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Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K.

Acme Engineering College, PU

Rural Road Engineering

Chapter 2 – Geometric Design
Dr. Pradeep Kumar Shrestha
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

2.1 Rural Road Classification

• Nepal Rural Road Standard 2055

– District Road (Core network)
– Village Road

• There are five classes of the rural roads :

– Rural Road Class ‘A’ (RRA) – District Road
– Rural Road Class ‘B’ (RRB) – Village Road
– Rural Road Class ‘C’ (RRC) – Main Trail
– Rural Road Class ‘D’ (RRD) – Village Trail
– Rural Road Class ‘E’ (RRE) – Rope Way
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

2.1 Rural Road Classification

• According to Serviceability Condition
- All-weather roads
- Fair-weather roads

• According to Pavement (or surface) material

− Earthen roads
− Gravel/WBM roads
− Black-topped roads
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

2.2 Design Standard of Rural Road

2.2.1 Traffic
• An anticipated future traffic volume for design year

• Design period is 10 years after the date of

completion of the works.

• Traffic Parameters are:

– Vehicle Type and Dimension
– Equivalency Factor
– Design Capacity
– Design Speed
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

a) Vehicle type and dimension

• the most common vehicles are Indian made.
• Type-2 both single tire and dual tire' having
two axles and the maximum axel weight is
10.2 tonnes for rear axle with
– Width - overall width 2.5 m
– Height - 3.8 m for normal application
– Length of wheel base - 6.1 m
– Length - maximum overall length excluding front
and rear bumpers, 11 m.
(Source: IRe: 64-1990)
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

b) Equivalent factor
• Different types of traffic take up differing amounts
of road space and impose differing loads on the road
structure and travel with different speed.

• It is necessary, therefore, to adopt a standard traffic

unit, called "Passenger Car Unit".
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

b) Equivalent Factor
SN Vehicle Type Equivalent factor
1Car, Light Van, jeeps and Pick Up 1.0
2Light Truck up to 2.5 tonnes gross 1.5
3Truck up to 10 tonnes gross 3
4Truck up to 15 tonnes gross 4
54W Tractor towed trailers -standard 3
62W Tractor towed trailers -standard 1.5
7Bus up to 40 passengers, Minibus 3
8 Bus over 40 passengers 4
9 Motorcycle or scooter 0.5
10Bicycle 0.5
11Rickshaw and Tricycle carrying goods 1
12Auto Rickshaw 0.75
13Hand Cart 2
14Bullock Cart with Tire 6
15Bullock Cart with Wooden Wheel 8
16Mule or Horse drawn carts 6
17Pack Animal and mules 2
18Pedestrian 0.2
19Porter 0.4
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

c) Design Capacity
• Design for Level of Service B

• It is a stable flow zone which affords reasonable

freedom to drivers in terms of speed selection and
maneuvers within the traffic stream.

• the volume of traffic will be around 0.5 times the

maximum capacity
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

c) Design Capacity
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

d) Design Speed
• Design speed depends on terrain and road function

• Normally ruling design speed is used as the guiding

criterion for the purpose of geometric design.

• Minimum design speed may, however, be adopted

where the site condition and cost does not permit a
design based on 'Ruling Design Speed’
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

d) Design Speed
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

2.2.2 Horizontal Alignment

• Horizontal alignment should be as directional, fluent
and match the surrounding topography to avoid
abrupt changes

• The major considerations safety, profile, type of

facility, design speed, geotechnical features,
topography, right of way cost and construction cost.

• Design speed, super elevation and coefficient of

side friction, radius affect the design of circular
curves. Extra widening and Hairpin bends are also
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

a) Minimum Curve Radius

• On a horizontal curve, the centrifugal force is
balanced by the effects of super elevation and side
e+ f =
127 R
V = Vehicle Design Speed, km/hr
R = Radius, m
e = Super elevation ratio, meter per meter.
f = Coefficient of side (lateral) friction between
the vehicle tyres and pavement (≈0.15)
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

a) Minimum Curve Radius

Recommended Minimum Radius, m

Design Speed km/hr
Super elevation e = 10% Super elevation e = 7%
15 10
20 12.5
25 20
30 30
40 60
50 90
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

b) Super elevation
• Super elevation is provided to maintain the design
traffic speed at a given radius.
• Max. super elevation is 10% in hill and 7% in Terai

c) Coefficient of Lateral Friction (f)

