Leadership As A Function of Management

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Leadership as a function of Management:

Warren Bennis quoted that, ‘I used to think that running an organization was
equivalent to conduct a symphony orchestra. But I don’t think that’s quite it; it’s
more like jazz.’ This means that there is more improvisation, more work and
areas that need adaption and improvision for the organization to succeed.
Furthermore, good leaders develop through a never-ending process of self-
study, education, training, and experience (Jago, 1982).

Definition of Leadership:
Leadership is the act of influencing others toward a goal. Northouse’s (2007,
p3) definition – Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a
group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Leadership is a process by
which a person influences others to accomplish an objective and directs the
organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leaders carry
out this process by applying their leadership knowledge and skills. This is called
Process Leadership (Jago, 1982). However, we know that we have traits that
can influence our actions. This is called Trait Leadership (Jago, 1982), in that it
was common to believe that leaders were born rather than made.

Principles of Management:
Firstly, a leader knows himself or herself and seek self-improvement- In order
to know yourself, you must understand your be, know, and do, attributes.
Seeking self-improvement means continually strengthening your attributes.
Also, be technically proficiency- As a leader, you must know your job and have
a solid familiarity with your employees’ tasks.

A leader seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions. Also a
leader makes sound and timely decisions, that is, use good problem solving,
decision making, and planning tools. Furthermore, a leader sets examples, be a
good role model for your employees. We must become change we want to see –
Mahatma Gandhi.

Types of Leadership:
There are three main types of leadership styles, that is, Autocratic leadership
style, Democratic leadership style and free rain or Laissez-faire.

Democratic Leadership (All-Inclusive)

This leadership style is directly linked with two way communication that is
there is room for feedback and quality decisions will be made, however, the
disadvantage being that it is time consuming. Also it a decentralised, that is,
decision can be made at any part of the organisation which facilitates growth of
the employees and frees up space for top management to concentrate at more
sensitive organisational issues. The leader urges cooperation in choice making.
He heads those subordinates mostly through influence and example rather than
opposed fear and force. At times those leaders serve as a mediator of the plans
and suggestions from his group. McGregor labels this style as principle Y. In
this way the employees feel that management is interested in them, additionally
in their thoughts and suggestions. They will therefore put there suggestions to

 Diminished of grievances.
 Decrease of absenteeism and worker turnover.
Autocratic Leadership (The Boss)
This leadership style is directly linked with one way communication and
centralization, that is, all decisions are made by the top management and there is
no room for feedback. This leading style is more averse with a chance to be
compelling on. The new generation is more independent and easy going, not
tolerating to be controlled. People search for sense of self satisfactions starting
with their occupations.[ CITATION alL16 \l 1033 ], Leaders that use autocratic style
achieve results quickly. In exploration done on this gatherings, individuals were
observed to be most beneficial despotic, however they are negative perspective
too, if the pioneer gets absent work ceased. Group doesn’t pick up
innovativeness and information of individuals, so benefits of collaboration are

Laissez-faire or Free rein Leadership

This initiative style is frequently connected when the group is extremely fit,
much inspired and composed. Less impedance and decreased direct guideline is
ordinary with this initiative style. However this ought not to be confused for the
pioneer showing an absence of hobby. Depending on great collaboration,
exceptionally motivational and helpful initiative thoughts are produced.
[ CITATION Cha94 \l 1033 ] Free rein leadership avoids energy and obligation, also
takes a least activity for organization. The leader provides for no bearing and
permits the group should build its own objectives and resolve its own issues.
The leader plays the least role. His idea may be that every part of the assembly
when left to them will set onward as much best exert and the most extreme
outcomes can be achieved in this way

1. Goleman, Daniel and Bayatzis (2000) ‘Leadership that Gets Results’, in
Prime Leadership, pp. 82-83
2. Bruce Woodcock B.E. (2011) ‘How to Find Your Style Of Leadership?’
Available at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/careers/sk/leadership.html
3. Chand C (1994) ‘4 Different Types of Leadership’ Business Management:
(2550), your article library [Online]. Available at:
4. Lewin K et al. (1939) ‘Twenty Leadership Styles’ Journal of Social
Phychology, 10, pp. 271-301, Patterns of aggressive behavior in
experimentally created social climates [Online]. Available at:

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