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Bible study

1.6 – How to Hide God’s Word in Your Heart – Psalm 119:9-16


1. Who is the author of the book and/or passage being studied?

It is not certain who wrote Psalm 119. As for the book, we can see through various psalms
that there are several authors. The author who wrote the most psalms was King David.2.

When/under what circumstance was the book written?

Bible commentators say that since it was written by several people, since Moses who lived
long before David, it is estimated that it took about 900 years for the book we have today to
be complete. From the time of Moses until the post exilic period. The circumstances in which
the book was written also vary widely because it was written by several authors.

3. Who is involved in the passage being studied?

The people involved in this passage are the writer and also God, whom he mentions.

4. Who is speaking and being addressed in the passage?

We see that the author is speaking, and he directs his conversion to God.

5. What are the key words or phrases in the passage?

The key word is the word "Word", which is mentioned in several ways: commands, decrees,
laws, status, precepts. It is also important to mention the phrases: I have hidden, I rejoice, I
meditate, I delight.

6. What key words/phrases are repeated?

Word, rejoice, way.

7. What is being compared or contrasted in the passage?

We see, in an implied way, the contrast between an impure life, without the word of God and
the pure life by the word of God.

8. What are the cause/effect relationships?

If we walk according to the word God, our lives will be pure.

9. What literary form is used?

The literary form found here is poetry


1. How is the passage affected by its cultural/historical background?

We know from reading the word of God that the Jewish people were freed from slavery in
Egypt and God gave them His word for them to be blessed. The author recognizes in this
passage the immense value that the word of God has in people's lives.

2. What is the immediate context/ setting of the passage?

This text is inserted in the largest chapter of the Bible, of which the theme is the excellence of
the word of God. Both before this text and after the text continues talking about the
importance of the word of God.

3. What key terms/ ideas/ phrases need to be researched?

A key word here that deserves to be studied is the word "hidden". The meaning of this
expression is "to conserve". So the author is saying that he has kept the word of God in his
heart so as not to sin against God.

4. How does the passage relate to its immediate context?

The text under study is within a context where the importance of the word of God is
demonstrated. However, both the before and after text speak of the most diverse areas where
the word is useful, the text under study inside its importance in purifying the person's path.

5. Are there any related passages that need to be studied?

Psalms 1 and 19 are texts that, we can say, reinforce the message of the power of God's

6. Summarize the passage in your own words?

God's word is God's instrument for the purification of man's life - so that man's path is framed
with God's will, for what God created him. It is by keeping the word of God in our minds that
will help us to turn away from sin. The word of God brings true joy to human life.


1. Is there a promise to claim or a truth to believe?

The promise here is that he who walks in obedience to the word of God, will purify his way.

2. Is there an example to follow or an error to avoid?

The example to be followed is that of the author himself who seeks to keep the word of God
in his heart in order to keep himself away from sin, who rejoices, meditates and delights in
the Word of God.

3. Is there a command to obey?

Although there is no specific commandment the idea that the text conveys, is that we must
strive to search for the word of God

4. Is there an attitude to change or a sin to confess?

Certainly, the sin to confess is the lack of zeal to seek the Word of God.

5. Is there something to praise God for?

I praise God for His Word.

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