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COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES • Court of Appeals – aid in the speedy

disposition of cases. Justice Pedro

July 10, 1934
Concepcion – 1st presiding justice.
• draft the constitution of the Philippines • Institute of National Language –
in the Constitutional Convention; November 13, 1936.
• inaugurated at the Legislative building • Joint Preparatory Commission on
in Manila Philippine Affairs (JPCPA) – mutual trade
• Claro M. Recto – president of the between the two countries.
convention. • Commonwealth Plebescite – Filipino
➢ September 17, 1935 – 1st national election women were allowed to vote.
for the President and the members of the
national assembly. POLITICAL CARICATURE:

What is Caricature?
Three Parties:
• A picture, description, or imitation of
• Coalition Party (Quezon & Osmena)
a person in which certain striking
• Nacionalista Party ( Aguinaldo & characteristic are exaggerated in
Raymundo Melliza) order tocreate a comic or ridiculous
• Republican Party (Bishop Gregorio effect.
Aglipay & Norberto Nabong)
• Can be insulting or complementary
November 15, 1935 – inaugurated the and canbe serve a political purpose to
Commonwealth of the Philippines. be drawn solely for entertainment.
• Caricature of politician- editorial
National Defense – the prime duty of the
• Caricature of Movie star- magazines,
Departments established on 1941
• Political caricature of the American
• Finance department era (1900-1941)
• National economic council – promotion
➢ Philippine political cartoons gain full
of industries crop production, expressionduring the American era Filipino
enterprises, tariffs and taxation. Artist recordednational attitudes toward
• National development company – mass the coming of the Americans as well as the
production of staples like rice and corn. changing mores and times.
• Agricultural & Industrial Bank – to help
➢ While the 377 cartoons compiled in this
small farmers with convenient loans on
books speak for themselves, Historian
easy terms. Alfred Mccoy provides a comprehensive
• National Council of Education – Rafael background not onlyto the cartoons but to
Palma – Chairman. the turbulent period as well.

➢ Artist-writer Alfredo Roces, who designed

the book, contributes an essay on
Philippine graphicsatire of the period.
➢ When Filipinos began
winning civil service
appointments after
1913, theyfound
themselves facing
serious discrimination
in both wags and
➢ Francis B. Harrison,
the liberal Governor
General reed the pro;
American hiring
policies of the Taft Era
(1900 – 1912) and
began the
“’FIlipinization” of the
civil service.

American Worker- Filipino Worker

• refers not to a ten-fold difference in

Filipino and American manual wages
within the colony, but to a more
fundamental inequality - the difference
in wages and working conditions
between the two countries


• Philippine Catholic Mass Media Award
• Best Books of the Year for 2985
• Philippine National Books Award for
History 1986
• Gintong Aklat award (Manila)
• Special Citation For History 1987


Treaty of Paris of 1898
(Tratado de Paris de 1898;Kasunduan sa Paris
ng 1898)

Treaty of Peace between the United States of

America and the Kingdom of Spain

• Type: Peace Treaty

• Signed: 10th of December, 1898
• Location: Paris, France
• Condition: Exchange of Ratifications
• Language used: English and Spanish
• Countries involved: Cuba, Puerto Rico,
Mariana Islands and Philippines

15th of February 1898

• USS Maine, a United States Navy ship • Conference opened on 1st of October
that sank in Havana Harbor in February 1898
1898, contributing to the outbreak of • Signed on 10th of December 1898
the Spanish American War in April. • Decision of the future of Cuba,
Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico, and
• US Consul E. Spencer Pratt met with Marianas Island.
Aguinaldo during his visit and promised
him the independence of the ➢ The first Philippine Republic tried to send a
Philippines in exchange for his Filipino delegation to participate and
assistance in the war against Spain. observe the negotiation but it was denied.

George Dewey Felipe Agoncillo

• Hero of Manila • A Filipino lawyer and diplomat who

• Best known for his victory at the Battle denied in participation despite in his
of Manila Bay on 1st of May 1898 petitions, he was not allowed to join.
during the Spanish-American War, with
the loss of only a single crewman on the
American side.

