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“Resiklo Sa Pagbabago ng Kapiligiran at Mapanatili ang Kalinisan”

A concept paper presented to

Ms. Jenina Marie D. Rectin

Mater Ecclesiae School

San Pedro Laguna


DE LA CRUZ, James Nicholas



CABALLERO, Bernadette



SAYAT, Charles
The students are tasked to create a project, where in a hypothetical situation, they are

preparing for a meeting with mayors and counselors. The students will have the point of view of

a city counselor where in they will present their founded idea.

With that the counselors came up with the title of the project ““Resiklo Sa Pagbabago

ng Kapiligiran at Mapanatili ang Kalinisan “, wherein the main goal of this project is to

reduce the plastic and bottles garbage in a barangay, in a way of a program, in which the

counselors will ask for at max 50 volunteers at any ages to clean up the plastic garbage in the

area. The volunteers are required to register to the program in which will only have a 20 pesos

entrance fee which will be also used for donations, at the same time the program will provide the

volunteers a plastic bag used for cleaning. The duration of the program would last at least for 3

hours, and at the end the counselors will measure the weight of each of their plastic bags , and

who ever has the heaviest bag will win a price , but the participants are not aware of this.

The concept paper will show, what is the project is all about, who will be beneficial to the

project, how will they implement the project, and other important details.


One of the most common problem that our environment is dealing with is pollution,

alongside with that one of the most common pollution is plastic pollution. Even if plastic is a

very helpful tool, humans are now addicted to a single use or disposable things, resulting to a lot

of environmental consequences. All around the world, one million plastic drinking bottles are

purchased every minute, while 5 trillion single-use plastic bags are used worldwide every year.

In total, and plastic are basically designed to be used only once and can be thrown away with that
plastic waste is now so ubiquitous in the natural environment that scientists have even suggested

it could serve as a geological indicator of the Anthropocene era. (UNEP, 2018)

In the Philippines it was estimated that 0.75 million metric tons of mis used plastic

entering the ocean every year. This has led to an increased awareness towards plastic waste

management, bringing the topic of plastic pollution to the forefront of consumer consciousness in

the Philippines. (World Bank Group. 2021.) With that in Laguna specifically in which where

is the largest lake located due to the mass plastic pollution it has affected the quality of fishes and

fresh water at the lake.

With that the counselors respond to the situation together with different sponsors and

partnership, proposed a project that will benefit the environment by reducing the waste of plastic.

By asking authorization and permission at the higher ups in the area the proposed project will be

held at barangay Landayan San Pedro Laguna, in which one of the place in San Pedro that is near

in the lake.

As stated, the project will be entitled project “Resiklo Sa Pagbabago ng Kapiligiran at

Mapanatili ang Kalinisan “, wherein the main goal of this project is to reduce the plastic and

bottles garbage in a barangay, in a way of a program, in which the counselors will ask for at max

50 volunteers at any ages to clean up the plastic garbage in the area. After the program is done so

that the collected plastic bottles will not be gone to waste, with funds given by different sponsors

and donations, the plastic bottles will be donated to a partnered ship company “INCA

COMPANY SPECIFICALLY” the company is known for recycling plastic waste into different

things such as trash bins. The overall goal of this project is to inspire people from cleaning the
environment , and have the initiative to clean not just plastic but any type of waste that is

harmful to the environment


To reduce the plastic waste in San Pedro Laguna, by recycling them into trash bins and at

the same time to teach people to have the initiative to clean any harmful garbage in the






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