The Future of Artificial Intelligence

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The Future of Artificial Intelligence | 1

Table of Contents

1 Theme:
2 The Future of Artificial Intelligence:
3 Conclusion:
4 Your turn…
4.1 Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash
5 Get updates from GD Ideas
6 New Topic suggestions


Artificial intelligence has changed the world so much and will bring many more
changes in the coming days. AI is already integrated into our daily lives. If we take the
example, many of us are using virtual assistants such as Google Assistant, Alexa, Siri
etc to assist us. It is predicted that in the near future, AI will be more integrated into
our daily lives and the coming innovations that are based on AI will transform the
world for good.

The Future of Artificial Intelligence:

AI will change the way we live and work. It improves our productivity by assisting us in
many ways and saving plenty of time by taking care of monotonous tasks at home also
at workplaces. For example, now we can schedule the robotic vacuum cleaner to clean
the floor and thereby we can save some time and energy. Using Artificial intelligence,
the robotic vacuum cleaner avoids colliding into obstacles and cleans the surface
effectively. In the same way, using AI more innovations will enable us to eliminate the
need for doing repetitive works.
Driverless vehicles will reduce the burden of driving for us and will most likely reduce
the probability of vehicular accidents by eliminating the chance of human error.
Autonomous vehicles will enhance the way we travel.
At present websites and apps are providing personalized experience using Artificial
intelligence. For example, YouTube provides personalized suggestions based on what
we watch. In future, more personalized services will come including personalized
healthcare services.
Using 5G and Artificial intelligence together, doctors can perform robotic surgeries,
which will be very helpful in improving the access to healthcare services. Humans and
machines together can do wonders using artificial intelligence.

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AI will help people with special needs and senior citizens to live independently.
With the advancements AI is bringing, there will be more data privacy and security
issues. And laws to deal with the same will come. Ethical concerns will also arise.

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Artificial Intelligence has already improved many industries and it has the potential to
revolutionize all sectors by reducing the monotonous work, improving the efficiency of
employees and also by quick decision making possibilities. As AI will be more integrated
into our lives, we need to keep it on the right path by discussing and taking the right steps
on ethical and security concerns.

Your turn…

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7 ways AI can change the world for better

Future of AI – less artificial, more intelligent

Photo by Andy Kelly on Unsplash

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