Cohesive Strengthening of Fault Zones During The Interseismic Period: An Experimental Study

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1029/2005JB004122, 2006

Cohesive strengthening of fault zones during the interseismic

period: An experimental study
Eric Tenthorey1 and Stephen F. Cox1
Received 25 October 2005; revised 24 April 2006; accepted 2 June 2006; published 6 September 2006.

[1] There is widespread evidence indicating that faults regain a portion of their strength
during the interseismic period. Here, we present experiments designed to understand and
quantify the interseismic cohesive strengthening resulting from fluid-rock reactions in
fault zones. The triaxial experiments consisted of fracturing cores of Fontainebleau
sandstone under dry conditions, forming a localized shear failure zone (stage 1). The
specimens were then reacted hydrothermally under isostatic conditions, allowing the
fault damage zone to compact, consolidate and strengthen (stage 2). Following reaction,
the specimens were then reloaded to failure under nominally dry conditions, so that the
increase in cohesive strength of the fault could be measured (stage 3). Experiments show that
cohesion increase is positively correlated to temperature and pore pressure during reaction.
After 6 hours of reaction at the highest temperatures (927C) and pore pressures (200 MPa),
cohesion increases by as much as 35 MPa. Microstructural examination of the
specimens showed that the gouge particles within the fault compacted and cemented
together, exhibiting textures typical of pressure solution and that fractures in the
surrounding damage zone had healed. A theoretical treatment of the data was conducted
using these experiments in combination with results on time-dependent changes in fault
cohesion presented by Tenthorey et al. (2003). We find that the rate-controlling process in
our experiments has an activation energy (Q) of approximately 70 kJ mol1. We use this
information to develop a model for time-dependent cohesive strengthening in fault zones
within the continental seismogenic regime. We conclude that significant cohesive
strengthening of fault zones can occur during the interseismic period of medium to large
earthquakes given the presence of reactive pore fluids.
Citation: Tenthorey, E., and S. F. Cox (2006), Cohesive strengthening of fault zones during the interseismic period: An experimental
study, J. Geophys. Res., 111, B09202, doi:10.1029/2005JB004122.

1. Introduction stress, pore fluid pressure change and the rates of change in
fault cohesion or friction. The process responsible for the
[2] Experimental data, seismic observations and mechan-
recovery of cohesive strength or increase in frictional resis-
ical considerations all indicate that faults must recover a
tance to sliding is generally referred to as ‘‘fault healing’’, a
portion of their strength during interseismic periods, which
term that refers to micromechanical processes that result in
range from tens to thousands of years [Scholz, 1990].
time-dependent changes to these parameters. Fault healing in
Furthermore, geologic observations of exhumed fault zones
the central gouge or cataclastic zone of mature faults may
indicate that significant mineralogical and chemical changes
take place through fluid-mediated pressure solution-type
can occur within faults; these processes are likely to affect
processes [Rutter, 1983; Cox and Paterson, 1991; Bos et
strength evolution [Sibson, 1992; Chester et al., 1993].
al., 2000; Fisher and Knipe, 2001], increases of asperity
Understanding interseismic strength recovery or change is
contact areas under nominally dry conditions [Scholz and
critical because time-dependent changes in fault strength, in
Engelder, 1976], or by hydrothermal sealing of fractures
combination with coseismic stress drop influence earthquake
[Cox, 1995; Nguyen et al., 1998; Streit, 1998]. In damage
recurrence intervals [Marone et al., 1995] and possibly
zones surrounding faults, strengthening occurs mainly via
seismic moment release [Kanamori and Allen, 1986]. The
crack closure or mineralogical sealing of cracked lithologies
time dependence of interseismic fault strength is controlled in
[Renard et al., 2000]. In this paper, we present a series of
a complex manner by a number of factors including coseis-
experiments that are designed to explore the link between
mic stress drop, recovery rates of shear stress and normal
fault healing and the time-dependent increase of cohesive
strength of fault zones.
1 [3] Over the past several decades, a number of experimen-
Research School of Earth Sciences, Australian National University,
Canberra, ACT, Australia. tal studies have been conducted with the aim of understand-
ing and quantifying the systematics of fault healing under
Copyright 2006 by the American Geophysical Union. various conditions. In early experiments, faults were mod-
0148-0227/06/2005JB004122$09.00 eled as bare rock surfaces sliding unstably past each other

