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com/c/EngineeringPhysicsbySanjiv INTERFERENCE IN THIN FILMS


Session 4 : Newton’s rings
When a plano-convex lens of large radius of curvature is placed on a plane glass plate, a
thin air film is formed between convex surface and plane surface of a glass plate.
There is one point of contact and thickness of the film gradually increases in all
directions as we go away from that point.
If monochromatic light is made to fall normally on this film, the reflected light rays from
upper and lower surface of the film interfere with each other to produce an interference
pattern consisting of dark and bright concentric circles with the point of contact at the
This pattern is called as Newton’s rings.

AB is incident ray
Ray 1 is light ray reflected from
upper surface of the film 2
Ray 2 is light ray reflected from
lower surface of the film

Thin film in Newton's ring experiment

The experimental set up of Newton’s rings experiment is shown in fig. The source of light is
kept at focal point of a convex lens to get parallel rays o light. A glass plate inclined at 450 with
horizontal direction is used to make these rays incident normally on the thin film. The light rays
reflected from upper surface and lower surface produce interference pattern. This pattern can be
seen by using a microscope. Newton’s rings obtained in this experiment are shown in fig.


Glass Plate



Newton's Rings

Thin Film

Experimental Set up of Newton's Rings


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To get relation for the diameter of nth dark and nth bright ring :

R-t R

ρ D

To determine diameter of nth dark/bright ring

Let POQ be the convex surface of plano-convex lens kept on plane glass surface AB. Let R be
the radius of curvature of the lens surface. The optical path difference between two rays reflected
from upper and lower surface is given by –

∆ = 2 µ t cos(r + θ ) ± ------------------------------ (1)
where µ is refractive index of the film,
t is thickness of the film,
r is angle of refraction = 0 for normal incidence,
θ is angle of wedge is approximately 0 if R is large,
λ is wavelength of light.

With r = 0 and θ = 0, optical path difference becomes -

∆ = 2µ t ± -------------------------------------- (2)
Let ρn be the radius of nth dark/bright ring which is obtained at point D where the thickness of the
film is t.

From fig.,
R2 = (R – t)2 + ρ2
R2 = R2 – 2Rt + t2 + ρ2

ρ2 = 2Rt – t2
For small t, t2 is very small and can be neglected.

ρ2 = 2Rt
∴ 2t = ------------------------------------------- (3)

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Substituting (3) in (2) we get,

ρ2 λ ρ2
Δ = μ ± as 2 t = -------------------------- (4)
R 2 R
For dark rings, Δ = (2n ± 1)
ρ2 λ λ
∴ μ ± = (2n ± 1)
R 2 2
∴ μ = nλ
∴ ρ2 =
Thus, radius of nth dark ring is - ρ = ------------------------------ (5)
Diameter of nth dark ring is given by –
Dn = 2 ρn = 2
Dn = ---------------------------------- (6)
If the gap between the convex surface and plane surface is filled by air, µ = 1 and

Dn = 4nRλ ---------------------------------- (7)

Thus, diameter of nth dark ring is directly proportional to square root of n.

For bright rings, Δ = nλ

ρ2 λ
∴ μ ± = nλ
R 2
ρ2 λ
∴ μ = (2n − 1) n = 1,2,3, ............
R 2

∴ ρ2 = (2n - 1)

Thus, radius of nth bright ring is ρ n = (2n - 1) ------------------------------ (8)

Diameter of nth bright ring is given by –

Dn = 2 ρn = 2 (2n - 1)

2 Rλ
∴ Dn = (2n - 1) ; n = 1,2,3,.......... ---------------- (9)
For air film, µ = 1

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∴ Dn = (2n - 1) 2 Rλ ; n = 1,2,3,.......... ---------------- (9)

Thus, diameter of nth bright ring is directly proportional to (2n - 1) .

Why Newton’s rings are circular?

The optical path difference between two rays reflected from upper and lower surface of
the film is ∆ = 2 µ t cos(r + θ ) ±
In a given experimental setup, r, µ and θ are constant. If the light used is
monochromatic, then the path change will occur only due to t.
As the thickness of the film created is constant along the circle, the interference pattern
will be circular.

