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ABsTRACT O B s E R VAT I O N A L s T u D y

A Closer Look at Seborrheic Keratoses:

Patient Perspectives, Clinical
The author sought to discover
why seborrheic keratoses that

Relevance, Medical Necessity, and

are not symptomatic or
clinically suspicious are not

Implications for Management

considered therapeutically
important to most clinicians.
The author conducted an
office-based, observational
study examining how the
diagnosis of asymptomatic Research Director, JDR Dermatology Research and Private Dermatology Practice, Thomas Dermatology,
seborrheic keratoses personally Las Vegas, Nevada
affects patients and what these
patients think concerning
treatment. Many patients
reported being bothered by the
diagnosis of seborrheic
keratoses, even when told it’s
not cancerous, and indicated an
interest in its treatment. Lack of
insurance coverage for the
treatment of non-symptomatic
seborrheic keratoses may be
the primary reason clinicians do
not consider seborrheic

SEBORRHEIC KERATOSES (SK) individual presenting with multiple

keratoses therapeutically

s are one of the most common benign SKs.1,2 The most common sites
important, as clinicians often

cutaneous neoplasms encountered in affected are the trunk and head/neck

find the discussion of “self

ambulatory dermatology practice, region, although any cutaneous site

payment” with their patients to

estimated to affect at least 20 may be affected other than palms

be awkward. Furthermore,

percent of the adult population, and soles.1,2 They typically present

patients may not understand

especially older adults.1 Lesions are as round or oval, sharply demarcated

the implications that “lack of

most often multiple, with variability papules or plaques, often with a

medical necessity” may have on

in size, clinical morphology, and keratotic (rough) surface texture that

their treatment options. The

color, including within a given appears to be “stuck on” the surface

author describes a clinical
approach that may better serve
patients and clinicians through
the compartmentalization of
Disclosure: Dr. Del Rosso serves as a consultant to Aclaris Therapeutics, Inc. (Malvern,
asymptomatic seborrheic
Pennsylvania) that has a topical therapy for seborrheic keratosis under development. He also
keratoses treatment as a
served as a consultant for and as the lead Principal Investigator for the observational study
cosmetic procedure within the
discussed in this article. Dr. Del Rosso is the author of this article, with data collection assistance
clinical practice model.
and manuscript development support from Burke Medical Research. He received no
compensation for authorship or submission of this article from Aclaris Therapeutics Inc, Burke
J Clin Aesthet Dermatol.
Medical Reserarch, or any agency or individual involved with this study. In addition, he served as
the sole reviewer of any queries or questions that arose during the peer-review process and the
galley review of this article.
Author correspondence: James Q. Del Rosso, DO, FAOCD, FAAD;

16 JCAD journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology March 2017 • Volume 10 • Number 3
O B s E R VAT I O N A L s T u D y

of the skin; the color of SKs may encounter SKs when seeing symptomatic or suspicious
range from light tan to dark patients in their office practices. clinically have been ignored from
brown, and the size is typically Data collected from the a therapeutic standpoint. The
between 0.5cm to 1.5cm; evaluation of teenage and adult main focus of the article is to
however, individual lesions may patients in Australia, stratified by report and review findings from
be smaller or larger (Figures 1A, age and gender, showed that 12 an office-based observational
1B, 1C).1,2 Some SKs may appear percent of individuals between study of SK looking at the
with a surface texture that is the ages of 15 and 25 years perspectives of patients regarding
smooth, waxy, or very flat presented with a median of six how the presence of SKs affects
(almost macular), the latter SKs/person; despite a wide range them personally and their
occurring especially in SKs that in the number per person, SKs thoughts regarding management
appear initially as a lentigo.2 were present in 100 percent of of their SKs. The subject of lack
The variability in clinical individuals older than 50 years of of insurance coverage for
appearance of SKs is reflective age, with a median of 69 treatment of non-symptomatic
of the multiple histologic types SKs/person.2 No differences were SKs is also addressed, as
of SK, which include the noted in the prevalence of SKs or clinicians often find the
hyperkeratotic, acanthotic, the number of SKs/person discussion of “self payment” by
adenoid (reticulated), clonal, between genders, however, SKs the patient to be awkward or
melanoacanthoma, and irritated in frequently sun-exposed areas uncomfortable; many patients do
histologic subtypes; variant tended to be flatter and usually not understand the strict
subtypes of SK include stucco larger than 0.3cm in diameter as implications of “lack of medical
keratoses (commonly multiple compared to those at sites that necessity” associated with
and presenting as small light tan are not usually sun-exposed.2 treating lesions solely because
“rough” papules on the legs and This latter observation may they are cosmetically
ankles), and dermatosis papulosa suggest that more SKs in sun- bothersome. This article
nigra (multiple small exposed sites are likely to discusses how clinicians may
hyperpigmented papules most develop within lesions that were compartmentalize management
commonly affecting the facial solar lentigines or flat SKs at of asymptomatic SKs within the
skin of blacks and Asian their outset, a factor to be “cosmetic basket” of their
patients).1–3 Histologic features considered by clinicians when a practice, similar to how they
of SK can vary; however, all SKs patient reports that a given lesion direct the procedural treatment of
exhibit hyperkeratosis, is changing (especially in surface photodamage, facial lines and
acanthosis, and papillomatosis.1 texture). Another publication wrinkles, scars, and facial
Although the diagnosis of SK can stated that SKs affect dyschromias.
usually be made accurately based approximately 83 million
on clinical inspection and Americans in the United States,
without need for biopsy, with a survey of dermatologists The objectives of this

