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Iman Safiya

2021 9 8

EZ Mandarin Level 1 Quiz 1

1 Hour Test – 100%
(Writing – 90% & Speaking – 10%)
Level 1: Topic 1-4 Quiz. Writing, reading, listening & speaking skills involved. All questions &
answers are fully prepared and edited by EZ Mandarin MY @ 2021. Good Luck & All The Best!

Oral Speaking Task - 10%:

Every student is required to present 6 self-introduction simple sentences in topic 1 without looking
at the note. Compulsory Requirement - Physical Class: Present in front of the teacher/classroom.
Online Class: Turn on webcam & present with clear voice & pronunciation in section H.

Assessment: Page/Item Marks

Total score:
Pronunciation : 8% 2
Confidence : 2% 3

Teacher’s Overall Comment: 4


Total 100

[CONFIDENTIAL] EZ Mandarin MY @ Miximax Academy Page 1


Section A: Construct Sentences About Yourself In Pinyin (1 Mark)

1. (Salutation) - 大家好 dà jiā hǎo!

2. (Name) -

3. (I come from___) -

4. (Interest 1 – 喜欢 xǐ huān) -

5. (Interest 2 – 兴趣 xìng qù) -

6. (Nice to meet you) -

Section B: List any action words/verbs you have learned before (1 mark)
(Write down the meaning in English/BM)
Eg. 上班 – shàng bān Kerja/pergi kerja

Section C: Translate The Meaning Of These Words (Place) In Pinyin (1 Mark)

(Write Down The Meaning In English/BM)

超级市场 chāojí shìchǎng 家 jiā 购物中心 gòuwù zhòng xīn

学校 xuéxiào 公司 gōngsī 餐厅 cāntīng

[CONFIDENTIAL] EZ Mandarin MY @ Miximax Academy Page 2


Section D: Write Down The Meaning In English/BM (1 Mark)

我+要+跑步 wǒ + yào + pǎobù

我们 wǒmen
我+在+跑步 wǒ + zài + pǎobù meaning:

我+去+跑步 wǒ + qù + pǎo bù 你们 nǐmen


我+想去+跑步 wǒ + xiǎng qù + pǎobù

他们 tāmen
我+要去+跑步 wǒ + y{o qù +pǎo bù meaning:

什么 什么时候 哪里 做什么
shénme shénme shíhòu nǎlǐ zuò shénme
meaning: meaning: meaning: meaning:

Hint: Bila Apa Mana Buat Apa

Section E: Translate All Sentences Below (1 Mark)

Construct sentences: Bina Ayat Persoalan Keyword hint:

Awak nak pergi mana? 要 yào : Nak
Dia sedang buat apa?
在 zài :
Sedang atau Di
Awak di mana?

Kita nak buat apa?

Kalian sedang buat apa?

Mereka di mana?

Alissa nak buat apa?

[CONFIDENTIAL] EZ Mandarin MY @ Miximax Academy Page 3


Section F: Write down the meaning of all vocabs
In the space provided (1 mark)
1 天 tiān
2 星期 xīngqī
3 月 yuè
4 年 nián
5 今天 jīntiān
6 号/日 hào/rì
7 什么时候 shénme shíhòu
8 几时 jǐshí

Day/Hari Pinyin Keyword Hint: (can be used

Monday more than 1 time)

Tuesday bila hari ini

Wednesday tahun bulan
hari minggu

Morning Hint:
Morning (Siang)
Afternoon/Evening zǎoshang
Night wǎnsh{ng
12.00 a.m midnight until
before morning

Sekarang Hint:
Hari Ini

Semalam jīntiān

[CONFIDENTIAL] EZ Mandarin MY @ Miximax Academy Page 4


Section G: Number, Date & Time - Write Down The Answers (1 Mark)


19 September 2009
28 October 1985
29 November 2020
31 August 1957
2 February 2222

yi jiu qi ba (nian) wu (yue) shi san (ri/hao)

er ling ling jiu (nian) ba (yue) san shi (ri/hao)
yi jiu si wu (nian) qi (yue) shi ba (ri/hao)
er ling yi si (nian) shi yi (yue) shi liu (ri/hao)
er ling er yi (nian) si (yue) er shi si (ri/hao)

点 diǎn
分钟 fēnzhōng
刻 kè
半 bàn

9 o’clock 九点 jiǔ diǎn

10 o’clock
10.30 o’clock
2.15 o’clock
4.45 o’clock
8.30 a.m
10.45 a.m
12.00 p.m
3.36 p.m
9.27 p.m
3.49 a.m

[CONFIDENTIAL] EZ Mandarin MY @ Miximax Academy Page 5


Section H: Oral Speaking Task (10 marks)

Task: 6 self-introduction sentences with your own choices of activities, hobbies or
verbs used. Keep it simple okay!

Compulsory requirement: Your webcam & microphone must be turned on in order for the
teacher to give scores based on your performance.

- 5 minutes preparation & this session will start afterwards.

- Teacher will give score for every item in accordance to the marking scheme.
- You will total up all scores as your final mark for this section.

No Items Full Marking Scheme Score Student’s

Score Score
1 Pronunciation 5% - Able to distinguish and 4-5%
pronounce 韵母,声母 & 音调
with less than 5 mistakes
- Able to distinguish and
pronounce 韵母,声母 & 音调 0-3%
with more than 5 mistakes
2 Error/no error 3% - Less than 3 mistakes in terms 2-3%
in sentences of vocabulary & sentence
- More than 3 mistakes in 0-1%
terms of vocabulary & sentence
3 Confidence 2% - Turn on webcam & 0-2%
microphone to speak
- Voice is loud and clear
- Facial expression shows

Total Score
Teacher’s Comment:

- End of Level 1 Quiz 1 -

[CONFIDENTIAL] EZ Mandarin MY @ Miximax Academy Page 6

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