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Vida Arbol

(A Tree of Life)

A princess and her lovely family resided in a palace. They exchange

pleasant memories. When her father spoke up at dinner, he remarked, "I need to

find a man to be my soldier." Her mother replied, “Sure, why not.” The next day,

the monarch informed his people that he requires soldiers to keep an eye on his

daughter. Many young men lined up, and they had to pass tryouts before becoming

soldiers. During the search, no one was able to meet the king's requirements for a

soldier. The king wanted soldiers to keep an eye on his daughter since the other

palace intended to kidnap her and kill her as retaliation for the king killing the

other palace's son because he was attempting to obtain his daughter and didn't want

anyone flirting with her. Without Athena being aware of what is truly going on.

Athena, the princess, inquired after their long search, "Why do you want someone

to take care of me, Dad? I'm old enough to not go out in this palace, and I certainly

won't betray you because I know you don't want me to love anyone, and I respect

that. I adore you to death." "There will be times when I am not there for you," the

king simply hugged her and added, "At least when I am not around, I know my

little princess is secure." "But, papa, even without those soldiers, I'm safe here."
Athena added to the conversation. “Please, my princess, just let me do what I want;

you'll figure it out soon enough.” Her dad replied. The night went by and the day

after that. Outside, one of the soldiers knocks on the king's door and informs him

that he is being sought. When the king realized he was shivering, thinking that it

might be from the other palace. He directed the soldier to ask if what is his reason

for looking at me and the soldier headed towards to the royal gate. "The king

directed me to interrogate you about the reason for searching for him?" the soldier

inquired. The man then said, "I came back here to try out for becoming a soldier

again because I didn't pass yesterday, so I'll do it again, and maybe I'll pass."

"What is your name?" the kind asked him as they were in the room where the

tryout was held. "I am Apollo," the man said. They noticed a soldier panting as he

approached them in the middle of their chat. The soldier then informed the king

that princess Athena had been stolen and that they would not be able to rescue her

since a large number of soldiers were watching them as they turned on the pistol.

The king was furious with the soldiers and terrified, and he kept strolling around,

pondering what he could do to reclaim her daughter. "Master, grant me an

opportunity to save your daughter and if I return here with her, you will hire me as

an Athena’s soldier," Apollo approached the king after the tryouts were over. "I

will," the king said, "but don't let me down." Apollo was riding his horse through

the forest when he heard the voice of a girl screaming and came to a halt. He
watched Athena trying to flee, but the soldier was holding her hair, which was

hurting her, and he was trying to think of a way to help her. He remembered his

father's promise that if he tears and a single tear falls on his hand, he will be

granted his wish. As a result, he sobbed and wished for a rat that could fool the

guard encircling Athena. He set the rat free, which startled the soldiers, who sought

to track him down since they believe that in their place, people can be whatever

they want in order to achieve what he wanted to do. Only three troops remained in

the wilderness, and he was given the opportunity to fight with them, and the good

news is that he overcame them and returned the princess to the palace, and the king

was very happy hailing Apollo as Athena's soldier. Apollo always knows what

Athena does, and one time when she was done showering, he noticed her only

wearing a towel around her body, and he recognized he had fallen for her.

However, Apollo will not be able to simply gain Athena since the king will not

allow someone to flirt with her. Apollo always smiles at Athena, and Athena also

grins at Apollo. Apollo once approached Athena and spoke with her. "Why are

there troops trying to get you?" Apollo had the opportunity to question her. "I don't

even know," Athena said, "I questioned my father about it and he said, 'I'll

understand soon.” Apollo admitted his feelings for Athena in the middle of their

chat, which surprised Athena but also made her pleased because Apollo could be

the one she's been waiting for for a long time. Athena confessed as well, and the
two kissed, but the king spotted them, and Apollo was imprisoned in their palace,

where he was punished for his actions. "How dare you do that to me, you told me

that you would never betray me because you love me, and now what, explain to me

everything that occurred, did Apollo possess you to fall in love with him?" the king

said as she entered her daughter's room. "No, he didn't possess me; I fell in love

