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MODULE IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)

In this module, the learners should be able to decide on suitable quantitative research
in different areas of interest

The organization of each module is composed of the following:

 Fill out all necessary details such as name, section, date submitted, parent’s name,
reflection and suggestions in this module.

 LESSONS AND COVERAGE  Read and understand the directions in different skills enhancement and drive on

 MOST ESSENTIAL LEARNING COMPETENCIES  This module covers one (1) week lesson and activities

 “WHAT I KNOW’” or Pre - Assessment  Use the separate answer sheet for activities. Don’t forget to affix the necessary
 FIRST MOVE - this is known as the Activating Prior Knowledge which determines
student’s learning on the previous grade level lessons. This is a short activity to
determine how far they have known and understood the recent topic. It is sometimes
an eye opener leading to the understanding of the text.

 INTRODUCTION - this is a brief introductory about the topic. It gives a bird’s eye view of REFERENCES
what will transpire in the lesson
Bernardez, Edisteo B. (2011). Methodology of Research and Thesis Writing. Malabon City:
 CONTENT - contains the topic Jimczyville Publicatons

 SKILLS ENHANCEMENT - Exercises or Activities Baraceros, Esther L. (2016). Practical Research 2 K to 12 First Edition. Quezon City: Rex
 DRIVE ON - this is a short item quiz t find out the student’s mastery of the lesson
Baraceros, Esther L. (2016). Practical Research 1. Quezon City: Rex Bookstore
 GLIMPSE - the integration of values is reflected in this part for further enhancement of
spiritual, social and cultural values Mariano, Jay - Ar Mario V. (2019). Practical Research 2 (Handbook). Upper Tumapoc
National High School, Burgos, La Union
 REFLECTION - a short statement on what the student’s learn
Serrano, Angelita C. (2016). Practical Research 2 (Quantitative Research) K to 12 Compliant,
 FUTURE WHEEL ACTIVITY - an activity that will link to the next lesson Intramuros, Manila: Unlimited Books Library Services and Publishing Inc.


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MODULE IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)


Quarter 1
 Characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and kinds of quantitative research


NOTE: Please answer this part in your separate answer sheet.


Directions; Examine the two different scenic places. Which of these place interest you the
most? Why? Would you like to know more about them? How would you think will be more
knowledgeable about your favorite or most loved places? Write your answer in a separate

1. Describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses and kinds of

quantitative research (CS_RS12-la-c-1)


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MODULE IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)


Research was originally derived from the French word, “cerchier” which simply means Quantitative research is an objective, systematic, empirical investigation of observable
“search or seek”. The prefix “Re” which means “again” signifies the possibility of seeking phenomena through the use of computational techniques. It highlights numerical analysis of
the truth again and on certain aspects of the problem which was studied before from data hoping that the numbers yield unbiased results that can be generalized to some larger
different and distinct point of view; hence, the word research was conceptualized. population and explain a particular observation. Simply, quantitative research is concerned
with numbers and its relationship with events.
According to the Reader’s Digest Encyclopedia Dictionary (1975), research is a
systematic investigation of a certain phenomenon or series of phenomena with the use of
an established method of research.
Research is a systematic inquiry that utilizes a formal method of studying a problem
with the ultimate goal of expanding an existing body of knowledge ( Polit and Beck, 2004). As discerned from the various foregoing definitions, a research study must have the
following characteristics:
Research is further defined as a scientific study of investigation conducted purposely to
discover facts and significance of a condition or event with an end in view of obtaining 1. Systematic - it is systematic for a research study that follows a series of stages that start
answers to problem (Webster, 1992). with the identification of problem

Kerlinger as cited by Tejero and Catcillar (2004) defines research as a systematic, 2. Scientific - it is scientific for it is based upon principles and methods of science
controlled, empirical and critical investigation of hypothetical proposition about presumed
3. Empirical - it is empirical for it is based on experiences or anchored upon manual
relations among natural phenomena.
As may logically be deduced from the definitions given by different authorities,
4. Formal - it is formal for it is designed with definite form and format
research may comprehensively be defined as a systematic, scientific, empirical, formal and
critical investigation of relevant problems affecting realities in life. 5. Critical - it is critical for it tends to manifest careful, precise judgments and analytic
evaluations which may prompt other researchers to look into the realm of related problems

6. Objective - research seeks accurate measurement and analysis of target concepts. It is not
based on the mere intuition and guesses, Data are gathered before proposing conclusions or
ACTIVITY 1 solution to a problem

NOTE: Please answer this part in your separate answer sheet. 7. Clearly defined research questions - researchers know in advance what they are looking
for. The research questions are well - defined for which objective answers are sought. All
aspects of the study are carefully designed before data gathered.


