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Sem IV - Training and development Question bank

Numbe Question text
r Option "A" option "B"
Training is an attempt to improve ____or
1 ______ employees performance. Current & Future Wastages & Accident

Training and development = ____, ______. Present problems, Standard performance,

2 Future challenging task Actual performance
Training means diagnosis of ___ and ___. Future needs &
3 challenging task Current & Future

Training means improve ___ or fix up ____. Individual

performance, Perfomance,
4 Performance deficiency Deficiency

To anticipated ___ and prepare employees to

handle more ____. Future needs &
5 Current & Future Challenging task
Training helps to avoid ___ and ___ rates. Greater stability &
6 Capacity Wastages & Accident
It helps to ____ and ___ talent in the
7 organisation. Attract & Retain Negativity & Accident

____ and ____ of the work place creat a

need for training . job knowledge and Future needs &
8 skills Challenging task
Trainging hepls_____and___ for growth in job knowledge and
9 an oraganisation. skills Job transfer,retirement
Training focuses on specific ____ and ____ job knowledge and
10 that is applied in the shortrun. skills job skills,job rotation
The need for training and development is
11 determined by the peformance___. Deficiency attitude
One of the reasons for training is to prepre
12 for possible ____. Job transfer retrement
To faces any changes in ___at groups level.
13 Preformance level competiton
14 Serves as effective sources of_____. promotion Recruitment
Training is a narrows concept focused on
15 ____ related skills. group pesonal
Organization need to provide induuction
training to all employees entering the
16 organization to let them know_____. Industry culture department culture
Training aim to reduce________ by
17 improving skills of emplyees. negativity accidents
Training provides skills to work with greater
18 confidence which reduces _____. work time
One of the major objectives of training is to
19 increases productivity of _____ . organization employes
Training creates a feeling of _______ in the
20 minds of the emplyoees. Attitude positive thinking
Which is the following is not a steps in
21 training . organisation objective training policy
Training is the act of increasing the
knowledge and skills of an employees for a
particular job, this definition given by
22 whom? EdwinB.Fillppo Dales beach
Which of the following is not a area of
23 training ? company policies specific skiils
All the following are imprtance of training
24 except: higher productivity higher morals
Which of the following is criteria for
25 identifying training needs? Skills analysis organisation analysis
Criteria to measure the effectiveness of
26 training includes the following except: Skills reaction
Determining training needs of employees is
27 needed throughout _______. training induction
After dividing the employees in groups, the
28 _____ department arranges for trainers. HR Finance
_______ need is a difference between
standard performance and actual
29 performance. training department
The supervisors and management may
make _____ request for setting tarining
30 programmes. specific general
_____ will reveal much information about
where an employees's skill and knowledge
31 are deficient. Questionnaire observation
To gain organisational support the _____
step is to establish communication and
relationship with the top management is
32 necessary. first second
Performance standards should be identified
33 to achieve the ____ of the organisation. objective aim
____ program puts the trainee under the
34 guidance of a master worker. Apprenticeship understudy
_____ helps the students to learn on their
35 own by thinking independently. case study group training
Introduction will create a _____ learning
36 environment. positive natural
______ method aims at developing the
trainee in the areas of intellectual ability,
37 practical judgment and social awareness. management game incident method
_____ is the first step in training needs
38 assessment. person analysis organisation analysis
OD is an_________ science where
knowledge is developed in the context of
applying it and learning from the
39 consequences. Psychological Action
______believes that people can make
difference between the success and failure of
40 the organization. Marketing HR
The______ process initiates when a
41 performance gap exists. HRD HPI
42 Listen to the ______ carefully. Feelings Grievences
____ is the process of listening to an
employee's problem, deciding with the
employee what should be done and telling
43 and motivating the employee to do it Non participative Directive
______ stage starts when a new employee
44 joins an organization. Outcome Exploratory
______ identifying the job roles that will be
critical to achieving those objectives and
45 strategies. Market analysis Analysis of the future
______ is a planned effort.
46 Self analysis Self-development
The aim of______ is to ensure that, rather
than simply subjective people to ad-hoc
activities, they have access to a structured
development programme that is geared