Newton's Rings

What is the intensity of central spot in Newton’s ring experiment (Reflected System)?

Dark Spot

Newton's Rings in
reflected system

In reflected system, the optical path difference between two rays reflected from upper and
lower surface of the film is ∆ = 2 µ t cos(r + θ ) ±
At centre, t = 0 and therefore, optical path difference = ± 2 .
This is condition for minimum. Therefore, in reflected system central spot will be dark.

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Newton’s rings in transmitted system


central spot

rays 2

Newton's Rings in transmitted system

In transmitted system, the optical path difference between two rays reflected from upper
and lower surface of the film is Δ = 2 μ t cos(r + θ)

At centre, t = 0 and therefore, optical path difference is also zero. This is condition for
maximum. Therefore, in transmitted system central spot will be bright.

In transmitted system, path difference between ray1 and ray2 is

Δ = 2 μ t cos(r + θ) ≈ 2 μ t
and diameter of nth bright ring is D n =
2 Rλ
diameter of nth dark ring is ∴ D n = (2n - 1) ; n = 1,2,3,..........

How to determine wavelength of light or radius of curvature of convex surface using

Newton’s ring experiment?

If a plano-convex lens of large radius of curvature is placed with its surface on a glass plate, an
air film of varying thickness is formed between the convex surface of the lens and upper surface
of the plane glass plate. The thickness of the air film gradually increases from the point of
contact onwards. If the air film is illuminated by monochromatic light, dark and bright concentric
rings with a dark centre are seen.
These rings are formed due to interference of light reflected from upper and lower surfaces of the
air film. In this case, each ring is a locus of constant film thickness. They are known as fringes
of constant thickness.

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Glass Plate



Newton's Rings

Thin Film

Experimental Set up of Newton's Rings


For nth dark ring, the diameter Dn is given by –

Dn2 = 4n λ R
Where λ is the wavelength of the source of light and R is the radius of the curvature of the lens
surface in contact with the glass plate.
D2m+n = 4n λ R

If Dm+n and Dn are diameters of (m+n)th and nth dark or bright rings, then we get –
D2m+n - Dn2 = 4m λ R
This relation is used to determine λ or R when other quantities are known.
− −
= =
4 4
How to determine refractive index of liquid using Newton’s ring experiment?

If liquid is filled in the gap between the convex surface and the plane surface, diameter of nth

dark ring in Newton’s ring experiment is given by (D n )liquid =

For air film (refractive index = 1), (D n )air = 4nRλ ------ (2)

Dividing (2) by (1),

(D n )air  (D n )air

= μ ∴μ =  
(D n )liquid  (D n )
 liquid

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Thus, by measuring diameter of nth dark ring with air in between the convex surface and plane
surface and then with liquid in between the convex surface and plane surface, the refractive
index of the liquid can be calculated.

Show that in Newton’s ring experiment, the fringe width is not constant?

In Newton’s ring experiment, Radius of nth dark ring

is given by −
= √)
In Newton’s ring experiment, Radius of (n + 1)th dark ring
is given by −

. = /() + 1)
fringe width Fringe width is given by −

.− = /() + 1) − √) = 2/() + 1) − √)3

Thus, the fringe width changes with the value of n and is not

Compare the interference fringes obtained in wedge shaped film experiment and Newton’s
ring experiment.

Interference fringes in wedge shaped Interference fringes in Newton’s rings

In wedge shaped film, thickness of film is In Newton’s rings, thickness of film is constant
constant along the line. So, the interference along the circle. So, the interference fringes are
fringes are linear. circular.

In wedge shaped film, the fringe width is given In Newton’s ring, fringe width is given by –
λ .− = /() + 1) − √)
by – β = . As wavelength of
2 µ sin θ = 2/() + 1) − √)3
light, refractive index of the film and angle of This depends on the value of n. So fringe width
wedge are constants, fringe width is also in Newton’s ring experiment is not constant.