• It depends upon vehicle speed, type and condition of
road type and surface as well as the condition of
• the value of 'f' is adopted is 'f' = 0.15.
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

d) Widening of Curve
• Extra width provided at sharp horizontal curves
• Widening is dependent on curve radius, width of
carriageway and type of vehicle (length and
• Widening has two components:
– Mechanical widening to compensate for the extra
width occupied by the vehicle on the curve due to
tracing of the rear wheels, and
– Psychological widening vehicles in a lane tend to
wander more on a curve than on a straight reach.
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

d) Widening of Curve
• For single lane roads, only mechanical widening is
required for low traffic speed
We =
Where, 2R
W = Widening, m
L = length of wheel base of longest vehicle (m)
R = Radius of horizontal curve, m
Curve Radius (m) Up to 20 21 – 60 Above 60
Increase in width (for 3 m
1.5 0.6 Nil
Increase in width (for 3.75 m
0.9 0.6 Nil
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

e) Hair pin bends

• A bend in a road with a very acute inner angle,
making it necessary for an oncoming vehicle to turn
almost 180° to continue on the road.

• It may be designed as a circular curve with transition

at each end.

• Alternatively, compound circular curves may be

Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

e) Hairpin bends
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

e) Hairpin Bend - Design Criteria

Hill Road
S.No. Design Standard District Road (Core
Village Road
Minimum spacing between Hairpin
1. 100 100
Bends (m)

2. Minimum Radius of curve (m) 12.5 10

5.5 for a 4.5 m

roadway width 6.25 5 for a 4 m roadway
3. Minimum Roadway width at apex (m)
for a 5.25 m roadway width

4. Maximum gradient (%) 4 4

5. Minimum gradient (%) 0.5 (max 1) 0.5 (max 1)

6 Maximum super elevation (%) 10 10

7. Minimum transition curve length (m) 15 15

Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Lateral clearance
• Lateral clearance between roadside objects and the
edge of the shoulder should normally taken as

– Hill road - 1.0 m but may be reduced to minimum

0.5m in steep and difficult areas and where the
cost of providing the full clearance is high.

– Terai road - 1.5m but may be reduced to a

minimum of 1.0
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

2.2.3 Stopping Sight distance

• The stopping sight distance is the clear distance ahead
needed by a driver to bring his vehicle to a stop before
collision with a stationary object in his path
• Stopping Sight Distance (SSD):
SSD = 0.278Vt +
254 f
• Where,
SSD = Stopping Sight Distance, m
V = Speed, km/hr
t= Perception & Brake Reaction Time, sec (2.5 secs)
f = Coefficient of Longitudinal Friction
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

2.2.3 Stopping Sight distance

Speed Perception and Brake Coefficient of Safe Stopping Sight
km/hr Reaction Time, t (sec) Longitudinal Friction Distance, m

15 2.5 0.40 15
20 2.5 0.40 20
25 2.5 0.40 25
30 2.5 0.40 30
40 2.5 0.38 40
50 2.5 0.37 50
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

2.2.4 Vertical Alignment

• Gradient, level of road alignment above HFL, sight
distance, vertical curve affect vertical alignment

a) Gradient
• The ruling gradient depends on type of terrain,
length of the grade, speed, pulling power of vehicles
and presence of horizontal curves.
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Recommended gradients
District Road Village Road
SN Design Standard
Hill Terai Hill Terai
1 Ruling gradient (%) 7 5 7 5
2 Limiting gradient (% 10 6 10 6
3 Exceptional gradient (%) 12 7 12 7

Limitation of maximum gradient length (m)

4 300 300
above average gradient of 7%
Maximum recovery gradient (%) to be applied
5 after gradient in excess of 7% for a minimum 4 4
recovery length of 150 m

6 Maximum gradient at bridge approach (%) 6 5 6 5

Minimum gradient on hill roads (for better 0.5 0.5

drainage) (%) (max1%) (max1%)
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

b) Vertical curves
• Vertical curves are introduced for smooth transition
at grade changes.
• The length of vertical curves is controlled by sight
distance requirements
• A long curve has a more pleasing appearance than a
short one.
• 2 types of Vertical Curve (Summit Curve & Valley
• Both curves are designed as parabolas
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha

Minimum length of vertical curve

Acme Engineering College, PU

Design Speed Maximum grade change (%) Minimum length of a vertical

km/hr not requiring a vertical curve curve, m
Up 35 1.5 15
40 1.2 20
50 1.0 30

Summit (Crest) curve

Length of summit curve, m
For safe stopping sight distance
When the length of the curve exceed
the required sight distance (i.e. L>S)
When the length of the curve less than
the required sight distance (i.e. L<S)
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Length of Summit curve


