Diagnostic Test - 10th Grade

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Placement Test

Year 10

Name No. Class Date

Choose the correct option (a, b or c) to complete each sentence.

1.1 The synonym for grateful is ____________.
a. supportive b. thankful c. kind
1.2 The antonym for expensive is ____________.
a. cheap b. shy c. boring
1.3 The ____________ gave us the bill after the meal.
a. seller b. shop assistant c. waiter
1.4 Don’t throw away old clothes, ____________ them to charities.
a. recycle b. keep c. donate
1.5 You should accept my ____________.
a. advise b. advice c. apologise
1.6 Watching videos on YouTube is one of the most popular ____________.
a. traditions b. sports c. hobbies
1.7 The ____________ defended his client in court.
a. lawyer b. judge c. politician
1.8 The synonym for often is ____________.
a. frequently b. occasionally c. always
1.9 I need a sandwich. I’m ____________.
a. hungry b. thirsty c. angry
1.10 The synonym for main is ____________.
a. big b. secondary c. principal
1.11 Come to Lisbon, and ____________ lots of historical places.
a. inform b. mention c. discover
1.12 The antonym for happy is ____________.
a. friendly b. cheerful c. disappointed
1.13 Get the first ____________ kit. Quickly!
a. need b. help c. aid
1.14 I’m ____________ peanuts. They give me a rash.
a. suffering from b. allergic to c. polluted by

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1.15 The synonym for recommendation is ____________.
a. rejection b. idea c. suggestion
1.16 The antonym for guilty is ____________.
a. innocent b. honest c. responsible
1.17 Europeans ____________ lots of products with excessive packaging.
a. protect b. pollute c. consume
1.18 I’d like my ____________ medium-rare, please.
a. toast b. steak c. salad
1.19 The highlighted words in the text refer to ____________ and ____________.


You’ll love Ready Player One, book

and film. The film left a lot out from
the book, but it is still worth a
watch. They each start differently.
The novel starts with a lot of set up
for the main plot, but it is not slow
paced. The film starts with action
and doesn't slow down for a while.

a. film… novel b. novel… film c. film… plot

1.20 The highlighted words in text refer to ____________ and ____________.


If teens haven’t fallen in love with reading yet, one of these top-rated titles is
sure to do the trick. Some are starts of trilogies or longer series that will
hook them for volumes to come.

a. trilogies… teens b. top-rated titles… teens c. trilogies… series

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2.1 Jane is ____________ at dancing than at singing.

a. the best b. more better c. better
2.2 All my rings and earrings ____________ last evening.
a. stole b. were stolen c. have been stolen
2.3 They ____________ in Toronto since 2014. They love it!
a. lived b. have lived c. were living
2.4 ____________ to the Weeknd’s concert last Friday?
a. You went b. Did you went c. Did you go
2.5 Suzy ____________ spaghetti, but she ____________ rice.
a. like… don’t like b. likes… doesn’t likes c. likes… doesn’t like
2.6 That’s the woman ____________ son is a famous scientist.
a. who b. whose c. that
2.7 Paul met his girlfriend __________ he was travelling with friends.
a. while b. since c. so
2.8 We are taking ____________ holidays in June, but they are taking ____________ in August.
a. our… their b. ours… their c. our… theirs
2.9 Don’t worry, mum. I promise I ____________ too late at the party.
a. won’t stay b. will stay c. am not going to stay
2.10 I think they’ll arrive ____________ 11 a.m. ____________ Saturday.
a. at... in b. at... on c. on... in
2.11 Ann ____________ much when she was a child.
a. doesn’t speak b. wasn’t speaking c. didn’t speak
2.12 James _________ a phone call and then he __________ for work.
a. was making... left b. made... left c. made... was leaving
2.13 This hotel is fantastic; ____________, it’s quite expensive.
a. because of b. however c. in addition
2.14 Noah ____________ study harder or he will get very low marks.
a. could b. will c. should
2.15 I think global warming is ____________ problem we’re facing nowadays.
a. the bigger b. the biggest c. the most big
2.16 Karen is bad at sports. She ____________ play any sports well.
a. can b. shouldn’t c. can’t

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2.17 How long ____________ you to get to school?
a. takes b. it takes c. does it take
2.18 If we have time, we ____________ to the beach.
a. go b. will go c. going
2.19 The girl ____________ won the first prize is my cousin.
a. who b. which c. whose
2.20 You don’t ____________ travel to other countries.
a. often b. never c. rarely

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Answer Key
Placement Test
Year 10

1. Vocabulary
1.1 b
1.2 a
1.3 c
1.4 c
1.5 b
1.6 c
1.7 a
1.8 a
1.9 a
1.10 c
1.11 c
1.12 c
1.13 c
1.14 b
1.15 c
1.16 a
1.17 c
1.18 b
1.19 a
1.20 b

2. Grammar
2.1 c
2.2 b
2.3 b
2.4 c
2.5 c
2.6 b
2.7 a
2.8 c
2.9 a
2.10 b
2.11 c
2.12 b
2.13 b
2.14 c
2.15 b
2.16 c
2.17 c
2.18 b
2.19 a
2.20 a

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