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NCR’s COVID-19 reproduction number lowest

since May — OCTA

By: Cathrine Gonzales - Reporter / @cgonzalesINQ / 10:42 AM October 19, 2021

MANILA, Philippines — The COVID-19 reproduction number in Metro Manila further decreased to 0.55, the lowest since May 18,
OCTA Research said Tuesday.
According to OCTA’s report posted by Guido David on Twitter, the reproduction number in the capital region was at 0.56 on May 18.

“At that time, the 7-day average in cases was 1,367. The current 7-day average in the NCR (National Capital Region) is 1,411.
Hopefully the reproduction number stays below 0.6 until year’s end,” David said.

David earlier said that the reproduction number in the metropolis as of Sunday was at 0.57.
The COVID-19 reproduction number is the average number of new infections estimated to stem from one positive case. Experts
earlier said that the ideal reproduction number is less than one to indicate a downward trend in cases.
Metro Manila has 13,869 active cases of the disease as of Monday, according to the tracker of the Department of Health (DOH).
Nationwide, the active cases were at 68,832.

All local government units in Metro Manila are now under moderate risk for COVID-19 based on OCTA Research’s metrics.
According to David, Metro Manila may see only 400 to 600 new daily cases while the entire country may record 3,000 to 4,000 new
infections daily by December.

The DOH earlier said that the Philippines is seeing a decline in new COVID-19 cases after previously posting over 20,000 new
infections in September. On Monday, only 6,943 new cases were reported nationwide.
Only 10% of Philippine convicts have
received COVID-19 vaccines
OCT 18, 2021 6:16 PM PHT/LIAN BUAN
In three penal colonies with a combined population of more than 7,000, not a single convict has been vaccinated against COVID-19
The Philippine government has vaccinated only 10% of convicted prisoners in correctional facilities nationwide, data from the Bureau of
Corrections (BuCor) showed.
Of the 48,511 convicts in seven penal colonies in the country, only 4,774 have received either the first dose or both doses of a COVID-19
vaccine, according to BuCor data as of Monday, October 18.
At the extremely congested New Bilibid Prison in Muntinlupa City, only 14 have been vaccinated out of the 27,099 total population of the
Reception and Diagnostic Center (RDC), medium security compound, and maximum security compound.
RDC is a separate facility located near the medium security compound where newly committed prisoners are briefed and prepared for a few
months before they join the prison's general population.
The minimum security compound, meanwhile, has 1,400 inmates and all of them have received their first dose, according to BuCor.
Even Bilibid personnel are not all vaccinated, with only 965 of the 2,218-strong workforce getting their jabs.
The Correctional Institute for Women in Mandaluyong City has the highest vaccination rate so far, with 3,100 out of 3,341 fully vaccinated.
In Sablayan in Occidental Mindoro (2,409 population), Iwahig in Puerto Princesa City, Palawan (2,723 population), and Leyte Regional Prison
in Albuyog, Leyte (2,080 population), none have been vaccinated yet.

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