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Aquaculture Nutrition

doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2095.2009.00747.x 2011 17; 258–266


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Department of Aquaculture, National Kaohsiung Marine University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Department of Aquaculture,
National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan

Various synthetic and natural carotenoids (CD) have been

This study aimed to find out whether dietary carotenoid
used as dietary supplement to improve pigmentation of
(CD) supplement could influence the resistance of characins
aquaculture animals (Storebakken & No 1992; Gouveia et al.
(Hyphessobrycon eques Steindachner) to ammonia stress.
2003; Chien & Shiau 2005; Kalinowski et al. 2005) for higher
Two types of CD and its combination [astaxanthin (AX),
market value. On the other hand, dietary CD were also found
b-carotene (BC), 1 : 1 combination of AX and BC (MX)] at
to increase cultured animalsÕ resistance to various stressors.
three concentrations (10, 20 and 40 mg kg)1) were used
Dietary astaxanthin (AX), a naturally occurring CD pigment,
resulting in nine pigmented diets. No differences in growth
supplementation in penaeid postlarvae not only increased
and survival of the fish among treatments were found after
body AX, but also enhanced the resistance to hypoxia (Chien
8-week rearing. Experimental and control fish were then
et al. 1999), salinity (Darachai et al. 1998; Merchie et al. 1998;
exposed to 15 mg total ammonia nitrogen L)1 (stress group)
Chien et al. 2003), temperature (Chien et al. 2003), ammonia
and 0.15 mg total ammonia nitrogen L)1 (normal group) for
(Pan et al. 2003a) and pathological (Pan et al. 2003b) stres-
72 h, and their blood was withdrawn. No mortality resulted
sors. The reason for the development of resistance to stress
under such TAN concentrations. Serum total antioxidant
from CD can be attributed to their antioxidant properties
status (TAS), serum antioxidant enzymes [superoxide
(Torrissen & Christiansen 1995; Shimidzu et al. 1996). This is
dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidases (GPx)] and serum
to inactivate the free radicals produced from normal cellular
transaminases [alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate
activity and various stresses so that the oxidative damage is
aminotransferase (AST)] were chosen as indices of fish anti-
eliminated (Halliwell & Gutteridge 1989; Chew 1995).
oxidant capacity or stress resistance. SOD, GPx and AST
Various types of dietary CD can affect deposition and
were affected by the interactions of dietary CD and ammonia
conversion of body CD in fish, their pigmentation (Torrissen
stress. The activities of TAS, SOD, GPx and AST increased
et al. 1989; Pan & Chien 2009) and possibly their antioxidant
under the stress. Dietary CD reduced serum SOD, GPx, ALT
capacity and stress resistance. b-carotene (BC) is recognized
and AST activities. In conclusion, dietary CD increased the
as a lipid antioxidant, i.e. a free radical trap and quencher of
resistance of characins to ammonia stress.
singlet oxygen (Bohm et al. 1997). AX contains a long con-
jugated double bond system with relatively unstable electron
KEY WORDS: ammonia stress, antioxidant capacity, asta-
orbitals; it may scavenge oxygen radicals in cells (Stanier
xanthin, b-carotene, Hyphessobrycon eques, superoxide
et al. 1971). The antioxidant activity of AX was found to be
approximately 10· stronger than BC (Shimidzu et al. 1996).
Besides type of dietary CD, various stresses can also result in
Received 27 August 2009, accepted 23 October 2009
different responses in antioxidant capacity. It was shown that
Correspondence: Y.-H. Chien, Department of Aquaculture, National Tai-
the activities of hemolymph antioxidation enzymes of juvenile
wan Ocean University, Keelung 202, Taiwan. E-mail: yhchien@mail. tiger prawn varied not only with dietary AX types but also


