Amol Chauhan Module6 FinalTask

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Digital Marketing Capstone

Digital Marketing Capstone

Digital Marketing Plan

Objective - ​to increase the awareness and sale of 

Bosch power tools by 10% on 
Amol Chauhan 
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
January 2021 
Digital Marketing Capstone


Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………...2
Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………...3
Problem Statement…………………………………………………………………….4
CDJ and Analyses……………………………………………………………………..6
Business Objectives and Data Sources…………………………………………...9
KPIs and Data Sources……………………………………………………………...11
Data Analysis………………………………………………………………………….14
The 60 second story…………………………………………………………………18
Display and Email Campaign Strategy…………………………………………...19
Audience Category 1………………………………………………………………...19
Audience Category 2………………………………………………………………...20
Display and Email Content…………………………………………………………24
Audience Category 1………………………………………………………………...24
Audience Category 2………………………………………………………………...27
Test and Control Plan………………………………………………………………..31

Note - Client Analysis section was optional and has been

skipped due to lengthy project report
Digital Marketing Capstone

----------Executive Summary----------

The work in this document represents the result of six weeks of effort expended
to complete the Capstone Project for the University of Illinois at
Urbana/Champaign Digital Marketing Specialization through Coursera. The
project is designed to help the student apply the principles he has learned in the
previous five courses on Marketing in a Digital World, Marketing Analytics in
Theory/Practice, and Digital Marketing Channels (Landscape and Planning).
Specifically, students enrolled in the Capstone will be working to help the client,
Grainger, create a digital marketing plan. The desired goal of Grainger’s multi-
channel digital marketing campaign to increase sales of Bosch power tools by
10% on After completing this Capstone, the student will
successfully be able to:

1. Apply the process of analyzing a client to set up a basis for a digital

2. Map out the Consumer Decision Journey.
3. Apply the Plan, Collect, Analyze, Report framework to focus the
4. Create a content and channel strategy to support the campaign objectives.
5. Identify a test and control plan for the strategy.
6. Apply skills in presentation and data visualization to prepare a final
campaign strategy.
Digital Marketing Capstone

----------Problem Statement----------
To design a multi-channel digital marketing campaign for the client, Grainger, as
they target a sales increase of Bosch Power Tools by 10% on​ G
The client wants the campaigns to focus on display advertising and email for this

Grainger ​is a firm that supplies MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Operation)
products. They provide anything that a firm may need which may not become
part of the final product. The supplies can be procured through,
from 370 branches across the USA, or over the phone. They are a
business-to-business (B2B) company and have a global footprint with many
subsidiaries in different countries across the globe. Even though Grainger is a
B2B firm, it is actually very similar to a B2C firm, where they market to the end
consumer as well. Traditionally, Grainger would have done marketing campaigns
by itself over various platforms such as search ads, displays, social, etc.
Recently, they have started looking at partnering with their big suppliers to
conduct joint promotional campaigns. Bosch Tools is one such supplier. Bosch
Tools, a unit of Bosch, supplies power tools to Grainger, and Grainger is one of
the main B2B resellers of Bosch. Bosch Tools has several other B2C​ online
partners​ and a few B2B partners as well.

Grainger and Bosch Tools are partnering together to explore ways to increase
sales of power tools. They would like to increase sales by 10% by working more
closely to sell more products to existing customers, find new customers, and sell
across product categories as well. is itself a consumer-facing
website and has data on customer behavior, and Bosch is sharing this data with

In this Capstone, our task will be to present a campaign to the Grainger Digital
Marketing team on how to increase the awareness and sale of Bosch power tools
Digital Marketing Capstone

by 10% on We will target the current and potential customers by

focusing on display and email channels. Display advertising could be through or through programmatic display ad purchases.The email
database is owned by Grainger and has users interested in the category of
power tools.

The final output will be a digital campaign strategy document that helps answer
the following prompts.

Question 1​: How can Grainger increase sales of Bosch Tools power tools on to customers who first visit Consider the
scenarios listed below.

● Scenario 1​: Audiences that visit, look at a power tool

(for example a drill), but do not visit
● Scenario 2​: Audiences that visit, look at a power tool,
and then visit, log in to, and visit the
power tools category
● Scenario 3​: Audiences that visit, look at a power tool,
and then visit, log in to, and visit the
plumbing category but not power tools

Question 2​: How can Grainger cross-sell/up-sell more Bosch products from
categories beyond power tools to its existing customers? You can assume that
these existing customers have already bought Bosch brand tools on
Digital Marketing Capstone

----------CDJ and Analyses----------

Scenario 1​: Audiences that visit, look at a power tool (for
example a drill), but do not visit

CDJ Phase​ - ​Initial consideration set phase​. might not be in their initial
consideration set.

