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by lecturer : Andi Masniati, M.Pd.

group 5 :

Lukman Papalia (onco)

Ode Firman (Tejo)

Hairul anam Bisri (Boy)

Saimin Arja (Revan)



Kelas A

First of all, the writer wants to express his thanks to Allah SWT, because of His bless and grace, the
entitled ” The Intrinsic Element of The Happy Prince Short Story” can be finished on time.

This paper is a requirement to fulfill the assignment from Mr. Sudirman, S.pd., the English teacher of
SMA Negara. The writer also thanks to him for all the guidance to complete it.

In completing this paper, the writer faced many problems, but with the help of many people, all the
problems could be passed. May Allah SWT give the blessing for them. It provides the intrinsic elements
in the Happy Prince short story with detail explanation. Although this paper has many deficiencies in the
arrangement and explanation, the writer hope that it can be used as a reference for the reader to
understand the intrinsic elements of a short story.




A. Background………

B. Problem Formulation……….


A. Adjective meaning…….

B. Type of Adjective…….

1. Adjective Of Quality…….

2. Adjective Of Quantity…….

3. Adjective Of Numeral……

4. Interrogative Adjective……


A. Conclusion………

B. Suggestion…………



A. Background

In the name of Allah, the most gracious and the most merciful. All praise and gratitude to God Almighty,
has given us the opportunity, so that we can write a paper about adjectives or assignments given by our
supervisor. And thanks to His grace and grace, so that we can complete this paper.

Muhammad SAW, who has succeeded in his jihad to save Muslims from the realm of ignorance towards
the creation of an atmosphere of life, religion, and education. And the achievement of the life of this
world and the hereafter.

In teaching English education, we are given the widest opportunity to know what we should pay
attention to in terms of teaching and learning, especially for students.

Hopefully with this assignment can make us better, amen.

B. Problem Formulation

Before we discuss first about the Adjective (adjective). It's good we formulate the main problem,

1. To what extent do we understand the problem of adjectives (adjectives).

2. Types of Adjectives.


A. Definition of Adjective (adjective)

Adjective is a word that is used to characterize an object or word that gives the power to limit the use of
a noun (NOUN).

B. Types of Adjectives (Adjectives)

There are 8 (eight) kinds of adjectives, namely:

1. Adjective of Quality (adjective state)

2. Adjective of Quantity

3. Adjective of Numeral

4. Interrogative Adjective (adjective to ask)

5. Proper Adjective

6. Demonstrative Adjective

7. Distributive Adjective

8. Possessive Adjective

Well, in this paper, we will try to discuss 4 (four) of the 8 (eight) divisions of adjectives, which include the
adjectives of quality, adjectives of quantity, adjectives of numerals, and interrogatives.


a. Definition of adjectives of quality

Adjective of quality is a word that is used to give the nature of objects in circumstances, such as;

– Beautiful : beautiful

– Stupid : stupid

– Strong ; strong

– Nice : sweet

– Cool : cold

– Brave ; brave

– Expensive: expensive, and others.

b. Places of Adjective

Judging from the use of the adjective of quality, it can be found in several places, including:

1. Adjective of quality in front of objects

2. Adjective of quality after to be ( am, is, are )

3. Adjective of quality after the patient (object)

1. Adjective of quality in front of objects

Adjective of quality in front of objects is an adjective whose state occurs in front of objects.

The following are some examples of the use of adjectives of quality in front of objects, namely:

– He is foolish boy

– The rose is a beautiful flower

– Carolina is a nice girl (Carolina is a sweet girl)

– The hot coffee is not drunk

– The dead cat is buried

2. Adjective of quality after tobe ( am, is, are )

Adjective of quality is after to be ( am, is, are ) is an adjective whose condition occurs after to be ( am, is,
are ).

The following are some examples of the use of the adjective of quality after to be ( am, is, are ), namely:

– The man is cruel

– The girl is beautiful

– The students is clever

– The coffee is hot (coffee is hot)

3. Adjective of quality after the patient (object)

Adjective of quality after the patient (object) is an adjective whose condition occurs after the patient

The following are some examples of the use of the adjective of quality after the patient (object), namely:

– I meat the dog dead

– We like the drink cool (we like the drink cool)

– They suppose me clever


a. Definition of adjective of quantity

Adjective of quantity is a word that gives the properties of objects in quantity, such as:

– Much : much
– Some : some

– Enough : enough

– Whole : all

– Little : little

– No: nothing

– Any : small amount

– All : all

– Half : half

– Sufficien : enough

b. The places of the adjective of quantity

In terms of the use of the adjective of quantity sentence, it can be found in several places, including:

1. Adjective of quantity in front of objects

2. Adjective of quantity after tobe ( am, is, are )

3. Adjective of quantity after the patient (object)

1. Adjective of quantity in front of objects

Adjective of quantity in front of objects is an adjective whose number occurs in front of objects,.