Mock Battle of Manila ➢ The demand was ultimately accepted with

great reluctance by Spain, with the
• On 13th of August 1898, the local
stipulation that the United States should
Spanish and American generals, who
pay Spain $20 million nominally for public
were legally still at war, secretly and
buildings and public works in the
jointly planned the battle to transfer
control of the city center from the
➢ The treaty was vigorously opposed in the
Spanish to the Americans while keeping
U.S. Senate as inaugurating a policy of
the Philippine Revolutionary Army out
“imperialism” in the Philippines and was
of the city center.
approved on Feb. 6, 1899, by only a single
Treaty of Paris vote. (57-27)

• Treaty of Paris in 1898 was an Philippine-American War

agreement between United States and
• Two days earlier, hostilities had begun
Spain that officially ended the Spanish-
at Manila between U.S. troops and
American War.
insurgents led by Emilio Aguinaldo. For
more than three years the Filipinos
carried on guerrilla warfare against U.S. ➢ September 11, 1902 – Philippine-American
rule. war had finally ended. (3 years and 7 mos.)

The Second Philippine Commission

• March 16, 1900
➢ August 1898 – the Americans • Taft Commission
established military government in the • chaired by William Howard Taft
➢ Gen. Wesley Merritt – 1st military
governor in the country. The Establishment of American Civil
➢ Gen. Elwell Otis – 2nd military governor Government
in the country replacing Gen. Merritt. - • March 2, 1901
made declaration of war. • Army Appropriation Act
• It create Civil Government in the
Malolos Batallion • Spooner Amendment (Sen. John
1. Major Donato Teodoro Spooner of Wiscousin)
2. Gen. Antonio Luna ➢ July 4, 1901 – inauguration of the Civil
➢ New York Times - an American journal ➢ June 3, 1900 – the right to exercise
legislative functions in the Philippines.

First Philippine Commission

Judge William Howard Taft
• January 20, 1899
• Schurman Commission • 1st Civil Government in the Philippines
• Dr. Jacob Schurman • He was a well-loved governor.

➢ Bates Agreement – settlement of Sulu as a

protectorate of the US. ➢ Sen. John Spooner – a man responsible for
➢ Januario Galut – Filipino spy for the the ending of the Military Administration in
Americans. the Philippines.
➢ Gen. Frederic Funston – learned of the ➢ Cayetano Arellano – Chief Justice of the
whereabouts of Aguinaldo. Supreme Court.
➢ Gen. Vicente Lukban – gave the Americans ➢ Philippine Bill of 1902 / Philippine Organic
the most humiliating defeat. “Massacre of Act of 1902 – 1st stage in the development
Balanginga” of the Civil Government.
➢ Gen. Miguel Malvar – last general to ➢ Luke E. Wright – replaced Taft as Civil
surrender to the Americans. Governor.
New Nationalist Political Parties ➢ Jones Law / Philippine Autonomy Law – an
American Law
• Pedro Paterno’s Independence Party
• Pascual Poblete’s National Party
First Independence Mission

• Composed of 40 members
➢ Henry C. Ide – replaced Wright on April 2, • Leader: Manuel L. Quezon
• Stable government already exist.
✓ Lifting the ban on independence
➢ James F. Smith – replaced Ide on
➢ Newton Baker (War Secretary) – Philippine
September 20, 1906.
Independence symphatizer.
➢ Gabaldon Law – the first law that passed
➢ Warren G. Harding – Republican President
the Philippine Assembly.
✓ In his desire to know the true state of
➢ Sergio Osmena – the 1st leaders of the
thePhilippines, he sent the Wood
Philippine Assembly.
Forbes Mission.
Manuel L. Quezon ✓ The special commission was constituted
by Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood & William
• Majority Floor Leader C. Forbes.
• Resident Commissioner 1909
• Outstanding Performance

➢ William Cameron Forbes – new governor Philippine Congress 1922 – 2nd Independence
replacing Smith on November 11. Mission to the U.S.

• it came out the recommendation of

The Republicans
deferring the granting of Philippine
1. Pres. William McKinley (1897-1901) Independence.
2. Pres. Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) • due to poor financial state, bankruptcy
3. Pres. William H. Taft (1909-1912) of the PNB and the instability of the
Accomplishments of Harrison Administration:

• Giving the Filipinos the majority in the

Upper House (5/9). Administration of Leonard Wood
• Harrison replaced American employees
• he replaced F. Harrison as the country’s
with Filipinos in government office
• antagonized the Philippine Legislature
• The Jones Bill of 1912.
owing to his disapproval of 16 bills.
• Cabinet Crisis 1923 – to show their
dissatisfaction with Wood’s
• Wood died on August 7, 1927. Private Higher Education Institutions during
American Regime

• Siliman University in 1901 (Negros

Restoration of Filipino Cooperation Oriental)
• A good working relationship between • Centro Escolar University founded by
the Governor-general and the Librada Avelino in 1907.
Philippine Legislature was restored. • Philippine Women’s University founded
by Francisca T. Benitez in 1919.

