions. stop the 72% of respondents have had sex with a man
monotony. • intimacy implies being adventurous who identified as straight, 35% with a teacher,
and every kink you can agree on. • Having a guy that 19% with a relative, 27% with a delivery boy
can handle my cock. • depends — sometimes hot, quick, anonymous sex is good, and other times — and 25% got more than an exam from their
slow sex is good. • A great money shot. doctor. 21% have had a firefighter and 26%
have worked out and then worked it with
personal trainers. Pornstars are the most
coveted and 22% have managed to turn that
fantasy into reality.
enJoyMent i love the fab writer selection best.
• Just about my whole high school
Oral sex (giving, receiving and mutual) is (oral only), so about 450 guys over a three-year
the most frequently enjoyed sexual activity period, some more than once. • is there a fab
for more than 90% of all respondents, fol- writer available for sex? i’m hot just thinking
lowed by handjobs (giving and receiving) about it. • checking a guy’s cv takes away too
at almost 89%. Being rimmed comes in at much precious play time, skip. • A younger ted
78% and cuddling sits at 77%. Anal sex kennedy. • Barack obama, for sure!
(bottom) ranks next at 70%, with 68% eager
to on top (there is a similar split in gang-
banging, with 42% enjoying being banged
and only 39% being bangers — the opposite star
of the numbers required for this event). like being rimmed, but if my partner gets off attractions
Only 4% of respondents enjoy scat play, doing it, i’ll do it. • What about consenting The pornstars respondents most
and it ranked the highest in the “don’t physical actions like punching, slapping, spitting, wanted to have sex with were
enjoy” category. Respondents would rather etc? • love naked wrestling, with lube or oil, on the Peter Twins (20%) and Brent
be fisted, flogged, sounded, spanked or Pvc bed sheets. • cFnM • Whatever happened to Corrigan (20%), followed by
receive cock and ball torture than perform plain old regular vanilla sex? • Face fucking. lots Girth Brooks (7%) and Diesel
any of these activities on another. of guys like oral sex but don’t much care for a Washington (7%). Our apol-
Bondage and gangbangs arouse the most man to grab them by the ears and fuck them ogies for not including Brent
curiosity in respondents followed by orally. not sure why they don’t like it, but hey — Everett, the most popular
electro-stim, sounding, watersports, splosh- to each his own. • Just treat me like a whore so write-in candidate.
ing and bondage. Respondents asked for a i can empty my balls. • love to be degraded and
“not interested” option and for clarification humiliated in private or public. Brent Everett (right)
on some terms, while also suggesting a few would be my choice. Brent
that could be added. corrigan — that sap has blood on

Where’s regular d/s? • love manstink.

Fantasy his hands. • Been there, done
that. Just because they have
sweaty, musky pits, feet and crotch. Vs reality a title doesn’t make them
i especially love sniffing and eating smegma. Many respondents said their sexual fanta- masters at the job. • i don’t
• i think you need another category in here sies revolved around group sex, celebrities, know any pornstars. Porn is
between “enjoy” and “don’t enjoy.” i don’t really sports and rough sex play, including rape. boring; i prefer a real cock.

fab April 27, 2011 15

Vanilla is
not the only
Half of respondents said the more the mer-
rier, whether it was how many people they
would like to have watch them have sex, to
watch have sex or to have sex with. 27%
preferred to keep things private and one-on-
one, which works since only 12% were
interested in watching one-on-one activity.

saline injections into ball sack! • i’m a

pleaser, so i will try anything once. i don’t
mind testing my limits. • kink isn’t essential to
my sex life. that is not to say it’s a negative thing,
either in my sex life of the lives of others. it just
doesn’t always do it for me and can easily feel
forced. • When there’s good chemistry, the only THERE’S
limit is imagination.
soMe enchanted
you Will Meet LIMIT IS
a stranGer iMaGination
When perusing online profiles, a full-body
shot is considered the best lure by 31% of
respondents. Less than 1% were charmed
by romantic text. A spread-ass shot was
considered a turnoff by 49%. 62% have
agreed to meet a potential sex partner
without seeing a photo first. Close to half
of those had positive experiences; the other
half were not as lucky.

He was fugly. • Armageddon! • He was i think it’s the entire package. if i see with some meat on it. Many compared asses
20 years older than his profile said. something interesting, doesn’t matter to fruits, especially apples and peaches.
• Horrible. He was ugly white trash. • Alfred what, then i’ll do an up and down of the entire
Hitchcock is alive and well and living in toronto. package. • First: nice face. second: nice body. tight, small, attentive and ready for
• i actually don’t know. i am about to find out for third: nice ass. Fourth: not too camp. • lunch punishment. • toned and dusted with a lot
the first time this weekend. Yay me! i hope he box. • teeth and feet to see if he’s wearing of strawberry-blond hair, the kind that is invisible
isn’t Quasimodo. • He wasn’t too bad. We went sandals. • sophistication. sometimes and other times catches the afternoon
out for four years. • i needed a place to crash for light streaming through a window and glints and
the night and was desperate. it was okay in the When it comes to what respondents think glows. • this is where you should have an upload
end. • one out of six was a keeper. • i had no other men notice about them, build was first, photo feature so i could show you. it is luscious,
expectations, so i wasn’t disappointed. • You win followed closely by eyes, smile and a shapely plump but shapely, smooth but with some lovely
some, lose most. As a joke, i was sent to the hotel ass. Many respondents had no idea what it light hair, receptive and lovely all round. • Who
room of a straight man. not funny. • Hot most of is about them that other guys check out. cares? do tops even have asses?
the time; rarely a bad egg. • Most were good but
confident demeanour. • if i’m naked,
a few awkward ones. the best people don’t put
my schlong. • confidence and my
face pics up.
cock, as i normally whip it out straight away. rackinG uP the
• My long tongue. belt notches
look at hiM, 14% of respondents have had sex with
between 20 and 30 men in their life, and
look at Me best ass 11% sleep with one man in an average year.
A majority of respondents said they notice Many respondents mentioned a variation on Only .4% manage to sleep with 365-plus
a man’s build first when cruising him in the “bubble butt” and then garnished it with men per year — they’ll eventually catch
the street. Others wished we’d included varying degrees of hair coverage. For a major- up with the 1% who have had sex with
the option of someone’s face, in general. ity of respondents, the best ass is firm but more than 5,000 men so far.

