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• A survey showed that 77% of the world’s • 6,9% unemployment rate : lack of link and

top companies consider data analytics a match in education and employment

critical component of business (Minister of Manpower, 2020)
performance (2016) • Indonesia ranked 50th on Competitiveness
• 8 of 10 companies hard to find a of Human Resources and 41st on Global
compatible worker (Kompasiana, 2020) Talent Rank (Global Competitiveness Index,
• 9,77 millions unemployment meanwhile the 2021)
companies have a talent shortage
Survei tahun 2016 menunjukkan bahwa 77%
perusahaan top dunia mempertimbangkan data
analytics sebagai komponen kritis dalam kinerja
bisnis. Kebutuhan akan data scientist ini mendorong
permintaan yang tinggi terhadap talenta di bidang
data science.
Harvard Business Review, media bisnis terbitan
Harvard University, menyebut Data Scientist sebagai
Profesi Terseksi Abad 21. Glassdoor, situs pencari
kerja terbesar di Amerika Serikat, juga sepakat
dengan hal tersebut dan menyebutkan bahwa Data
Scientist adalah pekerjaan terbaik saat ini.

Nah, jika kamu tertarik ingin berkarir di dalam dunia data
science, kamu tentu juga harus mengetahui berbagai skill
dasar yang dibutuhkan oleh seorang data scientist .

Bersama Temu&Grow, kamu bisa mempelajari dan

mengaplikasikan ilmu data science hanya dalam 3 bulan
serta membangun portofolio terbaikmu bersama mentor-
mentor terbaik di bidangnya!

▪ Interactive courses • Connecting talents and • Reasonable cost with
▪ Updated lessons companies to find a high quality learning
▪ Real world study cases perfect career match experiences
to improve problem • Networking tricks • Wallet-friendly
solving skills • Linked with popular • Qualities above all
▪ Collaboration with the companies

1 2 3
• Persiapan Career Shifting • Persiapan Career Shifting • Persiapan Career Shifting
• Introduction to Data Science, Data • Introduction to Data Science • Introduction to Data Science
and Database, Python Programing • Fundamental Data Visualization • Fundamental Data Visualization
• Introduction to SQL • SQL ( Fundamental, Queries, • SQL ( Fundamental, Queries, Data
• Fundamental Data Visualization Data Modification) Modification)
• Python Programming • Python Programming
• Introduction to Numpy and • Introduction to Numpy and Basic
Basic Dataframe Dataframe
• Statistics
• Machine Learning
• Career Preparations 6
Career Class Preparation Persiapan Career Shifting
Data Science career and job Mentor Experience Sharing

Introduction to Data Science Machine Learning and Regression

Data Science and Methodology Supervised and Unsupervised

Introduction to Data Science Introduction to Basic Dataframe

Data and Database Pandas

SQL Introduction to Numpy

Fundamental, Queries, and Data Modification Numpy Library and Mathematic Function on Numpy

Data Visualization Statistics

Fundamental Data Visualization Basic Statistic for Data Processing and Analytic

Python Programming
Python Programming for Data Science

Online live Subject Matter
Streaming Storage

Experts & Institution

HOW OUR Head-Hunter

Temu & Grow Learning Ecosystem
Intensive Career Class
PLATFORM Course Preparation

WORKS? Companies
Career Support Services, Project based,
2 ways and interactive
Empowering Student’s Skills and
Expand Matched Network



10 % 20 % 30% 40%

Kehadiran Post- Test Tugas Latihan Final Project

1. Nilai akhir kelulusan minimal adalah 65, yaitu hasil dari perhitungan semua aspek yang meliputi kehadiran,
post test, tugas dan final project

2. Meskipun kehadiran memiliki porsi 10 persen dalam penilaian, peserta harus hadir minimal 80 persen dari
jumlah pertemuan total untuk dapat memperoleh kelulusan

We select an experts from the most popular companies in Indonesia to provide help and guide to
the youth. These experts have a good track record in their fields and could help you to starts your
career. 11


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