Scenario 2​:​ Audiences that visit, look at a power tool, and then
visit, log in to, and visit the power tools category

CDJ Phase​ - ​Active evaluation phase. ​Customers are looking for the products
that could match their required price and quality.
Digital Marketing Capstone

Scenario 3​: ​Audiences that visit, look at a power tool, and then
visit, log in to, and visit the plumbing category but
not power tools

CDJ Phase​ - ​Active Evaluation ​and​ Initial Consideration set phase​. Audience
may not have the purchase intent or might be interested in buying plumbing tools
rather than power tools.

Scenario CDJ Phase Consumer Concerns

Scenario 1 Initial ● Are the products that I am looking

Consideration set for available here
phase ● What price range do the tools on this
website have

Scenario 2 Active Evaluation ● Do they match the quality and

phase standards that are in a standard
power tool
● Do they fit in my price range and
offer the best possible quality and
performance within this price range
for power tools segment
● Can I get servicing and repairing of
these power tool if they get
● What are the customer ratings
● Is this brand well known

Scenario 3 Active Evaluation ● Does this website offer other product

and Initial categories too
Consideration set ● What is the price range of those
phase other segments
● What are the customer ratings of the
products on this website
● How is this brand better than the
● Does this brand have news
● How is this brand perceived by the
Digital Marketing Capstone

Scenario 1​ ​Analysis ​- Clickstream analysis can be done on Boschtools website
to see which product demographics are they seeing, engagement time, bounce
rate, etc. Web scraping can also be done to view user performance on a very fine

A display ad can be done to mention that Bosch power tools are available on
Grainger website. This is to build awareness as consumers might not know it.
They can also be asked to sign up for a newsletter and then retargeted based on
the email list in the database to bring them back to Boschtools website. Or an
email ad can be done to inform them about the sales of Bosch tools on Grainger

Scenario 2​ ​Analysis ​- Again, clickstream analysis and web scraping can be

performed on the Grainger and Bosch tools website; and can do email marketing
to users who have not purchased anything.

They can do comparative pricing and show USPs to lure customers. If they are
seeing cart abandonment, they can invite users to give feedback. Also, after
purchase, users can be asked to join communities.

Scenario 3 Analysis ​- Again we have the clickstream analysis and web scrolling
data. Analysis needs to be performed on the user search history and the product
demographics the audience is interested in. And again the newsletter and
retargeting. They can also be asked to give feedback if cart abandonment is
seen. they can also be shown display ads on power tools to inform them about
the section.
Digital Marketing Capstone

----------Business Objectives and Data

Scenario 1​ - The business objective here can be ​building awareness​ and
influencing consideration ​as the audience might not know about Grainger or
the sales of Bosch power tools on Grainger. Also to know which brands are in
their initial consideration list, consumer surveys need to be collected so as to
know the consumer voice.

Scenario 2​ - The business objective here is​ improving sales process​ and
influencing consideration ​as there might be chances that the buggy payment
process eventually results in the user declining the transaction and ultimately the
product. Also ads also need to be monitored so as to see if they are performing
well or not.

Scenario 3​ - The business objective here is ​repositioning the brand​,

influencing consideration​ and ​improving the sales process​ as the ad
performance needs to be monitored so as to see whether the ads are performing
nicely and what is the user activity on the website. Also data needs to be
collected on user preferences so as to know which category of products are
consumers interested in.

Scenario Business Key Questions Type of Data

Objective Data sources
Scenario 1​: Building 1. Do people know Clickstream Google
awareness about my brand? analysis, Trends,
and 2. Is my brand in their website Google
initial consideration traffic data, Analytics,
set? consumer consumer
reviews feedbacks
Digital Marketing Capstone

consideration 3. Do my products
. satisfy consumer

Scenario 2​: Improving 1. Are my sales Clickstream Google Ads,

sales efforts resulting in analysis, Google
process​ and progress? website Trends,
2. Is there a lot of traffic data, Google
cart ad tracking Analytics,
abandonment? and Google
3. Is the sales performance trends
process , search
seamless? traffic
4. Do my products
deliver what
consumers want?