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1. In a Newton’s ring experiment, the diameter of the 10th dark ring changes from 1.4
cm to 1.27 cm when a liquid is introduced between the lens and the plate. Calculate
the refractive index of the liquid.
Given: D10 (for air) = 1.4 cm, D10 (for liquid) = 1.27 cm
We know, D n =

For air, µ = 1 ∴ D 2n (air) = 4 n R λ - - - - - - - - - - (1)
For liquid, µ = µ ∴ D 2n (liquid) = - - - - - - - - - - (2)
D 2n (air) 4n Rλ
Dividing (1) by (2), =
D n (liquid) 4n Rλ
D 2n (air) (1.4) 2
∴ µ = = = 1.215
D 2n (liquid) (1.27) 2

2. Newton’s rings are observed in reflected light of wavelength 5900 A0. The diameter
of 10th dark ring is 0.50 cm. Find the radius of curvature of the lens.
Given: λ = 5900 A0 = 5900 x 10-8 cm, n = 10, D10 = 0.5 cm
We know, D n =

For air, µ = 1 ∴ D 2n (air) = 4 n R λ
D 2n (air) (0.5) 2
∴R = = = 105.93 cm
4nλ 4 x 10 x 5900 x 10 -8

3. In Newton’s ring experiment, diameter of 5th dark ring was 0.336 cm. Find the
radius of curvature of the plano-convex lens, if the wavelength of light used is 5880
A0. Also find out the radius of 15th dark ring. (Take µ = 1).
Given: λ = 5800 A0 = 5800 x 10-8 cm, D5 = 0.336 cm
For dark ring, We know, D n =

To calculate Radius of curvature:
For air, µ = 1 ∴ D 2n (air) = 4 n R λ
D 2n (air) (0.336)2
∴R = = = 97.32 cm
4nλ 4 x 5 x 5800 x 10 -8
To Calculate radius of 15th dark ring:
Dn 4nRλ 4 x 15 x 97.32 x 5800 x 10 -8
rn = = = = 0.291 cm
2 2 2

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4. In Newton’s ring experiment, the diameter of the 4th and 12th dark rings are 0.4 cm
and 0.7 cm respectively. Find the diameter of the 20th dark ring.

Given : D4 = 0.4 cm, D12 = 0.7 cm

For dark ring, We know, D n =

For air, µ = 1 ∴ D 2n (air) = 4 n R λ
∴ D 24 = 4 x 4 x R λ
∴ (0.4) 2 = 16 R λ
∴ 0.16 = 16 R λ - - - - - - - - - - - - - (1)
Also, 2
D12 = 4 x 12 x R λ
∴ (0.7) 2 = 48 R λ
∴ 0.49 = 48 R λ - - - - - - - - - - - - - (2)
Subtracting equation (1) from (2),
48 R λ - 16 R λ = 0.49 - 0.16
∴ 32 R λ = 0.33
∴ Rλ =
Now, D 220 = 4 x 20 x R λ = 80 x = 0.825
∴ Diameter of 20 th dark ring = 0.825 = 0.9 cm

5. The diameter of 10th dark ring is 5 mm, when light of wavelength 5500 A0 is used in
Newton’s rings experiment. If the space between lens and glass plate is filled with a
liquid of refractive index 1.25, what will be the diameter of 10th dark ring?

Given : D10 (air) = 5mm = 0.5 cm,

λ = 5500 A0 = 5500 x 10-8 cm
µ = 1.25
For dark ring, We know, D n =

For air, µ = 1 ∴ D 2n (air) = 4 n R λ
∴ D10
= 4 x 10 x R x 5500 x 10 -8
D10 (0.5) 2
∴ R = = = 113.63 cm
4 x 10 x 5500 x 10 -8 4 x 10 x 5500 x 10 -8
. If the space between lens and glass plate is filled with a liquid ,

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D 2n =
4 x 10 x 113.63 x 5500 x 10 -8
∴ D =
10 = 0.2
∴ Diameter of 10th dark ring will be 0.2 = 0.447 cm

6. Light containing two wavelengths λ1 and λ2 falls normally on a convex lens of radius
of curvature R, resting on a glass plate. Now, if nth dark ring due to λ1 coincides
with (n+1)th dark ring due to λ2, then prove that the radius of the nth dark ring due
λ1λ2 R
to λ1 is .
λ1 − λ2
4nR λ
For dark ring, We know, D n =