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MODULE IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)

8. Structured research Instruments - a standardized instruments guide data collection, thus, 3. It is real and unbiased. If the research is properly designed it filters out external factors,
ensuring the accuracy, reliability and validity of data. Data are normally gathered using and so can be seen as real and unbiased.
structured research tools such as questionnaires to collect measurable characteristics of the
population like age, socio - economic status, number of children, among others. 4. The numerical data can be analyzed in a quick and easy way. By employing statistically
valid random models, findings can be generalized to the population about which
9. Numerical Data - it is the figures, tables, graphs showcase summarized data collection in information is necessary.
order to show trends, relationships or differences among variables. In sum, the charts and
tables allow you to see the evidence collected 5. Quantitative studies are replicable. Standardized approaches allow the study to be
replicated in different areas or over time with formulation of comparable findings.
10. Large Sample Sizes - to arrive at a more reliable data analysis, a normal population
distribution curve is preferred. This requires a large sample size, depending on how the 6. Experiment friendly. Quantitative experiments are useful for testing the results gained by
characteristics of the population vary. Random sampling is recommended in determining a series of qualitative experiments, leading to the final answer and narrowing down to
the sample size to avoid researcher’s bias in interpreting the results. possible directions to follow.

11. Replication - quantitative methods can be repeated to verify findings in another setting
thus strengthen and reinforcing validity of findings eliminating the possibility of spurious
The disadvantages of quantitative research are as follows:
12. Future Outcomes - by using complex mathematical calculations and with the aid of
computers, if - then scenarios may be formulated thus predicting future results. 1. Quantitative research requires a large number of respondents. It is assumed that the
Quantitative research puts emphasis on proof, rather than discovery. larger the sample is, the more statistically accurate the findings are.

2. It is costly. Since, there are more respondents compared to qualitative research, the
expenses will be greater in reaching out to these people and in reproducing questionnaires.
3. The information is contextual factors to help interpret the results or to explain
The advantage of quantitative research includes the following:
variations are usually ignored. It does not consider the distinct capacity of the respondents
1. It is objective. The most reliable and valid way of concluding results, giving way to a new to share and elaborate further information unlike the qualitative research.
hypothesis or to disproving it. Because of bigger number of the sample of a population, the
4. Difficult to gather information. Much information are difficult to gather using structured
results or generalizations are more reliable and valid. Since it provides numerical data, it
research instruments, specifically on sensitive issues like pre - marital sex, domestic violence,
can’t be easily misinterpreted.
among others.
2. It is statistical. The use of statistical techniques facilitates sophisticated analyses and
5. If not done seriously and correctly, data from questionnaires may be incomplete and
allows you to comprehend a huge amount of vital characteristics of data.
inaccurate. Researchers must be on the look out on respondents who are just guessing in
answering the instrument.


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MODULE IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)

ACTIVITY 2 Style of expression Personal, lacks formality Impersonal, scientific or

NOTE: Please answer this part in your separate answer sheet.
Sampling technique More inclined to purposive Random sampling as most
QUALITATIVE VS. QUANTITATIVE RESEARCH sampling or use of chosen preferred
samples based on some
Standards Qualitative Quantitative
Mental survey of reality Results from social Exists in the physical world
The kind of research is dependent on the researcher’s aim in conducting the study and
Cause - effects relationship Explained by people’s Revealed by automatic
extend to which the findings will be used. Quantitative research designs are generally
objective desires descriptions of circumstances
classified into experimental and non - experimental as the following matrix below:
or conditions
Researcher’s involvement Subjective; sometimes Objective; least involvement
with the object or subject of personally engaged by the researcher
the study

Expression of data, data Verbal language (words, Numerals, statistics Experimental Non - Experimental
analysis, and findings visuals, objects)

