Copper Cathode - Option 1: Specifications

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Specifications • Copper 99.9%

• Carbon : 0.03%
• Phosphorus : 0.01% max.
• Cobalt : 0.01% max.
• Sulphur : 0.01% max.
• Iron : 0.005% max.
• Zinc 0.03%
Origin Ukraine
Price 6000 USD (incl. commission)
50 USD
(Buyer’s Side)
50 USD
(Seller’s Side)
Payment Irrevocable non transferable lc mt700 after SGS at destination
Performans Bond 2% PB from the seller
Dimensions 914 mm X 914 mm X 12mm
Weight of Each Sheet 125 kg (+/-1%)
Net Weight of Each Pallet 2 mt min. (+/-1%)
Weight of Each Container 20 mt. (approx.)
Gross Weight of Each
22.20 (approx.)

a) Seller sends a standard full Corporate offer (FCO) to Buyer for review and a acceptance .
Once accepted and signed the Buyer Will also issue a soft Probe Authorization or Bank
Comfort Letter (or equivalent) to enable the Seller to confirm the Buyer’s financial capability
AND the seller shall also arrange for the Buyer or the Buyers Representative to inspect the
Copper Cathode at a reputable bonded warehouse in Origin Country
b) The inspection for each shipment shall be done by (SGS or CCIC ) at loading port will covered
under the Seller side and the inspection at discharge port will be covered by the Buyer’s side.
Buyer’ agent inspects loading inside Origin Country.
c) Once the proof of Funds and Proof of Product due diligence is satisfactorily completed by
Buyer and Seller , the Parties shall then sign the main sale and Purchase Agreement (SPA).
This SPA will incorporate all the terms herein and automatically supersede this Full Corporate
offer .


1. Seller will issue DRAFT SPA open for alterations , both parties will sing .
2. Buyer returns draft of signed , stamped and scanned contract by email and will be considered
legal and official Purchase and sale Agreement until copies are exchanged.
3. The seller issues Commercial Invoice.
4. The buyer returns the stamped and signed commercial Invoice.
5. Buyer submits draft of LC/DLC.
6. The Seller returns the above bank instrument with possible changes .
7. The buyer’s bank issues LC100% Confirmed , Irrevocable (MT 199) as a guarantee for one
month and sends it to the seller’s bank within 5days . the bank instrument must be
Confirmed , Irrevocable , and confirmed by top 50 bank.
8. Following the open banking instrument , the seller’s bank sends the buyer’s bank a 2%
performance bond (PB) in the amount of a remittance and a Proof of Product (POP) within 5
9. The buyer will receive an invitation letter to accompany the shipment at the port.
10. Within 30 days the ship will be loaded.
11. Buyer at net releases the inspection report to both the buyer and the seller via email in 24
hours from the date the COPPER at buyer port .
12. Buyer pays final payment by cash wire transfer to seller bank financier bank account in 24 –
72 hours from the date the due commission to the seller / Buyer side intermediaries Each at
the Same date / time when paying to the seller financier .
13. Seller changes the ownership to the buyer immediately upon receiving the cash swift
payment receipts to the seller mandate and buyer side paymaster / mandate accordingly.
14. The physical ownership still belongs to the seller before the seller financer and seller
mandate and buyer side paymaster / mandate gets payment and commission accordingly.
15. For future monthly deliveries , the seller shall notify the Buyer of the availability of any goods
at the seller plant /warehouse and steps above will be repeated.

Specifications • Copper 99.99-99.97%

• Sulphur 4 PPM
• Iron 2 PPM
• Silver 10 PPM
• Lead 0.2 PPM
• Nickel 0.2 PPM
• Selenium 0.3 PPM
• Magnesium 0.4 PPM
• Oxygen 0%
• Antimony 0.1 PPM
• Silica 0.3 PPM
• Cobalt 0.2 PPM
• Arsenic 0.1 PPM
• Bismuth 0.1 PPM
• Manganese 0.1 PPM
• Tellurium 0.05 PPM
• Aluminium 0.5 PPM
Price 5600 USD(incl. commission)
50 USD
(Buyer’s Side)
50 USD
(Seller’s Side)
Payment Irrevocable non transferable lc mt700 after sgs at loading port
Performans Bond 2% PB from the seller
Dimensions 914 mm X 914 mm X 12mm
Weight of Each Sheet 125 kg (+/-1%)
Net Weight of Each 2 mt min. (+/-1%)
Weight of Each 20 mt. (approx.)
Gross Weight of Each 22.20 (approx.)

1. Buyer Sends ICPO/LOI
2. Seller Sends FCO
3. Buyer signs and returns FCO
4. Seller Sends Draft Contract, buyer studies contract modifies or signs if no
5. Seller sends PI
6. Buyer Opens none Operative L/C
7. Seller issues 2% Insurance Financial Surety Bond send to buyer’s bank via fax or
emai to activate LC
8. Shipment begins 15 days after seller eceives L/C
9. The partiesto th contract enter into this cycle and shall proceed with the execution as
mutually agreed

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