Line of Sight


H1 L

N = deviation angle, i.e the algebraic difference between the two

grade (g1-g2)
L = Length of parabolic vertical curve (m)
S = stopping sight distance (m)
H1 = Height of driver's eye = 1.2 m (above the pavement surface)
H2 = Height of subject above the pavement surface = 0.15 m
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Valley curve
Length of summit curve, m
Case For safe stopping sight distance (Equals
headlight sight distance)
When the length of the curve exceed the
L=(NS2)/(1.5 + 0.035S)
required sight distance (i.e. L>S)
When the length of the curve less than the
L=2S-(1.5+0.035 S)/N
required sight distance (i.e. L<S)
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Valley (Sag) curve

Light Beam Distance (SSD)

headlight beam (diverging from LOS by β degrees) G2


h1 PVI

N = deviation angle, i.e the algebraic difference between the

two grade (g1-g2)
L = Length of parabolic vertical curve (m)
S = stopping sight distance (m)
H1 = Headlight Height = 0.75 m (above the pavement surface)
Beam angle = 10o
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Vertical Clearance
• A vertical clearance of 5m should be ensured
over the full width of roadway at all underpasses,
and similarly at overhanging cliffs.
• easured with reference to the highest point of
The vertical clearance should be mthe
carriageway i.e the crown or super elevated edge
of the carriageway.
• However, in the case of overhead wires, poles
etc. clearance shall be at least 7.0 m above the
road surface.
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Cross section elements

• Carriage way
• Shoulder
• Roadway width
• Camber
• Right of way
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Carriage Way
• Depends on the dimensions of vehicles using the road,
Speed of travel, Traffic volume, Width of shoulder

• District Road = 3.75 m (3 m if traffic volume is less

than 100 veh/day, 5.5 m if traffic volume > 400

• Village Road = 3.0 m ( 3.75 m if traffic volume of more

than 100 veh/day)

• At build up areas, extra width is considered for parking

vehicles, lay bys etc.
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

• Width measured from the edge of the
carriageway to the edge of the usable formation.

• Advantages of Wide Shoulder

– Space is available for vehicles to stand clear of the
– Non-motorized traffic/pedestrian can travel with
minimum encroachment on carriageway and greater
– Additional maneuvering space
– The capacity of the road can be increased
– Sealing of shoulder reduces maintenance costs
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Road way width

• It is the width of the carriage way and shoulder.

• special provision should be made where pedestrians

and non-motorised vehicles are high
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Right of way
• Right of way depends on the importance of a road
and possible future development.
• Total right of way (RoW) and Building line for different
types of road are given below:

Setback distance from Road

Total Right of
Land boundary/(RoW) to Comment
Way (RoW)
Building line on either side (m)
10 m RoW on either side
District Road 20 m 6
from road centre line
7.5 m RoW on either side
Village Road 15 m 3
from road centre line
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Camber slope
• Camber or cant is the cross slope provided to raise
middle of the road surface in the transverse
direction to drain off rain water from road surface.
District Road (Core
Village Road
Camber Network)
Hill Terai Hill Terai
Earthen (existing) 5 5 5 5
Gravel 4 4 4 4
cross slope (%)
Bituminous Seal Coat 3 3 - -

• Shoulders having the same surface as the carriageway

should have the same cross slope.
• Unpaved shoulders has 1% more slope than the
carriageway is desirable.
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Different type of camber slope

Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

Passing Zone(pass by)

• The increased width at passing zones should allow
two trucks (2 axles) to pass .

• The width of carriage way should be 5.5 m and

length about 12 m along the outside edge and 30 m
along inside.

• Normally, passing place should be located every 300

m for Hill and 500 m for Terai.
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

• Lay-bys may be provided for parking or for bus stops
to allow vehicles to stop safely without impeding
passing traffic.

• The minimum bus lay-by width shall be 3 m (i.e

minimum 6 m carriageway widths) and the length 12
m along the outside edge and 30 m along the inside
Typical cross-section
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

District Road -Core Network, Single Lane Road

with drain in Hill area
Typical Cross-section
Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

District Road - Core Network, Single Lane Road in Terai

Class PPT by Dr. Pradeep K. Shrestha
Acme Engineering College, PU

End of Chapter 2

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