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Question text
Is the study of perception and its influence on thinking and problem solving

Select one:
a. Structuralism
b. Behaviorism
c. Gestalt
d. Functionalism

Question text

It also called Biological Anthropology

Select one:
a. Physical Anthropology
b. Archaeology
c. Sociology
d. Cultural Anthropology

Question text

Who launched the cognitive revolution in psychology

Select one:
a. Tolman
b. Wolfgang Kohler
c. George Miller
d. Sigmund Freud

Question text

Is the science of society and the social interactions taking place therein

Select one:
a. Sociology
b. Biology
c. Anthropology
d. Ethnology

Question text

It is a pure description of the culture of a people or an ethic group

Select one:
a. Anthropology
b. Sociology
c. Ethnography
d. Ethnology

Question text

It also called Biological Anthropology

Select one:
a. Sociology
b. Physical Anthropology
c. Archaeology
d. Cultural Anthropology

Question text

It is the Philosopher who believe in that one can know only what comes from the senses
and experience

Select one:
a. Plato
b. St. Augustine
c. Gilbert Ryle
d. David Hume

Question text

Also emphasize more on the value of equality even if they see that the individual can rise
above everything else

Select one:
a. Western Culture
b. Confucianism
c. Eastern Culture
d. Buddhism

Question text

He conceived of the human person as having a body and a mind.

Select one:
a. David Hume
b. Rene Descartes
c. Plato
d. St. Augustine

Question text

Deals with the operations of the body systems and organs and their interactions

Select one:
a. Economic
b. Chemistry
c. Biology
d. Physiology

Question text

It is focuses on the study of politics or government

Select one:
a. Psychology
b. Political Science
c. Sociology
d. Ethnology

Question text

Once a plan has been devised it must be carried out.

Select one:
a. Review the solution
b. Carry out the plan
c. Devise a plan
d. Understand the problem

Question text

It is one type or an ethic group

Select one:
a. Anthropology
b. Ethnographer
c. Ethnography
d. Ethnology

Question text

The proponent of "little Albert" study.

Select one:
a. John Bratson Watson
b. B.F. Skinner
c. Max Wertheimer
d. William James

Question text

The Westerns emphasize ________________________________________________.

Select one:
a. More on the Value of quality
b. More on the value of equality
c. More on the value of self
d. More on the Value of individualistic

Question text

The two philosophers who answer the "WHO AM I?"

Select one:
a. Plato and Hume
b. Ryle and Ponty
c. John Locke and Descartes
d. Aristotle and Augustine

Question text

Buddhism means ______________________________.

Select one:
a. Human person
b. Is a path of practice and spiritual development
c. Body and Soul
d. Human person reflects the entire spirit of medieval world

Question text

"Logus" means

Select one:
a. Study human
b. Science or Study
c. None of the choices
d. Experiment

Question text

It is phenomenologist who asserts that mind-body bifurcation that has been going on for a
long time is a furtile endeavor an invalid problem.

Select one:
a. John Locke
b. Plato
c. St. Augustine
d. Meleau-Ponty

Question text

Wundt's student and the founder of structuralism

Select one:
a. John Stuart Mills
b. William James
c. Al Kindi
d. Edward Titchener

Question text

It is the information processing theories

Select one:
a. Computer
b. Television
c. Scanner
d. Radio

Question text

Study of a single social institution

Select one:
a. Psychology
b. Linguistics
c. Economics
d. Anthropology

Question text

It is the study of the past events.

Select one:
a. Sociology
b. Linguistics
c. History
d. Psychology

Question text

His view of the human person reflects the entire spirit of the medieval world when it comes
to man.

Select one:
a. David Hume
b. St. Augustine
c. Rene Descartes
d. Plato

Question text

What Psychologists do?

Select one:
a. Research
b. Practice
c. Thinking
d. All of the choices

The study of patterns in human behavior

Select one:
a. Archeology
b. Cultural Anthropology
c. Ethnology
d. Physical Anthropology

Question text

One of the world's best known and most widely read and studied philosopher

Select one:
a. Gilbert Ryle
b. Plato
c. David Hume
d. Meleau ponty

Question text

Deals with the interaction of the people to the environment.

Select one:
a. Social Psychology
b. Social Organization
c. Demography
d. Social Disorganization

Question text

This theory used direct observations to supplement introspection

Select one:

a. Behaviorism
b. Functionalism
c. Psycho analysis
d. Structuralism

Question text

Ethnology means

Select one:
a. Is analysis, comparison and contrast of cultures of people
b. Study of behavior
c. Study of man evolution
d. Systematic study of recorded and un recorded languages


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