16 April 27, 2011 fab

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fab April 27, 2011 17
bareback stats toP to bottoM
20% of respondents have never had bare- Only 26% of respondents identify as tops or versatile tops, leaving them way out-
back sex, but 35% have gone without numbered by bottoms — and giving the versatile majority (64%) lots of choice when
protection a few times. Almost as many, they’re in top mode.
30%, have barebacked many times and 6%
do it always. However, the comments were a versatile bottom
almost all from respondents who were
concerned about the danger and felt con- a versatile top
flicted about their actions.
23.4% a bottom
With a long term BF; still bad, i know,
a top
but we were monogamous and tested.
• i say “never” only because i’ve never had what versatile
i call full sex (start to finish) without a condom.
A few guys have maybe minimally poked around
not all of us have anal
back there before suiting up, which, i’m aware, is
sex and we still have hot
enough to transmit anything, but i haven’t ever 11.1% sex lives. • it would be nice to
had full-out, consensual, unprotected sex before.
experience the “other side” as a
• i know it’s risky but have done it with guys i’ve 15.2% top every once in a while. • i would
trusted, although this shouldn’t be relied on.
rather not top. it’s too much work.
• once i was made aware of the risk for sexually
• i fantasize about being a bottom, but
transmitted diseases and Aids, i was all, “You
23.5% i’m still learning to take it. • i’m sick of
can’t rock this boat without a raincoat” and “no
being categorized based on one aspect of
glove, no love.”
my sexual identity.
37% of respondents will have bareback sex
when in a committed relationship — but
considering respondents’ disinclination
for monogamy, perhaps this should be
rethought. 12% will never have bareback was gay, died of Aids because of unprotected
sex, but 11% will in any situation. sex, and my dad didn’t want me to die before
him. And then he said, “no dad should ever bury
Every single encounter is dealt with at his own son.”
the time. My assumption is that every
person i play with can transmit a communicable
disease to me through activities. • i am not proud creatiVe
of my bareback experiences; they were all in
moments of weakness. • Until i am in a
Places For seX
committed relationship and my partner and i both
Pitcher’s mound at riverdale Park at
know that we are not positive. And with frequent
3pm on a weekday. i was pitching, for
— and i mean frequent — testing. Wandering
the record. • A kid’s plastic playhouse. • in a
eyes don’t just take place in a public restroom or
casket at a funeral parlour. • in a Buddhist
in a locker room, honey. • Forget it, look what
temple. • in a nuclear bunker. • on the ferry to
toronto island. • in the same room as my parents
29% of respondents have had an STD. 53% while they were sleeping. • Beside the temple of
of respondents who have had an STD or an the olympian Zeus in Athens. • Halfway up a cliff
STD scare have altered their sexual behav- while rock climbing. definitely one of the most
iour because of it. exciting times, as well. • st Peter and Paul
cathedral. • dumpster. • in the bed of a pickup
i became aware that just because truck while someone was driving down the
someone is younger or clean-cut does freeway. • on a guy’s boyfriend’s grave in a
not mean they don’t have scaries lurking in their cemetery. • Mcdonald’s play place. • the irish
trousers. • Until Aids, nothing changed my Parliament, with a security guard. • if i’m having
behaviour. • Made me paranoid for life; 20 years sex some place, it’s anything but strange. • on a
later i still go to the doctor for every pimple, bump safari trip in Africa, in a Jeep at 2am, fucking my
or freckle, even if i’ve been celibate. • i’m an guide in the middle of nowhere. i’m sure there
Hiv-neg guy, and once i had to take post- were some elephants and lions watching. • in a
exposure prophylaxis, which sucked. i still love hot air balloon with a fuckbuddy. We were the last
bareback sex with my committed partner and two to go up, and as soon as it started climbing
totally fantasize about it with other dudes i sleep we stripped our shoes, jeans and undies off and
with (even verbally), but i’m committed to using sucked and fucked. When we were at the highest
condoms now. • My dad told me my uncle, who point we pissed all over each other.

18 April 27, 2011 fab

Matters the mirror at a poster of a guy in a baseball
uniform, with my cock stuck through the crotch in
the teacher almost stepped in my cum, which had
sprayed everywhere. i thought someone would
Well in hand the picture. • lesbian porn. it was only that one have heard, seen or smelt me, but all good. i was
82% of respondents masturbate because it time. A strap-on was involved. • lady Gaga. just so horny that i took my cock out of my pants
feels good; only 30% feel it is a habit. 38% • Wolverine from the X-Men cartoons. • tony and started stroking it gently. the next thing it was
use jerking off to stave off boredom, and danza. • the vibrations in the back of the school blowing everywhere. • Bathroom at my brother’s
28% find it good stress relief. Five jerk-off bus. • learning a language. • seeing President wedding. • When i was in the army, i went on a
sessions in a day was the personal best for obama in swim trunks. • Watching Family Guy. field exercise with my unit to White sands Missile
19% of respondents, but 2% claim to have • Grandpa porn. • daydreams about work range in new Mexico. After a week in the field,
made themselves cum more than 21 times colleagues. • the incredible Hulk ripping out i couldn’t contain myself anymore, so when night
in a single 24-hour cycle. Commentators of his clothes. • My ex bitching at me. • An came around i walked as far into the dunes as
said pulling one off helped them sleep, and electrical storm just makes me horny. • looking i could without getting lost and rubbed one out
a few had other reasons. for a car on eBay. • i had a really hot doctor under a full moon. • i’m ocd and always
perform a physical exam on my testicles. He “christen” everywhere i go by jerking off there at
it’s better than a sleeping pill. • it’s prescribed some cream, and every time i applied least once — even friends’ houses. • A funeral
why God made your arms just long it i’d think of his hands on my cock and home. • in the on-train buffet. • in my boyfriend’s
enough to reach your cock. • Procrastination. balls and would have to masturbate. gran’s bed. in my own gran’s bed. • While standing
• convenience. • regular sexual release helps • Making flight bookings. in a manhole, exposed from mid-chest up, during
keep the equipment healthy. • not many people • dH lawrence’s book The the day in full view of the public. • Waiting to pay
have as high a sex drive as me, so i need to wank Rainbow.. • repairman fixing the a toll at the canada-Us border crossing. • At the
to keep on top of the lust. • sometimes it’s easier roof. • Furry porn. • First-aid office. shot into my secretary’s bottle of hand
than involving someone else. training — i left the class and lotion so i could imagine her rubbing my cum
jerked it in the bathroom. into her hands. • on a bus. it was a long trip and
Porn, hot men, memories of past encoun- • sears catalogue models. my water bottle was empty. • during medieval
ters or fantasies of future encounters are • Watching a mate fuck a wargames.
the most frequent inspirations to pull it watermelon. • Paralympic
out and start pulling. This survey was cited racing. the lads were so
often as an arousing inspiration — and
we’re happy to have helped spill some
determined and i found them
so sexy. • disney World dads.
aGe ain’t nothin’
seed! Some had other inspirations: • The Simpsons. • Preparing for surgery — but a nuMber
having to put the gown on. • david Archuleta. Respondents ranged in age from 14 to 85,
not getting blue balls, which seems to with 22-year-olds best represented. Most
i don’t even like him. • Mario lopez on tv.
happen if i don’t cum for a day or two. were between the ages of 18 and 36, with
• the sims. • Bumpy ride on the ttc. • statues
• Father-son sex and naked asses at the gym. a smaller spike between 45 and 50.
of Greek gods. • A really hot boyish-looking girl.
• My mailman. He’s fricking hot. • dirty texts.
• spongebob squarepants.
• Physical activity such as working out or sports chronologically: 46. Attitudinally: 26.
makes me horny. • Muscles and nipple rings. While 49% of respondents indicated that sexual exploration and drive: 16. sexual
• Feet. Punk rockers. serious sideburns. they most preferred to jerk off in bed, a maturity: 46. • i have been actively gay for over 40
throat-fucking porn. • Porn or cuddling. large number pointed out that we left out years. i adore it so much. i adore kissing and being
• the smell of sweat. • thinking of my boyfriend their favourite location: in front of the kissed. • oMG! You don’t ask a gay man his age.
getting sucked off by someone else. • Built guys in computer, watching porn. There are lots • it sucks being over 50 in gay culture.
revealing situations, dares or alcohol. • Bondage. of other places that loads have been popped: • recycled teenager.
• My roommate, his body and his dick. Wait — buses, airplanes, outdoors, churches, gyms,
i forgot to tell you that my roommate totally fucked public washrooms and…
the hell out of me. • the one that got away.
• Pre-condom gay porn. • James Franco. dentist’s office. • on an ambulance
all ’round
• Guys who don’t wear undies under track shorts. parked in front of a hospital — i really the World
• tit play. • sneakers. • A big burly bloke. • spying needed to get off. • in a cold-storage locker in a Three quarters of respondents had GTA
on other men having a shit in some public bogs. restaurant. • Playground equipment. i was seven postal codes, but the rest of Canada, the
• thrill of getting caught. • Well-written erotica years old. • in a bed beside my best friend. US, UK and Australia were well repre-
without spelling errors. • Morning wood. • i love • Riverdance. it was awful. • inside a coconut. sented. One respondent identified as
watching other cocks squirt their load. Big cocks, • in a sleeping bag at a science centre sleepover “homeless,” and three chided us for asking
small cocks, big gushers or thick dribblers. in Grade 7. • during a geography lesson at school. for such personal information.
Especially big long streams of cum. •
in the cam chat rooms.