Research plan Takes place as the research Plans all research aspects
proceeds gradually before collecting data True Experimental Pre - Experimental Descriptive

Behavior toward research Desires to preserve the Control or manipulation of 1. Pre - Test Design 1. One Shot Case Study 1. Survey
aspects/ conditions natural setting of research research conditions by the
features researcher 2. Post - Test Design 2. One Group Pre - Test 2. Correlational

Obtaining knowledge Multiple methods Scientific method 3. Post Test Only/Control 3. Post - Test Design 3. Ex-Post Facto
4. Comparative
Purpose Makes social intentions Evaluate objectives and
understandable cause - effect relationship Quasi Experimental 5. Normative
1. Non Equivalent Control 6. Evaluative
Data analysis technique Thematic codal ways, Mathematically based Group Design
competence - based methods 7. Methodological
2. Time Series Design


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MODULE IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)

The following are the various kinds of quantitative research design that a researcher B1. Non - Equivalent Control Group. This refers to the chance of failure of random
may employ: assignment to equalize the conditions by converting a true experiment into kind of
design, for purpose of analysis
1. EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH DESIGN. This allows the researcher to control the situation. In
doing so, it allows the researcher to answer the question, “What causes something to B2. Interrupted Time Series Design. It employs multiple measures before and after
occur?”. This kind of research also allows the researcher to identify cause and effect the experimental intervention. It differs from the single group pre - experiment that has
relationships between variables and to distinguish placebo effects from treatment effects. only one pretest and one post test. Users of this design assume that the time threats
Further, this research design supports the ability to limit alternative explanations and to such as history or maturation appears as regular changes in the measures prior to the
infer direct causal relationships in the study; the approach provides the highest degree level intervention.
of evidence for single studies.
C. TRUE EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN. It controls for both time related and group related
A. PRE - EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN. A type of research apply to experimental design that threats. Two features mark true experiments: two or more differently treated groups; and
with least internal validity. One type of pre-experiment, the simple group, pre-test post-test random assignment groups. These features requires that the researchers have control over
design, measures the group two times, before and after the intervention. Instead of the experimental treatment and the power to place subject in groups. True experimental
comparing the pre-test with the post-test within one group, the post-test of the treated design employs both treated and control groups to deal with time related rival explanations.
groups is compared with that of an untreated group. Measuring the effects as the difference A control group reflects changes other than those due to the treatment that occur during
between group marks this as between-subjects design. Assuming both groups experienced the time of the study. Such changes include effects of outside events, maturation by the
the same time related influences, the comparison group feature should project this design subjects, changes in measures and impact of any pre-tests. True experimental design offers
from the rival explanations that threaten the within subject design. Two classes of the highest internal validity of all the designs. Quasi - experimental design differs from true
experimental design that can provide better internal validity than pre - experimental designs experimental design by the absence of random assignment of subjects to different
are: quasi-experimental and true experimental design (Dooly,1999) conditions. What quasi experiments have in common with true experiments is that some
objects receive an intervention and provide data likely to reflect its impact.
B. QUASI - EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN. In this design, the researcher can collect more data,
either by scheduling more observations or finding more existing measures. Quasi - 2. NON - EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN. In this kind of design, the researcher observes the
experimental design involves selecting groups, upon which a variable is tested, without any phenomena as they occur naturally and no external variables are introduced. In this
random pre - selection processes. For example, to perform an educational experiment, a research design, the variables are not deliberately manipulated nor is the setting controlled.
class might be arbitrarily divided by alphabetical selection or by seating arrangement. The
division is often convenient and, especially in an educational situation, causes as little Researchers collect data without making changes or introducing treatments. This
disruption as possible. After this selection, the experiment proceeds in a very similar way to may also called as DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIGN because it is only one under non -
any other experiment, with a variable being compared between different groups, or over a experimental design. The Descriptive research design’s main purpose is to observe, describe
period of time. There are two types of quasi design, these are: and document aspects of situation as it naturally occurs and sometimes to serve as starting
point for hypothesis generation or theory development. The types of descriptive design are
as follows:

A. SURVEY. It is used to gather information from groups of people by selecting and

studying samples chosen from a population. This is useful when the objective of the study is

