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Formalin is the trade name of formaldehyde solution in water with levels of 30-40
percent. In the market, formaldehyde can be obtained in diluted form, ie with
formaldehyde levels of 40, 30, 20 and 10 percent and in tablet form weighing about 5
grams each.

Formalin is a toxic substance and harmful to human health. If the contents in the
body is high, it will react chemically with almost all substances in the cell, thus
suppressing the cell function and causing cell death that cause poisoning in the body.

Formalin should not be used as a preservative for food. As a result, if used on food
and consumed by humans will cause some symptoms such as hot throat and cancer
that will ultimately affect other organs, as well as other symptoms.

In addition, high formaldehyde content in the body also causes stomach irritation,
allergies, carcinogenic (causing cancer) and mutagenic (causing changes in cell /
tissue function), and people who consume it will vomit, diarrhea mixed with blood,
urine mixed with blood, and death caused by circulatory failure. Formalin when
evaporated in the air, a colorless gas, with a pungent odor that stimulates the nose,
throat, and eyes.

We must be careful in choosing the food we will eat, especially foods that are rife
are given borax or formalin. Therefore, below we describe the characteristics of some
foods given formaldehyde:

a. Mi wet

The use of formalin in wet noodles will cause noodles not to be damaged for up
to two days at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius) and last for more than 15 days
at refrigerator temperatures (10 degrees Celsius). It smells rather stinging, formalin
smell. Not sticky and noodles more shiny than normal noodles. The use of borax in
the making of noodles will produce a more supple texture.

B. Know

Tofu is a popular food community, because the taste and content of high
nutrition. But behind the deliciousness we need to be vigilant because it could know it
contains harmful ingredients. Pay close attention to finding out which is not easily
crushed or harder and chewy than regular tofu, most likely to know it contains
harmful ingredients, can be formalin or borax.

In addition, tofu that given formaldehyde will not be damaged for up to three
days at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius) and last more than 15 days at
refrigerator temperature (10 degrees Celsius). Tofu will also be too hard, but not solid.
A slight stinging smell, formalin smell.
C. Meatballs

Meatballs are not broken until five days at room temperature (25 degrees
Celsius). The texture is also very chewy.

D. Fresh fish

Fresh fish are given formalin body texture will be stiff and difficult to cut. It is
not damaged for up to three days at room temperature (25 degrees Celsius). The color
of the gills is deep red and not brilliant, not the fresh red and the color of clean white
fish meat.

E. Salted fish

Salted fish containing formalin will feel stiff and hard, the outside is dry but the
inside is slightly wet because the inner flesh still contains water. Because it still
contains water, the fish will become heavier than the salted fish that does not contain
formaldehyde. Not damaged until more than 1 month at room temperature (25 degrees
Celsius). Fish body clean, bright.

Know Formalin and the Dangers

Formalin is a colorless solution and has a very pungent smell. Inside the
formaldehyde contains about 37 percent formaldehyde in water. Usually methanol is
added up to 15 percent as a preservative. Formalin is known as a pest killer
(disinfectant) and widely used in industry.

Another name formalin:

- Formol - Methylenealdehyde - Paraforin

- Morbicid - Oxomethane - Polyoxymethylene glycols

- Methanal - Formoform - Superlysoform

- Formic aldehyde - Formalith - Tetraoxymethylene

- Methyl oxide - Karsan - Trioxane

- Oxymethylene - Methyleneglycol

The use of formalin

* Germ killer so used for cleaning: floors, boats, warehouses and clothing

* Exterminator of flies and various other insects

* Manufacture of artificial silk, dyes, glass mirrors and explosives

* In the world of photography biasaya used for hardener layer of gelatin and
* Material of fertilizer in the form of urea

* The ingredients of making perfume products

* Preservative products cosmetics and nail hardener

* Corrosion prevention for oil wells

* Material for foam insulation

* Adhesives for plywood products

* In very small concentrations (<1 percent) is used as a preservative for various

consumer goods such as household cleaners, dishwashing liquid, softener, shoe
nurse, car shampoo, candle and carpet

Danger when exposed to formaldehyde

The main danger

Formalin is very dangerous if inhaled, of the skin and swallowed. The

consequences can include: skin burns, respiratory irritation, allergic reactions and the
danger of cancer in humans

Short-term (acute) hazards

1. When inhaled

* Irritation of the nose and throat, respiratory problems, burning sensations in the
nose and throat and coughing.

* Damage to tissues and injuries to the respiratory tract such as pneumonia,

pulmonary swelling. Other signs include sneezing, ulcers, sore throat, chest pain,
excessive, tired, palpitations, headaches, nausea and vomiting.

* At very high concentrations can cause death.

2. When exposed to skin

When exposed to the skin will cause a change in color, the skin becomes red,
hardened, numb and there is a burning sensation.

3. When exposed to eyes

* If exposed to eyes can cause eye irritation so that eyes flushed, it hurt, itching,
blurred vision and tears.

* If it is a high concentration material then formalin can cause great tear exposure
and damage to the lens of the eye.
4. If swallowed

* If swallowed the mouth, throat and stomach burn, swallowing, nausea, vomiting
and diarrhea, possible bleeding, severe abdominal pain, headache,
hypotension (low blood pressure), seizures, unconsciousness to coma.

* In addition it can also occur liver damage, heart, brain, spleen, pancreas, central
nervous system and kidney.

Long-term (chronic) hazards

1. When inhaled

If inhaled in the long term it will cause headaches, headache disorders,

respiratory problems, coughs, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose,
nausea, drowsiness, injuries to the kidneys and the sensitivity of the lungs.

* Neuropsychological effects include sleep disturbances, irritability, disturbed

balance, loss of concentration and reduced memory.

* Menstrual disorders and infertility in women * Cancer of the nose, nasal cavity,
mouth, throat, lungs and brain.

2. When exposed to skin

When exposed to the skin, the skin feels hot, numb, itching and flushing, damage
to the fingers, hardening of the skin and sensitivity to the skin, and inflamed skin that
causes bubbles.

3. When exposed to eyes

If exposed to the eye, the most prominent danger is the occurrence of

inflammation of the lining of the eye.

4. If swallowed

if swallowed will cause irritation of the respiratory tract, vomiting and headaches,
burning in the throat, decreased body temperature and itching in the chest.

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