dermoscopy may be helpful in (N=594) reporting that they observational study, completed
some cases to distinguish SK diagnose an average of 155 SKs across the United States in 10
from solar lentigines, lichenoid per month, with almost all ambulatory dermatology
keratoses, and benign and patients presenting with multiple practices, were to collect the
malignant melanocytic SKs and 43 percent of patients opinions and perspectives of
proliferations (i.e., lentigo undergoing treatment for at least patients regarding their non-
maligna, lentigo maligna some SK lesions (usually symptomatic SKs and to capture
melanoma).4,5 cryosurgery).6 prevalence data on symptomatic
There are data evaluating how This article raises the question SKs among patients who agreed
commonly clinicians may as to why SKs that are not to participate. All participants
JCAD journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology March 2017 • Volume 10 • Number 3 17
O B s E R VAT I O N A L s T u D y

Figure 1. A: seborrheic keratosis presenting as a well-defined, hyperkeratotic, papillomatous, brown plaque with classic
“stuck on” appearance and a focal region of pink color superiorly; B: seborrheic keratosis presenting as a well-defined, stuck on-
appearing tan papule with some surface hyperkeratosis; C: seborrheic keratosis presenting as a well-defined, stuck on-appearing
dark brown plaque. Focal lighter areas are apparent; many reflective of horn cysts that are also observable histologically. Photos
courtesy of Jason Smith, MD

were provided full disclosure SKs, such as avoiding types of

about the study and were assured Study results include both the clothing that would expose their

that individual confidentiality designated observations from SKs; some reported using
would be maintained with any clinical examinations completed makeup or certain hairstyles to
form of publication. The study by the investigators and survey cover SKs.
was soley related to data responses completed by the Interest in treatment for non-
collection with no therapies participating patients. The survey symptomatic SK is highest
rendered as part of the study. completed by the patients among women and is greatest for
The protocol required the covered several areas related to facial SKs; 38 percent of patients
characterization of non- SK, each of which is reviewed reported having SKs removed in
symptomatic SK in dermatology here. the past. The most common
patients between 40 and 70 years General observations about reasons reported by patients for
of age in 10 regionally diverse, SKs. A total of 406 adult patients having non-symptomatic SKs
private dermatology practices. The completed the study. The most removed were concern that they
location and number of SK lesions common locations where SKs may be something serious (57%),
were documented for all patients were noted were the trunk (85% followed by not liking their
by clinical examination. of patients) and the face (68% of appearance (53%) or how they
Importantly, the patients). Men tended to exhibit a feel when touched (44%); 45
number/percentage of patients who greater quantity of SKs overall as percent of patients stated equal
presented with one or more SK compared to women, including motivation related to both health
lesions as a primary or secondary presence and number of truncal and appearance concerns as
complaint, those that had SKs but SKs. Interestingly, approximately reasons for seeking treatment for
did not mention them as a one-fourth (27%) of the patients SKs. When patients with non-
complaint, and those that had were aware of the diagnosis of symptomatic SKs were shown
symptomatic SKs were all SK, with over half (55%) asking before and after treatment
captured. The study also included specifically about their SKs photographs, the majority (83%)
inquiry about interest in treatment during their office visit without expressed at least some interest
to remove SK lesions with each prompting. Many patients (61%), in getting their SKs treated, even
patient. Details on methodology especially women, took specific if they have to pay out of pocket
are outlined in Table 1. actions to disguise or cover their for the treatment. When patients
18 JCAD journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology March 2017 • Volume 10 • Number 3
O B s E R VAT I O N A L s T u D y

