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Cockpit Crew to Ground Crew Headset Communication.

Communication error is the biggest factor in aviation incidents where human intervention is required. Clear
concise verbal communication is required between engineering staff and cockpit crew during aircraft
departure/ arrival procedures .English is standard Aviation language therefore English words should be
strictly adhered.

Aviation Phraseology has evolved over time and has been carefully developed to provide maximum clarity
in communications while ensuring that phrases are clearly understood. Standard words and phrases
between cockpit and ground ensure that they maintain the required professional standards. Ground Crew
must be able to use the standard phrases required for the procedure. The following procedures are
recommended to be followed.

During engine start, a qualified person shall be in position on ground to confirm to the crew that the area
surrounding the engine to be started is free from any obstruction and the engine may be started without
danger of any incident or accident. In order to ensure proper communication the ground/flight deck
interphone system shall be used. To avoid any misunderstanding, whenever Cockpit Crew and ground
crew are communicating via the head set during engine start and pushback, they are to use a defined
terminology to ensure standardization so that the instructions are completely understood before continuing

If the interphone system is inoperative, hand signals shall be used. In this event, the Captain is to ensure
with responsible Ground Crew member that they are familiar with the hand signals to be used.

The Ground crew should be available in the vicinity of the aircraft to attend crew calls as and when required
by the cockpit crew.

Aircraft arrival procedure.

1. At least one (1) hour prior to the scheduled aircraft arrival time, check with Maintenance Control Centre (MCC)
and /or Flight Operations Dispatch for latest and up-to-date aircraft arrival timings.
2. Check with airport ground control and tower for allocated parking area and/or stand number.
3. Wait for arriving aircraft 20 minutes prior to the actual ETA at the allocated stand/parking location and perform
ramp visual inspection during this 20 minutes period.
4. Ensure all necessary service equipment ( mentioned below) is available for use at the designated parking bay
prior to aircraft arrival,

 Serviceable headset.
 Number of required chocks.
 Serviceable flashlight.
 Tool box.
 Engine oils.Etc.

Arrival procedure of aircraft with serviceable APU.

Ground Power Unit, Air Conditioning Unit, FMC are positioned as required.
The Electronic Bay Parking shall ensure that the aircraft is brought-in along a straight path,
Approximately 10 meters, before coming to a complete stop and both engines are shutdown.

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Once the aircraft has stopped chocks to be positioned as required.

Connect headset and call cockpit crew:

 Ground Crew: Ground to Cockpit ,Chocks positioned kindly release brakes.

 Cockpit Crew: Acknowledgement (Roger/copied).
 Cockpit Crew: Brakes released.
 Ground Crew: Copied.

Arrival procedure with unserviceable APU:

On arrival of aircraft with APU unserviceable, ground personnel must be careful while the engines are

 Ground Crew: Ground to Cockpit, Chocks in position.

 Cockpit Crew: Acknowledgement (Roger/copied)
 Ground Crew: GPU connected.
 Cockpit Crew: Engine # shut down.
 Ground Crew: Engine # N1 spool down.
 Cockpit Crew: Brakes released.
 Ground Crew: Copied.

Aircraft departure and push back procedure with APU serviceable.

Ground Crew should be available on the headset at least 15 minutes prior to scheduled departure.

Prior to departure the Ground Crew will make a final walk around to check for a “clear aircraft” , ie secure closed
cargo doors, pax doors, panels etc. and also ensure no visible damage caused during loading and servicing. He will
also ensure.

1. Pitot covers and gear lock pins removed.

2. Steering pin installed.
3. Push back tractor connected and brakes applied.

4. The Ground crew will communicate with the Cockpit Crew in the following manner:
 Ground Crew: All ground checks are complete and engineering standing by.
 Cockpit: Roger
 Cockpit: Disconnect A/C Van and ground electrics.
 Ground Crew: A/C Van & Ground Electrics disconnected.