“Atypical” masturbatory inspirations The fab gay sex survey 2011 was so full of exciting information that it couldn’t possibly
included several instances of straight be contained in one issue of fab. There is much, much more at Find
porn, lesbian porn and, inexplicably, out how gay men feel about paying for sex and how much they have been paid (or have
Stephen Harper. paid); how it felt the first and the most recent time they ejaculated; what advice they
have for other gay men; what advice they have for the next survey; and how they feel
seeing the imprint of a friend’s foot in about being filmed and being watched on film...
his old sandals. • dogs having sex.
• someone eating their own feces. • looking in The fab sex survey results team learned a lot and are now in need of cold showers.

fab April 27, 2011 19

• To change the folio, unlock the folio layer, open up the fly-out menu of the Pages palette and select “Override All Master Page Items”.

Deep Dish Rolyn Chambers

photos by Tony Fong

s we are about to leave As I make my way down to
the seventh annual Jessica the bathroom, I discover that
Massive Party at the Art and Billy are the halls of Woody’s are
class acts @
Gallery of Ontario, I discover swimming with men who
Massive Party 
the “real” party. The first floor seem to have forgotten their
is filled with glamorous cultural Ryan and Greg shirts… and their pants.
consumers, art aficionados and are too fine and Slotted right before the weekly
a live performance by Mz Chawls fabulous for Marchesa Best Ass Contest, the Downtown
& The Wonderfuls, which is indeed words @ Massive Luisa Casati Swim Club is hosting its annual
wonderful. The second floor’s Hazel Party is simply fundraiser, The Pool Party. Men
cute photo booth, created by art finds a meaty marvellous @ in tight-fitting Speedo-ish gear are
duo Camilla Singh and Walter hero in Massive Party  doing full runway walks and
Dolphin Boy @
Willems, causes wannabe The carnival rages into town Brazilian Ball clowning around while drag queen
models to line up for a chance @ Brazilian Ball Lulu helps them show off their goods
to have their photo taken under- Foxy guys — the swimsuits. To raise cash, as
in feathers
neath a fake shark. On a hunch, we follow the well as a few eyebrows, they are auc-
flock together
living installation, a woman portraying Marchesa @ Brazilian tioning off the suits, but the auction and
Luisa Casati (the celebrated Italian arts patron Ball auctioneer Phillip Coupal hit a snag. Few are
of the early 20th century), who, with her won- Danny and bidding. They start at 10 dollars. They
derfully costumed entourage (complete with Sammy get sell two. To the same guy. There are
large leopard puppets, no less), leads us up to in some snake two possible reasons for this. One: they
the third floor. Behold, this is where everyone wrestling need professional (hotter) models to
— like Jie Matar and fashion designer Kendra @ Massive move the merchandise. Two: they
Francis — has retreated. An indulgent attitude Party need better (hotter) merchandise. But
overwhelms the ballroom as loud business it’s not who wins or loses, it’s who
types boast about “buying” hot “babes” Rodney, Favio gets to sniff a pair of used trunks.
and Arilda are
drinks at the open bar while looped feeling the heat @
ladies in jewels rub up against what Brazilian Ball As we make our entrance into the
Albert and
they hope are gay gays. A rub is a rub. opulent dining room in the Convention
Lula don’t
I got a massive. drag down the Centre for the 45th Annual Brazilian Ball, we
team @ The realize we are in for a decadent night.
As we head up to the dancefloor, a Curtis Pool Party Huge four-foot gilt centrepieces rise high
commotion takes place at the door. and Matak above each table and walls draped in
It’s Lydia Sanz, the headline DJ for ride the Matt and regal red fabric are adorned with 18-foot
night out Eran is looking to do some
tonight’s spectacle at fly. I’ve never Bryce are feeding golden statues. The night kicks off with a
@ fly laps with the boys or just lei
their love of art @
heard of this tattooed beauty from them @ The Pool Party   pulse-popping performance by dancers flown
Fire and Ice are both cool Massive Party
Barcelona, but Matinée group’s in from Brazil. Ken Shaw’s booming voice
and hot @ Brazilian Ball
Circuit Festival (which Sanz is welcomes the VIPs, who include Ivan de Souza
part of) has quite the reputation. and the Brazilian ambassador to
Circuit is an international gay and Danny, Canada, Piragibe dos Santos. During a
lesbian party festival that takes place in Miles, Matt and succulent dinner, the much-anticipated
Barcelona each year (this year from Tuesday, Angelo get ready auction takes place. Bidding starts at
to lube up the Dave, Matan
August 4 to Sunday, August 14). Each year $10,000; by the end of the night, more
dancefloor and Jose are
the event is promoted with pre-parties in @ fly than $2 million has been raised for the
ready for some
almost 20 major cities around the world. mouth-to- Royal Ontario Museum. The samba
Tonight is fly’s turn. Sanz doesn’t speak much mouth @ The parade, complete with massive cos-
English, but she manages to tell me, “I really Pool Party tumes and scantily clad dancers, winds
wanna get the boys pumping.” I really wanna through the dining room to end the
see that too — so off to the dancefloor night. Watching former Ontario pre-
I head, hoping to assist in the pump- mier Mike Harris roam through a sea of
ing of the boys. Regular fly guys like buxom women and little 90-year-old
Nicholas Silveri, Neel Rafi and Mathieu Robert Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion
Chantelois, however, do not seem to and Tyler dance with a buff man dressed as a
are fit and David
need my assistance to enjoy Sanz’s fine @ fly  brought his half-naked Poseidon makes me smile
set. My hands go unused. big pink — and a wee bit jealous.
beach bucket
@ The Pool
Gaelen and Pascal
Gairy, Gary and Mathieu Party 
are all smiles @ fly  Speedos for sale, hopefully still warm
are up to no good @ fly
@ The Pool Party
20 April 27, 2011 fab fab April 27, 2011 21
What is the Lambda study?
Lambda was a survey of 2,438 gay and bisexual men
in Toronto and Ottawa. The purpose of the study was to
collect information from men in these cities about their
sexual and other behaviours, including condom use
and HIV status. This community report presents some
of the key study findings.

The community report and full technical report of the Lambda findings are available at:

22 April 27, 2011 fab

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Life is a

old chum

So far she’s hosted shows by Richard Ryder, I told her it would never work. Well, what
Carla Collins, Lea DeLaria and Sharron do I know?
Matthews. It’s a great room for music, Cassella is taking a year off from produc-
comedy — even light operetta. ing her queer comedy fest, We’re Funny
The pub side is run by the venerable That Way, so she can concentrate on making
Mackenzie, the brains behind Slack Alice, the Flying Beaver Pubaret a huge success.
The Looking Glass and Big Momma’s Boy. She mentions upcoming shows featuring
On the night I was there, a Taborah Johnson and Shawn
lively crowd belted back pints Hitchins and is considering
in the pub while a totally other acts. One such show might
unhinged lesbian birthday be Viva Cabaret, starring Yura
party tore up the cabaret. The Ruzhyev.
venue has already made its I went to a press preview of
mark; a suspected gas leak that Yura’s classy show held at the
shut down the whole street and Gladstone Hotel a few weeks
brought out a Hazmat unit back. He transforms from Ella
turned out to be some ancient Fitzgerald to Marlene Dietrich to
garbage that had been moved Liza to Cher all in the blink of
he Flying Beaver is the name of out back. I love, also, that they an eye, his quick costume
an airplane, apparently. It’s also copied the interior of a nearby changes and choreography caus-
Yura as Liza.
the name of a new hotspot at 488 Starbucks. “Hey, Starbucks ing him to work up quite a glow.
Parliament St that hosts shows pays designers so much money to do their I saw Yura perform at Grapefruit at fly
on Fridays and Saturdays, does space. Why on earth should we reinvent recently, a fun evening despite the presence
a brunch and T-dance on Sundays and the wheel?” says Cassella. of more security than at an airport during
hosts karaoke on Thursdays. It covers all This isn’t the first time Cassella has run a terrorist alert. The crowd adored Yura’s
the gay bases and is not to be confused a bar, having done it 20 years ago in Madonna impersonation, as did I. Yet Yura
with The Beaver on Queen West. This beav Connecticut. But it’s a chance for her to doesn’t consider himself a drag queen, since
is run by dyke enfants terribles Heather take a break from doing standup and from he does Elvis Presley, Charlie Chaplin and
Mackenzie and Maggie Cassella. “We see pitching ideas to unresponsive Canadian James Brown impersonations as well.
it as a destination and as a television executives. “I was The Viva Cabaret show is reminiscent
neighbourhood bar for the treated better at Showtime in of the movie Cabaret, which is no coinci-
Cabbagetown queer commu- the States than at TVtropolis,” dence. “Liza is my favourite,” Yura says.
nity,” says Cassella. she laments. Cassella and I Darling, Liza is everyone’s favourite. But I
The Flying Beaver is also a pitched a couple of show ideas enjoy the fact that he dares to do Edith Piaf
pubaret, a made-up word that years ago and got CBC devel- and Shirley Bassey as well. Yura is present-
Cassella has already trade- opment money for a project ing his full two-hour show at the Gladstone
marked. That means it’s a pub called Up Late (set in a caba- on the first Wednesday of May and June
on one side and a cabaret on the ret, no less), but it was her and is doing a Pride show at Buddies on
other. The cabaret space is very reality show idea, in which Thursday, June 29.
nice, with a stage in front of fatsos lose weight, that might So if I learned anything, it’s that Yura
huge windows that open out to Maggie Cassella have clicked. “I just thought can rock and beavers can fly.
the street, ideal for window picks the talent at it was too mean,” she com-
the Flying Beaver.
shows. Cassella books the room. ments. That, plus the fact that

