Pathway 4 Lis and Speak Unit-3

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SURAT) APPEARANCE ®.2 | ee cn my ee eee ed How would you describe the items this man is wearing? Pr ee ee oc foe Ea CRITICAL THINKING EXPLORE THE THEME ee ee eerie rere eee rear 1. Why de u think the man is gelling a shaw }common ritual in your ee eee eee 4, What other reasons are there LOOKING GOOD How much of a person's beauty is based on physical appearance? On personality? How much depends on what a person wears? Is there a universal standard of beauty, or do these standards vary fromm country to country? One certainty is that looking good matters, and rituals ike the oné in the photo en ees ey oars Top three reasons for trying to look good To feel good about myself 60% 52% 67%Q ‘To make a good impression on people I meet for the first time. 44% 44% 45%Q To seta good example for my children 39% ae 9 Weekly time spent Rene ings cee as eiigsrsonal grooming’ Ce ee eros Speen B vecabutary WEANING FROM Qi) EBEIEE) Read and listen to the article. Notice each word in blue and think about its conTeXT meaning. HIGH-FASHION MODELING Inthe world of high fashion modeling, you dant see the eon a variations in body type that you find with random people peony on the street. Designers have traditionally shown a distinct on preference for tall and thin runway medels to show off their latest creations. However, images of extremely thin models as seenin fashion shows and magazines can be alarming for some people Some models have a height-to-weight ratio that, is unhealthy. For example, a model might be around five feet nine inches (175 centimeters tall but weigh only 110 pounds (60 kilograms). ‘The modeling business is slowly evolving, and the type of ‘model that designers prefers changing, too. The high-fashion ‘modeling profession is no longer exclusively forthe thinnest of the thin. The good news is that in eecent years, healthy- looking models have also heen seen strolling down runways In some countries—Australa, for examiple—the government, has even asked fashion designers and magazines to stop hiring excessively thin models for fashion shows and photo shoots. Now, designers envision people with various body ‘rypes wearing their clathing, Ths informs theie designs and is reflected in the models we are starting to see. As a result, how people perceive fashion models and their opinion of what | constitutes beauty are starting to change B® wire each wordin blue from exercise Anext tots definition. 1 (a tohave or form a mental picture 2 (gradually changing and developing 3 (ey) only 4 {oa proportion, eg, 21 5, —____ (adv more than is necessary, normal, or destrable 6. (# composes orforms z: (ad) shocking or figatening a. (ad) chosen without a method or plan 9, —__ (ad clear 10, __te ognize; be aware of 44 uNiTa LESSON A @B comple serenes th se covet frm oun eb aeceoadve ofthe werd npr neces ony 1. Jiawas ___when she discovered a gray hair on her head. (alarming) 2. that black hat looks _________beetter on you than the blue one. (distinct) 3. Thedesigner said Une dress wasn’ as syish as wal she {envision} 4, There has been an__of workplace fashion from formal to casual (evolve) 5, Experts warn thatthe. Use of makeup can be quite unhealthy. (excessively) 6, Members of our shopping club receive discounts (exclusively) 7, Theresa general _________that Parisis the world capital of fashion, (perceive) 8, Thewinners were selected from the audience. (random) @B weir a pane cone the wor tat oma calloaton withthe weakly 1. never plan what in going to wear, |just choose my clothes fal/for) random, ‘The ratio tfor/ of! women £0 men in my classi? to 1 Men's shits are distinet (to / trorn) women's as the buttons are on opposite sides. these beauty products are exclusively (far 1a) our loyal customer, the increase in extreme dieting is an alarming (trend / movement His small business gradually evolved {to /into) a great fashion company ‘Mon who wear neckties are perceived fin /as) being professional “Those new fashions are excessively (beautiful /expensive Work with a partner. Take turns using the collocations in exercise D to say sentences. > [dont think t's @ good tdea to choose your college major at random. Work in a small group. Discuss the questions CRITICAL THINKING: 1. Ifyou asked a random teenager on the street what constitutes beauty, what mighthe REFLECTING orshe say? What celebrities might the teen envision? 2. Ifyou knew someone who was excessively concerned with physical appearance, what could you say to convince hirn or her that attractiveness is not exclusively physical? 3, Ave there any modern trends that you find alarming? Explain. 