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Weakness of quantitative research

1.Large sample size is needed in establishing relatable generalization.

Since Larger sample sizes provide more accurate mean values, identify outliers that could skew
the data in a smaller sample and provide a smaller margin of error it is indeed necessary for a quantitave
researchers to address the weakness number 1 given above. A sufficient large sample size must be put
into considerations by the researcher by means of giving additional funds and effort to acquire the large
sample size needed.

2.Reproduction of research instruments covering large sample size is expensive.

 Using the best and suited research instrument to cover large sample is needed.

3.Numerical data obtained often times are superficial as contextual data are often neglected.

There must be a thorough analysis of the numerical data gathered.

4.Sensitive issue and information’s are difficult to gather using structured researched instruments.

 Improvised and alternative researched instruments must be prepared and use.

5.Numerical data obtained often times are incomplete and respondents may guess and not respond
seriously and honesty.

 Use a mixed methodology that will make the data gathering more formal to gather valid and
reliable datas.
Experimental Research Design
Descriptive Design
This designs observes the perception of the Allows the researcher to manipulate variables to
repondents regarding certain phenomenon as identify casual relationship or degree of
they occur naturally. effectiveness of an intervention.
Example of Research Example :The effect of Sinovac to the health of
Topic: A descriptive analysis of effect of covid19 the people.
Pandemic to Senior Highschool students of Academic

True experimental Design

employs experimental and control set-ups in Quasi-Experimental Design
order to test the the effectiveness of an involves selecting samples,groups upon which
intervention with well established pre- an intervention kis without any random pre-
experimental sample selectio process. selection process. z cxz

this design is used in gathering data from large
group of population which is ussed to identify
the general perception of the population as it Correlational
offers a geaneral picture of how large This designs aims to establish correaltion and
population perceived i a certain phenomena. realtionship among variables.

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