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Dr Tracy on listening

Umar Shafique

Arizona state university

November 14, 2021


Communication has more uses other than conveying information It has notable

influence on everyone’s life. It is also used for understanding, starting relationship, showing

yourself, requesting, order and much more communication affects our personal and professional

life. To become a good communicator active listening matters a lot. Lack of communication skills

make person uncomfortable. Listening and communication both have almost the same meaning.

Listening skills are exceedingly prime and key for understanding what you're hearing.

Understanding relates to how someone utilize his/her listening skills. The more we listen it leads

us towards more gain of information.


Listening is important in terms of our daily life, each day we communicate with our

family, friends, employees, employers so without speaking and listening we cannot get

information. Although ability to pass information verbally or non-verbally is quite challenging.

Dr Tracy gives an example of effective listening in the workplace. Listening plays a

vital role in regulating outcome. When junior workers are fully determined and listen carefully,

they try to give their best while if they do not listen their seniors there would be communication

gap. So, if there is no proper understanding and transfer of information at workplace then outcomes

will be disappointing or displeasing. Hence it all depends on listening; a good listening may cause

the outcome to be productive and vice versa. Listening can be beneficial in all way if we have

listening skill. Being a good listener can be influential.

There are multiple bad listening practices that we should leave, like selective listening. Selective

listening defines as that listening to what we with agree or disagree with.

Bad listening may cause assumptions, misunderstanding, dispute or conflicts in people. On the

other hand, poor listening leads to distrust and enfeeble the communication. communication has

emotional and long-lasting impacts. The misunderstanding usually originates from the impression

that I am not listening. This is not only bad practice for a little time but you unconsciously build

the habit of it and it can be resulted into close minded person because, listening is not only related

to ears. Your mind matters a lot. If we are not listening it means your mind does not want to

welcome new ideas and you do not want any refreshment. It is a gesture towards a dull personality.

To connect productively with others, you must expand listening master plan and skills. Listening

for feedback is the most principal listening skill because when we listen to others, they generally

wait for our response to what they are telling us.

We pass maximum of our communication time listening, and we are thankful that

we have ears to hear what people are saying. Even when we have authentic or real wish to

understand the other, including high level of confidence conversation cannot take place without

the equitable listening skills. Critical listening is more engaging than any other type of listening

because it’s purpose is to criticize and evaluate something which people finds interesting.

Therefore, people show their active listening or behavior in this type of listening. We should not

be biased while listening critically. It helps in broadening the relationships among people

The most prime and dominant part of active listening is to just listen. It is challenging to talk to

someone who is already looking at you, but we have to face them by maintain eye contact and
giving them our attention. Perhaps most people like and prefer to speak than listen while they don’t

know greatest thing, we give to other is our attention and listening is all about one’s attention.


Communication has an essential part which is listening. Communication has key roles in

transferring information and understanding etc. So understanding relates to someone’s ability to

use his/her listening skills. Bundle of collecting information depends on how more we listen.

Listening plays key role everywhere in our daily life. Effective listening leads to success while

bad listening or poor listening causes misunderstandings, opposition, weakens communication and

many long-lasting impacts. To enhance the process of effective listening it is very important to fix

the barriers that affects listening at its initial stage. Usually, it looks more difficult to control our

body language, and we get distracted we lose our interest by lack of eye contact, or posture. The

next person or speaker will notice the problem, and likely stop talking at best. At the end, they get

frustrated. Listening and hearing are two different things. Listening requires attention and focus.

Deetz, S. J., Tracy, S. J., & Simpson, J.L. (2000) Leading organizations through transition:

Communication and cultural change. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage (232 pages)

Scarduzio, J. a., & Tracy, S. J. (2015). Sense giving and sense breaking via emotion cycles and

emotional buffering: How collective communication creates order in the courtroom. Management

Communication Quarterly, 29, 331-357. Lead article

Tracy SJ, Hinrichs MM (2017) Big tent criteria for qualitative quantity. In: Matthes J (ed) the

international encyclopedia of communication research methods. John Wiley & sons, Hoboken,

NJ, pp 1-10

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