4. Society's perception of beauly always seems to be evolving, atleast in certain ways. What evidence can you give of this? What makes a person look distinctive? i Listening A News Report on Perceptions of Beauty BEFORE LISTENING criricat THinKine: @ witha partner discuss the questions. EVALUATING Look at the two rows of photos. These photos were shown to people who participated in a study on beauty. In each row, select the photo that you think shows the most beautiful face, Do you and your partner agree? 2, Look at the photos again. According to researchers, most people would choose Photo 4 and Phato 9 as the most beautiful faces. Why do you think most people chose these photos? Row A WHILE LISTENING @er=H06 £08 WESILIBD tstentoa news report. atch each sce or roupofetssto MAIN IDEAS theiresearch resut 1, Judith Langlois a. Mens ideas about beauly and attractiveness ‘evolved over thousands of years. 2, Pamela M. Pallet”, symmetry is a key part of what makes a face Stephen link/Kang lee beautiful 3, Victor Johnston/David_¢ ‘There isa "golden ratio for the ideal distance Pere between the eyes, the mauth, and the edge of the face 4, Don Symons 4, Men prefer lage eyes, fullips, and a smal nose and chi. 46 units Lesson 4 Poca ee Using an outline as you listen can help you organize main ideas and details. formal outline looks lke the outline in exercise C below, Notice how the outline shows the structure of the talk, with roman numerals for main ideas, capital lellers for supporting ideas, and numbers for detals. @O BED isn on arate rorestocomplete the oun Wit oneword onlin NOTE TAKING etn 1 tea Whats beauty A. Doos each porson parcove beauty akon? B. Does zoclaVeutel Inluerce dace? ML Studoson A Langlois 1. ppl thik _—_ ooking faces aro beaut 2, symmetical faces are beaut 4 Tar rom average Bayrmetrial=_____tacbaarvers 8, Pallat Link Lo diocowened ratio" mouth edge ot tae 26 1. elise. bow lot, reyes to mou C. Johneton & Fe ret meni pros 1. lg.eyes,fullips sen. nose &. »yrons—lg.eyestlips — health &hithybabies D. novallanthraplysts agree about one ofbeauty 1, aff cultes have dP Ldeae about beauty allboaut, 2, crossed eyes, ; & tattooaalip Conc sor: Beauty nov exclusively IF eye of berolder ‘A. some aspectsofbeauty are 04, alan B. oplsameculersce baaty in ear ways AFTER LISTENING B Workin a sma group. Discus the questions PERSONALIZING 1, Be yourp erin acer tha "baa GN AONE 2 Scents believe thee beautl ace sa smmetical face What ther eats make dace beat toyou? 2. The report seid that perceptions of besuy vary om culture to culture Whatare some le fon jou peo a Nest Paghtony) fry Due othe! Nl Speaking BBD fe ad anctstento the article. Then lookat the bar graph. Whats the graph about? ‘THE GROWING POPULARITY OF ‘COSMETIC SURGERY If you think the risks of cosmetic surgery are alarming, there's good news! Cosmetic procedures are evolving; many are not excessively dangerous, and some are quite safe, You may be able to get the new look you envision with nonsurgical procedures like tissue filers and laser treatments, which now constitute 82 percent of cosmetic procedures in the United States. Once exclusively for the rich and famaus, cosmetic procedures are bbeing chosen by more people every year, There isa distinct difference in the way people in cifferent cultures perceive beauty, but cosmetic surgery isa common choice in many parts of the world, The graph Top ‘Markets for Cosmetic Procedures compares 20 countres by procedures per capita’, total number of procedures, and the ratio of surgical nonsurgical procedures. per capita i per peron seat veto te ta population CRITICAL THINKING | Interpreting a Bar Graph ‘To understand a bar graph, it's important to study the following features + the title: tes you what the graph is about + labels: tell you what the bars or numbers represent + the scale: tells you the unit of measurement + color coding/key: shows you what different colors mean chiTicat THINKING: (BB Work with a partner, Answer the questions about the bar graph above. INTERPRETING A 1. Whats the title of the graph? BAU GRAPH Lookat the labels. What do the bars represent? How many couniris have more than a milion cosmetic procedures? Lookat the color coding and the key. What do the colors represent? ‘Which country has the highest number of cosmetic procedures per capita? Which has the lowest? What do you find interesting or surprising about the information in the graph? © work wth a partner. Discuss the questions, PERSONALIZING 1 Ista postive tend that cosmetic procedures are now moe afrdabe Expl, 2 reese wb eortibuted to Remvch nl cmetes agen! 3. Do you think the risks of cosmetic surgery are alarming? Explain. 