Table 1: Methodology of observational study on non-symptomatic seborrheic keratoses


• Both genders; age range 40–69 years

• have non-symptomatic SK lesions

• For all patients seen with SK, including those who do not meet the required inclusion criteria to participate in the study,
data on number and location of SKs were collected.
ReSeaRCh DeSIgn
• Interviews were conducted with patients during a visit to the dermatologist via an iPad or on paper (hard copy).
• the study was conducted at 10 private dermatology offices across the United States.
• 406 patients completed the study
Data ColleCtIon anD PatIent Flow

• Investigator examines patient during a routine office visit.

• If patient had at least one visible SK (on face, neck, trunk, or upper extremities), investigator documented number and
location of SKs.
• Investigator/staff documented if SK was an unprompted primary or secondary complaint or if SK was solely noted by the
investigator during clinical examination.
• If patient was not treated for inflamed SK at this visit, investigator delivered diagnosis of SK and provided patient with a
brief discussion about the diagnosis of SK. Investigator/staff offered the patient the opportunity to participate in an
anonymous study that required completion of a survey. Patients who participated were compensated $10 for their time
and cooperation.
• Investigator or their designated staff obtained consent after explaining process for completing survey on iPad or paper
• Patients completed the study survey about SKs, which was then collected by staff at which time the patient responsibil-
ity to the study was then completed.

chose not to have SKs removed, were more likely to have a for SK lesions in this study.
it was most often because the symptomatic SK than younger Patients aged 60 to 69 years
lesions were not bothersome or patients (40–59 years of age). exhibited significantly more SKs
serious. Cost was not often Prevalence and location of on their face, neck, or neckline,
mentioned as a reason for not non-symptomatic SKs. The and trunk than patients aged 40
having them removed or treated. average number of non- to 59 years. Older patients
Prevalence of symptomatic symptomatic SKs per patient (50–69 years of age) were more
SKs. Among patients examined examined during this study was likely to have more than 20 SKs,
during the study, 19 percent had 26.2, with the largest number which contributed to the higher
symptomatic (inflamed/irritated) reported on the trunk (Table 2, average number of SKs noted in
SKs that were treated that day. Figures 2 and 3). The lower older patients (Figure 2).
Older patients (age 60–69 years) extremities were not examined Men tended to exhibit
JCAD journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology March 2017 • Volume 10 • Number 3 19
O B s E R VAT I O N A L s T u D y

their SKs without being

prompted, with 34 percent stating
that they have asked a
dermatologist about their SKs in
the past and 27 percent of
patients knowing the medical
term for their diagnosis
(“seborrheic keratosis”). Most
patients ask about SKs due to
both health and appearance
concerns (Table 3). Men were
more likely to ask about
treatment mostly out of a concern
for their health; cosmetic concern
was more common among
Figure 2. Total number of seborrheic keratoses stratified by age range (percentage

women as the main reason for


desiring treatment for SK. Sixty-

one percent of patients reported
that at some point they have
taken measures to disguise, hide,
or deal with SKs due to their
appearance (Table 4).
Reasons for removal of SKs.
Slightly over one-third (38%) of
patients have had SK lesions
treated or removed in the past.
The two most common reasons
for having SKs treated or
removed were concern about the
“spots being something serious”
and “not liking the way they
look” (cosmetic appearance)
(Figure 4).
Reasons for not removing
SKs. The top reasons that
Figure 3. Percentage of patients with truncal seborrheic keratoses stratified by age

patients had chosen not to have


their SKs treated or removed was

that they learned they are not
significantly more SKs on their Overall, most men had 16 or cancerous, or that the “spots do
trunk and arms than women, more SKs (64% of patients) not bother them enough.”
although individual exceptions while most women had 15 or Another top reason for not
existed. The size of this gender fewer (52% of patients). having SK lesions treated was
difference is greater than what Concern about and that the patient simply was not
might be expected given that men knowledge of SKs and aware of treatment options
have on average 19 percent more compensating actions. Fifty-five (Figure 5).
body surface area than women. percent of patients asked about Interest in treatment of SKs.
20 JCAD journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology March 2017 • Volume 10 • Number 3
O B s E R VAT I O N A L s T u D y

