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History of Python
=>Python Programming Lang conceived in th year 1980
=>Python Programming Lang Implementation began in the year 1989
=>Python Programming Lang officially released in the year 1991
=>Python Programming Lang developed by GUIDO VAN ROSSUM
=>Python Programming Lang developed in Country Nether lands at CWI
=>ABC Programming is the predecesor of Python Programming Lang
Versions of Python
=>We have two types of Python Versions. They are

1) Python 2.x , here x represents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2) Python 3.x , here x represents 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

=>Python 3.x does not contain backward compatability.

=>Now Industry is using Python 3.x
=>In otherwords Python3.x contains totally different features compared to Python 2.x
=>Python Programming lang is maintained by a non-commercial organization called
python Software Foundation (PSF) and whose official web site is
Down Loading process of Python

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