towards them reaching certain capability
47 levels. Market analysis Tand D analysis
________Development planning is the
process of creating an action plan that is
based on the awareness, values, reflection,
goals and personal development within the
context of education, career, relationship or
48 for self-improvement. Market Personal
'Executive development is the programme
by which executive capacity achieve desired
objectives are increses.''This defination
49 given whom? F.W.Taylor Edwin B.Flippo
Which is the following is not a step in To prepare
succession planning? management's staffing staffing and
50 plan development
All the following are the issues for which
51 counsellingn is needed, except? Family Problem Stress
Organisational consultancy are provided for Drug and Alcohol
52 issues like______. problem Work related stress
ALL the following are types of counselling
53 except: Advising Telling
Function of counselling are the following,
54 except: Reorientation Performance
All the stage are career development cycle,
55 except: Maintenance Stage Exploratory stage
Concept development is meant
56 for______level officers only. Lower Executives
Management development is a systematic
57 process of improving_____performance. Individual Organizational
Management development prepares
58 managerial employees to face_____. Development Opportunity
Management development focuses only to
59 the____ level employees. Lower Managerial
Management development is
60 ______thinking. Narrow Over
One of the primary objectives of
management development is to increase
61 managerial_____. Skills Capability
Management development also aims to
increase the future potentiality of
62 each____employee. Lower Managerial
The____of decisions of managers
63 determines the future of the organization. Valiidity Quantity
Management development aims to improve
64 decision making capability of_____. Customers Employees
Managerial success depends upon the
65 _________. skills performance
_______is a process used to identify, discuss
and resolve issues that are affecting an
66 employee. Development Counselling
Many companies have integrated the
counseling services in their organizations
67 and making it a part of their_____ ethics policy
Employees work spirit is very important for
68 the development of an organization. shareholders manager
_______can increase confidence to the
69 employees. promotion reward
Workers ability is very important for
70 the_______of an organization. process development
______enables one to explore the solution
71 for the problem in-depth. Observation Survey
A self development plan is a tool that helps
72 facilitate_____development. shareholder Employee
Succession planning is the process of
73 identifying internal candidates for______. progress retirement
______is a process by ehich individuals are
scanned to pass on the leadership role within
74 a company. Wholistic development careere development
Succession planning is an important
75 component of the_____planning process. capital human resources
Succession planning is a_____approach for
praparing emp,loyess at lower levels to
handle the responsibilities, of next higher
76 levels in the coming years. modern systematic
Succession planning gives the answers to all
the questions regarding praparing an
individual for the next level in the
77 organizational___. system resources
The goal of training is improvement
78 in______. goal profit
The goal of development is enrichment and
79 more capable_____. Customers workers
During_____stage, the individual has
80 usually created a place in the work world. expansion maintenance
self-development is a____commitment
between an employee and their manager on
81 what they are going to do to grow. three way two-way
"Executive development is the programme
by which executive capacities achieve
desired objectives are increased" this National Industrial
82 definition is given by whom? Conference Board Edwin B. Flippo
Which of the following is not method of the
83 on-the job technique coaching Job rotation
All the following are on- the job technique
84 except: Manipulation coaching
Off- the job methods include all the
85 following except: Case Study Role playing
In case study method, the trainees are given
86 _____ for discussing and deciding. Case Topics
87 Understudy may be chosen by the ______. Head employee
In ______ a situation/ environment is
created which closely represent the actual
88 job situation. Sensitivity training Simulation
The transferring of executives from job to
job and from department to department in a
89 systematic manner is called _______. Understudy coaching
The First Step in management development
programme is to identify the organisations
90 ______. Objectives goals
91 Coaching is different from ______. training lectures
The _____ of a management individual is
92 compared with the standard except of him. performance feedback
The most important means of evaluating
93 development programme are _____. questionnaire case study
______ also learns the decision making as
his superior involves him in the discussion
of daily operating problems as well as long
94 term problems. managers understudy