B09202 1 of 14

[Dieterich, 1972; Scholz et al., 1972], yielding the observa- failure and then reacted hydrothermally in situ, before being
tion that static friction increases with hold time, an analog for loaded to failure a second time to gauge the interseismic
the interseismic period. However, more recently the com- recovery of cohesive strength. The main benefit of conduct-
plexity of natural faults has been acknowledged and most ing such experiments is that important properties of fault
experiments have incorporated gouge material, sheared be- zones are emulated, such as stochastic topography on the
tween optimally angled forcing blocks, often in a hydrother- fault surface and dilatant damage zones in the surrounding
mal environment [Lockner et al., 1986; Chester and Higgs, intact rock. Furthermore, the mineralogical composition of
1992; Beeler et al., 1994; Blanpied et al., 1995; Karner et al., the system is consistent, from the cataclastic inner fault
1997; Olsen et al., 1998; Kanagawa et al., 2000; Nakatani regions to the outer damage zone. Here, we present results
and Scholz, 2004]. Some of these experiments have explored from high-temperature hydrothermal experiments, exploring
friction from a rate and state perspective, and despite the fact the role of temperature and pore pressure on fault strength
that different healing mechanisms might have been active in evolution. We also incorporate results from an earlier study
different studies, static friction also usually tends to increase focused on the time dependence of fault healing, thereby
systematically with hold time. However, it is interesting that allowing the formulation of a model which predicts the
these experimental studies appear to underestimate the mag- magnitude of fault strengthening at seismogenic depths in
nitude of fault strengthening per decade increase in hold time the Earth’s crust. This work has implications for the time-
when compared to field estimates that are based on stress dependent mechanical behavior of immature fault zones, as
drops of repeating earthquakes [Scholz et al., 1986]. This well as mature fault zones in which interseismic fluid-rock
observation may indicate that there is some missing link or reaction leads to substantial recovery of cohesive strength in
some critical process that is not explored in the experimental the principal slip zone and adjacent damage zone.
[4] The inconsistency between laboratory and field obser-
vations might be resolved by examining the limitations that 2. Experimental Method
exist in the so-called slide-hold-slide (SHS) experiments [6] The experiments were conducted using a Paterson gas
described above. For example, many SHS studies have been apparatus at the Research School of Earth Sciences, ANU.
conducted on quartz gouge at temperatures under 500C, The pressure vessel uses argon gas as a confining medium
with kinetics of reaction that render difficult the extrapolation and is capable of independently controlling confining pres-
to geologic time frames. In these experiments, although static sure (Pc), axial load (s1), axial strain rate, internal pore fluid
friction may increase with hold time as a result of increased pressure (Pp) and temperature (T). The experimental speci-
contact area, substantial diffusional transport and redistribu- mens were capped by drilled spacers (two on each end) that
tion of material is unlikely during short experiments at low allowed fluid to permeate the sample, and the whole assem-
temperatures. Mineral dissolution, precipitation and cemen- bly was isolated from the Ar confining medium with a soft Fe
tation will affect the fault cohesion rather than the static jacket (Figure 1) [Zhang et al., 1994; Tenthorey et al., 2003].
friction, although distinguishing these two parameters is not The spacers are composed of partially stabilized zirconia, a
straightforward. Nevertheless, if laboratory experiments fail strong and unreactive compound ideally suited to the experi-
to reproduce the mass transfer observed in many faults, then ments. An additional Cu sleeve was inserted between the
measured fault strengthening will underestimate that inferred specimen and Fe jacket so that unwanted reaction between
from the field. Furthermore, friction experiments that use the specimen and the jacket was minimized and that maxi-
simulated fault gouge between two strong forcing blocks may mum slip could be achieved during the sliding portions of the
not ideally simulate natural conditions, especially in the case experiments. Temperature was measured using an inconel
of immature fault zones. Wall rocks of fault zones are often sheathed, type K (Cu-Constantan) thermocouple that was
characterized by widespread fracture networks [Chester et inserted down the upper pore fluid conduit and measured
al., 1993; Cox, 1995; Caine et al., 1996], a manifestation of fluid temperature immediately above the specimen. Furnace
the damage that is incurred during a seismic event and during calibrations indicate that there is at most a 6C variation along
interseismic creep. These damage zones are then repaired the length of the specimen.
during the interseismic period through crack closure, healing [7] To determine accurately the changes in shear strength
and sealing, which all contribute to the overall strengthening on the fault plane, a preliminary room temperature test was
of the fault zone. With few exceptions, experimental SHS conducted to measure the strength contribution from the soft
studies fail to simulate such processes because the forcing Fe jacket and Cu sleeve. In the test, a 1.5 mm thick sheet of
blocks are much stronger than the gouge material and are lubricated Teflon was sandwiched between two forcing
commonly incompatible in terms of effecting strong cemen- blocks inclined at 30 to the maximum principal stress
tation with the gouge. It is for this reason that slip is direction. This configuration adequately simulates slip on
sometimes observed to occur at the boundary between our experimental fault zones, which are assumed to be
forcing block and gouge material. This is an undesirable cohesionless immediately after failure. In the jacket test,
situation when trying to characterize gouge rheology. the dummy specimen was loaded axially until slip occurred.
[5] In this paper, we present results from experiments that This was done at four different confining pressures ranging
were designed to overcome some of the limitations described from 0 to 15 MPa, and at each level the shear and normal
above. The experiments are novel in that they approach the stresses on the fault plane were calculated, thereby defining a
problem of fault strengthening by conducting experiments on failure envelope for the test specimen. When the data are
initially intact cores of sandstone, rather than shearing extrapolated linearly, we find that a shear stress of 20 MPa is
artificial fault gouge between forcing blocks. In our experi- needed for slip at zero normal stress on the fault plane. This
ments, intact cores of quartz sandstone were loaded until value corresponds to the jacket contribution to shear strength

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at room temperature and is therefore subtracted from all raw

shear strength data.
[8] The experiments consisted of a three stage process.
Stage 1 entailed fracturing cores of Fontainebleau sandstone
under dry conditions at Pc = 50 MPa and room temperature
at a deformation rate of 8.1  105 s1. Stage 1 fracture of
the specimens resulted in the formation of a throughgoing
zone of shear failure, which was visible through the soft Fe
jacket (Figure 2). Because of elastic distortion of the appa-
ratus, significant strain was imparted to the specimen upon
failure, leading to approximately 1 mm of displacement.
However, as will be clear below, no corrections are necessary
for this apparatus distortion or fault displacement because all
strength data is collected subsequent to failure. These exper-
imental fault zones were oriented at approximately 25 to the
direction of maximum principal stress (see below for greater
[9] Following stage 1 failure of the specimens, deforma-
tion was continued until load remained approximately con-
stant, yielding the stable sliding shear strength. In stage 2,
deionized water was introduced to the specimen, axial load
reduced to zero and Pc, Pp and T were elevated to desired
levels and then held at these conditions for 6 hours. In order to
minimize further physical damage to the specimen during
stage 2, care was taken to never exceed the target effective
confining pressure during pressurization. This stage was the
analog for hydrothermal reaction during the interseismic

Figure 1. Illustration of specimen assembly used in all ex-

periments. PSZ spacers and sandstone specimen are isolated
from the Ar confining medium by a thin-walled soft Fe
jacket. During fluid-rock reaction, pore fluid pressure within
the specimen is maintained constant using a servo-
controlled pore fluid volumometer that is connected to the Figure 2. Photograph of the specimen assembly following
specimen via pore fluid conduits in the PSZ spacers. initial fracture of the Fontainebleau sandstone specimen. A
visible shear zone forms through the sample, oriented at
approximately 25 to the maximum principal stress.