Before push back pull forward, crew will confirm from the ground crew that:

1. All doors closed and area clear to start engines.

2. Will intimate Starting sequence
3. Confirm N1 rotation.
4. Interrupt in case of any abnormality
 Ground Crew: Confirmed all doors closed and area clear to start engine --
 Cockpit Crew: Clear to pressurize the hydraulics? (if applicable)
 Ground Crew: Clear to pressurize hydraulics.
 Cockpit Crew: Starting Engine #
 Ground Crew: N1 Rotation Engine #

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After Engine start when the ground crew and flight deck are ready for push back the cockpit crew will advise
as follows:
 Cockpit Crew: Ready for push back/ pull forward on taxi way facing.
 Ground Crew: Confirm brakes release?
 Cockpit Crew: Brakes released.
 Ground Crew: Commencing pushback/ pull forward on taxiway - - facing - -

Upon completion of a normal pushback, the tug driver will apply the brakes. The Ground Crew will advise the
cockpit crew as follows:

 Ground Crew: Push back complete, set brakes

 CockpitCrew: Brakes set

When brakes are set the tow bar will be disconnected, steering by – pass pin removed and tractor will drive clear of

 Cockpit Crew: disconnect all ground equipment show bypass pin and hand signals on the left/ right.
 Ground Crew: Disconnecting, standby for Hand signal on the left/ right.

The Ground Crew will then walk to the left (right) of the aircraft so that the crew may see clearly the standard
departure signal of one hand holding the steering pin and the other giving thumbs up.

The Ground Crew will maintain this as long as the area is clear or until the aircraft has taxied from this point.

Push back abnormalities

As the tractor pushes back the aircraft, the Ground Crew will monitor and advise the pilot and the tractor driver for any
abnormalities.Should the tow bar shear pin fail? Instruct the tractor driver to steadily stop the push back.Once the
aircraft has stopped, inform the pilot as follows:

 Ground Crew: Ground to cockpit we have a problem, please set parking brakes.
 Cockpit Crew: Brakes set
 Ground Crew: Tow bar shear pin failed, standby for replacement tow bar.
 Cockpit Crew: Standing by

Once the replacement tow bar has been connected then continue with the push back using standard pushback

Should the tow bar completely fail or become detached? Immediately inform the cockpit as follows:
 Ground Crew: Ground to cockpit alert, alert, tow bar failure set parking brakes I repeat set parking
 Cockpit Crew: Brakes set
The crew will progressively apply thebrakes until the aircraft comes to a complete stop. The Ground Crew will stay on
the headset while the aircraft engineer assesses the situation. The aircraft engineer will then communicate with the
cockpit prior to continuation.

Engine Start procedure with APU serviceable :

Before, during or after push back/pull forward the cockpit crew will advise the Ground Crew when and where they will
start the engines. Standard phrases will be used during both engine start.

 Cockpit Crew: Clear to start engines?

 Ground Crew: Affirmative, clear to start engines

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When the clearance is given to start engines by the Ground Crew, he will monitor engine rotation and any

 Cockpit Crew: Starting engines #

 Ground Crew: N1 Rotation Engine #

Repeat above sequence for other engines start.

 Cockpit Crew: Disconnect all ground equipment show bypass pin and hand signal on the left/ right.

 Ground Crew: Disconnecting all ground equipment standby for hand signal on left/ right.

Engine Start procedure with the APU Unserviceable.

Assuring the APU is unserviceable,ground power already connected and the pneumatic start cart in position.
(Standing-by)The Ground Crew will advise the ground equipment handling personnel to connect the start cart. (As

 Ground Crew: Ground to cockpit

 Cockpit Crew: Go ahead
 Ground Crew: The start cart & ground power connected, standing by for engine start.
 Cockpit Crew: Ready to started engines,pressurize the pneumatic duct.
(The Ground Crew will advise the ground equipment handling personnel accordingly).
 Ground Crew: Ground to cockpit, duct pressurized.
 Cockpit Crew: Pressure confirmed, starting engine #
 Ground Crew: Clear to start
(Upon completion of engine start, the cockpit crew will advise to ground crew for
disconnect all groundEquipment).
 Ground Crew: All ground start equipment disconnected and standing by for push back.

Note:The push back procedure will follow as per page # 2

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