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 Doc ID 740966.1

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Oracle Advisor Webcast
MSCA Personalization
Nitesh Arora
Sr. Principal Product Manager

 Objectives
 New and Enhanced Capabilities
 Additional Resources
 Key Takeaways

6 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


 Objectives
– What is a “MSCA Personalization”?
 New and Enhanced Capabilities
 Additional Resources
 Key Takeaways

7 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

What is a “MSCA Personalization”?

MSCA personalization is a framework that can be used by customers to extend MSCA

screens for a user centric mobile experience and improved efficiency and productivity.

8 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


 Objectives
– What is a “MSCA Personalization”?
– What’s in it for customers?
 New and Enhanced Capabilities
 Additional Resources
 Key Takeaways

9 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

What’s in it for customers?
 Hide fields and buttons
 Change prompts
 Enabling field level defaulting by:
– Inheriting from another field
– Customer specific logic in java

 Control field level read only settings

 Control field level mandatory settings
 Personalization flexibility at responsibility, organization
or function level
 Enable/Disable the LPN Descriptive Flex Field
 Customer specific logic using hooks

10 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


 Objectives
 New and Enhanced Capabilities
– The Oracle Solution
 Additional Resources
 Key Takeaways

11 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Architecture

12 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Available Screens
Assembly Completion By LPN WMA_LPN_CMPASSY
GME Mobile Backflush GME_MOBILE_BACKFLUSH oracle.apps.gme.invtxn.server.BackflushMaterialPage
GME Mobile Complete Product GME_MOBILE_CMPLT_PROD oracle.apps.gme.invtxn.server.CompleteProductPage
GME Mobile Create Pending Lot GME_MOBILE_CREATE_PND_LOT oracle.apps.gme.invtxn.server.CreatePendingLotPage
GME Mobile Issue Ingredients GME_MOBILE_ISSUE_ING oracle.apps.gme.invtxn.server.IssueIngredientPage
Lot Attributes Page - PO Receipt INV_MOB_PO_RCPT oracle.apps.inv.utilities.server.LotAttPage
Mobile ASN Receipt WMS_ASN_RECEIPT oracle.apps.inv.rcv.server.RcptGenPage_WMS_ASN_RECEIPT
Mobile Alias Issue INV_MOB_ALIAS_ISS oracle.apps.inv.invtxn.server.IssueTrxPage_INV_MOB_ALIAS_ISS
Mobile Alias Receipt INV_MOB_ALIAS_RCPT oracle.apps.inv.invtxn.server.RcptTrxPage_INV_MOB_ALIAS_RCPT
Mobile Cycle Count INV_MOB_CYCL_COUNT oracle.apps.inv.count.server.CycleCountPage
Mobile Inspect LPN WMS_INSPECT oracle.apps.inv.rcv.server.InspectPage_WMS_INSPECT
Mobile Item Inquiry INV_MOB_INQUIRY oracle.apps.inv.invinq.server.ItemOnhandQueryPage
Mobile LPN Inquiry INV_MOB_LPN_INQUIRY oracle.apps.inv.utilities.server.LPNDetailPage
Mobile LPN Ship WMS_LPN_SHIP oracle.apps.inv.wshtxn.server.ShipLPNPage
Mobile LPN Ship - Ship Confirm WMS_LPN_SHIP oracle.apps.inv.wshtxn.server.DeliveryLPNPage
Mobile Move Order Replenishment INV_MOB_MO_REPL