_______ is a simple and economical

95 method. In basket exercises coaching
The main objective of management
development is to prepare managers for
handling the overall ______ in the
96 organisation. Deficiency Authority
Under _______technique of training, the
trainee is placed under a senior manager
who acts as an guide and teaches job
97 knowledge and skill to the trainee. Mentoring Job rotation
_______ is an ongoing relationship that is
development between a senior and a junior
98 employee. Mentoring Job rotation
In ______ method, each team of trainees is
given the different files of correspondence
99 of the business problems. Mentoring Job rotation
The Main Advantage of ________ technique
of training is that it permits a greater
understanding of other activities within the
100 company. Mentoring Job rotation
______ is not the disadvantage of off the job effect on regular
101 management development method. less effective activities
______ is not the advantage of off the job
102 management development method. Cost effective Less effective
_______ uses a strategy with focus on
103 knowledge,skills and attitudes development. Coaching Mentoring

______ is described as the process from

which the managers learn and improve their
skills & knowledge not only to benefit Off the job
themselves but also their employing management
104 organisation. Industrial development development
The term manager has been used to mean
105 people at different levels of ______. Hierarchy Ranking
Job Instruction Technique (JIT) consists of
106 ____ steps. three five
The Last step in management development development Management Power
107 process is __________. programme inventory
________ is a management tool that
streamlines , automates and improves the
108 efficiency bof business procedures. coaching supervisory training
Characteristics of Management
Development in HRM includes growth
oriented,future oriented,focus to managerial professional
109 employee and ____. development self motivation

Job rotation increases the ________ and Inter departmental

110 helps in reducing the monotony of the work. cooperation cooperation
_________ is concerned with the immediate
training or educational event measuring the
inputs to the events the process itself and
111 immediate outcomes. assessment judgement
It is _______ who plan,organise ,direct and
control the resources and activities in every
112 organisation. Supervisor HOD
____ refers to skills & knowledge attained
for both personal development and career business workflow
113 development. staff development analysis
Management development in HRM are
114 _____ oriented. growth & future action
_______ is the process by which superiors
or management are rated by employees bor
115 subordinates. feedback upward feedback
______ refers to academic programs at
graduate level business schools worldwide
for executives,business leaders and
116 functional managers. executive evaluation executive training
The organization needs to decide the amount
117 of money to be spent on the ____. Training Employee
The actual course content is written during
118 the ____ phase. Selection Recruitment
During the evaluation phase, ____ is
119 generated by the participants of the course. Feedback Appraisal
Once the training programme has been
120 designed, it needs to be ___. Analyzed Modified
A training design is a blueprint for a ____ or Training event,
121 _____. experience Development,design

The development phase is when storyboards development,graphic

122 for the training are ___ and ____ are created. design, layout design
To put training prigram into efect according performance
to ___ or ___ is called training apppraisal,training
123 implementation. program design,perfomance
Reviewing the agenda at the beginning of Training
the ___ it is very important for review the program,program
124 ___. objective design , develoment
____ is the process of collecting, analysing
and/or reporting information regarding the
performance of an individual, group, Performance
125 organization, system or component. measurement Career management
____- is a process characteristic indicating
the degree to which the progress output
126 conforms to requirements. Efficiency Effectiveness
The __ process begins with action
statements such as, "reduce rejected parts to
127 5 percent". MBO Assesment
____ of statement of traits of employee in
the form of Yes or No based questions is
128 prepared. Checklists Rating scales
____ employees are upwardly mobile in the
organisation and supported by powerful
coalitions or individuals within the
129 organisation. Corporate citizens Lone wolves
Uner this method, ____ of traits of the
employee in the form of Yes or No based forced distribution
130 questions is prepared. methods checklist of statement
Management by
131 _____ is also called as full circle appraisal. objective Team appraisal
____ may suffer from unreliability, leniency
bias and lack of discriminant validity
132 between performance dimensions. Bars Training
Performance appraisal is also called as
133 _____. Structure rating Service rating
____ is to help the organization to achieve
its objectives by adding value to the human Knowledge
134 resourses. Training management
135 ____ is results based and systematic. Human performance Counselling
_____ results in an over simplified view &
136 blurs the assessment of job performance. Recency effect Halo effect
______ is the first & foremost a branch of
management which makes it a social Knowledge Global talent
137 science. management managemnt

Which of the following are not in the

138 stagesof the process of talent management? Attracting talent Managing succession
Which is the following is not six principles balance of global and
139 of effective global talent management? Cultural embeddedness local needs
All the following are classification of
140 measure, except? finance reaction
Which of the option is objective of
141 performance appraisal? guide job change future forecast
Question bank

Option "C" Option "D" answer
Future need & Attract and
Challenging task Retain A Current & Future
demographics, Standard performance,
Job knowledge, Skills Diversity B Actual performance
Present problems & job knowledge Present problems &
Future challengs and skills C Future challengs

Performance and Individual performance,

Behavior, Attitude Development A Performance deficiency
demographics, Future needs &
Wastages & Accident Diversity B Challenging task
Wastage &
Attract & Retain Rotation B Wastages & Accident

Current & Future Work & Time A Attract & Retain

Changing problems,future Changing
demographics,diversity challenges C demographics,diversity
job trainging, job grater
rotation stability,capacity D grater stability,capacity
Wastage &
job transfer, training Rotation A job knowledge and skills

