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TORN WT EIEN) at he MRute-8(6)) SALE NOTICE FOR SALE OF IMMOVABLE PROPERTIES. E-Auction Sale Notice for Sale of Immovable Asets under the Securitisation & Reconstruction of the Financial Assets ond Enforcement of Secutity interest Act 2002 |SARFAES!) rod with provisa to Rule (6) of the Security interest [Enforcement] Rules. 2002. Nofice is hereby given fo the public in general and in particular to the Borawer{s) and Gurarantoxs) that ine below described Immovable property moriganad/ charged to the Secured Creditor, the symbolic posession of which has heen faken by the Authorsed Officer of UCO Bank (Secured Credilor), will be sold on" As is where is"_"" As is whol is" and " Whatever thete is" 0n 28.09.2020, for tecovery of Rs. 4.81 lakhs (Interest applied upto 31.07.2020) ond other charges, if ony due fo UCO Bank, the Secured Creditor from Borrower Mr. Saravana Prlyan S/o, C.Rajendiron, and Co Borrower Mr. R.Kanchana, W/o, C.Rajendiran. The reserve price will be Re. 24.14 lakhs ond the eamest money deposit wil be Rs. 2.41 lakhs, Names of the Borrowers& guarantors with the Date of Date of Recoverable Amount address Demand | Possession Notice 7 Borrower: 04.03.2019 | 16.12.2019 | Rs. 4.81 lokhs (interest Mr, Soravana Priyan S/o. C.Rojendiran, ond applied upto 31.07.2020) ‘and other charges, if Co-Borower any Mrs, &.Kanchana, W/o. ¢.Rojendiran Both are residing at Piot No17/28 A, 3° Crass Street, Prakosh Nagar, Thiruninravur, Thiruwattur- eozoza Nate: Notice under-section 13(2) of SARFAES! act, 2002 sued on 04,03,2019 for Rs, Rs.4.62,274.00 cs 07 31,01.2019 inclusive of interest up to 31.01.2019 Desciiplion of Propedies Revere | Eomest Price in | Money in fs. Rs. Lakhs Lakhs Til that piece and parcel of Land and Bulding In the name of Mrs 2414 2a Konchana, Mr R Saravenapriyan, Mr R Jagadesh and Mr R Shonmugapryan ad meosuring 1140 sc. Ft. Plot 10.289. layoul name as “Prakash Nogor" approved by M.M.D.A. PPD/LO.NOB/B2 comprised in survey n0.22/3, sub division new survey: 70.22/91 patta no.4613. situated at Thitunumavor Vitage. Siiperumbudur Taluk, Thiruvallur Distict, within the Registration District of South Chennai and Sub Registration District of Avadi bounded as follows, Boundaries: North by-30 feet road South by- Nemilichery East by-Piat no. 290 West by-Piot 90.288 in all measuring to an extent of 11408q ft The property belongs to mrs R Kanchana. Mr R Saravanepryan, mr R Jagadesh and Mr Shanmugapriyan. Details of known encumbrances: Nil © Dede een ‘a haa “Terms and condition: 1. The sale shall be subject fo the. Terms & Conditions prescribed in the Security interest [Enforcernani) Rules 2002. Detaled terms and conditions of the sole is avallable/published in the folowing websites/web portal U7] nitps://ibaplin/ {t)_ 2. The properties are being soldon “ASISWHEREISBASIS" one! “AS IS WHATS BASIS" andl "WHATEVER THERE 1S BASIS” The parficuior of Secured Assets specified in the Schedule: hereinabove have been stated to the best of the information of the Authorised Officer, but the Authonsed Officer shall not be answerable for any error, misstafement or omission in this prociomation 4. the Sole will be dorie by the undersigned through e-auction platform provided at the Webslle hits (www mstcecommerce com on Df 25.09.2020 and starts at 11.00 am. 5. It lv open to the Bank fo appoint a repretentative and te make self-bid ond participate in the auciton, 5 Igedies P. Ananden 19.08.2020 AGM and Authorized Officer Place ; Chennol Mob, No.a31025862 The sale- shall be subject to the Terms & Conditions prescribed in the Security interes! (Enforcement) Rules 2002 and ta the fotowing further conditions. The cuction sate will be “online through e-cuction” portal hitps:// The intending Bidens) Purchases. are = requested = fo register on portal [httpswww.mstcauetian com} using their moble number and emailid. Further. they are requested lo upload requisite KYC documents. Once ihe KYC documents are verified by e- qucton service pravider (may fake 2 working days), the intending Bidders! Purchasers has to transter the EMD emount using online mode in his Glabol EMD Watet by 23.09.2020 betore the e-Auction Date and time in the portal, The registration, verification of KYE documents and fronsfar of EMD in wallet must be completed well in advance, betore auction famest Money Deposit (EMD) amount os mentioned above shat be pald enine through 3 mode Le. NEF Caih/ transfer [Affer generation of Choan from (bttpsswinw,] in biddess Global EMO Wallet, NEFT transfer can be done from any Scheduled Commercial Bank. however for Cash/ Transfer the bidder has to vist UCO Bank Branch. Payment of EMD by any other mode such as Cheques wil nat be accepted. Biciders, not depositing the required EMD online, wil not be olowed fo participate in the &- auction. The Eamest Money Deposited shail na! bear ony interes! 