13 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Available Screens (cont.)
Mobile Org Transfer INV_MOB_ORG_XFER oracle.apps.inv.invtxn.server.OrgTransferPage
Mobile PO Receipt INV_MOB_PO_RCPT oracle.apps.inv.rcv.server.RcptGenPage_INV_MOB_PO_RCPT
Mobile PO Receipt Information INV_MOB_PO_RCPT oracle.apps.inv.rcv.server.RcptInfoPage
Mobile Physical Count INV_MOB_PHYS_COUNT oracle.apps.inv.count.server.PhyInvPage
Mobile Pick Drop - Mobile WMS Drop Loaded LPNs WMS_DROP_LOADED_LPNS_MOB
Mobile Pick Load - Mobile WMS Manual Picking WMS_MANUAL_PICKING_MOB
Mobile Replenish Kanban INV_MOB_REPL_KANBAN oracle.apps.inv.kanban.server.RpKBPage
Mobile Sub Transfer INV_MOB_SUB_XFER oracle.apps.inv.invtxn.server.SubXferPage
Mobile WMS Inbound Manual Load WMS_IN_MANLD_MOB
Mobile WMS Inbound Manual Load - Select Contents WMS_IN_MANLD_MOB
Mobile WMS LPN Split WMS_SPLIT oracle.apps.wms.pup.server.PackUnpackSplitPage_WMS_SPLIT
Mobile WMS Move Any LPN (Select Item) WMS_MOVE_ANY_LPN_MOB
Mobile WMS Pack WMS_PACK oracle.apps.wms.pup.server.PackUnpackSplitPage_WMS_PACK
Mobile WMS Unpack WMS_UNPACK oracle.apps.wms.pup.server.PackUnpackSplitPage_WMS_UNPACK
Mobile WMS Update LPN WMS_UPDATE oracle.apps.wms.pup.server.UpdateLPNPage

14 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Setups

 Profile Options:
– MWA: Enable Personalization
 Set to “Yes” for personalization to take effect
 This profile option can be set at site, application, responsibility and user level

– MWA: Cache Personalized Metadata

 Set to “Yes” at site level on a production instance for faster performance
 Set to “No” at user level so that the Personalization Administrator can quickly review
personalization changes without having to bounce the mobile server

15 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Navigation
– (R) Warehouse Manager  Setup  MWA Personalization Framework
 Identify the mobile page that needs to be personalized
– Mobile WMS Update LPN

16 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Selecting the page and clicking personalize brings up the list of fields which are
eligible for personalization. Click on “EDIT” next to the field (LPN) you want to

17 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 All the eligible fields are displayed where user can control following attributes:
– Defaulting, Rendering, Read-only, Required
 Make the following changes:
– Change the prompt of the LPN field to “Custom LPN”
– Default value is set to “100” in “Weight” field and is made read-only
– Hide “Content Vol” and “Vol UOM“ fields
– Container field is made mandatory/required
– Update LPN button’s prompt is changed to Custom Update

18 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Change the prompt of the LPN field to “Custom LPN”

19 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Set default value of “Weight” to 100 and make it read-only

20 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Hide “Content Vol” field

21 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Hide “Vol UOM“ field

22 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Container field is made mandatory/required

23 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Update LPN button’s prompt is changed to Custom Update

24 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Bounce the mobile server if profile “MWA: Cache Personalized Metadata” is set
to “Yes” and navigate to “Update LPN” mobile screen.

(*) – Personalized screen

25 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Enable Descriptive Flex Fields on LPN

26 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 DFF Features
– Update Allowed
 Checked – Enter/Update allowed by user
 Un-checked – If at least one attribute has data, DFF will be rendered read-only

– Headers
 Choose one or more fields, from the page, to be displayed as headers on the DFF window
 Header fields are ignored if they are not visible on the page at the time the DFF window is
invoked (Control-F) by the user
 This header field definitions are ignored when the DFF attribute fields are displayed inline
with the page

27 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Add “Header Field as “LPN”

28 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Make the LPN DFF display as “INLINE” = TRUE

29 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

30 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Make the LPN DFF display as “INLINE” = FALSE

31 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 DFF window is invoked using CTRL+F

32 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Activate/Deactivate Personalization

33 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Personalization Levels (Function, Organization, Responsibility)

34 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Use Case

 Personalization Levels (Function, Organization, Responsibility)

35 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Additional Hooks

 Customer specific logic – Using FieldDefaultValueHandlerImpl.class

– If there is no default value provided through the MWA Personalization framework,
the system will try to get the value from FieldDefaultValueHandlerImpl.class
containing user defined logic.

 Custom validation hook – Using CustomListener.class

– On personalization enabled mobile pages, users can also implement customer
specific business logic in following methods in CustomListener.class
 fieldEntered(MWAEvent e);
 fieldExited(MWAEvent e);

36 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Hook Details

 Please make sure that FieldDefaultValueHandlerImpl.class is compiled with

Oracle in the classpath
 After compilation, make sure that a file FieldDefaultValueHandlerImpl.class
is created. Please move this file to $CUSTOM_DIRECTORY/xxx/custom and
add $CUSTOM_DIRECTORY to the classpath of your mobile server.
$CUSTOM_DIRECTORY, can be any directory on the file system.
 User can press Ctrl+X on the mobile page to get page class name
“oracle.apps.wms.pup.server.UpdateLPNPage” and filed name “LPN” to use in
the hook.

