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MX1 English

Vocabulary Words
Derangement- The act of deranging
Revenue - The collective items or amounts of income of a person, a state, etc.
Conspicuous -Easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable
Scruples- A moral or ethical consideration or standard that acts as a restraining force or inhibits certain
Conspirators - A person who takes part in a conspiracy

Acquiesce - To submit passively

Abase - To lower Despot - a person with powers
Cow - To make someone afraid to do something
Sordid; Humbug- Dishonest
Curtail -To limit
Suzerain - Overlord
Miter- A hat worn by top bishops or heads of monasteries
Phyrrhus was king of Epirus. The term "Phyrric victory" came from his costky victories against
Macedonia and Rome.
Obdurate - Stubborn

1. Extort - coerce, obtain by force or by threat , extract

2. Conspicuous - noticeable, manifest, clear, noteworthy
3. Scruple- anxiety, caution, qualm, reservation, hesitation
4. Conspirator - accomplice, collaborator, traitor
5. Derangement - disorder, jumble
6. Verdant - rich, lush, prolific, overgrown
7. Quell - out to stop, get rid, end, put down
8. Cistern - tank, reservoir, container, vat
9. Equipages - materials used in making outfits
10. Plunder - robbery, ransacking, looting, devastation; to take by force or wrongfully
11. Dereliction - neglect, disrepair, dilapidation, ruin; intentional or conscious neglect
12. Disapprobation - disagreement, objection, odium, objection; condemnation
13. Stupefied - shock, astound, befuddle; make someone unable to think or feel right
14. Equipage - accoutrements, carriage

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