Patients were shown before and

after treatment photos for SKs
table 2. Prevalence and location of seborrheic keratosis including breakdown
then asked how interested they
by age range
would be in a treatment that how many SKs were observed in the following
would give similar results and be areas?
provided in the dermatology
location of lesion
office setting. A large majority of
total 40–49 50–59 60–69
patients (86%) were either
(a) (B) (C) (D)
extremely interested or somewhat average number of SKs observed 4.4
interested in such a treatment
3.6 3.6 2.9
on patient faces BC*
option for SKs. Patients were
then asked how interested they
average number of SKs observed 5.1
3.9 2.7 2.8
would be if the treatment were
on patient necks/necklines BC*
provided in the office setting for average number of SKs observed 11.9 16.9
a reasonable cost paid by the
13.3 5.9
on patient trunks B* BC*
patient, with over 80 percent of
patients (83%) indicating that
average number of SKs observed 6.2
5.4 3.8 5.2
they were either extremely
on patient arms B*

interested or somewhat interested

average number of SKs observed 22.7 32.6
in this treatment.
26.2 15.0
on patients (overall) B* BC*
*Denotes significant difference from column letters listed at the 90%
Factors influencing interest confidence level
in SK treatment. In order to
better understand the factors that
may influence interest in
table 3. Primary concern(s) of the patient related to their seborrheic karatoses

treatment of non-symptomatic was your primary concern in asking about SKs

SKs among patients, a correlation health or appearance related?
analysis was completed (Table

5). Potential correlations between

total Men women

level of interest in treatment and

Mostly a concern about my
factors such as location of SKs,
17% 10.0% 20.2%
gender, age, and income were More about appearance than
evaluated. Clinically relevant,
5% 6.0% 4.5%
positive correlations were noted
between the presence of SK spots
equally about appearance and
45% 38.0% 49.4%
on face and neck and interest in

treatment and between female

More about health than
14% 18.0% 12.4%
gender and interest in treatment.

The significant positive

correlation noted for the
Mostly a concern about my health 18% 26.0% 13.5%

anatomic locations of face and/or

neck shows that having one or
I do not recall 1% --
more SKs on these sites increases

interest in having the SKs treated

n=406 (qualifying Patients)
or removed. The positive
*Indicates a significant difference from column listed at the 90% confidence
correlation for gender supports

JCAD journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology March 2017 • Volume 10 • Number 3 21
O B s E R VAT I O N A L s T u D y

overall that women are more

likely to want SKs treated or
removed. SKs on the trunk or
arms, age, and income level
demonstrated no significant
impact on interest in treatment
among patients who participated
in this study. Notably, patients of
all ages and income levels may
equally demonstrate definite
interest in treatment of at least
some of their SKs.
A regression analysis was
completed to evaluate whether
concern about the appearance of
SKs and/or worry about the
health impact of the lesions
(cancerous or not) drove interest
in undergoing treatment for SKs
(Figure 6). The regression model
below was estimated with
Figure 4. Reasons patients reported for desiring and undergoing treatment for

Interest in Treatment being the

their seborrheic keratoses. Question: Which of the following are the main reasons

dependent variable and

you had your spots treated or removed? (percent selecting as a major reason).
N=406 (qualifying patients)
Motivation (health and/or
appearance), and Motivation ^2
being the independent variables.
As the graph of the regression
equation illustrates, the peak
level of interest in treatment
occurred when there were
primarily appearance concerns,
but also some health concerns. It
is also important to notice that
the mean is overall at a very high
level, varying between 4 and 5 on
a 5-point scale.

Practical considerations

related to management of non-

symptomatic SKs in “real
world” clinical practice.
Individuals who present with
non-symptomatic SK as a
Figure 5. Reasons patients chose not to undergo treatment for their seborrheic

primary diagnosis are often

keratoses. Question: How much of a factor were each of the following in your

concerned about the possibility

decision not to have sK spots treated or removed?
N=406 (qualifying patients)