4, Whatare sve ey ty una ae sally kins ot wc ISAT? Bate are Enna When you paraphrase, you express something you said ina different way. Paraphrasing allows you to restate, in a clearer way, information that may be new or dificult for listeners to understand Isai that beauty les in the eye ofthe befor yet the opposite seems to be t1ue. What ! mean by that is people within a culture usually have similar ideas about beauty. Here are some expressions you can use to paraphrase information, Iimean. Let me put itanother way. Inother words, Toputit another way... Thatis (to say), What mean by thats. @ B® IED inne news report the speaker used a number of expressions to paraphrase, PARAPHRASING Read the sentences loud using one ofthe expressions rom the sllbox Then ten and wit the expressions that were actual Used, 1. An oft-quoted expression is, “Beauly is only skin deep.” someone can be beautiful on the outside but be mean or unpleasant on the inside. 2. Another famous saying is, “Beauty isin the eye of the beholder” _ each person’s idea of beauty i different. 3. Inaddition, her research shows that ¢ beautiful face is a symmetvical face. _ both sides of the face ate exactly the same, we consider a person beautiful “< Cosmetic surgeon Dr. Marquardt uses a 'id to ensure facial symmetry for his patients. ere ere tt INTERPRETING 1, Beauly is notin the face; beauty is a light in the heart, —Kehiil Gibran. 2, Itmatters more what's in a woman's face than what's on it, —Claudette Colbert 3. Te never seen a smiling face that was not beautiful. Author Unknown 4, Time's a great healer but a poor beautician.’ — Lucille S. Harper “beaut na paton he ctshar and petorms ther becuse ass or people PARAPHRASING —() Workwith a partner. Take turns reading the quotations in exercise E. Explain each quotation to your partner using a paraphrasing expression from the Speaking Skill box. 50 units LESSON TASK Conducting a Survey @B® vou are going to conduct a survey about beauty and fashion. Choose four ofthe questions below for your survey and write two new questions of your own. SURVEY QUESTIONS + Isit better to be beautiful intelligent, or wealthy? Why do you think so? + Who do you thinkis the most beautiful woman alive today? Who is the most handsorne man alive today? + What's the minimum age at which people should be allowed to have cosmetic surgery? + What s the most unusual item of clothing you awn? + What do you spend more money on: clothing and beauty supplies food, or electronics? + Ate there any fashions loday that you think re strange? EVERYDAY LANGUAGE Conducting a Survey ‘When you conduct a survey, always be sure to ask politely and to thank your respondent, Hello! Would you mind answering a few survey questions forme? Thank you. Now lets move on to the next question. That all the questions have for you today. Thank you for participating inthe survey. realy appreciateitt B interview three classmates. Ask each classmate your survey questions Use the ‘expressions in the Everyday Language box. Take notes on each person's answers. A: Iilbetter to be beautiful inteligent, or wealthy? Why do you thinkso? B: Oh,its defintely beter tobe nteligent, because beautyis inthe eye of the behokeet, but inteligence isnt based on people’ perceptions Interesting, Thankyou, Nowy fers move onto the next question @ Workina small group. Share your survey results, What i interesting or surprising CRITICAL THINKING: about the information you heard? How would you answer each question in the survey? APPLYING Discuss your thoughts with your group. > Thepeople that I surveyed think being intelligent moreimportant than being beaut or wealthy. lageee with that oe Lea BEFORE VIEWING dictionary. atouchof conform ——master-—s mold ~—ilicone—_special effects 1, —___ ih a ubberlice material 2, {n) a hollow form into which materials ae put to shape objects 3. ____u)to be similar in form, pattem, or shape 4 (7) sights and sounds that seem real an TY, the radio, and in movies 5 (nophe)a small amount of something 6 (adi) main; primary PREDICTING {B) Lookat the photo above and read the caption. This is the skin mask you will see in the video, which was modeled after a real person's face. How do you think the mold was ‘made? Discuss with a partner. WHILE VIEWING @wvoeestanoins © CAE watch the video. check (¥) the two procedures that are shown. MAIN IDEAS. 1. Dhow the material silicone is made 2. T howsilicone is used to make a mold 3. C1 how to choose a model to make a mask 4, Dhow to makea lifelike mask rom a mole 5. C1 howrallifclike maskis used in special effects 52 units vince @B Cae watentne vdeo again. Pu the steps formaking askin maskin the correct UNDERSTANDING Shier ces io petals a1 Acapis placed over the mode's hai Amaster mold is prepared. © —Attsts paint her face in quick-drying sileone d. Makeup, eyebrows, and lashes are added to the skin mesk ©. Sof scone is mised with chemicals, crating a natural colo. {The antsts create a series of positive and negative masks 9, the hardened material comes of flloned by the newly created mol h. the mixtures injected into the master mold i. The modes face is wrapped in plaster bandages. i AFTER VIEWING Vaseline is brushed over her eyebrows and lashes, {B Work wth a partner Take turns reading the statements from the video. Rephrase them iin prmiatuoeien “Then the models fae rapped in pater bandages athe