Republican Governor-Generals ➢ Pensionados – Hundreds of Filipino scholars

• Henry I. Stimson (1928-29) were sent to the US on free government.
• Dwight F. Davis (1929-32)
Religious Developments
• Theodore Roosevelt Jr. (1932-33)
• The Introduction of Protestantism
• The Rise of the Philippine Independent
Church was the establishment of
Aglipayan Church on August 3, 1902

➢ 1923 – 3rd Independence Mission likewise

Educational Developments
• Americans started opening schools in ➢ 1924-1930 - 4th–8th Independence Mission
Manila ➢ OX-ROS Mission 1931 – 9th Independence
• Act 74 – The Philippine public school Mission
system enacted by the Taft Commission
in January 1901.
Hare-Hawes Cutting Act
• The compulsory teaching of English in
school. • Representative Hare
• Recruitment of trained teachers in the • Senator Harry Hawes
U.S. • Senator Cutting
• Abolition of compulsory religious
instruction. ➢ 10th – 11th Independence Mission
➢ Tyding-McDuffie Law – a new
➢ Thomasites – 1st American teachers arrived independence measure.
in Manila on August 23, 1901. ➢ May 1, 1934 – accepted the Tydings-
➢ Act 1870 – created the University of the McDuffie Law by the Philippine Legislature.
Philippines in 1908 enacted by Philippine
Commission and Philippine Assembly.
➢ Based on the documentary about the
pirates of the Sulu Seas from Mindanao.
➢ The documentary demonstrates how these • Inhabited the Ilana bay area in southern
raiders were actually plying their trade Mindanao
before and during the Spanish Colonization. • They were a fierce marine force of the
Sultanate of Sulu.
The Port Pilar
3. Tausug
• Located on the Southern tip of • People “Tau” Current “Sug”
Mindanao in Zamboanga. • Constituted the people of Sultanate of
• Established by Spaniards. Sulu or Lupah Sug.
• Constructed with 10 high meter wall • Speaks in Tausug Language that is
fortification all around. related to the Butuan Dialect.
• Used as base of the Spaniards to
facilitate their trade.
• Requested by Jesuit Priest and Bishop
Fray Pedro of Cebu upon the approvalof
the Spanish Governor of the Philippines
Juan Cerezo de Salamanca.
➢ The Three Tribes are not really pirates
during the times, instead they were plying
their tradeof capturing people and selling
Three Different Tribes of Seafaring Filipino them as slaves.
➢ They land in different shores posing as
• Tawi-Tawi and Sulu group of islands and fishermen and without any warning they
the Maguindanao area is where the draw their 1-meter long swords and take
three tribes sails. many slavesas they can.
➢ Once captured, the slaves palms are
The three tribes were known as the; puncturedand tied to each other, then they
1. Samal Balangingi are loaded ina 25-27 meter by 6 meter
2. Ilanuns or Iranuns boats that has 30 to 34 oarsmen and sails.
3. Sultanate of Sulu or Tausug.
The Three Boats that the Raiders of the Sulu
Sea Used