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MODULE IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)

to see general picture of the population under investigation in terms of their social and D. COMPARATIVE. It involves comparing and contrasting two or more samples of study
economic characteristics, opinions, and their knowledge about the behavior towards a subjects on one or more variables, often at a single point of time. Specifically, this design is
certain phenomenon. used to compare two distinct groups on the basis of selected attributes such as knowledge
level, perceptions and attitudes, physical or psychological symptoms.
B. CORRELATIONAL. It is conducted by the researchers whose aim would be to find out
the direction, associations and/or relationship between different variables or groups of Example: A comparative study on health problems among rural and urban people
respondents under study. Correlational research has three (3) types, these are: in Davao Region, Philippines

B1. Bivariate correlational studies. It obtains score from two variables for each E. NORMATIVE. It describes the norm level of characteristics for a given behavior. For
subject, and then uses them to calculate a correlation coefficient. The term bivariate example: If you are conducting a research on the study habits of the senior high school
implies that the two variables are correlated (variables are selected because they are students you are to use range of score to describe the level of their study habits. The same
believed to related) true is when you would want describe their academic performance.

Example: Children of wealthier (variable 10, better educated (variable 2) parents F. EVALUATIVE. It is a process used to determine what has happened during a given
earn higher salaries as adults activity or in an institution. The purpose of evaluation is to see if a given program is working,
an institution is successful according to the goals set for it, or the original intent was
B2. Prediction studies. It uses correlation coefficient to show how one variable successfully attained. In other words, in evaluation study, it will not just be considering the
(the predictor variable) predicts another (the criterion variable) performance of the students who were taught under modular instruction; instead, it is the
rate of progress that happened among the students who were exposed to modular
Example: Which high school applicants should be admitted to college?
B3. Multiple regression prediction studies. All variables in the study can
Example: A test of children in school is used to assess the effectiveness of teaching or
contribute to the over-all prediction in an equation hat adds together the prediction in
deployment of a curriculum.
an equation that adds together the predictive power of each identified variable.
G. METHODOLOGICAL. In this approach, the implementation of a variety of
Example: Suppose the high school GPA is not the sole predictor of college GPA,
methodologies forms a crucial part of achieving the goal of developing scale matched
what might be other good predictors?
approach, where data from different disciplines can be integrated.
C. EX-POST FACTO or CAUSAL - CAMPARATIVE. This kind of research derives conclusion
from observations and manifestations that already occurred in the past and now compared
to some dependent variables. It discusses why and how phenomenon occurs. ACTIVITY 3
Example 1: A researcher is interested in how weight influences stress - coping level NOTE: Please answer this part in your separate answer she
of adults. Here the subjects would be separated into different groups (underweight,
normal, overweight0 and their stress - coping levels measured. This is an ex post facto
design because a pre-existing characteristic (weight) was used to form the groups.


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MODULE IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)


NOTE: Please answer this part in your separate answer sheet


NOTE: Please answer this part in your separate answer sheet.


Considering all factors affecting a research work, think of one doable research study or
one that you can do in short span of time. Your environment, circle of friends, and FUTURE WHEEL ACTIVITY
barangay or subdivision conditions may give you an idea on what to research on.
Or, find out which topic appears interesting to you in various fields of knowledge, like
Humanities, Engineering, Psychology and Education, among others.
In pondering on any of these fields, much more, in presenting a written report of your
Watch a variety of TV shows such as documentary, medical, sports, business and etc.,
research work, give stress to the importance of your study to the field of knowledge
then analyze how data and information were gathered.
under which your research study falls. Actualize your research Interest by going through
the phases of a survey research.