fab April 27, 2011 23

STYLE Max MacDonald

Toronto’s mistress of alternative fashion

ix years ago Vanja Vasic harnessed vision and balls to express themselves This year’s event, running from April
Toronto’s underground fashion scene without commercial pressure, using medi- 26 to 29, has a new home at 99 Sudbury.
and corralled it into the Toronto ums ranging from film to lipstick. The The theme is Fashion Schematics, and an
Alternative Arts and Fashion Week, other- concept came to Vasic while she was study- International Fashion Film Festival series
wise known as FAT. Since then, this annual ing at the UK’s Central Saint Martins has been added to the programming. Vasic,
four-day contemporary arts and fashion College, where she was inspired by a though elusive, put down her under-
festival has evolved into LG Fashion Week’s runway show that married fashion and ground fashion whip long enough to speak
punky, anarchist, gay brother and given our performance art. Back home in Toronto she with me about FAT’s sixth anniversary,
vanilla metropolis a tasty licorice swirl. saw a need for a vehicle that would allow the IFFF and how she makes designers
FAT is far more than just an experimen- participants to play with ideas surrounding and artists like David C Wigley, Zoran
tal playground promoting fashion bohemia; sexuality, fear and darkness as they apply Dobric, Louis Manzo and Johannes Zits
it’s an outlet for those with the creativity, to art and fashion. beg for more.

Leighton-Anthony Miller
FAT brainchild
Vanja Vasic.

Max MacDonald: What is different about the mainstream

FAT this year? media to attend, and
Vanja Vasic: Last year was a breakthrough we would love more
year and was groundbreaking in terms of of them. It’s hard to
establishing us as a festival. I think we’ve grow the event to a
grown up as an event in many ways, and new level every year
we’ve incorporated more established because there is the
people for this year. misconception it’s
A look by Miller
weird or strange,
MM: Where do you see FAT fitting into Monroe set to hit
which it’s not. the runway this
Toronto’s fashion landscape?
VV: FAT is about pushing boundaries and year at FAT.
MM: Has there ever
changing that landscape. We encourage been a proposal so
people to embrace fashion from their own outlandish or MM: The IFFF series is new for 2011.
point of view. In fact, LG Fashion Week controversial it was too crazy even for FAT? How did that develop?
has followed FAT by incorporating new VV: [laughs] Let me think: we wouldn’t neces- VV: Kyle Kofsky approached us to get
designers and picking a theme. I would sarily say it’s weird, but we say it’s not us. But involved with FAT in some form. I met
love for FAT to become the fashion version there has been nothing really off the chain. with him and proposed the idea of involv-
of Nuit Blanche. ing fashion films. The inspiration comes
MM: Have you ever been backstage before a from — it’s a great way to
MM: What are the challenges you face in designer’s show and said, “What’s that?” get the public to see clothes differently.
putting on FAT each year? VV: There have been many times when
VV: The main challenge is finding funding I have flagged garments and asked, “Um...
and support for this type of event. There is that finished?” It is ultimately up to the For more info, go to
are some sponsors who didn’t initially get designers to control their work. I love crazy
the concept. I find we have a problem getting work, but it has to be well made.

24 April 27, 2011 fab

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TUNES Phil Villeneuve

Sexy gleeful punx

Since this issue is stuffed with all things sex, I wondered about what was sexy in music today. Whips and chains
don’t excite me like they do Rihanna; I’m not sure how deep I want to roll, unlike Adele; and I most
definitely am not doing it on the floor like my favourite chola, JLo. For me, sexy music doesn’t try too hard:
it’s confident, different and, of course, has a slow throbbing beat to bump and grind to.

EXHIBIT #1: An incredible group of students The 70 members of the group are less like
at Scarborough’s Wexford Collegiate School TV’s Glee club cast and more like their on-
for the Arts. The Wexford Glee (Yes, glee screen rivals, the Warblers. They exist in a
clubs exist in real life as well as on TV) very positive environment (Wexford is
recently won the Show Choir Canadian basically a musical theatre school), where
Nationals. Their 15-minute performance glee club members are cool and celebrated.
started with an explosive mashup of “Lady Ann Merriam, the artistic director, boasts:
Marmalade” mixed with “There Is Nothin’ “[We have] every kind of kid you can imagine.
Like a Dame” from the musical South Black, white, poor, rich, gay, straight, tall,
Wexford Glee is gleeful after their triumph.
Pacific. “True Colours” and a medley of short. That’s what makes the Wexford gleeks
Rent songs sealed the deal, and now these so special. What they all have in common is
theatrical superstars are champions. a sense of community, heart and talent. There where we are free to do what we love to do,”
“We try to stay original and avoid songs are no divas; it’s about the team.” Mahjoori says proudly. “We have a great
previously performed on Glee,” Kabir These are kids who at any other school gay-straight alliance and a no-tolerance
Mahjoori explains. “We love to do our wouldn’t have a chance to shine as bright. policy for discrimination of any kind. No
musical theatre ballads. “ “We are in a completely safe environment slushies in the face here.”

EXHIBIT #2: Hunx and His Punx comprises group pop and loose, noisy garage rock.
an extremely gay Californian garage rocker Bogart’s careless attitude and effort-
and his all-girl band, the Punkettes. lessly greasy style is very sexy. We talked
String-bean lead singer Seth Bogart is on the phone from his touring van; in the
the ridiculously raunchy Hunx. His self- middle of our conversation he
confidence allows him to wear mesh needed a snack, so our call continued in
underwear onstage, showcasing what he a Quickie Mart.
refers to as a less-than-glamorous package. Though the overtly queer Hunx show
“Shannon, one of the Punkettes, looked over is something most crowds drool over,
at me onstage the other night and said my Seth Bogart is a hunk. Bogart says some US crowds don’t get it.
dick looked disgusting,” Bogart laughs. “She And that turns him on. “I kind of prefer
said it was all curved up and white. And They quickly decided the deliciously sleazy it when the crowd doesn’t like us because
they started playing a song without me.” Bogart himself should front the band. it turns me into a raging alcoholic and
Bogart and his ex-boyfriend had been They’ve been touring non-stop ever since, comedian,” he says.
writing songs tailored for a “teen girl group.” delivering their crunchy mix of ’60s girl- What kinds of men do Hunx and His
Punx love to see in the audience? Their
ideal is a beefy boy with a “hairy chest,
I asked beyond-sexy host/DJ Miss Margot to share her big hands and shitty jail tattoos.”
favourite songs to bump uglies to at her various parties:
Goth Drag: “Sex Dwarf” by Soft Cell Hunx and His Punx play Wed, April 27
Big Primpin’: “Ignition” by R Kelly at the Horseshoe Tavern, 370 Queen
Eurovision: “Just a Little” by Liberty X and “Paris (Vocal Edit)” by Friendly Fires St W. Look for a review and photos on
Moose Knuckle Disco – “You” by Steed Lord