Scenario 3​: Repositionin 1. Do my products Consumer Google Ads,

g the brand​, fulfil consumer surveys, Google
influencing expectations? search Analytics,
2. Do the traffic, Google
experiences I website Trends,
and deliver fulfil traffic, ad SEMrush,
improving consumer tracking and Google Tag
the sales expectations? performance Manager
process​. 3. Is there a lot of , site audit
cart abandonment for any bugs
4. Do my products and broken
don’t appeal to the links
Digital Marketing Capstone

----------KPIs and Data Sources----------

Business Objective Key Performance Indicators Data Sources

Building Awareness 1. Bounce Rate 1. Google Ads

2. Applause Rate 2. Google
3. Amplification rate Analytics
4. Impressions 3. Taboola
5. Clicks 4. Google
6. Click through rate Trends
7. Brand Impressions 5. Hootsuite
8. Website traffic 6. SEMrush
9. Social Media Engagement 7. Ahrefs
10. Search volume data
11. Earned Media
12. External links

Influencing 1. Sessions 1. Hootsuite

Consideration 2. Bounce Rate 2. Google
3. Pages per session Analytics
4. Average session duration 3. Facebook
5. Click through rate analytics
6. Email list growth rate 4. Google Ads
7. Email open rate 5. SEMrush
8. Email click through rate 6. Email
9. Email conversion rates database
10. Email unsubscribes
11. Engagement rate
12. Impressions
13. Clicks

Improving sales 1. Cost per lead 1. Grainger

process 2. Cost per click database
3. Marketing ROI 2. Google
4. Cost per customer Analytics
acquisition 3. Google Ads
5. Sales qualified leads
6. Sales revenue
7. Landing page
8. Marketing Qualified lead
Digital Marketing Capstone

9. Sales Qualified lead

Repositioning the 1. Consumer feedbacks 1. Forum

brand 2. Twitter mentions discussions
3. Facebook Queries 2. Consumer
4. Instagram mentions reviews
5. Youtube reviews database
6. Twitter hashtags 3. Youtube
4. Facebook
5. Twitter
6. Instagram


These biases are in the data I’ve collected

1. Sampling Bias​ - In scenario 1, 2 and 3 in the influencing consideration

objective, sampling bias can be seen as the users who have submitted
their email ids might not project the whole Grainger audience. To get into
the consideration list, we need to target the users that may be interested in
buying Bosch power tools from Grainger website. There might be chances
that these people in the email database might not reflect the required
audience demographics.

To eliminate this bias, I try to target a variety of audience and include more
demographics so that sampling does not lead to bias in my data.

2. Questionnaire bias​ - In scenario 3, in repositioning the brand objective,

there might be questionnaire bias as the questions that we ask during
surveys can be tilted based on our requirements. This can lead to
questionnaire bias in the data that we collect.
Digital Marketing Capstone

This bias can be removed by re-evaluating the questions that we want to

ask our audience. Sharing these questions with our colleagues too can
help us remove questionnaire bias.

3. Interpretation Bias​ - There can be interpretation bias when the data that
has been analysed. The main goal is to increase sales of Bosch power
tools on the Grainger website. If any person directs the analysis based on
the outcomes that s/he might anticipate, then there can be an
interpretation bias.

This is the bias that can lead to the most damage to the output of my
analysis. This is caused when the analyst tries to find patterns in the data
s/he has collected. This leads to more propensity for interpretation bias.
For example, if I am getting more click through rate and more email
signups on Grainger website, then there are chances that these both might
be interconnected and have correlation. But the important thing is, even if
they have correlation, there is no certainty that one thing is the cause of
the other. To remove this bias, I need to conduct a confirmatory analysis
so as to make sure that the insights I am deriving are in harmony with the
consumer voice.
Digital Marketing Capstone

----------Data Analysis----------

Overall, Grainger gets revenue from paid ads. Most of their orders are post view
and not post click. To increase sales of Bosch tools on Grainger by​ 10%​, some
points need to be focused on.

CTR needs to be improved upto 2% CTR, which is industry average​. Not

only will this improve brand awareness but also influencing consideration.