hea ing mumny sAtouch ofmakeup helsing the nto He “Ihe completed mask has all the aspects of real human skin thas more than just the look tt has the feel” Work vith partner Discus the questions cnvricat THINKING 1. Cassandra jokes, Who saiel modeling was easy?” What does she mean? REFLECTING 2 Cap hw youth special cect ates choose rie fo ke the AE 3 Lesson hou avid Pat stances of beauty af bat ae and otra toate tom sondrds What are sme ston standads a your county that re “4 The positive cast on the right was made from thenegative mold on the left. B vecabutary MEANING FROMM) TINTED Read and isten toa conversation, Notice each word or prasein blue and CONTEXT. thinkabout ts meaning Customer: Excuse me. What are these shoes made Clerk: They’te from an eco-fashion manufacturer that integrates natural materials and recycled ones, About halfof their materials are derived from recycled plastic and metal. Asit sayson the label, they believe inthe constructive use of the waste society produces Customer: Thats nice. ut they'e very Unusual, arent they? They look more lke ‘piece of art that you would exhibit ina ‘museum thaa shoes. mean, they're like something an artist might daydream about but that nobody would ever wearin real hfe Clerk: Actually, they'te very popular | bought a pair mysel, and they're unquestionably the most comfortable pair of shoes Ive ever owned, Customer: Really? Well, comfortable is goad, but | doa lat of walking, so 'm not sure they'd be very practical for me. mean, they'd probably fall apart after a week Clerk: Not at all.The combination of natural and recycled materials makes them substantially stronger than most shoves. Have a seat... Now, ifyoull just insert your right foot in here Customer: Oh, this is nice! They are cornfortable, aentt they? You knows, | wasn't going to buy then, bul youte very persuasive. | think take a pat @ BW wveearwordorprasin be fom exes Anes defnton, 1 (4) to lose oneselfin pleasant thoughts while awake 2 combines different parts into a united whole 3. —___(ady) in alarge or significant way 4, _____wphvare obtained from a specified source (ad able lo convince people to do or believe sornething 6 (ad certainly beyond doubt 7, ttoputinto 8 <4) promoting improvement 9 i) useful capable of being used 10, ______ (to pace on public splay 54 units Lesson e @ discuss the questions with a partner. |. Have you ever received constructive criticism? Ifyes, what was i? ‘What kinds of exhibitions are you most interested in? 2. 3. What do you sometimes daydream about? 4, Whet isan example of a piece of clothing that isnot practical? 5. What isa situation that requires you to be persuasive? Pru uaene eet ‘The suffi ives added to certain verbs and nouns to make adjectives It generally means doing or tending to cla’ the action ofthe word its formed from, persuasive = persuading, tending to persuade attractive = attracting, tending to attract \When adding -ive toa verb, sometimes other changes need to be made. Example Rule offim-+ afirmative ends in morr-add—atve‘itve innovate - innovative ends in consonant + e:drop eand define definitive add ~ive/atve/itve persuade persuasive ireguiar form repeat > repetitive irregular form Checka dictionary if you are not sure ofthe form, @e Use a word from the box and the suffix ive to complete these opinions about fashion. Use a dictionary to help you. addict alternate construct decorate excess exclude impress innovate 1. [think shopping for clothes is _—once start, cant stop! 2. I think t's more important to look ____ than to feel comfortable, 3. [prefer plain dati colors and not a lot of __designs such as stripes, or flower and animal patterns. Im always open to criticism about the way | dress, as long as it's Im into______ fashion, | thinkit’s boring to look lke everyone else, 6, Ive seen people wearing a ring on every finger, but think that's ____. That designer is __ sis clothes are really new and different, ~ Many of the stores in this area are___;only the very wealthy shop here, neaury ao APPEAnANCE 5S A Listening A Conversation about Unusual Fashions BEFORE LISTENING PREDICTING (iJ Look atthe photos. What do you think these fashion tems ae? Discuss your ideas with apariner WHILE LISTENING Listenin Fon (Bi) EIDE Listen to. conversation between a teenager and her parents. Look back at the MAIN IDEAS photos. Next to each photo, write the name ora brief description ofthe tem: PR Roun Sometimes you need to listen for specific information. When you need to answer a {question (during 2 test, for example}, listening to every word can cause you to miss the information you need. Instead, underline and note the key terms related to the information you need, Then listen for thase key terms and related words and phrases, 56 units ©} E@© WDD Ferd the questions. Notice the underlined key terms in question 1. For ListeNine

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