4 n R λ1
∴ for λ1 , we have, D 2n = - - - - - - - - - - - (1)
4 (n + 1) R λ 2
∴ for λ2 , we have, D 2n +1 = - - - - - - - - - - - (2)
As nth dark ring due to λ1 coincides with (n+1)th dark ring due to λ2,
D 2n = D n2 +1
4 n R λ1 4 (n + 1) R λ 2
∴ =
µ µ
∴ n λ1 = (n + 1) λ 2
∴ n (λ1 − λ 2 ) = λ 2
∴ n =
λ1 − λ2
Substituting in equation (1) and using µ = 1,
λ2 4 λ1 λ2 R
D 2n = (2rn ) 2 = 4 ( ) R λ1 =
λ1 − λ2 λ1 − λ2
λ1 λ2 R
∴ rn =
λ1 − λ2

7. A Newton’s ring setup is used with a source emitting two wavelengths λ1 = 6000A0
and λ2 = 4500 A0. , The nth dark ring due to λ1 coincides with (n+1)th dark ring due
to λ2. If the radius of curvature of the lens is 90 cm, find the diameter of the nth
dark ring of 6000 A0.
Given : λ1 = 6000 A0 = 6 x 10-5 cm, λ2 = 4500 A0 = 4.5 x 10-5 cm,
R = 90 cm.

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4nR λ
For dark ring, We know, D n =

4 n R λ1
∴ for λ1 , we have, D 2n = - - - - - - - - - - - (1)
4 (n + 1) R λ 2
∴ for λ 2 , we have, D 2n +1 = - - - - - - - - - - - (2)
As nth dark ring due to λ1 coincides with (n+1)th dark ring due to λ2,
D 2n = D n2 +1
4 n R λ1 4 (n + 1) R λ 2
∴ =
µ µ
∴ n λ1 = (n + 1) λ 2
∴ n (λ1 − λ 2 ) = λ 2
λ2 4.5 x 10 -5
∴ n = = = 3
λ1 − λ2 6 x 10 -5 - 4.5 x 10 -5
Now, diameter of n th (3 rd ) dark ring for wavelength 6000 A 0 is
4 n R λ1 4 x 3 x 90 x 6 x 10 -5
Dn = = = 0.2545 cm
µ 1

8. Newton’s rings are formed with reflected light of wavelength 5900 A0. The diameter
of the third bright ring is 2 mm. IF the space between the lens and the plate is filled
with a liquid of refractive index = 1.33, calculate the radius of curvature of the lens.

Given : λ = 5900 A0 = 5.9 x 10-5 cm.

Diameter of 3rd bright ring = 2 mm = 0.2 cm.
µ = 1.3, n=3
(2n - 1) 2 R λ
For bright ring, We know, D n =

D xµ
(0.2) 2 x 1.33
∴ R = n
= = 90.17 cm
(2n - 1) 2 λ (2x3 - 1) x 2 x 5.9 x 10 -5

9. A Newton’s ring setup is used with a source emitting two wavelengths λ1 = 7000 A0
and λ2 = 6000 A0. , The nth dark ring due to 7000 A0 coincides with (n+1)th dark ring
due to 6000 A0. If the diameter of those overlapping rings is 0.5 cm, find the radius
of curvature of the lens.

Given : λ1 = 7000 A0 = 7 x 10-5 cm, λ2 = 6000 A0 = 6 x 10-5 cm,

R = 90 cm.

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For dark ring, We know, Dn =

4 n R λ1
∴ for λ1 , we have, D 2n = - - - - - - - - - - - (1)
4 (n + 1) R λ 2
∴ for λ 2 , we have, D 2n +1 = - - - - - - - - - - - (2)
As nth dark ring due to λ1 coincides with (n+1)th dark ring due to λ2,
D 2n = D 2n +1
4 n R λ1 4 (n + 1) R λ2
∴ =
µ µ
∴ n λ1 = (n + 1) λ2
∴ n (λ1 − λ2 ) = λ2
λ2 6 x 10 -5
∴ n = = = 6
λ1 − λ2 7 x 10 -5 - 6 x 10 -5
4 n R λ1
Now, D 2n =
D 2n x µ (0.5) 2 x 1
∴ R = = = 148.81 cm
4 n λ1 4 x 6 x 7 x 10 -5

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