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Table 1. List of Experiments

Reaction Conditions
Experiment Pc, MPa Pp, MPa Temperature, C Duration, hours Cohesion, MPa Uncertainty, MPa
This Study
4285 250 200 700 6 5.5 0.9
4287 250 200 800 6 8.6 0.9
4290 250 200 850 6 17.1 0.9
4294 250 200 875 6 20.1 0.9
4295 250 200 927 6 23.3 1.0
4298 250 200 750 6 10.4 0.9
4306 250 200 875 6 30.0 0.9
4307 250 200 927 6 29.3 1.0
4303 100 50 927 6 5.5 1.1
4308 150 100 927 6 1.2 0.8
4309 250 200 927 6 19.9 0.9
4310 200 150 927 6 17.6 1.0
4311 100 50 927 6 3.8 0.8
4312 225 175 927 6 34.3 1.1
4317 150 100 927 6 5.6 0.8
4320 250 200 927 6 25.7 1.1
4322 225 175 927 6 23.2 1.0

Tenthorey et al. [2003]

4166 250 200 927 1 22.1 1.0
4172 250 200 927 12 66.7 1.0
4177 250 200 927 0.17 12.1 1.0
4185 250 200 927 6 33.6 1.0
4186 250 200 927 6 36.9 1.0

period. In stage 3, pressures and temperatures were dropped all conducted at 927C for 6 hours with Pp varying from 50 to
to those used in stage 1. In this stage, the specimens were 200 MPa. It is emphasized that although Pp was varied
axially reloaded until slip reactivated along the previously between experiments, Pc was changed by an equal amount,
formed failure zone, as indicated by a sudden drop in load. By ensuring that the effective stress (=Pc  Pp) in the sample
comparing the failure stress in the final stage to the stable during stage 2 reaction was maintained constant at 50 MPa.
sliding stress in stage 1, the fault strengthening caused by We will also discuss a third suite of experiments that were
hydrothermal reaction could be assessed (see Results). reported by Tenthorey et al [2003]. These experiments were
[10] The rock-type used in all the experiments was variable duration experiments conducted at Pc = 250 MPa,
Fontainebleau sandstone, an Oligocene unit from the Paris Pp = 200 MPa and T = 927C, and will play a very important
basin, France. This sandstone was never buried deeper than role in our final data interpretation.
a few hundred meters [Cade et al., 1994; Thiry and 3. Results
Marechal, 2001; Haddad et al., 2006] and was consolidated
via silica overgrowth in supersaturated solutions. Test speci- 3.1. Strength Evolution
mens were cylindrical cores measuring 10 mm in diameter [11] To evaluate how hydrothermal reaction influences
and 22 mm in length, with approximately 7% ± 1% porosity. experimental fault strength, the loading curves during
Porosity was determined by measuring the dimensions of the stage 1 and stage 3 from each experiment must be compared.
cylindrical cores, determining the volume and then calculat- Typical loading curves showing these two stages are illus-
ing the porosity associated with the mass deficit assuming a trated in Figure 3. In stage 1, the test specimens were loaded
density of 2.65 g cm3 for quartz. This type of porosity axially until they failed. The lack of any inflection point
measurement was possible due to the monomineralic nature during loading indicates that no grain crushing occurred
of Fontainebleau sandstone. Fontainebleau sandstone is during stage 1 [Zhang et al., 1990] and that the critical
composed of pure quartz, and therefore lends itself to high- effective pressure was not breached either during application
temperature experimentation (>600C) without the compli- of confining pressure or during loading. According to Zhang
cations of dehydration or partial melting of the specimen. In et al., this is expected for a rock with 7% porosity and an
this paper, we present two new suites of experiments explor- average grain size of 250 mm. The specimens usually failed at
ing the role of temperature and pore fluid pressure on fault a differential stress of about 700 MPa (673 ± 71 MPa), at
strengthening (Table 1). The variable temperature experi- which time the differential stress reduced suddenly to ap-
ments were reacted at Pc = 250 MPa and Pp = 200 MPa, proximately 300 MPa (305 ± 26 MPa). This latter stress is the
for 6 hours at temperatures of 700 – 927C. Temperature was stable sliding stress (so) and is the baseline against which
increased at approximately 35C min1, meaning that an fault strengthening is measured. Following hydrothermal
extra 7 minutes would be needed to reach the highest reaction during stage 2, the specimens were then reloaded
temperature experiments relative to those at 700C. This is to failure. In most cases, the specimens failed at differential
a very short duration relative to the total length of the stresses that were significantly higher than so, with the
experiments, and we therefore believe that heating rate does difference between the stable sliding stress and healed
not have any significant effect on our results or interpretation. strength being referred to as sh. The stable sliding stress
Experiments exploring the dependence of pore pressure were following stage 3 fracture was usually higher than that

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Figure 3. An example of two loading curves showing the temporal evolution of differential stress
during stage 1 and stage 3 fracture. Following initial failure of the specimen, differential stress drops by
so, to a level defining the stable sliding differential stress. When the specimen is reloaded to failure
during stage 3, the increase in differential strength in measured relative to the stage 1 stable sliding level
and is defined as the healed strength, sh.