 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

with the stressors including temperature and salinity drop vitamin mix 20 g kg)1 and mineral mix 30 g kg)1. Diets sup-
(Chien et al. 2003) and ammonia exposure (Pan et al. 2003b). plemented with CD have the same composition as the control
Ammonia is the most common toxicant in culture (Colt & diet (except for dextrin which was adjusted depending on CD
Armstrong 1981) and live-transportation systems (Taylor & levels used) but supplemented with either synthetic AX (8%
Solomon 1979). It comes from excretion of aquatic animals as AX) or BC (10%BC) or both. Water was added to the ingre-
the end product of protein metabolism (Walsh & Wright 1995) dients to form a dough, which was then extruded through a 2-
and mineralization of organic nitrogen in faeces, uneaten feed mm-diameter die press. The extruded feed was air dried in the
and other organic matters (Avnimelech & Ritvo 2003). Am- dark to prevent the degradation of CD. The feed was then
monia can be toxic at low concentrations in the aquatic envi- crushed, sieved to attain particle size of 0.9–1.2 mm and stored
ronment. Unionized ammonia concentration of 0.5 mg L)1 at )20 C to avoid oxidation of the CD. There were nine CD
can be harmful to finfish and crustaceans (Van Rijn et al. 1990; diets composed of 3 · 3 factorial combinations of CD type
Tomasso 1994; Wasielesky et al. 1994). Short-term exposure [AX, BC and 1 : 1 mixture of AX and BC (MX)] and CD
of fish and crustacean to high concentrations of ammonia concentrations (10, 20, and 40 mg kg)1). Proximate analyses
causes increased gill ventilation, hyperexcitability, loss of of these diets are listed in Table 1.
equilibrium, convulsions and then death (Thurston et al. 1981;
Maltby 1995). Such stress also resulted in changes in haemol-
ymph total antioxidant status (TAS), superoxide dismutase
(SOD), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine amino- Experimental fish were bought from an ornamental fish farm.
transferase (ALT) in prawn (Pan et al. 2003a) and in AST and During acclimatization in the laboratory in a 0.5-ton tank, fish
ALT activity in fish (Jeney et al. 1992; Vedel et al. 1998). were fed control diet for 2 weeks to equalize their body CD
Characins (Hyphessobrycon eques) is one of the most content. Fish were then transferred to 30 aquaria
important cultured and exported ornamental fishes in Tai- (44 cm · 33 cm · 21.5 cm) to receive their respective treat-
wan. Routine feeding of CD-supplemented diets to this fish ments (three replicates per treatment) at stocking density of 30
in grow-out farms or aquaria is a common practice. This fish aquarium)1. Fish size was 0.41 ± 0.09 g. Culture water
study was undertaken to find out whether synthetic AX and/ was passed through a 1-lm filter and sterilized by ultraviolet
or BC at various dietary concentrations would influence the light to eliminate microalgae, a possible source of CD. More-
antioxidant capacity of characins, and concomitantly, their over, all aquaria were covered with black screen to discourage
resistance to high ammonia stress. algal growth for the same precaution. Fish were fed twice daily
at 0800 and 1500 at 5% body weight. Dissolved oxygen (DO)
was maintained at 6–7 mg L)1 by constant aeration, temper-
ature at 26–28 C, pH of 7.5–8 and NH3 of 0.1–0.2 mg L)1.
Faeces and uneaten feeds were siphoned out daily, and one-
third of the water was exchanged. The fish were reared for
Control diet was composed of white fishmeal 500 g kg)1, 8 weeks. No mortality was observed throughout the experi-
wheat flour 150 g kg)1, dextrin 270 g kg)1, fish oil 30 g kg)1, ment. Final overall average fish size was 0.89 ± 0.18 g.

Table 1 Proximate analysis of the experimental diets

Carotenoid type None (C0) Astaxanthin (AX) b-carotene (BC) 1/2 AX + 1/2 BC (MX)

Carotenoid concentration(mg kg)1) 0 10 20 40 10 20 40 10 20 40

Diet notation C0 AX-10 AX-20 AX-40 BC-10 BC-20 BC-40 MX-10 MX-20 MX-40

Proximate analysis
Crude protein (g kg)1) 303.5 307.6 304.4 308.1 303.8 304.4 304.5 305.6 301.2 305.8
Crude fat (g kg)1) 54 56.8 54.4 55.4 55.8 57.4 58.0 52.3 50.4 54.7
Ash (g kg)1) 94.8 92.8 93.5 92.6 93.4 93.5 92.7 93.4 92.5 93.6
Moisture (g kg)1) 132.8 134.7 132.0 134.3 135.0 134.7 134.0 134.7 133.0 134.7
NFE + CF1 (g kg)1) 409.3 398.5 397.5 402.5 399.5 405.1 401.4 403.0 404.7 403.5
Astaxanthin (mg kg)1) 16 108.6 225.5 416.7 16 16 16 48 12.7 217.4
b-carotene(mg kg)1) 22 22 22 22 120.4 234.2 422.2 63 10.8 20.8
Nitrogen-free extracts and crude fibre.