The Three Tribes • LANONG – the biggest boat that is used

by the slave raiders.
1. Samal Balanguigui • GARAY – the fastest among the boats
• One of the Samal Communities, that and can carry 60 – 80 men.
originally inhabited The Tongkil Island • SALISIPAN – the smallest of all the boats
Group. and is used to monitor the sea shores
• They were relocated to Zamboanga and carry men who pretend to be
Peninsula coast and Islands as a resultof fishermen.
the 1848 military campaign.
2. Ilanuns or Iranuns ➢ The History Documentary was actually
• Known as merciless focusingon how the tribes were able to
organize a FLOTILLA with of a hundred ships ➢ The much-feared Dalasi attack inDecember
or more withmore than 3,000 men. 1720 failed, although Zamboanga was
➢ This happened when the three tribes under siege.
connivedto Fort Pilar. ➢ These raids were sanctioned by theSultan
for Political and economic motives.
➢ Spanish policy was to stop raids, participate
and monopolize trade andpropagate
➢ Slave raiding was part of the bigger regional
trade in Islands Southeast Asia.
➢ Moro defiance against America imposition
dramatized resistance versusAmerican Rule.
➢ Colonial rule and armed conflicts in this
region cause the impoverishment of Muslim
How the tribes gathered?
Sulu in Spanish Times
➢ The three tribes had some sort of a pacton
how to go about their business and ➢ Jolo was a “slave market” in the 18th to19th
employing Tausugs as their warriors. Century.
➢ One tribe could set out to sea with afew ➢ Panglima Taupan, from BalanguinguiTribe
boats then drop-by each of the several was a notorious Slave Raider.
bases of the tribes along theshores. ➢ Spain wanted to control maritime tradein
➢ They would call upon all availableseafarers Sulu Sea in addition to its goal of
to join the expedition. Christianizing the population
➢ “Money and Mission can go together”
The Slavery Trade Ended ➢ they believed.
➢ When the Spaniards ordered three Weapons used by the Raiders
steamboats from England.
➢ Steamboats were faster, easier to navigate ➢ Kalis – used by Tausug and Balanguingui
and has various armament totake on the Tribe. Cherished for its symbolic connection
tribes. and continuity with ancestors struggle.
➢ Spaniards were now able to chase and ➢ Barong – also used by Tausug and
follow the boats to their bases and conduct Balanguingui Tribe. It is valued for itssteely
raids. cutting strength in cutting intohalves
modern riffles.
The Documentary of Raiders of the Sulu Sea ➢ Kampilan – used by Ilanuns. Describedas
➢ The documentary addresses Moro long and sharp, used to decapitate his
resistance versus Spanish and American opponent and cut the opponent’s head.
rules in Southern Philippines. The Reason behind Raiders of the Sulu Sea
➢ Moro raids on coastal areas demonstrated Attacking
resistance versus SpanishRule.
➢ The Three Tribes which are the
Balanguingui Samal, Ilanun, Tausugsstarted
to attack the Fort Pilar to opposed the
changes that Spaniardswant them to follow.
➢ The three tribes didn’t like the idea ofthe
Spaniards forcing them to convertinto
➢ They want to fight for their identity,
traditions, and religion.
Filipino Grievances Against Governor Wood • Philippines under American flag.
- Symbol of freedom and altruism, not
subjugation and selfishness or greed.
Approved by the Commission on • Avowed purpose is to train us in the art of
Independence on self-government and granting us
November 17 independence.
• Promised that our country would be
1921 conserved and developed for the benefit of
• The first 20 years of civil government were
GREGORIO ZAIDE marked by mutual understanding and loyal
• Internationally known as Filipino historian, cooperation between American and
author and politician from Pagsanjan, Filipinos.
• The president of US sent General Wood to
the Philippines to fulfill his promise.
• Authored 67 books, that are used in schools
both secondary and Colleges CALVIN COOLIDGE
• He has also written beyond 500 articles
American politician and lawyer who served as
about History that has been published both the 30th president of the United States from
in national and international. 1923 to 1929.
• He compiled and annotated the petition
letter for the constitutional representatives EXPECTATION
of the Filipinos. Filipinos expected that spirit of cooperation
would be maintained.

Political emancipation would be complete.

• Sent to the Philippines as Governor-
General. There was a train of arbitrary acts Resulted in
• 1923, he came to the Philippines after curtailment of our autonomy & destruction of
hisministration in Cuba. our constitutional system Reversal of America's
• Authorized governor of the Moro Philippine Policy.
• comprising Southern Island and
Mindanao. • He has refused his assent to laws which
were the most wholesome & necessary
Filipino Grievances Against Governor Wood heads of department.
• He has set at naught both the legal
• The period of American colonization of
authority and responsibility for the
the Philippines lasted 48 years, from
Philippine heads of departments.
cession of the Philippines to the U.S. by
• He has substituted his constitutional
Spain in 1898 to U.S. recognition of
advisers for a group of military attaches
Philippine independence in 1946.
without legal standing in the government
and not responsible to the people.
• He has reversed the policy of Filipinizing the THE BATTLE OF BATAAN AND CORREGIDOR
service of the government by appointing
BATTLE OF BATAAN (January 7 – April 9, 1942)
Americans even when Filipinos of proven
capacity were available. Location: Bataan Peninsula near Manila Bay in
• He has obstructed the carrying out of Luzon Island, Philippines
national economic policies duty adopted by
- United States and Philippine
the Legislature, merely because they are in
Commonwealth against Japan during World
conflict with his personal views.
War II
• He has unduly interfered in the
- The battle represented the most intense
administration of justice.
phase of the Japanese invasion of the
EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 37 Philippines
- Ended on April 9, 1942
Based on an opinion rendered by the Judge
- 76,000 soldiers surrendered
Advocate General of the United States and the
- Japanese victory
confirmatory opinion of the acting Advocate
- Beginning of Bataan Death March
General on November 17.


