Does Social Media Violate Our Privacy

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“Does social media violate our privacy?


The Internet and new technologies, like social networks, have changed the
way people communicate with one another. While social networks provide access
to unprecedented amounts of information and a new medium of communication,
they nevertheless provide challenges to the application of laws that have
traditionally governed in the brick and mortar world; Concerns are growing about
organizations’ access to personally identifiable data and users are increasingly
worried about privacy on social network sites. Privacy policies should be improved
and privacy laws should be enforced to regulate social networking searching. One
definition of privacy as it relates to social networking or other internet sites is
defined as personal information that an individual deems important and
unattainable by the general population. When contemplating issues of privacy,
there are two important considerations to keep in mind: the intent of the
information shared and the expectation that it will remain private. I support
strengthening policies, because when an individual uses privacy settings to prevent
most users from viewing his or her information, the user has an expectation that
this information will remain private. Understanding privacy as it relates to social
networking sites requires understanding how personal information may be shared
and the intent of sharing it.
What impact does social media have on privacy? When that information is
published on the internet, it is no longer private and could get into the wrong
hands. Even if you have taken every precaution, some of your friends, coworkers,
and companies with whom you communicate on social media may wind up
disclosing your personal information. Does social media have on privacy? We can
use privacy to set boundaries and protect ourselves from unwelcome intrusion into
our life, allowing us to decide who we are and how we wish to interact with the
world around us. Privacy safeguards us against the arbitrary and illegitimate
exercise of power by governments, corporations, and other actors. We are not safe
when we use social networking sites. Social media sites are compelled to divulge
information about their users to governmental security services. It is also arguable
that perverts take advantage of the naivety of children who use social networking
sites. That is why governments seek information from social media sites about
their subscribers. Most companies buy social networking people’s information that
helps them market their products or services. I can say that they benefit from social
networking to customize their production to suit a common tendency. In other for
companies to make business, they need to get information about users of social
networking sites. Our Social media profiles are easily accessible by every
international. Our privacy is not secured by social networking firms which
prioritize their interest. Everybody who signs in Social media sight can have access
to our profiles with ease. Our information in social networking sites is not
protected against being spied on. It can be said that there is no information
securitization in social media world.
Of the many current topics of national concern is personal safety on social media
platforms. There are more ways social media is used, yet this provides a good
sample of some of the main uses of social media. Do users of these platforms
understand what personal data is gathered by social media and do users understand
what the personal data is used for Legal expert and former New Jersey Supreme
Court justice, Judge Napolitano, has written and spoken about the complete lack of
personal privacy on social media. He has written how social media is used to
obtain data on where someone is from or where a person is located at the moment.
In this same line of thought, social media platforms collect an enormous amount of
information on Americans. Every post, every tweet, every picture posted, and
everything searched for on the internet is collected by social media companies.
Social platform companies take what users talk about, post, or search for and use
that data to send focused, targeted, individual advertisements to users. Social media
users’ concerns about their privacy have spiked in recent years. Incidents of data
breaches have alarmed many users and forced them to rethink their relationships to
social media and the security of their personal information. This example and
others have steadily deteriorated public trust and resulted in many users wondering
if they have lost control over their own data. According to a study conducted by
the Pew Trust, 80 percent of social media users report being concerned about
businesses and advertisers accessing and using their social media posts these
growing privacy concerns have prompted advocacy for tighter regulations. In
addition, they have placed companies responsible for safeguarding personal data
under greater scrutiny. Given today’s social media privacy issues and concerns,
skilled cybersecurity professionals will play a vital role in protecting social media
users’ data and personal information. Those interested in gaining the expertise
needed to launch a career in cybersecurity would do well to consider earning an
advanced degree in cybersecurity management.
Over the recent past, the world has witnessed increased uptake of social
media and the use of internet. In this foregoing, the use of social media has
exposed millions of people to privacy infringement as voluminous information is
shared via the social media. Facebook, My Space, Twitter and other social media
sites have the capacity of accessing personal information from the users and
transferring the same to different databases. The use of social media is highly
effective in enhancing interactions between people from different locations.
Indeed, social media is a virtual meeting place for the world with huge volumes of
information shared on the platform.

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