If you can
notice, the
between ad
spend and
clicks is near
linear​. Slope of
this chart needs
to be improved,
i.e., more clicks
per spend.
Digital Marketing Capstone

The audience who visit only Bosch tools and Bosch tools and Grainger constitute
about ​0.1% of total ROAS​. This audience needs to be focused on as they
constitute a loss situation for Grainger.
This audience needs to be targeted with email campaigns and display ads so as
to make them familiar with the Grainger website and decrease this percentage
from the total audience. ​This analysis would be inferential.

Diving deeper, we can get more nuanced insights.

According to this
chart, Sunday and
Saturday, least
sales are
Spending is least
on these days, but
return is also least.
The highest ROAS
is seen on
Digital Marketing Capstone

Now, coming to the social and awareness aspect,

Grainger’s main channel is Youtube with more than 8k subscribers. Rest
channels like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter do not constitute a large part of
social engagement. They do have a good amount of followers on these channels,
but likes and comments are nearly null.

Their main source of traffic from social media is Facebook. ​Thus, even if they
are not getting much attention from these channels, the audience does pay
heed to their content​. More data from Facebook Analytics can help understand
this audience more better. ​But most likes and engagement is seen on video
posts on these channels, as in YouTube where they get a good amount of
Digital Marketing Capstone

For building awareness, the main objective would be to decrease bounce

rate to 30%​. And also I will try to increase the sessions and traffic to the grainger
website. This could be done by improving the landing page and good audience
targeting based on predictive analysis.
Also, external links need to be increased to the website by SEO, so as to
increase traffic and the email directory as well. The email CTR also needs to
increase to make sure that the audience is familiar with the Grainger brand.

Main traffic to
their site is by
Paid SEO, as
Akin Tosyali
mentioned​ in
the Capstone
And this could
be seen in this
chart as well.
Digital Marketing Capstone

Then there are display ads.​ Targeting based on the day, more detailed
targeting and exploratory analysis can help this to increase and also the
total traffic as well.

Based on causal analysis, insights can be derived through the sales qualified leads
and CTR. Causal and descriptive analytics can help derive relation between two or
more KPIs.

The 60 second story

Focus needs to be put on the audience that is visiting Bosch tools and not
Grainger website. This audience can be targeted through email campaigns or
display ads and needs to be shifted to the Grainger visitor audience. Retargeting
and word of mouth marketing should also be included in Grainger’s strategy so as
to reduce cart abandonment rates and improve sales.
Digital Marketing Capstone

​ isplay and Email Campaign

Strategy-​ ---------

Audience Category 1: Users landing on directly

● New customers: Many new customers visit on a

daily basis. Grainger wants to target these new customers and
increase the sales of Bosch power tools on

For these customers, who are new to Grainger website, bombing them with ads
won’t be a good option. These people can be shown a template about a sale of
Bosch tools on the top of the page.

A sale banner of Bosch power tools can be shown at the top of the page. Once
they are familiar with the website, then comes display and email ads.
They can be shown a display ad after they leave the website. This will help in
influencing consideration.
When they return to the site, they can be asked to sign up for promotional offers
or newsletters. Then as they submit their emails, then comes email retargeting.
Digital Marketing Capstone

● Current customers: Grainger wants to cross-sell or up-sell

different categories of Bosch brand products to customers who
have purchased Bosch power tools on​.

These customers can be retargeted with email and display ads. Like I already
mentioned in the previous case, they can also be shown a sale banner at the top
of the page. They can be emailed promotional offers about the sale of Bosch

One thing that can be done in both these cases is giving coupons and
scratch cards for the sale of Bosch power tools. These coupons can be of
limited time validity and would offer cashback or discounts on Bosch
products. Also, they can be given access to Grainger or Bosch
communities or special perks once they buy Bosch power tools on the

Audience Category 2: Users landing on first

● Scenario 1: Audiences that visit, look at a power

tool (for example a drill), but do not visit

One thing that can be done for this scenario is that as these have visited first, a template about their sales on Grainger can be

Not only will this

help in building
brand awareness
but also tell about
partnership of
both the firms.
Digital Marketing Capstone

Then, they can be shown a display ad about the sale of Bosch Tools on

For ex, this type of ad can be shown

mentioning availability on Grainger. Thus ads
would be here for brand awareness. Once
they are familiar with the site, they can be
given coupons for sale. And then we have to
retarget once they register with emails. Also,
promotional emails should mention Bosch
tools on Grainger.

