F-Test Two-Sample For Variances: Area A Area B

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F-Test Two-Sample for Variances

Area A Area B
Mean 631.5789 546.7742
Variance 39246.09 53841.88
Observations 38 62
df 37 61
F 0.728914
P(F<=f) one-tail 0.152042
F Critical one-tail 0.602307
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Area A Area B
Mean 631.5789 546.7742
Variance 39246.09 53841.88
Observations 38 62
Pooled Variance 48331.23
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 98
t Stat 1.87238
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.032068
t Critical one-tail 1.660551
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.064136
t Critical two-tail 1.984467
Area A Area B
800 400 In order to know income level and its disribution in City Z, a resear
1050 300 questionnaire survey for 100 households, then asked annual house
600 250 (Unit: 10 thousand yen).
City Z is divided into Area A and B, the researcher got 32 and 68 sa
500 500 respectively.
750 850 Discusss the difference of income level betweeen Area A and B, an
550 350 significance.
600 500
450 300
800 500
1000 800
400 750
350 400
700 300
600 250
500 500
800 700
800 350
1050 500
600 300
500 500
750 800
800 1050
600 1100
450 800
800 500
1000 700
400 350
350 500
550 300
600 500
500 800
800 950
500 400
450 300
300 250
600 500
500 800
650 500
ibution in City Z, a researcher did a
then asked annual household income

searcher got 32 and 68 samples,

etweeen Area A and B, and its

ID Before After
1 8 9 A researcher did a workshop to investigate residents' opin
2 7 7 environmental situation in the city.
3 4 5 In the workshop, a researcher asked residents' satisfacoto
scale, the higher is more satisfactory) at first. Then a resea
4 5 4 information on city's activity for improving environmenta
5 3 6 then asked the same question on satisfactory level after p
6 5 4 50 residents participated in the workshop.
7 2 4
8 5 8 Discuss whether residents' satisfactory level has change a
9 6 8
10 4 3
11 3 4
12 2 4
13 5 7
14 6 5
15 3 3 Answer:
16 7 7
17 8 9
18 5 5
19 3 4
20 9 8
21 10 10
22 1 2
23 3 4
24 2 2
25 5 5
26 7 6
27 4 6
28 6 9
29 7 7
30 7 6
31 4 5
32 3 4
33 4 6
34 5 4
35 3 7
36 7 8
37 3 5
38 3 4
39 4 4
40 5 5
41 6 7
42 3 4
43 9 9
44 1 3
45 1 1
46 4 5
47 5 4
48 7 7
49 3 4
50 5 6
ID Before After
investigate residents' opinion for 1 3 1
city. 2 3 2
sked residents' satisfacotory level (1 to 10 3 11 3
ctory) at first. Then a researcher provided
r improving environmental situation, 4 7 14
on satisfactory level after providing 5 10 8
workshop. 6 4 6
7 7 7
factory level has change after providing 8 2 4
9 2 4
10 1 1
t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

Before After
Mean 4.74 5.46
Variance 4.686122 4.253469
Observations 50 50
Pearson Correlation 0.831858
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 49
t Stat -4.140617
P(T<=t) one-tail 6.804E-05
t Critical one-tail 1.676551
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.000136
t Critical two-tail 2.009575

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