Behavior confidence A Deficiency

Termination promotion A Job transfer

organaization strategy development C organaization strategy

personal development Pesonal level B Recruitment

job organization C job

organization culture company culture D company culture

positivity rivals B accidents

wastages accidents C wastages

department company A organization

confidence deficincy C confidence

increasing competiton tryout C increasing competiton

RichardP.Calhoon Advice saint A EdwinB.Fillppo

human relation job satisfaction D job satisfaction

panel research adaptability C panel research

group analysis job analysis B organisation analysis

learning results A Skills

development department A training

Marketing sales A HR

performance standard A training

vague difficult A specific

interviewing test condecuting A Questionnaire

third forth A first

purpose performance A objective

coaching training A Apprenticeship

group discussion observation A case study

negative difficult A positive

role playing case study B incident method

task analysis anlaysis B organisation analysis

Social Theoretical B Action

Finance Production B HR

Training OD B HPI
appreciations compliments B Grievences

Nondirective Participative B Directive

establishment maintenance B Exploratory

Role analysis People analysis B Analysis of the future

career planning planning B self development

People analysis Role analysis B Tand D analysis

Self Career B Personal

national industrial
Michael J.Jucius conference board C Michael J.Jucius
external benchmarking environment C external benchmarking

Gambling Health problem D Health problem

Trauma Depression B Work related stress

Manipulating Arguing D Arguing

Advice Communication B performance

Balance stage Establishing stage C balance stage

Ground Middle B Executives

Managerial Departmental C Managerial

Uncertainties Threats C Uncertainties

Ground Middle B Managerial

Outdate Advance D advance

Profit Challenge B Capability

Ground Middle B Managerial

Quality Varity C Quality

Department Organization B Employees

team work attitude C team work

Team building self development B Counselling

rules culture D culture

employees labour C employees

appraisal counseling D counseling

profit expansion B development

Interview Data collection D data collection

manager management B Employee

promotion leadership B retirement

succession planning self development C succession planning

financial resources money resources B human resources

traditional seniority B systematic

strategy hierarchy D hierarchy

business performance D performance

resourses assets B workers

growth exploration B maintenance

one way no way B two-way

None of the
Michael J. Jucius above C Michael J. Jucius

Multiple management the case study D the case study

Job rotation Under study A Manipulation

Skill Development incident method C Skill development

Questions Information A Case

supervisor Director A Head

In basket
critical incident technique B Simulation

Job rotation training C Job rotation

purpose motive A Objectives

seminars counselling D counselling

report presentation A performance

observation understudy C observation

supervisors case study B understudy

simulation training A In basket exercises

Development Responsibility D Responsibility

In basket
coaching technique C coaching

In basket
coaching technique A mentoring

In basket
coaching technique D In basket technique

In basket
coaching technique B Job rotation
No base for
high productivity future programs C high productivity
No errors on
planned development performance B Less effective
Job Instruction Job Instruction
Job rotation Technique (JIT) D Technique (JIT)

Management organisational Management

development development C development

Grading Grouping A Hierarchy

four seven C four

looking at
Appraisal of present organizational evaluating development
management talents objectives A programme
workflow Business workflow
dysfunction analysis analysis D analysis

upward feedback mentoring A self motivation

departmental Inter departmental

relationship relationship A cooperation

evaluation appraisal C evaluation

Organizer Manager D Manager

professional supervisory professional

development training C development

money time A growth & future

report estimation B upward feedback

executive education training C executive education
work place Schedule A Training

Development Feedback B Recruitment

Development Evaluation A Feedback

Implemented Development C Implemented

Training event,
layout,training program Employees A experience

training training, development,graphic

time,performance implemented B desighns

definite plan or experience,trainin

procedure g C definite plan or produre
training Schedule,training program,program
time,performance program A objective

Performance appraisal Requirement A measurement

Safety Service B Effectiveness

Team appraisal performance A Assesment

Bars Stars A Rating scales

Star Checklist C Star

forced choice methods appraisal B checklist of statement
360 degree
Performance appraisal appraisal D 360 degree appraisal

Global talent
MBO management A Bars
System rating Strategy B Service rating

Performance appraisal management B knowledge management
Career development Training C Career development

Horn effect Stereotyping D stereotyping

Talent management Training A Knowledge management

High potential
Selecting talent talent D High potential talent
motivation involvement C motivation

time feedback D feedback

results resources A guide job change

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