The following are some examples of the use of adjective of quantity sentences in front of objects, such

– We ate some food ate the restaurant

– I have bought much coffee from the coffee shop

– She has a few English books in the hom her

2.Adjective of quantity after to be ( am, is, are )

Adjective of quantity after to be is an adjective whose number occurs after to be ( am, is, are ).

Here are some examples of adjectives of quantity after to be ( am, is, are ), such as:

– The water is much in the drain

– Its speaking is much not to be understood

– Ther money is a little in the pacific bank

3.adjective of quantity after the patient (object)

Adjective of quantity after the patient is an adjective whose number occurs after the patient (object).

The following are some examples of the use of adjective of quantity sentences after the patient (object),
such as:

– He gives much medicine to me

– I see the little tea remain on the table

– She cooks any food to our frinds


a. Division of adjectives of numerals

The adjective of numerals consists of:

1. Definite numeral ( base number )

2. Undefenite numeral (indefinite number)

1. Definite numerals

Definite numerals consist of:

– Cardinal number (base number)

– Ordinal number (sequence number)

– Multicative number (multiply number)

-Cardinal number (base number)

– 0 : zero

– 1: one

– 2: two

– 3: three

– 4: fourt

– 5: five

– 10 : ten

– 20 : twenty

– 100 : one hundred

– 1000 : one thousand

– 10000 : ten thousand

– 100000 : one hundred thousand

– 1000000 : one million

– 1 M : one billion

The following are some examples of using numeral adjective sentences in cardinal numbers, such as:

– He has six daughters

– They have bought two books

– I have three brothers

-Ordinal number (multilevel number)

– 1st :first: first

– 2nd : Second : BOTH

– 3rd : Third : to three

– 4th : FOURTH : the fourth

– 5th : fifth : FIFTH

– 6th : SIXTH : the sixth

– 7th : seventh : SEVENTH

– 10th : TENTH : tenth

– 11th : eleventh ; eleventh

– 20th : twentieth : KE 20

– 21st : TWENTY-FIRST : 21st

– 22nd : twenty-second : to 22

– 24th : twenty-fourth : to 24

- Etc. : etc.

The following are some examples of using numeral adjective sentences in ordinal

– Tina is the sixth daughter of Mr. Amir (Tina is the sixth child of Mr. Amir)

– English is the first lesson to day (English is the first lesson today)

– Azizah is first love me (Azizah is my first love)

-Multicative number (multiplication number)

-a pair : a pair
-double : double

-ten fold : fold ten

-dozen: a dozen

-gross ; twelve dozen


The following are some examples of the use of numeral adjective sentences in multicative numbers,
such as:

I had bought a pair of shoes in the shop

They have brought a dozen of drawing books


Interrogative adjectives consist of;

– Interrogative adjective " WHAT "

– Interrogative adjective " WHOSE "

– Interrogative adjective " WHICH "

Interrogative adjectives have certain conditions, namely that their interrogative adjectives must be close
to the noun.

1. Interrogative adjective " WHAT "

The following are some examples of the use of interrogative adjective sentences in "WHAT", such as:

– What lesson do you think very difficult ? (what lesson do you think is very difficult?)

– What food do you very like ? (what food do you like the most?)
2. Interrogative adjective " WHOSE "

The following are some examples of the use of interrogative adjective sentences in "WHOSE", such as:

– Whose book is that beside yours ? (Whose book is that next to you?)

– Whose pen is that on the table ? (Who's that on the table?)

3. Interrogative adjective " WHICH "

The following are some examples of the use of interrogative adjective sentences in "WHICH", such as:

– which book is yours on the table ? (which book do you have on the table?)

– which magazine have you read yesterday ? (which magazine did you read yesterday?)

– which girl is you sister ? (which daughter is your sister?)




From some of the descriptions above, we have discussed . so we draw some conclusions, namely as

- Adjective is an adjective, which is used to characterize an object or word that gives it strength and to
limit the use of nouns.

– Adjectives or adjectives whose sentences are used in several places, such as in front of a noun (NOUN),
after to be (am, is, are), and after the patient (object)
– Interrogative adjectives have a condition in using sentences, namely that the interrogative adjectives
must be attached directly to the noun.


In closing this paper, we also would like to say a thousand thanks to all colleagues who have helped a lot
in the preparation of this paper. But besides that, there are still many shortcomings and far from being
perfect, but we have all tried our best in making this paper. Therefore, we all really hope for all
colleagues to provide criticism and suggestions, so that in making the next paper it can be better, as we

There are no words that we can say, other than thank you for the motivation from all of you.

Greetings Group 3


Dra. Mun. Fika, S. Warib, Sam. A Soesanto/Complete English grammar, Surabaya . Appollo.

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