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Dinas Pertanian dan Ketahanan Pangan

Kota Batu

Batu Tourism City has the potential

of natural resources. known as an
agro-tourism city, one of the
advantages it has is ornamental
plants. Leaf and flower ornamental
plants developed include roses,
chrysanthemums, orchids,
sansieviera, arroids, bonsai,

These ornamental plants improve

the economy of the people of Batu
Tourism City by producing either
cut flowers or potted plants. The
Batu city area that has the
potential for ornamental plants
include Gunungsari Village which
is famous for its roses in the form
of cut flowers, Sidomulyo is
famous for its ornamental plants of
leaves and flowers in the form of
pots, kokedama and
chrysanthemums, Dadaprejo with
its orchid potential.

Rise Together Care Each Other
0341-511674 for The Victorious of Batu City
Jl. Panglima Sudirman No.507 Gedung B Lantai 3
Rose is a type of shrub plant from the genus Orchids with the Latin Aroid is a plant that comes from the Araceae family
Rosa as well as the name of the flower Orchidaceae are most or taro. Aroid plants have 114 genera with more than
produced by this plant. There are many commonly found in the 3750 species. This plant lives in tropical climates,
varieties of roses today, so the flowers that tropics. Orchids come in such as Indonesia. Aroid ornamental plants have the
grow are not only red and white. different colors, shapes main characteristics of sapdix or cobs. Spadix is ​a
and sizes. grain that has a stalk, thick rachis, and fleshy.

This flower can grow well with rainfall of 1500

mm – 3000 mm per year. Roses also need good
enough sun for growth. The normal ambient
temperature for roses is 18 degrees C to 26
degrees C with a humidity of 70 to 80%.
ORCHID When placed
Some plants
Growing media for roses should contain lots of indoors, he
that have
organic and fertile soil. Soil pH should be recommends
spadix are
between 5-7. that the plants
be dried in the
ma, anthu-
sun once a week
rium, allo-
Den. ksatria Nanggala cation,
at around

Watering is
not necessary
dron and
every day.
many more.
Chrysanthemum flowers (Chrysan- Den. Indonesia raya Caring for
To achieve a
themum), a type of flowering plant from large size, the
Types of orchid plants are divided based on air temperature including; plants in
the Asteraceae tribe commonly called aroid family requ-
1. Cold type orchid, requires a temperature of 13–18 ℃ at night and a hot weather
cut flowers or golden flowers. Chrysos in ires special treat-
daytime temperature between 18-21 ℃ (Cymbidium, Phalaenopsis) takes a
Greek means gold, while anthemon ment that is not pruned
2. Medium type orchids, night temperature 18-20 ℃ and daytime 27- little adjustment.
means flower. or separated by its offspring.
29 ℃ (Dendrobium, Cattleya, Oncidium)

3. Warm type orchids, 21-24 ℃ night temperature, 24-30 ℃ during the

day (Vanda, Arachnis, Renanthera)
The ideal land for chrysanthemum cultivation is Kokedama is a planting technique originating from Japan.Koke means
a tropical climate. The temperature is suitable moss or moss while dama means ball. Kokedama is a flower growing
for this plant between 20-26 ℃ , even so
chrysanthemum flowers can still grow at a BONSAI medium from moss balls or Japanese moss balls. Agricultural innovation
with the kokedama technique makes ornamental plants look more beautiful
temperature of 17-30 . The altitude of the area and adds selling value. In addition, this plant material is also easy to
Bonsai is a plant
that is good for the growth of this flower is obtain.
or tree that is
between 700-1200 masl. The soil used for
stunted in a This technique provides many advantages and benefits,
planting media must be loose and fertile soil
shallow pot such as cleaner and hygienic ornamental plants.
with a density of about 70 tan/m2.
Maintenance is very easy, which is enough to
Chrysanthemum flower care is quite easy
with the aim of be watered and given fertilizer once in a
through watering and fertilizing it regularly
making a week or a month. kokedama not only for
according to the recommendations.
miniature of the cactus plants, but also for other indoor
original form of a plants, such as calathea, kadaka,
large tree that is bromelia, sansevieria,

SANSIEVIERA old in the wild.

Planting is done
aglaonema, montera,
and so on.
One type of ornamental plant that has in shallow pots
been popular for a long time is the called bon. A
sansevieria plant or also known as the plant can be
mother-in-law's tongue plant. This called a bonsai if
ornamental plant has the advantage of it meets the main
being very easy to care for. This plant requirements,
can grow in conditions with little water namely in terms
and little sunlight. of size, shape,
and age.
In addition, it can be used as an indoor
or outdoor ornamental plant. The
benefits of this sansiviera are natural air Several techniques are used to form a bonsai with the
purifiers, radiation absorbers, odor best appearance. Starting from sculpting, wiring, to
absorbers, and air pollution absorbers, trimming. If the plant can not stand it will usually die.
abundant oxygen suppliers.

0341-511674 distankpbatu_official 0341-511674 distankpbatu_official 0341-511674 distankpbatu_official

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