following stage 1 failure by 20 – 30 MPa. This greater where all terms on the right-hand side are known, measured
apparent frictional strength following stage 2 reaction may quantities.
be caused by an increase in real contact area. [13] The first series of experiments explored the temper-
[12] To determine how cohesive strength evolved during ature dependence of fault strengthening, with all experiments
stage 2, the changes in shear and normal stress between stable conducted at Pc = 250 MPa, Pp = 200 MPa for 6 hours
sliding and refracture on the fault plane must be determined. duration. Figure 5a shows that temperature of reaction is
This is done by measuring the fracture angles, which do show strongly correlated with fault strengthening, with cohesion
some variation between experiments (25.3 ± 2.5), and increasing from about 5 MPa at 700C to 30 MPa at
resolving both stresses. Immediately after stage 1 failure, 927C. Although there is a clear correlation, repeat experi-
shear and normal stresses during stable sliding are denoted by ments conducted at 875 C and 927C show that there is
to and sno, respectively, and the coefficient of friction, m = 5– 10 MPa of uncertainty in the data. As will be discussed
(to/sno). During stage 3 refracture of the specimen, the peak further below, these uncertainties are likely caused by inher-
shear strength is denoted by tF and the increase in shear ent differences between experimental specimens rather than
strength, Dt = (tF  to) (Figure 4). However, a portion of errors in the measurements themselves. The scatter in the data
Dt is simply added frictional strength caused by increased preclude any quantitative statement regarding the functional
normal stress on the fault at higher loads (see Figure 4b). To form of the temperature dependency, although over the
extract information concerning the cohesive strength of the temperature range tested, fault cohesion appears to vary
fault following reaction, this effect must be subtracted using approximately linearly with temperature.
[14] The second series of experiments explores the role of
tFN ¼ tF  mðDsn Þ ¼ to þ C ð1Þ pore fluid pressure on the reactions that drive fault strength-
ening (Figure 5b). All experiments shown in Figure 5b were
where tFN is the normalized shear strength of the fault. This reacted for 6 hours at 927C with an effective confining
parameter is corrected for the extra normal stress that was pressure of 50 MPa. Greatest fault cohesion is gained in
added during loading of the specimen. Dsn is the change in experiments that were reacted at high pore fluid pressures,
normal stress on the fault from stable sliding in stage 1 to although the correlation seems to be less clear than for the
refracture in stage 3, and C is the increase in fault cohesion. variable T experiments. At Pp of 50 and 100 MPa, cohesion
This correction and the stress components involved are increases to about 5 MPa, while at Pp at 150 or above,
illustrated schematically in Figure 4. For each experiment, cohesion increases to greater than 20 MPa. As is the case
the increase in fault cohesion can then be expressed as for the variable temperature experiments, the repeat experi-
ments show that there is approximately 5– 10 MPa scatter in
C ¼ Dt  mðDsn Þ ð2Þ the strength data.

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surfaces could be examined. The starting Fontainebleau sand-

stone is well sorted and composed of equant quartz grains
typically measuring 200 –300 mm in diameter (Figure 6a).
There is no apparent foliation or preferred grain orienta-
tion, nor does the starting material exhibit any intergranular
or intragranular cracking.
[16] Following initial fracture of the sandstone, the speci-
mens are characterized by widespread damage both within
the slip zone and in the adjacent wall rock (Figure 6b). The
fault zone is characterized by an inner cataclastic zone
approximately 200 mm in width, containing highly angular
and poorly sorted fragments. The surrounding damage zone
also exhibits abundant extension cracks oriented subparallel
to the maximum compressive principal stress direction.
These extension cracks likely reflect dilatancy of the speci-
men immediately preceding failure [Brace et al., 1966; Cox
and Scholz, 1988], although some may also have formed
during rupture propagation.

Figure 4. (a) Schematic illustration showing the variation

of shear stress with axial displacement during stage 1 and
stage 3 fracture. The observed increase in shear stress (Dt)
following stage 2 reaction is caused both by an increase in
cohesion (C) and an increase in friction caused by greater
normal stress during reloading (mDsn). The shear stress
measured during stage 3 refracture (tF) must therefore be
corrected to account for the frictional effect, thereby de-
fining a normalized shear stress (tFN), which can be used to
determine fault cohesion (see text for more details). This
schematic illustration is not corrected for apparatus distor-
tion, which is an important component when measuring
axial displacement. The positive slopes during loading and
unloading are mainly caused by apparatus distortion, al-
though dilatant deformation is also a likely contributor.
(b) Schematic Mohr diagram showing the stress states on an
experimental fault during stable sliding subsequent to
stage 1 fracture (grey) and during stage 3 refracture (black).
During each experiment, q and Dt are measured and used
to calculate cohesion increase (C).
Figure 5. Plots showing how the cohesion of experimental
fault zones increase with (a) temperature of reaction and
(b) pore fluid pressure. In Figure 5a, specimens were reacted
3.2. Microstructural Analysis at Pc = 250 MPa and Pp = 50 MPa and in Figure 5b all
[15] Starting material and tested specimens were analyzed specimens were reacted at 927C, with Pc varied so that the
using SEM, both in secondary and backscatter mode. Starting effective confining pressure was 50 MPa. All experimental
Fontainebleau sandstone was examined in polished section, specimens were reacted for 6 hours. Both temperature and
while postexperiment specimens were analyzed using both pore fluid pressure during reaction are strongly correlated to
polished sections and broken specimens in which fault the magnitude of cohesion gain during reaction.

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Figure 6. SEM micrographs showing typical textures in different stages of the experiments. (a) Starting
Fontainebleau sandstone with approximately 7% porosity (dark zones). (b) Specimen following failure,
showing shear fracture and associated damage zone. Gouge particles within shear zone are highly angular
and poorly sorted, while damage zone surrounding the fracture contains abundant extension cracks oriented
subparallel to the maximum principal stress direction (i.e., vertically). (c) Fault zone that has been
hydrothermally reacted for 6 hours at 927C with Pp = 50 MPa. Gouge particles have consolidated together
forming larger domains and extension cracks formed during initial failure have healed completely. Cracks
that are present formed during decompression of the specimen. (d) Typical texture observed on a fresh fault
surface of a refractured specimen. Particles exhibit concave structures that were formed during grain
interpenetration. Most gouge particles have become very rounded following hydrothermal reaction.