with him. He was the one who rescued me when I was in need, and it was meant to

be you because you are my father," Athena responded. You don't want me to have

a lover, do you? why? Do you want me to be alone when I grow up? If both of you,

mom and dad, die, who will look after me? Dad I am of legal age to deal with such

matters. Please, Dad, allow me to love him and him to love me. "Don't talk to me

like that, Athena!" the king said, slapping Athena in the face and telling her, "Now

you have no manners because of that man." You'll never see him again from now

on." Athena sobbed and drifted off. The next day, the king slammed the door

because Apollo had gone, and he saw them sleeping near Athena, and he was

furious, intending to harm Apollo. The troops attempted to assassinate Apollo, but

the king intervened. There was a brief pause in their conversation. "Are you from

the other palace?" the king inquired, abruptly speaking up. Are you operating as a

civilian and attending the tryouts in the hopes of obtaining my daughter? "Did

Cronos tell you to do this?" says the King. Apollo said, "I'm sorry master, but I

have no idea what you're talking about." The king approached Apollo and slapped
him in the chest, screaming, "Don't fool me." Athena came to a halt in front of her

father and inquired, "What exactly are you talking about, Dad? Cronos, who is he?

What's the matter, Dad? Is there anything you know that I don't? Do you know

about this, Mom?" Her mother replied, "I'm sorry, my dear," but Athena

interrupted her and said, "So I'm the one who's being duped here? Now it's up to

Dad to tell me everything." "Athena, let me explain," the king said. "Before I was

welcomed as a king here, I completed a task to assassinate the king's son on the

other palace." And that's why I recruited a soldier to keep an eye on you so no one

can kidnap you from the other castle." "Dad, for what?" says the narrator. are you

qualified for the job? Certainly not! I don't have a murderous father, and I'd sooner

live in a hut than in this kind of existence, which is full of dark secrets. I'm leaving,

and Apollo will accompany me. I'm not your daughter anymore. "Please Athena,

no," the king responded, "I did it because I want you to have a stable existence and

not be in a terrible circumstance." "I'm getting out of here." The monarch took

Athena's hand in his, but she let go of it. A gunshot was heard while they were

strolling outside the palace. But it makes no difference to them. "I'd rather live in

this type of life, not dull, not alone," Athena exclaimed when they arrived at

Apollo's house. "Hi." Athena was greeted by the crowd. While they sat and talked

inside Apollo's house, Athena began to cry and stepped outside where no one could

see them, and Apollo questioned her, "What is the reason for this? Athena, what
happened?" Athena progressively revealed her left upper quadrant, and it was a

gunshot that caused her to lose blood and turn pale. "Oh no, God damn it, no

Athena please no, don’t leave me please no. However, Athena died completely,

and Apollo weeps profusely. Apollo sat there for an hour after Athena was buried,

grieving and saying, "Athena, you are my strength, I should not lose you, My life

is not worth it without you, my life is incomplete without you, I wanted to come

with you." Then Apollo died, and the individuals who were present were taken

aback as to how this could have happened, and Apollo was buried alongside

Athena the next day. After three months, a tree sprouted in Apollo and Athena's

grave. It was a lovely tree, and no one seemed to mind. The tree dried out after

three weeks since no one looked after it, and the people in Apollo's place were sick

and in pain, so they took a number of medications that were supposed to heal them

but didn't. One morning, a young woman noticed that tree, and fell in love with it;

she took care of it because she loves trees, and after an hour, the tree came back to

life, as did the civilians, and the young woman proclaimed that the tree was their

life. They will perish if they do not take care of it and it dies. Athena's father and

mother were also in pain, and the young woman told them that if they praised the

tree and surrendered their lives to it, they would be healed, and they were. The

king was heartbroken, knowing that her daughter had already passed away and that

her existence had now become his daughter's death. The people praised the tree,
and they looked after it and ate off it. They erect a fence around the tree and

decorate it with ornaments that complement the tree. Their life had been Athena

and Apollo's graves, and now they are grateful for both Athena's and Apollo's

lives, as well as their deaths, which provide life.

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