• was a career American army officer and the

Commander of Allied forces in the
Philippines at the time of their surrender to
the Empire of Japan during the World War
• Consolidated all of his Luzon-based units on
the Bataan Peninsula to fight against the
Japanese army.
• In Australia, he made his famous speech in
which he declared “I shall return”.


• Commander of the Bataan forces

• He was forced to surrender together with
his men when the Filipino and American
soldiers could no longer defend the Bataan
peninsula from the invasion of Japanese

• Lieutenant general in the Imperial Japanese May 5, 1942 - Japanese finally secured a
Army during World War II. beachhead on the island of the Corregidor and
• After the war, Homma was convicted of war landed tanks.
crimes relating to the actions of troops
May 6, 1942 - The remaining US troops on
under his direct command.
Corregidor in the Philippines surrender to the
• He was executed by firing squad.
Japanese. Japanese troops scream, “Banzai”.

1945 – End of war and the liberation of Luzon to

BATAAN DEATH MARCH Japanese colonization.

Forcible transfer by the Imperial Japanese Army

of 60,000-80,000 American and Filipino
prisoners of war from Saysayin Point, Bagac,
Bataan and Mariveles to Camp O’Donnell,
Capas, Tarlac via San Fernando, Pampanga.

Forced to March 65 miles in 6 days. The march

was characterized by severe physical abuse and
wanton killings, and was later judged by an
Allied military commission to be a Japanese war

Hundreds of Americans and Filipinos had died.






Fort Mills - General Samuel Meyers Mills Jr.

Fort Hughes - Major General Robert P. Hughes

Fort Drum - General Richard C. Drum

Fort Frank - Brigadier General Royal T. Frank

BUTUAN OR LIMASAWA? Mindanao y Jolo was printed in Madrid in
PHILIPPINES o History of Mindanao was also re-issued 230
A RE-EXAMINATION OF THE EVIDENCE years afterwards in a handsome edition
By: Miguel A. Bernad edited by Wenceslao Retana assisted by
Father Pablo Pastells.
March 31, 1521 - The first Catholic Mass in the
Philippines an Easter Sunday on an island called 18th Century
“Mazaua”. ✓ The first province that faces the sea from
across New Spain is that of Caraga, which
There are two conflicting claims as to its identity: begins at the Cape of San Agustin.
1. One school of thought points to the little ✓ One of the major historians who made this
island south of Leyte which in the map is error was the Augustinian: Fray Juan dela
called “Limasawa”. Concepcion (1724-1787) whose 14-volume
2. The other school rejects the claim and points History of the Philippines was published in
instead to the beach called “Masao”. Manila shortly after his death.


 Claims rests upon a tradition that was almost ✓ The general left the islands which he called
unanimous and unbroken for three Las Velas Latinas of the Archipelago of San
centuries, namely the 17th, 18th, and the 19th Lazaro a name which they still retain.
centuries. ✓ They have also added the name of Marianas
 The monument was erected in 1872 near the Islands.
mouth of the Agusan River at a spot within ✓ They sailed 300 leagues westward,
the municipal boundaries of Butuan. But discovered many islands with abundant
which today belongs to the separately supplies.
municipality of Magellans, named after
Ferdinand Magellan. 19th Century
• Joaquin Martinez de Zuniga (1760-1818),
17th Century whose Historia de Filipinas was published in
o Butuan tradition was already in possession, Sampaloc in 1803.
it was accepted without question by Jesuit-
historian who were quite careful of their II. THE SHIFT IN OPINION
o Father Francisco Colin S.J. (1592-1660)
• Some recent defenders of the Butuan
tradition have blamed the shift of opinion of
whose Labor Evangelista was first published
two Americans, namely: Emma Blair and
in Madrid in 1663, three years after his
James Alexander Robertson whose 55
volume collection of documents on the
o The work was re-issued 240years later in a
Philippine Islands was published in Cleveland
magnificent three volume edition annotated
from 1903-1909.
by Father Pablo Pastells S.J (Madrid, 1903).
o On Easter Day, in the territory of Butuan, the
Father Pablo Pastells
first mass ever offered in these parts was
Born in 1846 in Figueras
celebrated and a cross planted.
He entered the Jesuit novitiate in Spain and
o Father Francisco Combes S.J. (1620-1665)
later did further studies in France. He was
had lived and worked as a missionary in the
ordained as a priest in 1871.
Philippines, and whose Historia de
He collected an enormous amount of the 1521 Easter Sunday Mass, the first Catholic
document from the Archivo de Indias in mass in the country.
Seville and from other sources.
Pastell’s published works included (A) his The NHCP Board of Commissioners signed
three volume edition of Colin (B) his three Resolution No. 2 last July 15 adopting the report
volume History of the Jesuit Missions in the submitted by the investigating panel on the issue
Philippines in the 19th century (C) his History surrounding the 1521 Easter Sunday Mass in the
of the Jesuits in Paraguay. Philippines.
Pastels had collaborated with Retana in a
new edition of Combes. The panel was formed in November 2018 after
Retana had accepted the Butuan Tradition in several institutions, such as the Catholic Bishops’
his edition of Martinez de Zuniga in 1893. Conference of the Philippines, made requests in
authenticating the site of the 1521 Easter
1. The evidence of Albo’s Log-Book.
2. The evidence of Pigafetta. The requests were made in time for the 500th
a. Pigafetta’s testimony regarding the anniversary of the introduction of Christianity in
route; the country in 2021.
b. The evidence of Pigafetta’s map;
c. The two natives kings;
"The panel recommended that Limasawa Island,
d. The seven days at “Mazaua”;
Southern Leyte, be sustained as the site of the
e. An argument from omission.
1521 Easter Sunday Mass," the commission
3. Summary of the evidence of Albo and
concluded on their findings.
4. Confirmatory evidence from Legazpi
expedition. Some proponents insisted Butuan City in Agusan
del Norte as the real site of the first Catholic
mass in the country, as evidenced by a
monument erected in 1872 in Magallanes town
commemorating the said religious event that
happened there.