[17] After the specimens were hydrothermally reacted penetrate into one another, we infer that the microstructures
during stage 2, the cataclastic zones within the fractured developed in stage 2 hydrothermal treatment, prior to
specimens exhibit varying degrees of compaction, induration reshearing in stage 3. A high degree of reactivity is also
and fracture healing. Figure 6c shows a specimen that has indicated in the damage zone surrounding the principal slip
been reacted for 6 hours at 927C without being refractured surfaces. In Figure 6c, a specimen reacted at 927C, the
[Tenthorey et al., 2003]. It can clearly be seen that relative to extensional cracks that were ubiquitous following stage 1
the freshly fractured specimens (Figure 6b), the porosity of fracture have healed up, leaving only linear arrays of fluid
the reacted specimen is much lower and the fine-grained inclusions along the former fracture traces. Although the a/b
material has consolidated, forming large domains in which transition for quartz is crossed as the specimen cools to room
grains are more rounded and have gently curving grain edges. temperature following stage 2 reaction, the specimens do not
In zones where grain boundaries are visible, grain interpen- appear to exhibit signs of the transition. We believe that the
etration textures are abundant, suggesting that a pressure few large cracks observed in Figure 6c are due to unloading
solution process was active during reaction. These interpen- of the specimen. Nevertheless, if cracks do occur due to the
etration textures are highly visible when the fault zone is a/b transition, then they would serve to weaken the fault zone
viewed as a rough surface in SEM. Figure 6d is an SEM and the cohesion data presented would therefore represent a
micrograph in which the specimen was reacted at 875C and lower bound for fault strengthening.
Pp = 200 and subsequently refractured. In this specimen, [18] The fault zone microstructures show striking differ-
some particles within the sheared, cataclastic zone exhibit ences from low to high temperatures of reaction and from low
concave, indentation structures. As these microstructures are to high pore fluid pressures during reaction. Figure 7 shows
typical of a pressure solution-type process in which grains three images that compare and contrast the microstructures in

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Figure 7. Scanning electron micrographs showing how fault zone microstructure changes depending on
the temperature or pore fluid pressure during reaction. Domains in between dashed white lines are
portions of the fault zone that have healed and remained intact following refracture of the specimen. In
the high-temperature, high pore fluid pressure specimen (left), the healed zone has lost most of its original
porosity, with smaller grains consolidating into larger domains. Initial cracks in fault zone and in the
surrounding intact rock have largely been eliminated through chemical healing processes. In the low-
temperature or low pore fluid pressure specimens (right), the healed zones possess finer grains that have
maintained much of their initial angular character. Furthermore, cracks that were formed during stage 1
fracture have not healed to the same degree, especially in the case of the low-temperature specimen.

the end-member cases. In the highest T and Pp experiments, cates that the strength increase of the faults during the
as also shown in Figures 6c and 6d, widespread reaction and simulated ‘‘interseismic’’ period is positively correlated with
compaction are evident. However, as T and Pp are decreased, the magnitude of reaction driven compaction and consolida-
progressively less reaction is evident. Figure 7 shows that the tion of the gouge material, and to healing of fractures in the
fault zones from the low Pp/T experiments exhibit signifi- damage zone immediately surrounding the faults. Micro-
cantly less reaction, with damage products produced during structures observed on both polished sections and grain
deformation retaining their initial angular shape and an surfaces suggest that intergranular pressure solution played
apparent high porosity. There is also less evidence of crack the most important role during hydrothermal reaction. Micro-
healing than in the high-Pp, 927C experiment. Conversely, structural evidence for pressure solution is provided by
in the high T/Pp specimen, there is widespread evidence for widespread grain interpenetration, significant porosity reduc-
intense reaction even after the specimen has been refractured. tion within the fault zone and major changes in grain shape
from highly angular before reaction to slightly rounded
following reaction. Pressure solution processes can increase
4. Discussion the fault strength in two ways: changes to asperity contact
4.1. Mechanism for Fault Strengthening area and precipitation of secondary quartz, which effectively
[19] The results presented here and by Tenthorey et al. cements the fault zone. In addition, the partial to complete
[2003] show that hydrothermal reactions at high temper- healing of microcracks in the wall rock damage zone is also
atures (700– 927C) cause the cohesive strength of experi- likely to contribute to the overall increase in fault zone
mentally generated fault zones to increase significantly on cohesion.
short laboratory timescales. Microstructural analysis indi-