4. Platform (} for ¢-Auction will be provided by © Auction service provider M/S MSIC Limited having its Registered office at 225-C. A.C. Bese Rood. Kolkate- 700020 {contact Phone & Toll free Numbers 079-41072412/ 411/ 413-07 1800-103-5342) The intending Bidders/ Purchasers are required fo participate in the e-Auction process at ©. uction service provider's website This Service Provider will iso provide online demonsiration/ taining on €-Auction on the portal 5. The Sole Notice containing the General Terms ond Conditions o! sole is avaliable / pubiished 3. in the following Websifesweb — poge = porta! (1)htinsy//www.Jbapiin,(2} hitpy/www.rnstcecommerce:com/. z. Pena ‘UOO Bank, Pakkasn Branch, 4831 Vewkatesapuram, PH rood, Paldcam .Thiruvallors2 008 Phone: 044-26345664/5650 E-mail:, website=, ent fer (5) Uco BANK (ath eww avr) a es 6) The intending parlicipanty a! @-cuction may download treo of Cort, copies af the Sale Notice, Terns & Conditions of e-avction, Help Manval en operational part of @-Auction related to this 8-Auction lnom 6-BIFE =IBAP! portal (hiipsd/wwwJbaplin) 7, Bidders Global Walle! shoutd have sufficient balance (=EMD amouni) al the time of bietding 8 During the @-ouction bidders wil be allowed 10 offer higher bid In Inlér-s0 bidding over and fabave the les! biel quoted and the minimum Increase in the bid amount must be os mention ebave fo the jas! higher biel of the bidders, Ten(10) minutes time will be allowed to bidders to quote successive higher bid and I! no higher bid Iy offered by any bidder affer the expvy of ten minutes fo the las! highest bid, the e-auetion shall be closed 9. Is the respensibillly of intending Bidders) to property nad the Sale Notice, terms'& conditions of e-auction, Help Manual on operational pert af e-Auction and follow them sticty. th case of any sifficully o% need of assitonce before or dung e-Auclion process may contact guihorked — representative of our Auction — Service — Provider (https: itpi//, Details of which are available on the ®-Auction portal 10. Affer finalization of e-Auction by the Authorized Officer. only successful bidder wil be informed by our above retewed serrice provider Ihtaugh SMS/ emall, (Gn mobile no/ email address given by themy registered with the service provicier) 1}. The secured asset will not be sold below the reserve price. 12. The success{ul bicider shall have to depos! 25% (Iwenty five percent) of the bic amount, tess EMD amount deposited, on the some day of no! later than the next working day and the remaining amount shal be paid within 15 days ftom the date of auction in the torn of Banker's Cheque? Demand ral! issued by a Scheduled Commercial Bank drawn in favor of “The Authored Officer, UCO Bank, Payable at Pokkom. In case of failure to deposit the amaunts 5 above within the slinulated jime, the omaun! deposited by successful bidder wil be forleited to the Bank ang Aulncrized Officer shall have the lberty fo conduct a fresh auction! sole of the properly & the defaulting bidder shall no! have any claim over the forfeited amount and the property, V3. Payment of sole Consideration by the sCcessful bidder to the bank wil be subject to TOS under Section 194-4 of Income Tax Act 1961 and TDS ls to be made by the successful bidder only at the time of deposit of remaining 75 % of the bid amoun!/full deposit of BID emount 14. The Authorised Officer reserves the right fo accept any or reject ail bids, if no! found acceptable aor to postpone/cancelYadjauin/discontinue of vary the leims of the auction at any time without assigning any reason whatsoever and his decison in this regord shail be final 15. The sole certificate shall be issued in fowour of successtul bidder on depos af lull bid amount a5 per the provisions of the act. 1. it shall be the responsibility of the bidders to inspect and satisfy themselves ebout the asset and specification before submitting the bid. The intending purchaser can inspect the property Mob- 9094109729, 17. All statulory dues/attendant charges/other dues including registration changes, stamp duty, faxes etc. shnil have to be boa by the purchaser, la. The Authowzed Officer of the Bonk shall no! be responsible far any charge, lien, sncumbrances, of any other dues fa the Government of onyone ele in respect of properties {E-Auctioned} no! known fo the bank. The Intending Bidder is advised fo make their own independem Inquites regarding the encumbrances on the property including statulery fobilifies, arrenrs af property tox. electticily dues etc. 19. The bidder shouic ensure proper interne! connectivity, power back-up ete, Ihe Bonk shal not be liable lor any distuption due to intemet folure, power failure or technical reasons oF reasons/contingencies affecting fhe ¢-auctions. - Heder - P, Anand . 2020 AGM and Authortred Officer Face: Crean ‘Mob, No.7831025843 ‘VCO Bank, Pakkam Branch, YA VesSatesapucam PU soud, Paikar ,Thirovalins- 62 24 Phone: 084-26345664/S650 E-mail: pakkamé , websils;- www.ueobank com,

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