● Scenario 2: Audiences that visit, look at a power

tool, and then visit, login to, and visit
the power tools category

This section needs to be targeted carefully. They are at the Grainger website and
are pretty much like the Audience Category 1 case 1 except they know about
Bosch and Grainger both. So it would be easy to tell them about Bosch sales on
Grainger and influence their consideration. They can be shown display ads about
Bosch limited time sale and display ads on the same.
Digital Marketing Capstone

This is the Bosch brand page on Grainger and should be the landing page of the
display ad. These ads would be for lead generation and sales, as these
audiences are already aware about Bosch and Grainger. Email promotions
should tell about any upcoming sales or coupons.

● Scenario 3: Audiences that visit, look at a power

tool, and then visit, login to, and visit
the plumbing category but not power tools

This audience is that fraction which has been wrongly targeted. There was a
mistake understanding their intent of purchase or the category they are
interested in. This audience can be sent emails about Bosch power tools on
Grainger and any newsletters too if they have registered, but spending dollars on
display ads for this audience won’t be a good option.
There are chances that this audience might be interested in the upcoming future
but that would be a future scenario.
Digital Marketing Capstone

As we can see, their

top ad network is
Google. Thus the main
channel for display ads
would be Google.
Facebook could be
another channel as
according to a
research, people are
very likely to buy a
product if they like it’s
photo on Facebook.
Digital Marketing Capstone

----------Display and Email


Bosch ​reflects the diversity and individuality of life and their products. It
symbolizes the Bosch brand promises: quality, global partnership, fascinating
products, and responsibility. Thus, the display ad messages on Facebook or
Google should be aligned with the same.

Audience Category 1: ​New customers

A fraction of this audience might be interested in buying power tools on Granger.

As I already mentioned, a banner can be shown on the Grainger website itself
about the sale of Bosch power tools.

This type of
banner can be
shown to them
about Bosch
tools on
Grainger. If they
have a look at
power tools,
they might be
interested in the
Digital Marketing Capstone

And this letter will be

informing them about
the sale of Bosch tools
on Grainger. This will be
for influencing
consideration and not for
revenue generation.

Couple of emails a
week are good for the

Audience Category 1: ​Current customers

These are current customers so

retargeting and promotional
messages can be sent.

This type of display ad will be

suitable for these customers and
is a promotional effort informing
them about the sale.
Digital Marketing Capstone

This is the mail that can be used

for retargeting. Not only does this
tell about the promotional offers
specially for them but also the
perks coming with the sale.
This can be sent 5-6 times a
week during the sale.

Audience Category 2: ​Scenario 1

As I said these are new customers, so informing them about Bosch tools on
Grainger would be first priority.

This is an example of the

display ad that can be shown to
the audience in this scenario.
This is not a promotional ad. It
is for brand awareness.
Promotional ads and emails will
be after this and will be like the
ones mentioned below.
Digital Marketing Capstone

And here is the letter that will be a

follow up to the display ad or can be
shown before also. This type of letter
promptly asks to have a visit to the
Grainger website, i.e., just for brand
awareness.​ It can be sent 3-4 times
a week.

Audience Category 2: ​Scenario 2

This is the audience that needs to be targeted very carefully, as I mentioned

before also. These customers are aware of both the sites and may be even
aware about the sales of Bosch tools on grainger. They need to be directed
towards the Bosch power tools section to make them a Bosch power tool buyer.
Digital Marketing Capstone

This type of ad can be shown displaying the advantages of Bosch power tools
over others and why should the customers prefer Bosch tools over others. Not
only in the display ad, a comparative pricing should also be mentioned in the
email as shown below.
Digital Marketing Capstone

This type of
letter can be
sent to the
audience stating
how their
products are
better than the
others. Also, if
pricing can be
done to lure the
customers into
the power tools
section. ​Such
email can be
sent 3-4 times a

Audience Category 2: ​Scenario 3

As already mentioned in the previous task also, this audience does not have
purchase intent of power tools, or may be interested in buying the plumbing
category of tools. So spending dollars for this category won’t be a good option.
We can do emails for this category to inform them about the power tools section,
but spending dollars for display ads won’t be logical.
Digital Marketing Capstone

This type of email can

be sent to inform about
the power tools
section, stating that in
case they want to buy
power tools, sale is
going on on the
Grainger website. If
they want, they can
take a look.​ It can be
sent a couple of times
in a week.
Digital Marketing Capstone

----------Test and Control Plan----------

To increase sales of Bosch tools on Grainger by 10%, research needs to be
conducted and a test and control plan needs to be implemented to make sure
that the marketing campaign that we have put in place will work and give positive
outcomes. Thus, a ​SMART research plan​ needs to be put in practice.