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[20] Although microstructural and theoretical considera- tation reactions in the fault zone [Rimstidt and Barnes, 1980;
tions (see below) suggest that chemical potential gradients at Ngwenya et al., 2000].
grain boundaries were probably the cause of cementation and [23] Although the cohesion data presented in Figure 5
cohesion increase in the experimental faults, some contribu- exhibit clear systematic trends with temperature and pore
tion was undoubtedly made by simple diffusional redistribu- pressure, there is significant scatter in the data. As mentioned
tion of quartz throughout the sample. Initially, fine-grained above, this scatter is not due to errors in the measurements but
gouge material may have been the preferred loci for dissolu- is likely due to variations in the geometries and distributions
tion due to the logarithmic relationship between solubility of the initial fractures and other heterogeneities in the internal
and specific surface area, as stated in the Freundlich-Ostwald structure of the rupture zone. Most of the specimens initially
equation [Parks, 1984]. At later stages, silica might have fail along a zone oriented approximately 25 to the principal
preferentially precipitated within the fault zone due to the stress direction, as shown in Figure 2. However, a subset of
high concentration of nucleation sites. the specimens fail with fault zones that are offset slightly with
[21] Changes to asperity contact area are well studied and a portion of the fault surface abutting the end spacers. In such
are inferred to occur under both nominally dry and wet cases, reloading of the specimens will result in more complex
conditions, but are accelerated under hot hydrothermal con- stress fields, with a portion of the fault even being subject to
ditions [Kanagawa et al., 2000]. Such variations in contact tensile stresses. Most often this will cause the specimens to
area will strengthen fault zones by changing the friction refracture at lower differential stresses in stage 3 and there-
coefficient, rather than inducing any changes to fault cohe- fore the apparent fault cohesion will be lower. Heterogene-
sion. According to Mohr-Coulomb theory, a fault possessing ities in fault morphology will also result in some data
cohesion should have some tensile strength normal to the uncertainty relative to typical SHS experiments, which usu-
fault plane. This is clearly not expected for the short-duration, ally use uniformly fine-grained gouge material sandwiched
low-T experiments conducted under dry conditions. In fact between homogeneous loading blocks. Following initial
the majority of SHS fault healing studies implicitly assume shear failure, the fault planes in our experiments contain
zero cohesion and study fault healing from the viewpoint of significant large asperities and surface undulations. During
variable friction. However, we believe that the conditions in hydrothermal reaction in stage 2, areas where the fault zone
our experiments and in many natural conditions are more forms a low-angle dilatant jog will be under a lower effective
complex and involve significant changes to fault cohesion. normal stress regime and compaction by pressure solution
Many natural faults exhibit textures indicative of widespread will be less active. Conversely, in contractional jog regions
mineral transport, deposition and/or recrystallization, which the gouge is under greater effective normal stress and will
would all act to give the fault some finite cohesion. In our therefore be regions that increase in cohesion the most. In
experiments, the increases in strength are far greater than such cases, heterogeneous healing and strengthening of the
those reported in previous SHS experiments and the textures faults will result in small-scale stress and strength variations
shown in Figures 6 and 7 clearly show that widespread during reloading and will therefore affect the macroscopic
dissolution, mass transfer and precipitation have occurred strength in a manner that is hard to predict.
in the specimens. Previous high-temperature, hydrothermal
experiments on simulated quartz gouge [Cox and Paterson, 4.2. Theoretical Analysis
1991; Kanagawa et al., 2000], an appropriate analogue for [24] In the preceding section, we showed that there is a
our fault gouge, show that after hydrothermal treatment, systematic, qualitative relationship between cohesion in-
specimens are well indurated and possess significant cohe- crease in experimental faults and Pp and T. In this section
sion. Furthermore, recent cathodoluminescence work on a we analyze our data specifically with the aim of quantifying
similar quartz gouge (S. Giger, personal communication, rates of the underlying process responsible for fault strength-
2005) shows that secondary quartz precipitation envelopes ening. Specifically, we will calculate the activation energy
primary quartz grains, thereby cementing the specimen and (Q) for the fault strengthening process and use this informa-
giving it a high degree of cohesion. tion to place constraints on rates of cohesion increase for
[22] The clear correlation between increase in fault cohe- conditions that are typical of the seismogenic regime in the
sion, temperature and pore pressure during reaction continental crust.
(Figure 5) is not surprising. If fault strengthening is indeed [25] To achieve this goal, it is necessary first to determine
caused by fluid-rock reactions, then conditions that enhance the functional form for the time dependence of fault strength-
time-dependent kinetics of reaction and solubility of quartz ening, since fault healing is expected to be nonlinear with
should lead to greater fault strengthening. In addition to time. Although we have not conducted variable time experi-
increasing rates of diffusion and transport, high temperatures ments in this study, we can use a data set presented by
also significantly enhance the solubility of quartz. Over the Tenthorey et al. [2003] (Figure 8). These experiments were
range of temperatures tested, silica solubility is positively conducted under the same conditions and using the same
correlated to temperature [Manning, 1994], as is the increase porosity Fontainebleau sandstone as in this study. In Figure 8,
in cohesive strength. Pore fluid pressure also has a large we have reformatted the original 927C data, so that strength
positive impact on quartz solubility, which is also reflected in recovery is recast in terms of cohesion increase, and time has
the cohesion increase with pore fluid pressure. Such in- been plotted on a logarithmic scale. The function which best
creased solubilities at high Pp and T should not strongly fits the 927C data is a power law of the form
affect the dissolution and transport of silica during pressure
solution, since these parameters are mainly controlled by C ¼ 0:96 t 0:38 ð3Þ
stresses at grain boundaries. However, increased solubility
within fluid-filled pore spaces will likely accelerate cemen-

9 of 14

Figure 8. Fault cohesion data for two series of experiments. Circles are cohesion data for variable times
at 927C calculated from Tenthorey et al. [2003], and triangles are some of the variable temperature data
presented in this study. At 927C, cohesion increases with the power of time, in contrast to previous
healing experiments which exhibit a log time dependence (see text). The curve fit to the variable time
data can be used as a master curve against which the variable temperature data can be compared. Variable
temperature experiments plot on a vertical array at 21,600 s, with highest temperature experiments
showing greatest cohesion. The length of the arrows are proportional to ln(t1/t2), where t1 is 21,600 s and
t2 is the time that the same healing would take at 927C. This time difference is used to define an
Arrhenius function, which in turn allows an activation energy for fault strengthening to be extracted from
the data (see equation (5)).