To get sexy, check the Gay Agenda at for info on Miss Margot’s events.

fab April 27, 2011 25

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GAY AGENDA John Crouch, Ryan English, Michael Lyons, Drew Rowsome,
Rahem Saeed, Eduardo Sabate & Jonathan Valelly

Wed, aPriL 27 Progress @ Grannyboots is the Toronto

launch of Michael V Smith’s astounding
Dance Camp cranks up vocal-based
house for lip-synching partiers. Hosted
Scandal Saturdays. DJ Craig Dominic
in The Zone while DJ Quinces rocks
Sexy boys strip onstage, plus a new novel Progress. With Marcus McCann, by Daniel McBride with DJ Mark Falco. Tangos. Crews & Tangos, 508 Church
pool-room bar where nudity is Zoe Whittall, GentleLady Regina and 10pm. fly, 8 Gloucester St. $5 before St. $2 after 10pm.
encouraged. 4pm–2am. Flash, 463 DJs Miss Brown and Maggie 11pm, $10 after.
Sexy Dirty Beats fill the air, courtesy of
Church St. Membership or $5 day pass. MacDonald. 8pm. Gladstone Hotel,
Get damp at the Muddy York Rugby DJ César Murillo, while the men use 1214 Queen St W. No cover.
Club’s Wet Jock Contest. A fundraiser them as inspiration. 10pm.
FAT 2011: Toronto Alternative Arts & for the Red Cross Japan Relief Fund. Steamworks, 540 Church St. Regular
Fashion Week continues with Natural Red Party. Voyeurs’ delight and 10pm. The Black Eagle, 457 Church St. rates apply.
Currencies, showcasing how nature delightfully lit meat. 9pm. Spa Excess, No cover.
Pop Machine: XR8TED, hosted by
and sustainability influence art and 105 Carlton St. Regular rates apply.
Shake & Pop. Superstar DJs Blackcat and Alessandro with DJ Shane Percy.
design. An evening of film, runway,
Sumation team up to drive the dancefloor 10pm. WAYLA, 996 Queen St E. $5.
music and more with an exploded
crazy with top 40, dance, house, electro
closet’s worth of artists and designers.
FAT runs till Fri, April 29, 6–11:30pm.
Thurs, aPriL 28 and more. 10pm. Zipperz-Cellblock, 72
There Goes the Neighourhood. Grindr
Carlton St. No cover.
99 Sudbury, 99 Sudbury St. $25–70. Retro Thursdays, with DJ Clarence Sunglasses at Night Party, with DJs spinning ’70s and ’80s faves. And of Denise Benson and Rolls Royce.
Rope Bondage 101 and Beyond, with
course, hot new boys stripping. saT, aPriL 30 Hosted by Matt Barker. The Barn, 418
5pm–2am. Remington’s, 379 Yonge St. Church St. 10pm. No cover before
Morpheous, explores safety, how to Lights, Camera, Auction, hosted by Deb
$5. midnight.
choose a good rope and, of course, how Pearce with DJ Craig Dominic, is the
to get it on. 7:30–9:30pm. Cock Fight: Fisting the Night Away. official launch party and fundraiser for Tapette. Come French with le délicieux
Come As You Are, 701 Queen St W. Dirty contests, hosted by Mistress Inside Out Toronto LGBT Film and Video DJ Phil V. 10:30pm. Naco Gallery, 1665
$30, sliding scale available. Frostitution. 10pm. The Black Eagle, Festival. 7pm. Canadian National Ballet Dundas St W. No cover. 457 Church St. No cover. School, 400 Jarvis St. No cover.
sun, May 1
Pick the perkiest pecs at the Smirnoff Furr-ocious! Retro bear dance party and
Best Chest Contest, hosted by salacious Black & White Film Workshop.
birthday bash for Josh B. DJ Alain spins
superstars Sofonda and Miss Sunday morning film-processing
retro ’70s, ’80s and ’90s groove in a
Conception. DJ Mark Falco spins. session. 10am. Limelight Books &
benefit for the World Society for the
Midnight. Woody’s, 465 Church St. No Photographs. 892 Pape Ave. $20.
Protection of Animals. 10pm. Vizion
cover. Lounge, 580 Church St. $5. Mayworks Festival presents a May Day
Fri, aPriL 29 Wonderland in fly with DJs Jamal, Poetry Marathon, with poets of all kinds
reading nonstop for five hours. 3–8pm.
Dwayne Minard and Luiz Clarck. 10pm.
Bangers, mash and an about-to-be- The Garrison, 1197 Dundas St W.
fly, 8 Gloucester St. $10 before midnight,
banged princess. The Fairmont Royal $10–25.
$15 till 1am, $20 after.
York is holding a special Royal Tea
while screening the nuptials of Will and Triggerfish Water Polo’s New
Spearhead Chaps Night, hosted by
Kate. 5–8am. 100 Front St W. Various Members’ Night, for newbies and
Frank M, with DJ The Robotic Kid in
pricings. Reservations at seasoned players alike. 6–8pm.
the back. 10pm. The Black Eagle,
416-860-6949. University of Toronto Athletic Centre,
457 Church St. No cover.
55 Harbord St.
Be sure to check two forms
of ID before going home
with anyone from
Homohop, the all-ages gay
dance party, hosted by
Take Me Spears with DJ
Craig Dominic. 9pm. $5
before 11pm, $10 after.
And Destination is a new
monthly party where the
adults can win a trip to
Puerto Vallarta while DJ
Cajjmere Wray spins.
Special performances
by Tynomi Banks and
Devine Darlin. 10pm.
The Barn, 418 Church
Woodrow Monteiro St. $10. Alain @ Vizion Lounge
@ The Guvernment on Sat, April 30 @ Remington’s
on Fri, May 6

26 April 27, 2011 fab

Jessica Phillips and Miss Conception
@ Woody’s on Sun, May 1

Screww Tea Dance. DJ Ralph Bright Lights of Broadway. Clint

Hamelmann spins new wave, disco, Lyckher and Carlotta Carlisle, with
classic rock and dance from the ’70s, the Imperial Court of Toronto, host a
’80s and ’90s. Guest performers fundraiser for PWA and SOY. 9pm.
include Queer Idol 2010 winner George’s Play, 504 Church St.
Tash Biondolillo and Queer Idol No cover.
2011 competitor Amy Lewis.
Release Sunday. DJs
4–7pm. The Flying Beaver
Cajjmere Wray and Luiz
Pubaret, 488 Parliament St. No
Clarck spin for
dancing and a live
Miss Conception’s onstage sex
Wipeout Canada show. Hosted by
Viewing Party. A Lior, Matt
fundraiser for the PWA Barker and
Friends for Life Bike Mojo. 10pm.
Rally and a celebration Flash
of media whore Miss C’s Nightclub, 463
appearance on mainstream Church St. $5
TV. Hosted by Miss before 11:30pm,
Conception and Wipeout $10 after.
Canada’s Jessica Phillips.
6–9pm. Followed by the Drag
Legend Show, starring Michelle
Ross and Amanda Roberts, at
9pm; Georgie Girl and
Donnarama welcome Sylvia,
Honey Brown and Katherine Andrew
Dior at 11pm. Woody’s, 465 Johnston @
Church St. No cover. Buddies on Tues, May 3