To accomplish these objectives, Grainger can conduct both primary and

secondary research on its customers. For primary research, Grainger can use
surveys and Analytics and can use Google Surveys and Google Analytics for the
same. Consumer behaviour needs to be monitored to see if the marketing plan
generates positive outcomes. For secondary research, they can look into the
data that they have already.

First Research Objective​ - My first business objective would be to measure

whether or not the audience is responding to the campaign, and whether the ux
of the landing page is good enough to decrease bounce rate.

Second Research Objective​ - My second research objective would be to

measure what does the MRO industry look for in a power tool, and does Bosch
tools deliver the same in the market and what is the unique value proposition.
Digital Marketing Capstone

Third Research Objective​ - My third research objective would be to measure

what the current audience likes the most about Bosch tools, and what can be
done to increase its sales on Grainger website.

Research Objective Research type Data required

First Primary Quantitative

Second Secondary Qualitative/Quantitative

Third Primary Qualitative/Quantitative

1. For the first objective​ - The data that would be collected would be
quantitative and would be the analytics from​ Google Analytics​. Primary
research needs to be conducted in order to determine whether or not
improvements can be made in the ux of the landing page of the display ad.
As I mentioned, CTR needs to be improved upto 2%, which is the industry
average. And this can be easily achieved by the use of good graphics and
ux improvements. Also, the bounce rate needs to be decreased upto 30%.
Also surveys can be conducted to know the user feedback upon the
changed or improved user interface of the website. This would help in
knowing the consumer voice about any changes. Also, ​Google Scholar
can be used to read the latest articles on Display ads and Grainger can
make such improvements to improve the click through rate.

2. For the second objective - ​The data can be qualitative or quantitative

based on the case. For this objective, online monitoring can be done to
see what is currently going on in the MRO industry, especially in the power
tools category. For this, ​Google Alerts​ can be done. Also for monitoring
the MRO market, ​Google News​ can be used to look upon the power tools
segment. ​Google Trends​ is another tool that can be used for the purpose.
Also, ​social media monitoring​ is a very powerful tool for monitoring the
MRO and power tools market and whether or not Bosch is renowned in the
All of this would help in making a sentiment analysis of the Bosch brand
and help to know how Bosch is perceived as a brand by the people.
Digital Marketing Capstone

3. For the third objective​ -​ ​This objective would be difficult to answer, and
hence needs detailed research for accomplishment. For this consumer
voice needs to be heard for taking any further actions. Survey tools like
Google Forms​ or S ​ urvey Monkey​ can be used to conduct surveys. The
question in the surveys can be open ended or a mix of both open and
closed ended questions. This will help in removing any questionnaire bias
that could be present. Industry data also needs to be collected from
websites like ​Nielsen​ or ​Experian​ to dive into the market. And also,
consumer discussions need to be monitored, just like the previous
objective. This could be through social media monitoring or brand mentions
on ​Twitter​ or ​Facebook​. Tools like H
​ ootsuite​ can be used for the same.

Testing Effectiveness

For testing the effectiveness, Grainger can conduct ​A/B testing​ for their email
campaigns and ​Google Analytics​ for their display ads. For example, for display
advertising, they can make 2 groups of 100-200 random people and show them
two different versions of the same ad and see how they are responding to it.
They can measure KPIs like and click through rate to see which one performs
For emails, they can do keyword manipulation on emails and send it to different
audiences with utterly different demographics. Then they can see which
keywords suit which type of audience and can measure KPIs like open rate to
test different types of keywords for different emails.

3916 words
Digital Marketing Capstone


15. Preparing for the Analysis Journey Part 1 -
16. Preparing for the Analysis Journey Part 1 -
17. Preparing for the Analysis Journey Part 2 -
18. Following the MAP Part 1 -
19. Following the MAP Part 2 -
20. Data, data, Everywhere Part 1 -
21. Data, data, Everywhere Part 2 -
Digital Marketing Capstone

22. Data management in Practice, Part 1 -
23. Data management in Practice, Part 2 -
24. Insights from Digital Data -
25. Bosch page on Grainger -
26. Online Advertising, Nuts and Bolts -
27. Programmatic Advertising Part 2-

32. Market Research -
34. Glossary -

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