where t is time. Such a function is significantly different used for the static fatigue of quartz, with the implication that
from the log time fits found in many other lower-T SHS high temperatures result in rapid fatigue and a shorter time
experimental studies [Dieterich, 1972; Chester and Higgs, to failure [Scholz, 1972]. In this study, we will use the
1992; Karner et al., 1997; Nakatani and Scholz, 2004; Arrhenius rate equation to determine the time needed to
Yasuhara et al., 2005]. It should be noted that the power law achieve a particular cohesion at different temperatures. This
function will only apply over a limited time frame and that may be done by restating (4) as
at larger times the cohesion of the fault should begin to
equilibrate to a value that is controlled by the intrinsic t1 Q 1 1
strength of fully dense quartz aggregates. Using the ln ¼  ð5Þ
t2 R T1 T2
measured failure stresses together with the corresponding
fracture angles, the approximate cohesive strength of the Simply stated, (5) tells us that if X MPa of cohesion increase
starting Fontainebleau sandstone was calculated to be takes t1 at T1, then we can determine the time needed for
between 125 and 150 MPa. It is uncertain whether the fault the same change in cohesion at another temperature, T2,
gouge would equilibrate at a cohesion equal to that of the provided that we know Q. However, since Q is unknown, we
starting sandstone given enough time or at some other value must first determine its value using the variable time data
controlled by sorting and grain size properties of the gouge. from Tenthorey et al. [2003] and the variable temperature
In fact, Kanagawa et al. [2000] demonstrated that hydro- data presented in this study.
thermally treated fine-grained quartz gouges attained shear [27] The variable time cohesion data and power law fit
strengths greater than the Fontainebleau sandstone forcing presented in Figure 8 are extremely valuable to this analysis
blocks. because they provide expected cohesion changes for all times
[26] The main principle to be used in extracting Q will be at 927C. This means that it is possible to determine how long
time-temperature superposition using the Arrhenius rate the strengthening observed in the variable T experiments
equation [Nowick and Berry, 1972] would have taken were they conducted at 927C. It is
possible to show this graphically by plotting the variable T
t ¼ to eQ=RT ð4Þ and t data together with cohesion increase versus time data
(Figure 8). Here, the variable temperature data lie on a
where to is a characteristic time and R is the gas constant. vertical trend representing reaction for 6 hours (21,600 s).
Equation (4) defines how the time to an event varies with Each horizontal arrow on Figure 8 represents a time shift
temperature. For example, a form of equation (4) has been needed to superimpose the variable T data onto the 927C

10 of 14

4.3. Implications for Natural Faults and Earthquakes

[28] Since Q for the interseismic fault healing process has
been calculated, we can use equation (6) to determine how
long a given amount of fault strengthening would take at
seismogenic depths in quartzitic continental crust. Assuming
constant Q for interseismic fault healing over the full range of
crustal conditions, Figure 10 illustrates the times required
for various increases in cohesive strength in the continental
seismogenic regime for a geothermal gradient of 20C km1,
effective confining pressure of 50 MPa and Pp of 200 MPa.
For example, recovery of fault cohesive strength to 20 MPa at
200C takes 3.2 years. This suggests that a large degree of
reaction-driven fault strengthening would occur during the
100– 10000 year interseismic period [Scholz et al., 1986] in
Figure 9. Arrhenius diagram showing the relative rates of fluid-saturated fault rupture zones at depths where large
cohesion increase for the variable temperature experiments. earthquakes nucleate in the continental crust. Also plotted
The ln(t1/t2) term represents the difference in time needed on Figure 10 is the field for repeating earthquakes at Park-
for a given amount of cohesion to be gained by a fault at field (P) [Bakun and McEvilly, 1984], indicating significant
two different temperatures, T1 (one of the variable increase in fault cohesion, even though the recurrence inter-
temperature experiments) and T2 (927C, from the master val is relatively short. It should be noted that the nature of the
curve; see Figure 8). A linear regression of the data yields a fluids (i.e., salinity, pH) within fault zones will have some
slope which can be used to calculate the activation energy effect on solubility and therefore on cohesive strengthening
for the fault healing process (67.9 kJ mol1). of gouge material.
[29] Field data collected over a multiyear period also
suggests that fault healing occurs on very short timescales.
master curve, so that ln(t1/t2) can be determined for each
Increases in P and S wave velocity within the Landers fault
experiment, where t1 is 21,600 s and corresponds to one of
zone were observed to increase following the 7.5 magnitude
the variable T experiments and t2 is the time that the same
earthquake in 1992 [Li et al., 1998]. These changes in seismic
healing would take at 927C. At low temperatures, the shift
velocities were interpreted to be caused by closure of cracks
needed to superimpose healing data onto the master curve is
that were formed during the main seismic event. More
greater. Since Arrhenius functions describe the variation of
recently, a S wave splitting analysis of the Nojima fault zone
rates or time (to an event) with temperature, it is then
revealed a rotation of the faster polarized shear wave follow-
appropriate to use equation (5) to show the variation of
ing the Kyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake in 1995 [Tadokoro and
ln(t1/t2) with temperature. Substituting into (5), we get
Ando, 2002]. Immediately following rupture, the faster
  S wave direction was strike parallel, but within 3 years, the
21600 Q
ln ¼ B ð6Þ fast direction had rotated to be parallel to the maximum
t2 RT1
horizontal stress. This observation led the authors to conclude
where, from equation (4) that fault parallel fractures within the fault zone, formed
during the 1995 event, had healed during the 3 year post-
t2 ¼ ðC=0:963Þ2:63 ð7Þ seismic time frame. Such seismological observations are
consistent with our conclusions that significant cohesive
C is the cohesion increase observed in a given variable strengthening should occur during interseismic periods that
temperature experiment and B is a constant because T2 is span centennial to millennial timescales.
1200 K in all cases. Equation (6) can then be plotted as [30] A longstanding problem with laboratory studies
an Arrhenius diagram, in which the linear array of time exploring fault strength evolution is that they underestimate
shift factors defines a slope from which the activation strengthening when compared to studies based on seismic
energy for the fault strengthening process can be extracted observations. Most SHS experimental work has shown that
(Figure 9). From Figure 9, we have determined that Q = 68 ± static friction increases by about 5– 10% per decade in-
15 kJ mol1. Previous work exploring the thermodynamics crease in hold time. Using a subset of data from Kanamori
of pressure solution indicate that an activation energy of and Allen [1986], it has been demonstrated that for certain
70 ± 10 kJ mol1 should be expected for quartz [Schutjens, earthquakes, stress drop is positively correlated with recur-
1991; Dewers and Hajash, 1995; Niemeijer et al., rence time. This data set has been used to suggest that faults
2002]. Another high-temperature deformation mechanism, strengthen by a much greater magnitude per decade increase
dislocation creep, is generally associated with Q greater than in recurrence interval [Scholz, 1990]. The Kanamori and
120 kJ mol1 [Luan and Paterson, 1992; Hirth et al., 2001; Allen data set includes only intraplate (Japan) and interplate
Rutter and Brodie, 2004]. Our microstructural observations (San Andreas) seismic events with similar rupture length to
and theoretical conclusions therefore indicate that pressure width ratios [Scholz, 1990]; this an important consideration
solution is the rate-controlling process for cohesion increase because stress drop is strongly controlled by rupture geom-
in our experimental fault zones. These results therefore etry. A plot showing the variation of stress drop with
suggest that we can extrapolate our fault cohesion results to recurrence interval (Figure 11) reveals two interesting fea-
lower temperatures that are more typical of the seismogenic tures. First, although there is significant scatter, the data
regime. appears to follow a power law rather than a logarithmic