An Act to Declare the Site in Magallanes, After making trips in Butuan and Limasawa as
Limasawa Island in the Province of Leyte, part of their research, the NHCP panel found no
Where the First Mass in the Philippines sufficient evidence that the capital of Agusan del
Norte hosted the first Catholic mass in the
The country's first Catholic mass was officiated
by Fr. Pedro Valderrama on March 31, 1521,
upon orders of Portugese explorer Ferdinand "The panel unanimously agreed that the
Magellan. The Limasawa mass marked the birth evidences and arguments presented by the pro-
of Roman Catholicism in the country, which Butuan advocates are not sufficient and
remains as the nation's dominant religion in the convincing enough to warrant the repeal or
country up to present reversal of the ruling on the case by the NHI
(National Historical Institute)," the NHCP panel
The National Historical Commission of the said, citing the previous rulings made by the
Philippines (NHCP) sustained findings that the commission's forerunner National Historical
Limasawa Island in Southern Leyte as the site of Institute in 1995 and 2008 affirming Limasawa as
the true site of the first Catholic mass in the • The date of the First Mass may be an error
country. due to the use of Gregorian Calendar in the
translation of the original date
The NHCP panel examined the Italian and French
version of Italian chronicler Antonio Pigafetta’s • Labor Evangelista (Father Francisco Colin)-
accounts in the Magellan-Elcano expedition, The First Mass, Solemn planting of the cross
which showed the coordinates of the 1521 and the formal taking possession of the
Easter Sunday Mass are closer to Limasawa. Islands in the name of the Crown of Castile
happened in Butuan on Easter Sunday of
The national historical commission also studied 1521.
the 1895 journal articles of historians Trinidad
Pardo de Tavera and Pablo Pastells, SJ, which • Historia de Mindanao y Jolo (Father
revisited Pigafetta’s accounts and emphasized Francsico Combes)- Magellan landed on
that Limasawa, not Butuan, as the site of the first Butuan and planted the cross in a solemn
Catholic mass in the country. ceremony. Information about the First Mass
is not mentioned.
• Colin and Combes both pictured that
Magellan visited Butuan and Limasawa.
• According to Pigafetta, the first mass
happened on March 31, 1521 which is SUPPORTING EVIDENCES
Eastern Sunday on Southern Leyte. • Name of the Place
• Father Pedro de Valderrama held the
mass and The Rajah of Mazaua and • The expedition traveled 20 to 25
Rajah of Butuan were present. leagues from Homonhon, the first
• After the mass party, a cross was planted landing point
on a summit of a little hill. The First
Mass marked the birth of Roman • The latitude position
Catholicism in the Philippines. • The geographical feature

WHY IN BUTUAN: • Bonfire

• Balanghai
Butuan Tradition: the 3 century tradition
• House
The monument erected near the mouth of
Agusan River which has an inscription: • Abundance of Gold

• Developed settlement
To the Immortal Magellan: the People of Butuan
with their Parish Priest and the Spaniards POSSIBLE WITNESS:
resident therein, to commemorate his arrival
and the celebration of the First Mass on this site • Gines de Mafra- Ambrosiana Codex
on the 8th of April 1521. Erected in 1872, under
the District Governor Jose Ma. Carvallo.

