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Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of “used to”, “would”, “be used to”, “get used
to”. In some cases, you should take into account a verb given in brackets.

1. In spring, we __________ (take) trips to the country. We ___________ sometimes buy fresh
vegetables and fruits.
In spring, we would take trips to the country. We would sometimes buy fresh vegetables and fruits.
2. When I was a child, we __________ (have) the Persian cat. (used to)
3. There never __________ (be) a restaurant here. (used to be)
4. Did you __________ like swimming at the university? (use to)
5. Every month he __________ buy his mother a bunch of daisies. (used to)
6. When I was young, I _________ (like) meat but now I eat it quite regularly. (didn't use to eat or did
not use to eat)
7. When we were young, we _________ often walk in the park every evening. (would)
8. I __________ (get up) early, so I don’t mind doing it. Now getting up early in the morning is normal
for me.
a. I'm used to getting up early, so I don't mind doing it. Now getting up early is normal for me.
9. My little son __________ (eat) lunch at the midday. So he was snappy yesterday when we didn't eat
until one.
My little son is used to eating lunch at the midday. So he was snappy yesterday when we didn’t eat
until one.
10. I __________ (be) quite lonely, but then I met my new boyfriend.
I used to be quite lonely, but then I met my new boyfriend.

II. Complete the text with the present simple, present continuous, used to or would form in brackets.
Sometimes more than one answer is possible.

Then and now

Tom Carter is now a farmer, but his life was once very different
Until a few years ago, I (1) __used to be_______ (be) the lead vocalist in a famous band. In the old
days, record companies (2) ___ used to/would give ______ (give) musicians a cash advance to
make albums and videos and then after the album was released, we (3) ___ used to/would go
_______ (go) on tour. When we got back, we (4) ___ used to/would start ________ (start) work on a
new album. We (5) __ used to/ would have ________ (have) a lot of fun, even though we (6) ___
would also have to/also used to have to _______ (also/ have to) be away from our families and the
loved ones for months at a time.
It's all completely different these days. It’s often necessary for musicians (7) ____ to raise ______
(raise) money themselves to release their own records, which can be very challenging. Because of
the crowded media market they (8) ___ compete/are competing ________ (compete) even harder
with other bands and musicians. In the age of social media fans also play a bigger role. They (9) ___
want _______ (want) new albums all the time and also (10) ____ expect ______ (expect) to hear
from the musicians directly on Twitter.
I know musicians of my age (11) ___ find/are finding _______ (find) it all very difficult to get used to.
1 used to be 2 used to/would give 3 used to/would go 4 used to/would start
5 used to/ would have 6 would also have to/also used to have to 7 to raise
8 compete/are competing 9 want 10 expect 11 find/are finding

III. Choose the correct option in italics to complete the sentences. Sometimes both options are possible.
1. My grandparents would always/ always used to listen to classical music in the car.
2. Every year they would/ used to go to a jazz festival which took place in Lviv.
3. I remember my mother would/ used to have a huge collection of vinyl when we were young.
4. My mum would/ used to know all the words to every song by Madonna and Abba.

would always/always used to 2 would/used to 3 used to 4 used to

5. When I was six years old, my best friend was/ would be Mary Schumer.

6. Mary and I used to sit/ sat next to each other in class.

7. Our families didn’t/ wouldn’t have much money at that time.

8. Every evening Mary and I played/ would play in the park.

9. We didn’t use to/ wouldn’t go home until it was dark.

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