E311 Lesson 4

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311 — The Teacher and The School Curriculum

Instruction: Please read your module before answering the questions. Do not copy the
module. State your answers in your own words.

Activity 4

1. How does teaching-learning process work in the curriculum?

2. What is the role of teaching in curriculum development?
Educ. 311 — The Teacher and The School Curriculum



What do you know about teaching? What knowledge is needed to understand

this process? This section clarifies the process of teaching as it relates to the
experiences in the curriculum, an important ingredient.
Good teaching is difficult to agree upon. While it remains to be difficult to agree
on what good teaching is, effective teaching can be demonstrated. Effective teaching is
one that will bring about the intended learning outcomes.
Because of the changing paradigms of teaching, several definitions have evolved
based on the theories of teaching and learning that have come about. Some view
teaching as an organization of meaningful learning. It is creating a situation or selecting
life-like situations to enhance learning. To the traditionalists, teaching is a process of
imparting knowledge and skills required to master a subject matter. It is a process of
dispensing knowledge to an empty vessel which is the mind of the learner. Teaching is
showing, telling, giving instruction, making someone understand in order to learn. In this
instance, the person who teaches, controls learning. This person is a teacher, a
dispenser of knowledge, an ultimate authority, a director of learning.
On the other hand, as progressive and humanist education advanced, the
meaning of teaching broadened to fit the psychological meaning of the term. Teaching
is now perceived as stimulating, directing, guiding the learner and evaluating the
learning outcomes of teaching. The teacher's role in teaching becomes complex but has
given the learner the responsibility to learn. Teaching then is a process that enables the
learner to learn on his/her own.
The teacher now becomes a decision maker in the teaching process. Let us look
at the teaching process as a series of actions from PLANNING IMPLEMENTING and
EVALUATING It looks similar to curriculum development. Definitely, it is because the
process of teaching replicates the process of curriculum development. The

implementation phase of curriculum development is the actual teaching and
experiencing of a curriculum. The teaching process is shown in Figure 3 below.

In teaching, the planning phase includes decision about (a) the needs of the
learners, (b) the achievable goals and objectives to meet the needs, (c) the selection of
the content to be taught, (d) the motivation to carry out the goals, (e) the strategies most
fit to carry out the goals and (f) the evaluation process to measure learning outcomes.
Teaching plans may be short term like the daily plan or long term plan like the
unit plan or a yearly plan. In a plan, considerations should include the learner,
availability of materials, time requirements of particular activities, the strategies needed
to achieve the objectives and the teacher. The planning phase recognizes the intent that
it will be the learners who will learn, hence the next phase will engage the learner more.
The implementation phase requires the teacher to implement what has been
planned. Based on the objectives, implementation means to put into action the different
activities in order to achieve the objectives through the subject matter. Here, two
important players are involved: the teacher and the learner. Their interaction is
important in the accomplishment of the plan. Most often the planning phase directs what
will be done in the activity but such can also be flexible. The use of the different
teaching styles and strategies should be included in the implementation phase.
In the evaluation phase, a match of the objectives with the learning outcomes will
be made. The kind of information should be determined so that the type of evaluation
should be chosen to fit the purpose. Simply, the evaluation phase will answer the
question if the plans and implementation have been successfully achieved.

In all the three phases of teaching, a continuous process of feedback and
reflection is made. To give feedback is to give information as to whether the three
phases were appropriately done and gave good results. In short, feedback is the
reflection on the feedback. Is there a need to adjust something in planning,
implementation and evaluation? Reflection is a process embedded in teaching where
the teacher inquires into his or her actions and provides deep and critical thinking
On the basis of the diagram, basic assumptions can be made.
These assumptions are:
(1) That teaching is goal-oriented with the change of behavior as the ultimate
end, (2) That teachers are the ones who shape actively their own actions (3)
That teaching is a rational and a reflective process; and
(4) That teachers, by their actions, can influence learners to change their own
thinking or desired behavior, thus teaching is a way of changing behavior through
the intervention of the teacher.

To further clarify, what teaching is all about there are some indicators which you
can use to guide in the process of good teaching.

● Good teaching is one that is well planned and where activities are
interrelated to each other.
● Good teaching is one that provides learning experiences or situations that
will ensure understanding, application and critical thinking
● Good teaching is based on the theories of learning.
● Good teaching is one where the learner is stimulated to think and reason.
● Good teaching utilizes prior learning and its application to new situations.
● Good teaching is governed by democratic principles.
● Good teaching embeds a sound evaluation process.


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