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MODULE IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)

Statements Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree (A) (D) Disagree
Name of Student: ________________________ __________________________________ (SA) (SD)
Name of Parent: ___________________________________________________________ 4. The totality of module is neat and pleasing
Contact No./Mobile No.: ____________________________________________________ which encourage the student to finish their
task. (Ang kabuuan ng modyul ay malinis at
Directions. Read the following statements and choose your responses at the right column. kaiga-igaya kung saan nahihikayat ang mag -
Put a check on the responses of your choice. aaral upang matapos ang gawaing
Statements Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly
Agree (A) (D) Disagree 5. Letters and punctuation are legible and
(SA) (SD) clear, appearance of the module is suitable to
the grade level of the student. (Ang letra at
1. The module contains important details bantas ay malinaw at nababasa at and
suitable for learning and developing skills kabuuan ng modyul ay angkop sa antas ng
of the students. (Ang modyul na ito ay mag-aaral).
naglalaman ng mga mahahalagang
impormasyong angkop sa pagkatuto upang
malinang ang kakayahan ng mga mag -
2. The lessons were clearly explained and
easy to understand by the students. (Ang ___________________________________________________________________________
aralin ay malinaw na naipapaliwanag para
sa madaling pagkaunawa ng mag - aaral).
3. Activities are related to the lesson and
help the student to develop deeper ___________________________________________________________________________
understanding. (Ang mga gawain ay may ___________________________________________________________________________
kaugnayan sa aralin at nakakatulong upang
mapalalim ang pagkaunawa ng mag - aaral ___________________________________________________________________________
sa aralin). ___________________________________________________________________________


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MODULE IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)


Name: __________________________ Date: ________________________ __________________________________________________________________________
Teacher: ________________________ Grade and Section: _____________ __________________________________________________________________________
WHAT I KNOW __________________________________________________________________________

Directions: Choose the letter with the correct answer. ACTIVITY 1

1. Which of the following best describes the purpose of conducting a qualitative research? Give your own meaning of the acronym that describes a research based on your
A. To explore the meaning of people’s experiences, culture, etc.
R __________________________________
B. To examine relationships of variables
E __________________________________
C. To test hypotheses of the study
S __________________________________
D.To prove a particular theory
E __________________________________
2. What is the first step in conducting research?
A __________________________________
A. Analyze data B. Review the literature
R __________________________________
C. Design research D. Define research problem
C __________________________________
3. What is the final step in doing research?
H __________________________________
A. Define research problem B. Formulate hypotheses
C. Interpret and report D. Design research
4. It is the quality of research which tells that something is based on direct experience or
observation by the researcher. Fill out the details needed in the blanks.
A. Empirical B. Methodical AS A RESEARCHER…
5. Research is ____ if it exhibits careful and precise judgment. ______________ ________________ _____________________
A. Empirical B. Reliability ______________ ________________ _____________________
B. Critical D. Methodical ______________ ________________ _____________________
______________ ________________ _____________________
______________ ________________ _____________________


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MODULE IN PRACTICAL RESEARCH 2 (Quantitative Research)

ACTIVITY 3 C. Figures, tables or graphs showcase summarized data collection in order to show
trends, relationship or differences among variables. In sum, charts and tables allow you to
Directions: Express your judgment or decision about each line by checking the box your see the evidence collected
agreement or disagreement with the given statement.
D. It seeks to gather a more comprehensive understanding of activities related to human
1. Your poor knowledge of research means you are not in a quality school. behavior and the attributes that rule such behavior
Agree Disagree 3. Which of the following describes the characteristics of research where data are in form of
2. To have a rich understanding of every aspect of your research, means to approach it in a
naturalistic way. A. Objective B. Numerical Data C. Replication D. Large sample sizes
Agree Disagree 4. This characteristic of quantitative research which refers to its necessity to arrive at a more
reliable data analysis.
3. You can quantify people’s world view.
A. Objective B. Numerical Data C. Replication D. Large sample size
Agree Disagree
5. It is done to check the correctness and verify the findings of the study.
4. Research is exactly the same as inquiry.
A. Objective B. Numerical Data C. Replication D. Large sample size
Agree Disagree
5. You behave like a scientist in research.
Agree Disagree

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter that best describe the question or complete the statement.
1. Which of the following best defines quantitative research?
A. It is an exploration associated with libraries, books and journals __________________________________________________________________________
B. It is an activity concerned with finding new truth in education __________________________________________________________________________
C. It is a systematic process obtaining numerical information about the world __________________________________________________________________________
D. It is an activity of producing or proving theorem __________________________________________________________________________

2. Which of the following is not a characteristics of quantitative research?

A. Data are gathered before proposing a conclusion or solution to a problem
B. Quantitative methods can be repeated to verify findings in another setting, thus
strengthen and reinforcing validity of findings eliminating the possibility of spurious

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