• 1976-BCHFI’s 28 new gathered evidences • The evidence of Albo’s Logbook

and 10 newly discovered balanghai boats in
• The evidence of Pigafetta
Masao River
• Summary of Evidence of Albo and
• Statement of Gregorio Zaide
• Archaeologist examining the coordinates
• Confirmatory evidence from Legazpi
• Yale Codex Expedition

CONCLUSION • Monograph by Fr.Bernard in 1981

• Mazaua is located 9 and 1/3 latitude, south • Study of William Henry Scott in 1982
of Seylani which is 10 latitude. This could
mean that it can be nearly located Butuan
City or in the municipality of Agusan del ❑ RA 2733
• Limasawa is the original site of the First
• Limasawa is a small island now occupied by Catholic Mass in the Philippines, according
the province of Leyte to a 2 year study of National Historical
Commission in the Philippines (NHCP}.
• Historically important because Ferdinand
(August 24,2019. ABS CBN News)
Magellan left after first landing and resting
in Homonhon in March 1521 REPUBLIC ACT No. 2733
IMPORTANT EVENTS TOOK IN LIMASAWA An Act to Declare the Site in Magallanes,
ISLAND: Limasawa Island in the Province of Leyte,
Where the First Mass in the Philippines
• Ferdinand Magellan’s alliance with Raha
Kulambu The NHCP Board of Commissioners signed
Resolution No. 2 last July 15 adopting the
• The First Mass
report submitted by the investigating panel on
• According to Francisco Albo’s the issue surrounding the 1521 Easter Sunday
account, he didn’t mention the First Mass in the Philippines
Mass in the Philippines but only the
The national historical commission also studied
planting of the cross.
the 1895 journal articles of historians Trinidad
WITNESS: Pardo de Tavera and Pablo Pastells, SJ, which
revisited Pigafetta’s accounts and emphasized
Antonio Pigafetta wrote Mazaua as the name
that Limasawa, not Butuan, as the site of the
of the island.
first Catholic mass in the country.
The Two Faces of the 1872 Cavite Mutiny - The 200 men contingent headed by
Seargent La madrid launched an attack
By Chris Antonette Piedad-Pugay
targeting Spanish officers at sight and
“GOMBURZA” seized the arsenal.

The Martyrdom of the three martyr priests in - Attempt of the Spanish government and
the person of Fathers Mariano Gomez, Jose Frailocracia to instill fear among Filipinos so
Burgos and Jacinto Zamora (GOMBURZA) that they may never commit such daring act
again, the GOMBURZA were executed.
All Filipino must know the different sides of the
story since this event led to another tragic yet - The execution of the Gomburza is one of
meaningful part of our history. the moving forces that shaped Filipino

