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Lt. Hill flew the plane. The letter was typed by the secretary.
The plane was flown by lt. Hill. These shoes weren’t made in the U.S.
V3 We were all invited to Jeff’s party.
My father gave me this watch. Where was cp. Clark stationed?
1 2 Was the story written by someone famous?
1- I was given this watch by my father. Melvin wasn’t told about the meeting today.
2- This watch was given me by my father. V3


Both Janet and her sister arrived last night.
Both Mike and John were late today. (plural)
Jane is both pretty and intelligent.
He is not only intelligent but also wealthy.
Not only the banks but also the post office is close on Sunday. (because post office is singular.)
The waiter was not only rude but also very careless.
You can either go with me or stay here.
Either you live now or you miss your plane.
We can either get on this bus or wait for the next one.
Roy drives neither carelessly nor fast.
Neither Jeff nor Ed is going to the game. ( because Ed is singular.)
Bill would neither drive a car nor ride a bicycle.

Excuse me. Where is the post office? She asked Janet when she was going to the mall.
He asked me where the post office was. Kevin asked her how she operated that machine.
When do you exercise? Cp. Asked Sgt. Why Sgt. Vale wore his civilian
Did Joe ask you when you studied? clothes to work.
No, he asked me when I exercised. Tina asked Sara what address she had for Mike.
John asked Ed what time it was. He asked Smith whose hat this was.
He asked my dad why he sat here every night.

It is possible (that) someone made a mistake. Is it true (that) Col. Martin plans to retire soon?
It was clear (that) the party was over. Is it likely (that) you’ll be promoted this year?
It’s luck no one was injured in the accident. It is possible (that) it was sent to the wrong address.

2) IF CLAUSES : ( if + V2  would / could / might.......)

If he exercised regularly , he would probably feel better.
If you called Steve now , you might be able to reach him.
If we left earlier , we could get home before dark.
If I were you , I would follow the doctor’s advice.
If he didn’t get up late , he wouldn’t be late for work.
If her writing weren’t very messy , his boss could read all of his reports.
If the service weren’t too slow , we might eat that restaurant often.

3) WISH :
I wish I knew his address. (but, I don’t have) She wishes she could retire next year.
I wish I could drive. (but now, I can’t drive) I wish I had a red sports car.
She wishes she were an actress. (but now, she’s not) He wishes he lived in Hollywood.
He wishes he would be going on leave now. She wishes she would be a good cook.


Harry used to work in an office downtown. They are used to beef and potato for dinner.
Janet used to teach classes at the university. Jean isn’t used to eating supper at six o’clock.
They used to ride to work together everyday. We are accustomed to dry weather in Arizona.
used to + infinitive without to I wasn’t accustomed to carrying an umbrella.
be used to / be accustomed to + noun / gerund


The Col. warned them not to tell anyone about the work. I advice you to make a reservation.
He didn’t permit the soldiers to ask many questions. We expect everyone to leave the meeting.
The major didn’t allow anyone to leave the room. He instructed the captain to help them.
They require their customers to pay in advance. He will help me to supervise the work.
The colonel had selected them to do a special job. I want you to watch out for the baby.
When do they expect the check to arrive? Joan asked me to call you.

Were you not at the meeting? Wasn’t the game postponed?
Weren’t you at the meeting? Yes, it was. No, it wasn’t.

Did the secretary not notify you? Why didn’t you leave the waiter a tip?
Didn’t the secretary notify you? Who doesn’t understand the problem?
Hasn’t Sgt. Palmer been promoted, too?
Why was everyone not told about it? Which states hasn’t he visited?
Why wasn’t everyone told about it? When isn’t the general very busy?

You are a pilot, aren’t you? He is not a pilot, is he?
They study a lot, don’t they? We can’t leave now, can we?
We can leave now, can’t we? He never studies, does he?

We got paid today. You can’t be broke. It couldn’t be raining.(there wasn’t a cloud in the sky.)
It’s to early. You couldn’t be hungry. He can’t be saving any. (He always borrows from friends.)
He can’t be laughing at you. She couldn’t be ready now. (We’ll have to wait.)

1) HAVE / MAKE / GET :

Frank had the salesman bring him a larger coat.
Mrs. Dow can’t make her husband take his medicine.
They made the store manager give them a guarantee.
Nancy will have the children play games at the party. Have / make someone do something
Why don’t you have Bill read that report? Get someone to do something
Marilyn got Nick to tape the report for her.
When can you get Jim to go with you?
Can’t you get someone to help you with that job?
The doctor got Al to promise that he’d stop smoking.

2) May – Might – Could have / Must have / Should – Ought to have + V3 :

They aren’t hungry. They must have already eaten. The secretary may have gone to lunch.
She drove too fast. She should have driven slower. He might have had a headache.
She failed the test. she ought to have studied harder. She could have enjoyed very much.
She shouldn’t have changed lanes without signaling.

3) ADJECTIVE CLAUSES : ( whom / which / that )

The book (which) I wanted was not available.
Is that a book (which) the teacher gave you?
That’s the book (which) I ordered it. Here’s the money (that) I borrowed from you.
The food (that) the cafeteria serves it is tasty.
She’s a person (whom) I’d like to meet. The car (that) he wants it is a used one.
Mr. Smith is an instructor (whom)I studied with him.
The girl (whom) I met her at the play left early.

Advertisement Retirement Argument Employment
Agreement Enlistment Attachment Measurement
Appointment Government Disagreement Placement

Can you attach this to the light for me?

No, the attachment has to be made by an electrician.

Did the company employ last week?

No, his date of employment was the first of this month.

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