D e ntis t

80 Charles Street East Lower Level Toronto,O N 416.926.1502

fab April 27, 2011 27

Mon, May 2 Brown Balls, presented by fu-GEN
Asian Canadian Theatre Company,
Federal Election. Get out and vote! features three men exploding Asian male
9:30am–9:30pm. Various locations. No stereotypes. Runs till Sun, May 15. 8pm.
cover. Factory Studio Theatre, 125 Bathurst
St. $10–26.
Mother’s Day is coming and the most
hilarious way to prepare is Adam Bailey Bitch Salad host Andrew Johnston
Makes Last-Minute Crafts. Cut, paste throws in some new meat for the Freshly
and laugh your ass off. 8:30pm. The Tossed Bitches Show, a show packed
Press Club, 850 Dundas St W. No cover, with funny, forever-bitchy, first-time
$10 for craft kits. performers. 8pm. Buddies, 12 Alexander
Agokwe @ Buddies from
St. $10.
Rainbow Room Cabaret. Performances Thurs, May 5–Sun, May 15
by AJ Stewart and guitarist Matthew
Marcoccia. 8:30pm. Statlers, 487 Wed, May 4
Church St. No cover.
College Night. DJs Sumation and Jamal
Fri, May 6 The Imperial Court of Toronto
presents TLC and the Diamonds, a
FML Mondays. Doctor DJ ViVi Diamond spin the hottest tracks. The only exams Dirty Sexy Party Third Anniversary. benefit for the TICOT charities. Hosted
treats your case of the Mondays. 10pm. here are oral. 10pm. The Barn, 418 Church Celebrating three years of fun and filth by HIM Empress XXII Ms Tiffany
Fuzion Resto-Lounge, 580 Church St. St. No cover. with pornstars Parker London, Trystan Louise-Charles. 9pm–midnight.
No cover. Bull, go-go dancers and yet another George’s Play, 504 Church St. $5.
Snakepit. Weekly queer dance party with
pornstar surprise. DJ ViVi Diamond
DJs Le Freak C’est Keek and Jack Rabbit
Tues, May 3 Slim. 10pm. Henhouse, 1532 Dundas St W.
keeps everybody dancing, vertically or
otherwise. Hosted by Sofonda and
Mojo presents Crave, with DJ Mark
No cover. Falco spinning. Beats, booze and
Hope Rising! is a star-studded concert Joseph Patrick. 10pm. Goodhandy’s,
gyrating go-go boys. 10pm. Fuzion, 580
featuring Rufus Wainwright and Alicia 120 Church St. $10.
Keys benefiting the Stephen Lewis Thurs, May 5 Massive: Spring Edition features DJs
Church St. No cover before midnight, $5
Foundation, which has raised more than
Agokwe, a story of gay love on the rez Isaac Escalante, Luiz Clarck and Stephan
$40 million for those communities hit Kink in the City believes in fetish-art
by Dora Award–winning actor and Grondin. Hosted by Walther Aguilar,
hardest by the global AIDS pandemic. spontaneity. Featuring appearances by
creator Waawaate Fobister, returns to Woodrow Monteiro, Angus and Matt
8pm. The Sony Centre, 1 Front St E. Penny Gyokeres, Ryan Lemesurier,
the Buddies stage after a national tour. Barker. 10pm. The Guvernment, 132
$150 and up. Northbound Leather, the Friends for
Runs till Sun, May 15. 8pm. Queen’s Quay E. $25.
Life Bike Rally and more. 10pm. Black
12 Alexander St. PWYC–$33.
Rocket Video Dance Party with DJ/VJ Eagle, 457 Church St. No cover.
Sumation. 10pm. fly, 8 Gloucester St.
Queer Social presents Disorder, a No cover before 11pm, $5 before
Love Saves the Day as DJ Jaime Sin
Cinco de Mayo evening of hijinks and midnight, $10 after.
keeps the heart beating and blood
shenanigans. DJs 4est and Peachy
Diskotek. DJ Jamal spins, with a flowing below the belt. 11pm. The
Keen spin, with musical and comedic
special performance by the Diskotek Beaver, 1192 Queen St W. No cover.
performances by Brock and McGill.
Go-Go Boy. 11pm. Byzantium, 499
9:30pm. Clinton’s, 693 Bloor St W. $5
Church St. No cover.
Buzz Cuts: Leather Bar Disko-Tek. Sun, May 8
Sex-drenched sweatfest with DJs Joe
Louis and The Robotic Kid spinning and a
Sat, May 7 Just in time for Mother’s Day, it’s the 10
Trystan Bull @ surprise performance at midnight. 10pm. TLGTA Summer Social Tennis Season Rules for Happy Non-Monogamy
Goodhandy’s The Black Eagle, 457 Church St. No cover. Opening Day kicks off the first day of Workshop, with Andrea Zanin. Your mom
on Fri, May 6 the season for the gay tennis club. Come will be appreciative. 5:30–7:30pm. Come
out and watch the balls fly. 9am–noon. as You Are, 701 Queen St W. $30, sliding
Ramsden Park, 215 Avenue Rd. scale available.

Ghost Light Projects presents a Sedaris Mon, May 9

double bill: The Book of Liz by David
Older Mondays. Cool facts, fun trivia
and his sister Amy and The Santaland
and socializing, followed by a discussion
Diaries by David. Sat, May 7–Sun, May
about gay experience in Iran contrasted
15. 7 pm. Buddies In Bad Times
to life in TO. Hosted by Yegi Dabui from
Theatre, 12 Alexander St. $25
IRQR. 1–5pm. 519 Community Centre,
advance, $30 door.
519 Church St. No cover.
Video Night, hosted by VJ Blue Peter.
Northbound Leather
10pm. Woody’s, 465 Church St. No
Fetish Night. Leather,
chains or cold steel, it’s
fetish-wear only. DJ
Jimi LaMort spins. Tues, May 10
Alessandro and 9pm. Goodhandy’s,
So You Think You Can Strip? A weekly
Shane Percy Kink in the City 120 Church St. $5 till
amateur night. 9pm. Remington’s, 379
@ WAYLA on @ Black Eagle on 10pm, $15 after.
Yonge St. $5, students no cover.
Sat, April 30 Sat, May 7

28 April 27, 2011 fab


Hayden St

Charles St

◗ BARS/CLUBS Isabella St
Gloucester St
◗ RETAIL 7 10

Dundonald St

AIDS Memorial
Cawthra Park
The 519 6

12 8

Maitland St

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Bloor Radio
Radio Alexander St

Manulife Centre, Bay Street South of Bloor

Manulife Centre,
Centre, Bay Street South
South of of Bloor
Bloor 69
Manulife Bay Street

Mutual St
Tel: 416-967-1122
Tel: 416-967-1122
DailyMon.-Wed. 416-967-1122
Thurs.-Fri. 10-23, Sat.
10-7, Thurs.-Fri. 10-8,10-6
Daily 10-7,
Daily 10-7, Thurs.-Fri.
10-6, Closed
Sunday Sat. 10-6
Sat. 10-6 Wood St
2 4
TTC Carlton St

Granby St

McGill St

Bloor St W

Avenue Rd
Ossington Ave

69 24

Queen’s Park
Wellesley St


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fabCITY! College St
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Spadina Ave

University St
Carlton St
Call 416-925-5221 Dun
Gerrard St
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das 1
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fab April 27, 2011 29
business directory
Personal Wellness Coach working
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business directory
accommodations legal services
Isabella Hotel & Suites Immigration is for lovers Ferreira-Wells
416.922.2203 Immigration Services
556 Sherbourne Street Toronto 1377 Bathurst St.

get him 416.651.8889
computer services Robert I. Blanshay, Immigration Lawyer
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on the
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cosmetic dermatology
pet services
BuddyLuv PET SPA
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208 Bloor St. W., 4th Floor 416-920-PETS (7387)
real estate
Christopher Kowal
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Phillip Coupal Counselling + Coaching 416.461.9900
Relationship Skills and Practices
Individuals • Couples • Groups Roy Runions,
416.557.7312 Re/Max Hallmark Realty Ltd.

