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The Game of Life

(Note:This article does not promote Mobile Legends)


You have slain the enemy! Triple kill! Victory!

These are some of the lines I usually hear whenever I am in the computer shop, researching for
my assignments. I’ve learned that these words are used in the known mobile or computer game
“Mobile Legends”.

Mobile Legends is a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) mobile game. It was developed

and published by Shanghai Moonton Technology. This online game was designed primarily on
phones but can also be played in computers. This is played by two opposing teams fighting to
reach and destroy the enemies’ base while defending their bases. In each team, there are five
players who each control an avatar, known as a "hero", from their device. 

I am not into this this game so much but as I play it sometimes I can say that it somehow
reflects how we live our lives.

We are defending our bases. Bases are likened to our dreams that no matter what happens we
should fight for it. We should not let any factors hinder us in achieving these.

We are fighting our enemies. Enemies could be in different forms. They could be our problems.
They could be our weaknesses. They could be other people who put us down. They could be
temptations or any form of evil that can destroy us.

We are controlling an avatar or a hero. We ourselves, are the avatar or heroes we are directing.
We are the ones who use weapons, such as self-confidence, self-control assets, and
intelligence or any Godly strategies to combat our enemies in life.
We can be slain or we can achieve victory. To be slain means to fail and to achieve victory
means to succeed. Online games can be reset after losing it. So after failing, let us be reminded
to stand strong and continue fighting our battles.

Life is like playing Mobile Legends. In order to survive, it is a must to triple kill and slay the
challenges we encounter and believe in the power of our two heroes, ourselves and our God.

It pays to be a GabRARElian

Juan,Pedro.Ana and Maria.

These are just some of the popular names parents would give their children as a first name
before. Due to the fact that it is popular, as a result, children’s names are duplicated. So don’t
be shocked if you’ll meet a person similar to your mother’s or to your father’s name.
Today, because of social media’s influence, parents’ way of giving names had changed. They
started giving unique and sometimes hard to spell and pronounce names to their children. I
asked San Gabriel 1 teachers about the names of their students and surprisingly we have
plenty of students having rare names.
These are some of the distinct names in SG1: Kirk Reuel Leigh R. Verzola, Jeus Jeiel I. Maningding,
Maphilamda G. Nayve, Xhuegar Shane F. Detalo, Lhorrhaine Seandae Esquejo, Cassius Klei P. Platilla,
Tabitha B. Estimo, Roque Trishia A. Caberio, Frienzhey Villegas and Weamon B. Matos.
“I got the word “Kirk” from my grade 1 student in the private school before, who is good in Math.
came up with the name Reuel and Leigh by following the initial letters of my name and my
husband, Reden.” Teacher Liza - Kirk Reuel Leigh R. Verzola’s mom.
“Roque Trisha’s name was derived from the name of two saints. Roque is from our patron
SanRoque and Trishia was inspired from St. Theresa’s name.” ma’am Merly Caberio.
Having a rare name consequently has its benefits. According to a recent article from Yahoo
Parenting, unusual names have the power to shape a child’s personality in positive ways.

“It’s a self-fulfilling prophecy that begins with an unusual name and ultimately leads to
unconventional or creative thinking. When you think of yourself as different, you might in turn
think and behave differently,” New York University psychology professor Adam Alter.

For Austin psychology professor Arthur Markman, Ph.D., unique names are often easier for
people to remember, and so they are likely to remember your name when they meet you for the
first time.
I got the chance to talk to some of the parents who had given such unique names. Most of them
said that giving distinct names makes their request for legal documents such as NBI and Police
clearances and also the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) certificate easier.

“Masaya akong Maphilamda ang pinangalan sa akin kasi wala akong kaparehas sa room.”
,Maphilamda’s view.

“Although I find it difficult to pronounce, it helped me recognize each student easier despite their
large number in the classroom because of their one of a kind names.” said teacher Julie

Maybe at the moment you are examining your name. For those who had been given a very
common by their parents, don’t be mad at it. Your name may not be rare but according to
James A. Owen,”We are all, each and every one, unique in the Universe. And that uniqueness
is what makes s valuable”.

Words Slaying the Online World

Today’s generation can be described as the social media age. Most teenagers and young

adults nowadays, have their social media account like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. More

than posting beautiful Instagram and Facebook worthy photos, they also update their Facebook

status using words or languages that could only be understood by the millennials or by the

teens of their age. Such words are not considered part of the standard vocabulary yet today it is

widely used not only in social media but also in daily conversations.

This only proves that the Filipino language is very rich and it evolves from time to time. Words

such as”petmalu”(malupet), “lodi”(idol),”erpat”(father) are some of the Filipino slangs that were

prevalently used before. Manila Yorme (Mayor) Isko Moreno is now admired not only by his
excellent service but also by being cool in using such slang words. Now, let us learn and be

updated on the latest Filipino slang coined by the young Pinoys and Netizens.

Flex. Means “to show off’. It is usually used when netizens wanted to display new things they

acquired or things they wanted to brag.

Ghosting. This term became popular after the trending break-up of the actors Gerald Anderson

and Bea Alonzo. It became a word used to relate to a person you’ve been seeing who stopped

communicating with you without any warning. Some also use the phrase” NaBea Alonzo” which

equals the meaning of the word Ghosting.

Shookt. It is a term used when you are shocked, scared or excited.

Goals .Use to describe something that you want to achieve. Most netizens used it with a

hashtag plus a word before it. Examples are #friendshipgoals or #relationshipgoals.

Savage. It's a remark use to express when someone said something very blunt, especially in

not so serious situations.

Slay. It is a slang which means to powerfully impress or overwhelm someone.

Despite these changes or trends, let us remember that we are still Filipinos and we need to use

words coupled with respect especially when we converse with the elders.

Jack of all trades,Master of One

By: Ms. Alona P. Bulan

I really wanted to be a teacher since I was a little child. In fact, I can still remember how I spent
my Saturdays playing” Teacher-teacheran” together with my friend during my childhood days.
Gone are those days because now, that dream turned into reality.

I aspire to be a teacher because I want to instill knowledge into the young minds of the youth. In
short, I want to teach. I absolutely want to teach. I only just want to teach but now that I am a
teacher I discovered that I am not solely teaching. I learned that we teachers, are capable of
doing multiple jobs.
We are a social worker (DSWD) for we can do charitable works. Aside from filling students’ lives
with knowledge, we also feed empty stomachs by giving them something whenever students
don’t have their “baon”.

We can also be a weather forecaster (PAGASA) for we keep on informing them whenever there
is bad weather. Weather forecasters can predict bad weather and I know we are more than that
for we can also predict whether our subject matter is understood or not. If they fail, we are their
Mang Tani (Nathaniel Cruz) who warn everyone to be ready with our remedial activities for them
to master the lesson.

As I observed, we are also capable of being a health worker (DOH).We teach good health
habits and proper hygiene. We also ensure that they have a healthy mind and body.

Are you shocked about the graveyard shift of the call center agents? Well, we also have that.
We have numerous sleepless nights preparing lessons and activities and doing paper works for
the benefit of the students.

Portraying a lot of roles surely qualifies us as an artist. I can say that we are all versatile actors
because we can be jolly, serious or horrifying just to catch their attention during our discussion.
We are also good in pretending that everything is going smoothly although sometimes we feel
worn out on a lot of things.

Above all the mentioned professions, the most challenging but fulfilling task is to be their
surrogate parents. They may not be our own children but because we are teachers we learned
to give unconditional love, unending support and unlimited forgiveness.

Indeed, teaching is still the noblest profession.


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