37 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Hook Details
// Sample code to personalize LPN field with default value in Update LPN transaction page

package xxx.custom;
import oracle.apps.mwa.beans.FieldBean;
import oracle.apps.mwa.beans.PageBean;
import oracle.apps.mwa.container.Session;
import oracle.apps.mwa.presentation.telnet.personalization.*;
import oracle.apps.mwa.presentation.telnet.personalization.FieldDefaultValueHandler;
// FieldDefaultValueHandlerImpl should extend the abstract class FieldDefaultValueHandler
public class FieldDefaultValueHandlerImpl extends FieldDefaultValueHandler{
public FieldDefaultValueHandlerImpl() { }
public static String getCustomDefaultValue(Session session, PageBean pageBean, FieldBean fieldBean){
// User has access to the current session, current page and current field bean. Please refer to WMS/INV/MWA
// javadocs for getting more details on how to customize using the provided methods.
// User can place the needed custom logic in this method
String val;
if (fieldBean.getName().equals("LPN") && pageBean.getName().equals("oracle.apps.wms.pup.server.UpdateLPNPage")){
val = "Custom Default Value";
return val;
return null;

38 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Hook Details

 Please make sure that CustomListener.class is compiled with Oracle in the classpath.
 After compilation, make sure that a file CustomListener.class is created.
Please move this file to folder $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/mwa/beans/.

39 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Hook Details
// Sample code

package oracle.apps.mwa.beans;

import oracle.apps.mwa.container.Session;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.AbortHandlerException;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.DefaultOnlyHandlerException;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.InterruptedHandlerException;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.MWAEvent;
import oracle.apps.mwa.eventmodel.MWAFieldListener;
public class CustomListener implements MWAFieldListener {
private Session ses;
public CustomListener() {
// Please do not add database commits/rollbacks in this part of the code
public void fieldEntered(MWAEvent e) throws AbortHandlerException, InterruptedHandlerException,
DefaultOnlyHandlerException {
// User can place the needed custom logic in this method when entering the given field or any field }
public void fieldExited(MWAEvent e) throws AbortHandlerException, InterruptedHandlerException, DefaultOnlyHandlerException
// User can place the needed custom logic in this method when exit the given field or any fields

40 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
The Oracle Solution – Additional Hooks

 Customer specific logic on scanning

– Profile Option – MWA: Custom Scan
– Java Call Out – Using CustomScanManager.class
 Make sure that this class is compiled with Oracle in the classpath.
 After compilation make sure that a file CustomScanManager.class is created.
 Move this file to $CUSTOM_DIRECTORY/xxx/custom and add $CUSTOM_DIRECTORY to
the classpath of your mobile server.
 Input – CURRENT_PAGE_NAME and scanned value
 Output – Value to replace the input scanned value
 This package does not have access to the other fields but the current field

41 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


 Objectives
 New and Enhanced Capabilities
 Additional Resources
 Key Takeaways

42 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
Additional Resources

 Mobile Personalization White Paper

– Oracle Support Note 961198.1
 Oracle Mobile Personalization Framework
– Oracle Support Note 469339.1
 Advanced Barcode Strategies – Custom Scan Framework
– Oracle Support Note 297992.1
 For more information about Oracle Applications
 For more information about Education
 For more information about Support
 For Oracle Product documentation:

43 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


 Objectives
 New and Enhanced Capabilities
 Additional Resources
 Key Takeaways

44 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

New and Enhanced Capabilities
Key Takeaways

 Flexible and configurable mobile experience

 Improved user efficiency and productivity
 Ease of configuration using self service application
 Additional hooks for advanced functionality
– FieldDefaultValueHandlerImpl.class
– CustomListener.class
– CustomScanManager.class

45 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Questions & Answers

46 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Top Articles and Community Links

 Logistics Community

 Follow-up Community Thread

Communities -> Logistics -> Logistics Featured

Discussions and look for posting on Webinar
MSCA Personalization

47 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Learn More
Available References and Resources to Get Proactive

 About Oracle Support Best Practices

 Get Proactive in My Oracle Support

https://support. | Doc ID: 432.1

 Get Proactive Blog

 Ask the Get Proactive Team

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Next Webcast

Labor Management with WMS

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