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Text 1
BPJS, which stands for Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial or Social Insurance Administration
Body, is an authorized body that was established to provide medical coverage program for Indonesian people.
BPJS Kesehatan, which focuses on health insurance, started its operation in 2014.
Every Indonesian citizen is required to have BPJS Kesehatan. In addition to every Indonesian,
foreigners who have been working in the country for at least six months are also eligible to join the program.
With regards to participants of BPJS Kesehatan, they can be classified into two categories, namely PBI
Jaminan Kesehatan and Non-PBI Jaminan Kesehatan. The first category is entitled for those who are less
fortunate (from low social class) and those with total disabilities. Indonesians who belong to the latter category
include employees, employers, retirees, investors, and among others.
Every employee who has been registered is covered by the program, including their family members,
namely wife/husband and children (but no more than five persons in total). Furthermore, every participant of
BPJS Kesehatan program should know that not every medical service is covered by the scheme. The scheme
covers two kinds of medical services, the basic (non-specialist) and the advanced (specialist).
Basic medical services include promotive and preventive services, medical treatment and consultation,
medicines reimbursement, blood transfusion, first-degree hospitalization based on medical indications, and
first-degree laboratory test. On the other hand, advanced medical services cover medical consultation and
treatment by a sub-specialist and specialist, medicines reimbursement, advanced diagnostic treatment, medical
rehabilitation, blood transfusion, services from forensic doctors and corpse service, non-intensive as well as
intensive hospitalization.

1. The word „eligible‟ in paragraph 2 can be 3. The sentence “Every employee who has been
replaced by…. registered is covered by the program...” in
(A) qualified paragraph 4 can best be restated as….
(B) willing (A) the program has covered all the registered
(C) capable employees
(D) disentitled (B) BPJS Kesehatan program covers every
(E) competent employee medical services
(C) only registered employee is protected by
2. What is the topic of the passage? the insurance
(A) An explanation of the Indonesia health (D) the registration of every employee is
insurances managed by BPJS Kesehatan program
(B) A brief description of BPJS Kesehatan (E) BPJS Kesehatan program covers the
(C) The details about health insurances in employee‟s registration fee
(D) The information about Indonesian public
health facilities
(E) An account of the benefits offered by a
health insurance

E9i4H0419-20SBMPTN, BAHASA INGGRIS, PPLSBMPTN 2020, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 1 dari 3 hlm.
4. Which of the following best connects sentence 1 (C) Everyone is forced to join BPJS Kesehatan
and 2 in paragraph 2? regardless their age, social and economic
(A) Every newborn in Indonesia is status.
automatically registered as the participant (D) The process to join BPJS Kesehatan is
of BPJS Kesehatan. made complicated for foreigners.
(B) Only Indonesian citizens are allowed to join (E) There is no exception, despite the fact that
BPJS Kesehatan. one may already have another medical
insurance of his/her own.

Text 2
Not all snoring is sleep apnoea. But very loud snoring, because of the obstructed airway, is sometimes
a sign of it. Other symptoms are as follows; daytime sleepiness, morning headaches, high blood pressure, and
abrupt awakenings or periods when someone else notices that you have stopped breathing.
Untreated sleep apnoea has been linked to problems with glucose control that can lead to diabetes
and with cardiovascular problems, such as an increased risk of high blood pressure. In addition, there is
another potentially deadly effect; traffic accidents caused by sleepy drivers. It is not clear exactly how many
such crashes there are, but sleep experts in Europe estimate around 20 per cent.
The concern about accidents has led a working group for the European Commission on Sleep Apnoea
and Driving to recommend that the EU require drivers with sleep apnoea to get it under control, or else risk
losing their licenses. The good news? “It has been demonstrated clearly now that effective treatment of sleep
apnoea removes any excess risk of an auto accident,” says the chairman of the working group Dr. Walter
McNicholas says, director of the Pulmonary and Sleep Disorders Unit at St. Vincent‟s University Hospital in
Two decades ago, as few as four per cent of men and two per cent of women had sleep apnoea, but
those numbers are increasing, in part because more people have risk factors for it, such as obesity, McNicholas
says. Genetic factors may also play a role. “Figures in the region of five to ten per cent are now regularly talked
about as prevalence figures for significant sleep apnoea,” he says. That translates to between 35 and 70 million
With more cases, comes another concern. “When you consider that you diagnose such people by the
monitoring of their breathing while they sleep, then the logistics of that are immense,” notes McNicholas. As a
result, a good deal of research is focused on ways to easily and effectively find sleep apnoea, both in sleep labs
and in the home. Devices that can detect sleep patterns, or portable monitors that can track sleep while worn
to bed at home, are two promising solutions.
Treatment can be another story. Probably the most familiar-and at the same time most common and
most effective-treatment today is CPAP, which stands for continuous positive airway pressure. The system
involves a small air pump, tube, and a mask that covers the nose (or nose and mouth) during sleep to direct air
gently into the upper airway.
The thought of sleeping with a mask for the rest of one‟s life is certainly off-putting to some, Puertas
says. After a while, some people even develop an attachment to their device. Says McNicholas, “They actually
go to bed and snuggle up with the CPAP mask.” He believes it is the body‟s subconscious reaction to being
able finally to relax and have a restful night‟s sleep after months or years of untreated sleep apnoea.

5. The characteristics of people with apnoea are 6. What is the appropriate title of the text above?
best illustrated in paragraphs…. (A) Snoring and Sleep Apnoea
(A) 1 and 2 (B) A Magic Mask for a Better Sleep
(B) 1 and 4 (C) Sleep Apnoea Stealing Your Night‟s Sleep
(C) 3 and 5 (D) The Dangers behind Untreated Sleep
(D) 2 and 6 Apnoea
(E) 3 and 7 (E) The Increasing Cases of Sleep Apnoea

E9i4H0419-20SBMPTN, BAHASA INGGRIS, PPLSBMPTN 2020, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 2 dari 3 hlm.
7. It can be concluded from the passage that…. 8. What is the motive of the writer to present the
(A) the best way to diagnose apnoea is by the passage?
help of sleep laboratories (A) To raise public awareness about the danger
(B) research has found the best way of of sleep apnoea
diagnosing apnoea (B) To expose people‟s lack of understanding
(C) people with apnoea will be able to sleep about the symptoms of sleep apnoea
soundly after years of using masks (C) To persuade the readers to use CPAP to
(D) an urgent effective and efficient method of overcome their sleep apnoea
diagnosting apnoea is needed (D) To provide the best solution to sleep
(E) CPAP medication will certainly take years apnoea
to cure apnoea (E) To show the difference between snoring
and sleep apnoea

E9i4H0419-20SBMPTN, BAHASA INGGRIS, PPLSBMPTN 2020, BKB NURUL FIKRI hlm. 3 dari 3 hlm.

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