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25 Charles St. W, Toronto, ON Hernando’s Hideaway
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416-816-2938 1.800.335.2304
Assignment Editor,
Xtra media group (Toronto)
to advertise in the Canada’s premier gay and lesbian media group is looking for a full-time
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business directory...
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fab April 27, 2011 31



(1 blockWED,
Subway)4 @ NOON
See it NOW before it goes MLS.
1220 s.f., 2 bedroom/2 bath
Granite centre NEW TO
island kitchen. THE floors.
Hardwood MARKET
Balcony/Solarium. 2 carBUILDING
PROFESSIONAL (1 block to Wellesley
Offered Subway)
at $449,000
CLEANING SERVICES FOR See it NOW before it goes MLS.
For additional information or to view this listing, contact:
HOMES, CONDOS & OFFICES 1220 s.f., 2 bedroom/2 bath Granite centre island kitchen.
Harvey Hardwood
416-878-9527 Balcony/Solarium.
Shana2 car parking.Sales Rep
Offered at
RE/MAX $449,000 Realty Ltd., Brokerage
For additional
or to view this listing, contact:
Toronto’s Greenest Cleaners

Fabulous/ChurCh Wellesley
MASSAGEMalinsky, Broker
(non-sexual) CONT’D
CLEANERS. provide
Newacondothorough condo
cleaning HELP WANTED Bright, Beautiful Retail or Offices with ShanaKEVIN SHORTT MASSAGE andRep
Malinsky, Sales Yoga Therapy: sensual,
cleaning service.
business with a We
big value the diversity
discount for limitedof our commu-
period. Out
nity and
and offer
proud competitive
of you and yourrates.
416-827-7965 or ATTRACTIVE GUYS NEEDED! FIT & SEXY gay men RE/MAX Hallmark
wood strip flooring - approx. 3,000 sq. ft.
of prime space - suits clothing, furniture
intimate bodywork Ltd., Brokerage
with stretching. Check out my web-
site: 416-961-8064
needed to market and sell nutrition supplements
and weight loss products to the LGBT Community.
and accessories, lighting, small wares
and professional offices. SENSUAL MASSAGE
MOVERS Sales experience an asset but not required. PAID
CASH. Start Immediately Christine 416.816.2938 Sydney Weinberg, Sales Representative BODYWORK, BUTT WORK light bondage, massage,
Moving apartments, condos, town-
IMOVE CANADA - MOVING 6’ lean musc. WM. Thai, Swedish Hot Oil, Hot Stone.

Esbin Realty Corporation, Brokerage

Employment SENSUAL
On table, in/outMASSAGE

houses and large home for less. Get a free quote at ONLINE MEDIA BUYER needed for a large and fast Tel: 416-922-0777 ext. 305 Hotels. Therapeutic massage. Insur-

sT or call us at 416-888-2596. pacedDANCERS
development firm. the ance receipts available. Bloor W/Dufferin. David
forOnline Media379 Buyer is email:
BODYWORK, BUTT WORK light bondage,

MALE 19+ wanted Remingtons, Yonge Bright, Beautiful Retail or Offices with

St, for establishing,
416-977-2160. negotiating
Call or see manager after 9and
pmdevel- 416-532-0666
6’ lean musc. WM. Thai, Swedish Hot
wood strip flooring - approx. 3,000 sq. ft.
HOME RENOVATION oping profitable media and vendor relationships fo- HAIR, SKIN
of prime & -BEAUTY
space suits clothing, furniture Oil, Hot Stone. On table, in/out Hotels. Thera-
Renovations. CALL us for all your legal services
cused towards the gay market segment. An indi- SENIORmassage.
peutic 4 SENIORSInsurance
Fit maturereceipts
offer total
and accessories, lighting, small wares
renovation needs. No job is too small. We do drywall, vidual in this position will identify and execute CONVENIENT
professional offices.LOCATION. Waxing,
fullbody W/Dufferin.
Bloor massage for senior Davidmen.416-532-0666
Theraputic and
written agreements with- Acost-effective,
Licensed and scalable
experi- tantic. Downtown. Surrender to the sensations. Se-
textured ceilings, crown moulding, replace win- body hair shaving and trimming, electrolysis,
dows, doors, painting and much more. Call for a free enced Paralegal
and targeted to represent
sources of media youthat
in Court; Small
can provide nior Rates. Daniel 416-598-5097
facials and relaxational massage by certified

qualifiedCourt, Landlord Tenantc. InBoard, Traffic
theCourt, Callcare
Steve or Dean

estimate. Terry 416-467-5959. and profi table traffi addition, buyer skin technician and electrologist. Weekday SENIOR 4 SENIORS Fit mature masseur offer total
Provincial Offences, Summary Criminal Charges, “I KNEAD YOUR forBODY!”
men. unwind, release