11 of 14

Figure 10. Diagram constructed using equations (6) and (7), in which lines of equal fault cohesion are
shown on a plot of crustal depth versus time. This diagram, based on experimental data presented here,
suggests that significant reaction-induced fault strengthening should occur during the interseismic period.
A geothermal gradient of 20C km1 is assumed in this model. Shown are the approximate fields for
large earthquakes and repeating earthquakes at Parkfield (region P).

relationship as observed in previous SHS experiments dis- similarly suggest that fault strength increases by a factor of
cussed above. It is also different from the logarithmic 2– 5 MPa per decade increase in recurrence interval. Second,
function described by Marone et al. [1995] for repeating the stress drops indicated in Figure 11 are roughly within
earthquake sequences on the Calaveras fault. The power law an order of magnitude of those predicted by this study
fit shown in Figure 11 has an exponent that is very similar to (Figure 10), in which we assume that all fault strengthen-
that found for cohesion data from the variable time experi- ing is caused by an increase in fault zone cohesion.
ments in this study (Figure 8), and as a result the data [31] In this study, we have explored fault strengthening
during the interseismic period by conducting experiments
using a monomineralic, quartz system. For polymineralic
systems involved in natural fault zones, the effects on time-
dependent cohesive strengthening are likely to be highly
variable. For example, if interseismic chemical reactions give
rise to clay mineral coatings or hydrous mineral assemblages,
then it is likely that cohesion increase will be smaller over a
given time. This is because hydrated mineral assemblages
have been shown to possess lower friction coefficients due to
interlayer H2O that effectively lubricates the medium [Moore
et al., 1997; Morrow et al., 2000]. Conversely, the presence
of micas or clay minerals in the primary mineral assemblage
has been shown to accelerate silica dissolution and transport
[Bjorkum, 1996; Renard et al., 1997; Oelkers et al., 2000]
and would therefore increase the rate of cohesion increase. In
addition to mineralogic effects are the possible differences in
strengthening rates caused by variable pore fluid composition
Figure 11. Plot of stress drop versus recurrence time for a [Sheldon et al., 2003]. In the case of quartz, solubility is
series of interplate/intraplate earthquakes with similar length strongly enhanced at high pH and to a lesser extent is also
to width ratios (see Scholz [1990, Table 6.2]; after salinity-dependent [Dove, 1995].
Kanamori and Allen [1986]). Although there is significant [32] In addition to the chemical effects of pore fluids, the
scatter in the data, the functional form for stress drop with evolution of pore fluid pressures also plays a very important
time appears to follow a power law, as for our data role in the strength evolution of fault zones [Sibson, 1992].
(Figure 8), rather than a logarithmic function as observed in It has been proposed that pore fluid pressures in some
other experimental studies (see text). fault zones may increase gradually during the interseismic

12 of 14

period, thereby reducing the effective normal stress [Sleep faults when compared to field examples based on inferred
and Blanpied, 1992]. Increased pore fluid pressures within stress drops from various earthquakes. This difference may
the fault decreases effective normal stress and weakens the be accounted for by natural faults being composed of more
fault, counteracting any cohesive strengthening caused by complicated mineral systems or possessing elevated pore
hydrothermal reactions. This effect will be significant at fluid pressures.
depths where fault zone permeability becomes low enough
to preclude significant drainage and reequilibration of pore [35] Acknowledgments. We wish to thank the Australian Research
fluid pressures on large timescales. It is partly for this reason Council for making this work possible thanks to a Fellowship to E.T. Many
thanks to H. Kokkonen and C. Saint for technical support and to J. Fortin
that some recent experimental research has focused on the (ENS-Paris), who kindly provided Fontainebleau sandstone starting mate-
time dependence of permeability in reactive porous media rial. This manuscript benefited from useful discussions with M. Nakatani
[Main et al., 1994; Moore et al., 1994; Ngwenya et al., 1995; and S. Giger. Thanks also to S. Karner, E. Rutter, and anonymous reviewers
Olsen et al., 1998; Tenthorey et al., 1998; Morrow et al., for their reviews which greatly improved the manuscript.
2001; Tenthorey et al., 2003]. Results from these studies References
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