22 JCAD journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology March 2017 • Volume 10 • Number 3
O B s E R VAT I O N A L s T u D y

of skin malignancy; however,

some are clearly concerned from
table 4. Compensating actions by patients to disguise or cover seborrheic

a cosmetic standpoint as they


find SKs to be unattractive or

which of the following have you ever done to hide,
“ugly.”2 Other times, non-
disguise or deal with your SK spots?
symptomatic SKs are not a
I've never done any of these 39%
primary or secondary complaint, Pick at them so they fall off 31%
and are noticed on skin
examination during an office
Use make-up to disguise the spots 28%

visit. From a practical standpoint,

wear clothing designed to hide the spots, such
when a clinician informs a
as turtlenecks, scarves, or long sleeved shirts

patient of diagnosis of non-

avoid wearing a bathing suit, V-neck, or other
symptomatic SKs, which are
clothing that would allow the spots to show
benign based on appearance and avoid looking at or touching them 11%
history and do not require
removal, many patients passively
wear my hair in a certain style to cover the spots 7%

express disappointment that the

Use wart remover treatment on the spots 5%
SK lesions are not being treated.
Sometimes they may ask near the Regression analysis evaluating reasons driving interest in treatment of non-
end of the office visit if the SKs symptomatic seborrheic keratoses: Concern about appearance versus worry
can be removed, emphasizing about health impact
either overtly or subtly that their
appearance is what is
Standardized Coeffi-
Unstandardized Co-
bothersome. This situation is
cients CoefficientsStan-
often uncomfortable for
dardized Coefficients

clinicians as the office visit then

B Std. error Beta t Sig.
transcends into a financial Motivation 0.462 0.201 0.789 2.294 0.023
discussion, as removal of non-
symptomatic SKs is not covered
Motivation^2 -0.103 0.033 -1.088 -3.161 0.002

by third-party payors, meaning

(Constant) 4.260 0.289 14.726 0.000
that the patient will then incur
“out of pocket” expenses. It is
helpful, however, if clinicians
organize their approach to this
situation and compartmentalize
the management into the
“cosmetic segment” of the office
practice, similar to how other
conditions are handled, such as
photodamage/wrinkles, facial
scars, and telangiectasias. For
some reason, the line of
Figure 6. X-axis shows patient motivation for asking dermatologist about

demarcation between “cosmetic”

treatment on a sliding scale with 1 being “mostly a concern about appearance” and

and “medically necessary” has

5 being “mostly a concern about health. “y-axis shows patient interest in treatment

not been clearly delineated in the

on a sliding scale with 1 being “not at all interested” and 5 being “extremely
interested” in treatment.

JCAD journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology March 2017 • Volume 10 • Number 3 23
O B s E R VAT I O N A L s T u D y

minds of clinicians, and hence

their office staff. Realistically,
table 5. Correlation analysis evaluating factors that may influence patient

non-symptomatic SKs should be

interest in treating non-symptomatic seborrheic keratoses
Interested in tx handled directly and
professionally just like any other
condition that clearly falls into
Pearson Correlation 0.144**
the category of being a
Face oR neck Sig. (2-tailed) 0.004
n 406 “cosmetic” concern (and not
Pearson Correlation -0.043 medically necessary).
Currently, therapies available
for the treatment of SKs are
trunk Sig. (2-tailed) 0.392

physical modalities that are

n 406

surgical or ablative. These include

Pearson Correlation 0.068

liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, shave

arms Sig. (2-tailed) 0.172
n 406 removal, curettage, chemical peels,
Pearson Correlation 0.183** and certain laser modalities (e.g.,
pulsed CO2, erbium-YAG); no
currently available topical agents
gender Sig. (2-tailed) 0

have been shown to be reliably

n 406

effective, with very limited data

Pearson Correlation -0.084

age Sig. (2-tailed) 0.091
n 406 Another clinically relevant and
Pearson Correlation -0.011 practical consideration is the
importance of carefully
evaluating patients to be certain
Income Sig. (2-tailed) 0.848

that all of their lesions are truly

n 406

SKs, and not potentially another

Correlation run against the presence or absence of at least 1 SK on face, neck, trunk, or

more ominous diagnosis, such as


a skin malignancy. This is

^Base size lower for income due to 100 respondents declining to provide income

especially true in patients with


multiple SKs, as the examiner

may wrongly assume that all of
the lesions are SKs, complete a
cursory skin examination, and
miss a diagnosis such as
melanoma (Figure 7).

In this study, non-symptomatic


SKs are the most common

cutaneous neoplasm encountered
in clinical practice. Although
they may be a primary or
secondary patient complaint, or
Figure 7. Multiple seborrheic keratoses on the back of a 64-year-old man. It is

may be noted incidentally on

important that a careful skin examination be completed to assure that a more
ominous type of skin lesion is not also present, as one or more can be overlooked
within the “sea” of seborrheic keratoses.

24 JCAD journal of clinical and aesthetic dermatology March 2017 • Volume 10 • Number 3
O B s E R VAT I O N A L s T u D y

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