1872 Cavite Mutiny:

A Response to Injustice:
The Filipino Version of the Incident
- Jose y Montero, a Spanish historian
documented the event and highlighted it as - Dr. Trinidad Hermenigildo Pardo de
an attempt of indios to overthrow the Tavera, a Filipino scholar and researcher,
Spanish government in the Philippines. wrote the Filipino version of the Filipino
incident in Cavite.
- Gen. Rafael Izquierdo’s official report
magnified the event and made use of it to - In his point of view, the incident was a mere
implicate the native clergy. mutiny by the native Filipino soldiers and
- Izquierdo and Montero scored out that the
main reason of the revolution are the - On January 20, 1872, about 200 men
abolition of privileges of the worked of comprised of soldiers, laborers of the
Cavite. arsenal and residents of Cavite headed by
Sergeant La madrid rose in arms and
- Izquierdo reported to the King of Spain that assassinated the commanding officers and
the ‘rebels’ wanted to overthrow the Spanish officers in sight.
Spanish government to install a new ‘hari’
in the likes of Father Gomez, Burgos and - Tavera believed that the Spanish friars and
Zamora. Gen. Izquierdo used Cavite Mutiny as a
powerful lever by magnifying it as a full
January 20, 1872 blown Conspiracy.
- The district of Sampaloc celebrated the - Central Government of Spain welcomed an
feast of the Virgin of Loreto. educational degree authored by
- The participant celebrated it with the Segismundo Moret promoted the fusion of
fireworks display. sectarian schools run by the friars into a
schools called “Philippine Institute”.
- Those in Cavite mistook it as the sign for
the attack.
- Convicted educated men who participated DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF THE “CRY“
in the mutiny were sentenced life
Pío Valenzuela’s “Cry of Pugad Lawin”
imprisonment while members of the native
clergy headed by the GOMBURZA were ❑ August 23, 1896
executed by garrote.
❑ “Cry of Balintawak” as the staging point of
- This leads to the awakening of Nationalism the Philippine Revolution.
and eventually to the outbreak of Philippine
Revolution. ❑ He surrendered to General Ramon Blanco
on September 3, 1896 and was imprisoned
UNRAVELLING THE TRUTH in Fort Santiago, where upon investigation,
he told Francisco Olive, the Spanish
Considering the four accounts of the 1872
investigator that the “Cry” was staged at
Mutiny, there were some basic facts that
Balintawak on Wednesday, August 26,
remained unvarying:
1. There was a dissatisfaction among the
❑ On August 22, 1896 in the house of
workers of the arsenal; their privileges was
Apolonio Samson at Kangkong.
drawn back by Gen. Izquierdo.
❑ It was at Pugad Lawin, in the house of Juan
2. Gen. Izquierdo introduced rigid and strict
Ramos, son of Melchora Aquino where over
policies that made Filipinos move turn away
1000 of katipuneros met and carried out
from Spanish Government in disgust.
debate on August 23 whether or not the
3. The Central Government failed to conduct revolution start on August 29, 1896.
an investigation on what truly happened.
❑ Only Teodoro Plata protested.
4. Filipino clergy members actively
❑ After the meeting, the katipuneros tore
participated in the secularization movement
their cedulas and shouted “Long Live the
in order to allow Filipino priest to take hold
of the parishes in the country making them
prey to the to rage of the friars.

5. Filipino was active participant and Gregoria de Jesus’s Version of the First “Cry”
responded to what they deemed injustice.
❑ August 25, 1896
6. The execution of GOMBURZA was a blunder
on the part of Spanish government. ❑ “Lakambini of the Katipunan”

“Not forget those who fell during the night” ❑ Custodian of the secret documents, seal,
and weapons of the Katipunan.
-Elias (Noli Me tangere)
❑ While Bonifacio and his men gathered in
the hills of Balintawak for the war, the
Spanish authorities were coming to arrest
her so she fled to manila and later joined
his husband.
❑ When the Katipunan had been Guillermo Masangkay’s
discovered and some of the members
The “Cry of Balintawak”
were arrested, she immediately
returned to Caloocan. ❑ August 26, 1896
❑ Through her friend, she learned that the ❑ The historic first rally of the Philippine
Spanish were coming to arrest her so at 11 Revolution occurred at the rustic barrio of
o’clock at night, secretly going through the Balintawak, a few kilometers north of the
rice fields in La Loma with intention of city of Manila.
returning to Manila.
❑ At about 9 o’clock in the morning of August
Santiago Alvarez’s 26, 1896, a big meeting was held in
Balintawak by Bonifacio
The “Cry of Bahay Toro”
❑ Teodora Plata, Briccio Pantas and Pio
❑ August 24, 1896
Valenzuela opposed to start the uprising
❑ Son of Mariano Alvarez and relative of early.
Gregoria de Jesus.
❑ The people then agreed to Bonifacio and
❑ Unlike Masangkay, Samson and screamed “Revolt!”
Valenzuela, Alvarez was not an
❑ Bonifacio then asked the people to give
eyewitness of the historic event. Hence,
pledge by destroying their cedulas as it is
His version cannot be accepted as equal
the sign of slavery of the Filipinos by the
in weight to that given by actual
participants of the event.
❑ At about 5 o’clock in the afternoon, while
❑ Sunday, August 23, 1896 at 10 o’clock in
the gathering of Balintawak was celebrating
the morning at the barn of Kabesang
the decision of the Katipuneros to start the
Melchora, about 500 of the katipuneros
uprising, the guards outside gave warning
met together and were ready and eager
that the Spaniards were coming. Shot were
to join Bonifacio and his men.
exhanged between the Katipuneros and
❑ Monday, August 24, 1896, Bonifacio Spaniards thus the start of the Revolution.
hold a meeting inside a big barn began
at 9 o’clock in the morning were about
1000 katipuneros present.

❑ 12 o’clock of the same day when the

meeting adjourned, the loud cries of
“Long Live Sons of the Country!”
(Mabuhay ang mga Anak ng Bayan!)
were heard.

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