will negotiate pricing and acquire inventory primar- 416.972.0887
evenings & weekend daytime appointments fullbody massage Theraputic and
Licence Appeal Tribunal, Criminal Injuries, Employ- tensionDowntown.
due to stress, with an older, mature mas-
TAX PREPARATION ily on a CPA and CPM basis for banners, email, pop-
available. Call Dave 416-578-1511. M tantic. Surrender to the sensations. Se-
up andand Human
other directRights, andinventory,
response all Administrative Tri-
while ensur- MASSAGE (non-sexual)
nior Only $60.
Daniel(students $40.) Downtown location.
ing that& sources
Board Representation. Torontoacceptable
and GTA, AESTHETICS FOR MEN Certified masseur and aes- 416-964-6906. Anytime.
maintain the minimum
over 15 years Experience. Call Anthony 416-201- STEVEN
thetician MCKEOWN RMT. Alexander/Yonge.
offers therapeutic Thera-
and relaxing massage;
ROI metrics/goals. You will need the following: 2+ “I KNEAD YOUR BODY!” Relax, unwind, release
years ext 1
experience buying interactive display ad units hair removal
peutic by sugaring,
Swedish/Deep, trimming,
Craniosacral, andHotshaving;
Thai, Stone, ESCORTS
tension due to stress, with an older, mature mas-
Year round full service, seasonal office at 100 Wellesley facials. Studio
Reflexology. in convenient
Insurance downtown416-878-
receipts provided. (Yonge/ seur. Only $60. (students $40.) DowntownRUSSIAN location.
YearE. All
round fullEFILE
service, for direct response. Well developed negotiation 33/5’9”/175/7.5”
St. returns from seasonal
$39.00 at 100
(Economics & Wellesley)
5688 Onlinelocation.
bookingAvailable daily 8am - 9pm. Call
at 416-964-6906
Wellesley St. E. All returns EFILETodd
$39.00 B.A. skills. CPM/CPA/CPC experience a MUST. Interested Nik for certified deep tissue
Accounting) H&R Block certificate. Suly: 416-889-4041;
( & Accounting) H&R Block certificate. candidates should forward their cover letter and relaxing massage + vers,
Todd 416-230-4756 resume to JOBS@THEINFINITYNETWORK.COM BRENT ROUSSEAU RMT for treatment of muscle
MALE AESTHETICIAN Waxing, electrolysis,and
ESCORTS bi, friendly, discreet, open-
injuries, pain and stress management en- minded. IN/OUT – Downtown
hancement facials, pedicures,
of physical health andmanicures. Studio
well being. Day,
33/5’9”/175/7.5” Russian
Counselling & Psychotherapy located and
evening at 40weekend
East #301. Tuesday-Satur-
available. Insurance
Nik for certified deep tissue
MALE DANCERS 19+ wanted for Remingtons, 379 Yonge day 10am-8pm. Call relaxing massage + vers,
coverage. Visa accepted, free parking. 416-708- FIT ASIAN MUSCULAR,
St, 416-977-2160. Call or see manager after 9 pm Sorin for appointment 416-924-2557. bi, 26, 5’8’, 145LB,
friendly, 7.5 “ long,open-
discreet, thick,
3996. Broadview/Danforth. Visit my website at uncut, sexy, good looking, smooth, cleanshaven. Smooth
minded. IN/OUT – Downtown chest, very nice smile,416.834.5415
athletic butt and great legs. Straight
MASSAGE (non-sexual) acting, swimmers build, well into speedos. Erotic nude
Download the complete DEEP AND THOROUGH massage in attractive, pro-
STEVEN MCKEOWN RMT. Alexander/Yonge. Thera-
fessional environment. Includes Swedish, Shiatsu,
BLACK sensual, downtown.
HOOK-UP Call Nick –24
TORONTO, 416-342-0226
peutic Swedish/Deep, Craniosacral, Thai, Hot Stone, NUMBER, Ask for Dillan. Black, hung and ready for
issue& of
hair, skin fab online
beauty Reflexology, sound andreceipts
Reflexology. Insurance energy work. Intro416-878-
provided. session
Online bookingCall Hugh 416-924-4941
action. Will travel. In Toronto April/May PS: Serious
callers only. 514-710-2860 Dillan.
of muscle KMI:
inju- on
body hair shaving and trimming, electrolysis,
facials and relaxational massage by certified
ries, pain and
and Thai massage.
stress management
and well– being.
and enhancement
of physical evening and
skin care technician and electrologist. Weekday 416-537-8854 cell:coverage.
LIFE! Create
Create the
the life
life you
you want,
want, get
& weekend daytime appointments
weekend appts available. Insurance Visa ac-
IMPROVE cepted, free parking. 416-708-3996. Broadview/Dan-
great support.
great support. Kick
Kick Start!
Start! Personal
Personal success
success coach-
available. Call Dave 416-578-1511.
- A Licensed and experi- BRIAN FARR RMT,CNP. Therapeutic Swedish/Deep
forth. Visit my website at
ing. 416-993-7970
416-993-7970 enced Paralegal to represent you in Court; Small Tissue/Hot Stone massage and Nutrition. Insurance
Claims Court, FOR MEN Tenant
Landlord CertifiedBoard, Traffiand
masseur c Court,
aes- receipts
DEEP AND provided.
THOROUGH By appointment
massage in 647-343-7985
attractive, pro-
Dave Neary
Dave Neary (M.
(M. Ed.
Ed. Counselling
Counselling Psychology)
Psychology) thetician
Provincialoffers therapeutic
Offences, Summary and relaxing
Criminal massage;
Charges, (Bay/ Bloorenvironment.
fessional area) or visit Includes
Swedish, Shiatsu,
Counselling and
Counselling and Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy hair removal
Licence AppealbyTribunal,
trimming, and shaving;
Injuries, Employ- Reflexology, sound and energy work. Intro session •• 647-985-6535 647-985-6535 facials.
ment andStudio
and alldowntown
$55. Bloor/Spadina. THERAPY
Hugh 416-924-4941
Convenient Bay/Bloor
Convenient Bay/Bloor Location
Location Wellesley) location.
bunal & Board Available dailyToronto
Representation. 8am - 9pm.
and GTA,Call (CHARLES-YINGCHENG GUO, RMT.) Receipt issued
over 15416-889-4041;
years Experience. Call Anthony 416-201- BRADLEY
for insurance.PAYNE RMT. Offering
40 Wellesley Swedish,
Street East. KMI:
Suite 301.
Free to post & browse.
Caring and
Caring and empathic
empathic counselling
counselling for:
Addictions, Anxiety,
Addictions, Anxiety, Stress,
Stress, Sexuality,
Sexuality, Trauma,
Trauma, 8882 ext 1 Structural
Deep IntegrationSwedish,
tissue/sports/ and Thairelieve
muscle Videos, pics & reviews
Depression, Grief,
Grief, Relationships
Relationships and
and Career
Career Decisions
Decisions ments available
tension & stress.Monday – Saturday.
By appointment: www.payne-
Depression, MALE AESTHETICIAN Waxing, electrolysis, micro-
Visit my
my website
website for
for more
more information
information at:
at: dermabrasion, facials, pedicures, manicures. Studio
Book 416-537-8854 cell: 416-707-0100.
Online: Free
Join now!to post
Full & browse.
Access Code: FESC
Visit located at 40 Wellesley East #301. Tuesday-Satur- Videos, pics & reviews
day 10am-8pm. Call BRIANSHORTT
MASSAGETherapeutic Swedish/Deep
and Yoga Therapy: sensual, CHATLINES
RENT Sorin for appointment 416-924-2557. Tissue/Hot
intimate Stone massage
bodywork and Nutrition.
with stretching. Check outInsurance
my web- Join now! Full Access Code: FESC
receipts provided. By appointment 647-343-7985 LOCAL CUTE BI GUYS. Call 416-915-2487.Try
USA --PALM SPRINGS - Private home tohome
rent —http:// site: 416-961-8064
USA PALM SPRINGS - Private to rent (Bay/ Bloor area) or visit FREE! Code8109
bourne 1 Bed Medium
- $12891call
- $899
& SHUTER 1 Bed Large
– TORONTO 191-&$939
201 2Sher-
Check out the new (CHARLES-YINGCHENG GUO, RMT.) Receipt issued
for insurance. 40 Wellesley Street East. Suite 301.
LOCAL CUTE BI1-877-837-7570
guys. Call 416-915-2487.Try
Call. Talk. Hookup. Fast. Easy. Local.
FREE! Code8109
bourne Bed416 – 363- –$949
Medium 0661
1 Bed Large - $999 2 Bed Deep tissue/sports/ Swedish, relieve pain, muscle Gay, Str8, Curious and Bi men in 100’s of cities
tension & stress. By appointment: 647-833-3274 across the US & Canada.
- $1349 call 416 – 363 – 0661
April 27, 2011 fab Book Online: FREE Trial 18+

32 April 13, 2011 fab

Together Heroine Marks

‘I thought he was a cute, young

man who needed to get laid.’
rant, a Leo, and Michael, a Sagittarius, day I joke that he is still with me because
first met 21 years ago through a I owe him $200 from 21 years ago,” says
mutual friend. Grant worked with Grant with a laugh.
a woman who was curious if her room- For fun the couple enjoys cooking and
mate, Michael, was gay. Putting his gaydar playing games together. “We’ve nested,”
abilities to use, Grant investigated. “I says Grant. “We’re like a married couple.”
thought he was a nerd,” says Grant, who Like every married couple, they can get
remembers seeing Michael on the couch annoyed with each other from time to
watching Star Wars. “He was a cute, young time. Grant says he hates Michael’s snor-
man who needed to get laid.” ing, while Grant’s non-stop chatting can
The two began dating one drunken be a lot for Michael to handle. “We haven’t
night at Woody’s after Grant made a move. really changed each other in 21 years,”
“The relationship was like a bullet train,” says Grant. “Our differences brought us
says Grant. “It was pretty instant,” adds together. Michael keeps the roof over our
Michael. For their first date, the couple heads and I keep the beer in the fridge.”

Grant & Michael

went out for a gourmet meal with rounds What’s their secret? “We don’t fight,” says
of drinks. When the bill came, Grant real- Grant. “We’re friends, not drama queens.
ized he didn’t have enough to pay it and We look into the future and know it gets
borrowed money from Michael. “To this better.” — 21 years

To be profiled, email a short bio and/or pic to

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fab April 27, 2011 33
• To change the folio, unlock the folio layer, open up the fly-out menu of the Pages palette and select “Override All Master Page Items”.

fab GUY Drasko Bogdanovic

Name: Darryl
Age: 24
Sign: Leo

love living in the Village because I know that no matter
how much of a hot gay mess I may look like, there’s always
a happy hooker nearby one-upping me,” says Darryl.
He works as a graphic designer for Pink Triangle Press and is
responsible for helping fab with its fabulous look, but he’s always
up to something on the side. “I’ve also been an artist my entire
life,” he says. “I love having no rules and being able to go crazy
on a blank canvas with my vision and ideas.” The ultimate
Lady Gaga fan, Darryl’s hobbies include “eating cheesecake
with the Golden Girls, and I’ve been known to watch an episode
or 12 of The Kardashians.” Darryl says his perfect meal would
be “a big-ass cheeseburger served off a naked blond hottie.”
Asked to describe his ideal night out, he says he’d “shake
my ass, cause a little trouble and kiss a few hot strangers.”
Darryl says his best features are his winning personality and his
baby-blue eyes. His parting words of wisdom for fab readers?
“Save the diva routines, the shitty attitudes and the drama.
Let’s all just love each other and get naked!”

More photos by Drasko Bogdanovic at

HOURS: 5PM-2AM 7 DAYS A WEEK To compliment or become a fab guy, email
379 YONGE St. (Near Gerrard) TORONTO-CANADA - 416-977-2160 Fab guy sponsored by the Stag Shop
Enhancing sexual
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34 April 27, 2011 fab

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