Aquaculture Nutrition 17; 258–266  2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Blood protein was determined using a protein assay kit
(No.500-0006; Bio-rad Laboratories, Richmond, CA., USA)
A stock solution of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl; Merck) was with BAS (bovine serum albumin, 66 Kda; Sigma, St. Louis,
prepared using distilled water to a final concentration of MO, USA) as standard. The method used was based on
10 000 mg L)1 ammonia-N. Experimental test solution of Bradford (1976) using 200 lL of serum sample.
15 mg L)1 ammonia-N was then prepared from this stock The different antioxidant parameters were analysed using
solution. The test was conducted using a static renewal Randox Laboratories kits (Crumlin Co., Atrim, UK) by
procedure (Hubert 1980). spectrophotometry (U-2000; Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).
Six fish were collected at random from each aquarium for The volumes of serum samples used were 20 lL for TAS and
high ammonia stress test. They were first acclimatized for 24 h GPx, 25 lL for SOD and 100 lL for AST and ALT. Activi-
in a 2-L bucket with flow-through fresh water (100 mL min)1). ties were expressed in international enzyme unit (U L)1).
Temperature was 25 C and DO saturated at 6.5 mg L)1.
They were then divided into two groups and put into two
2000-mL beakers containing 1600 mL of the test solution and
a 0-mg ammonia-N L)1 control. Aeration was provided Two-way ANOVA was performed to find out the main effects
continuously during the trial. Each test solution was renewed of dietary CD supplementation and high ammonia stress on
every 24 h (Buikema et al. 1982). The fish were fed twice a day at AX, TAS, SOD, GPx, ALT and AST, and the main effects of
6.5% body weight. After 72 h, blood samples were collected CD type and concentration on AX and those antioxidation
through the brachial artery of all experimental and control fish enzyme activities. DuncanÕs multiple range test was used to
for analysis of serum antioxidants. compare various levels within each main effect. Correlation
analyses were applied between AX and each of the antioxi-
dation enzyme activities under normal and high ammonia-
stressed environment. The significant level applied to all
analysis was set at 5%.
Immediately after withdrawing blood, samples were prepared
by mixing 200 lL isotonic NaCl solution containing
0.94 mmol L)1 EDTA with 50 lL blood. The samples were
chilled if not immediately used for the determination of No differences were found in growth and survival of the fish
blood protein and antioxidants: TAS, SOD, AST, ALT and among treatments. No mortality resulted at high TAN con-
GPx (glutathione peroxidases). centration for 72 h.

Table 2 Average body astaxanthin

Diet Environment
content and activities of serum antioxi-
Carotenoid Ammonia dation enzymes of control and caroten-
Control supplemented1 Normal stressed2 Interaction oid-fed characins, Hyphessobrycon
3 b a x x callistus exposed to normal and ammo-
AX 5.47 (1.25) 18.14 (2.74) 16.97 (2.27) 15.27 (2.05) ns
TAS4 1.15a (0.03) 1.19a (0.05) 1.16y (0.04) 1.22x (0.05) ns nia-stressed environment
SOD5 4.65a (4.78) 1.86b (1.90) 0.48y (0.08) 3.80x (2.44) *
GPx6 69.40a (30.28) 31.44b (20.30) 18.74y (8.73) 51.73x (22.97) *
ALT7 8.55a (1.07) 4.10b (1.84) 4.04x (2.21) 5.05x (2.18) ns
AST8 19.93a (13.04) 8.76b (5.81) 6.45y (1.79) 13.30x (9.21) ns

Under the same factor, values with different superscript are significantly different (P £ 0.05).
Probability of significance for * is 0.01 < P £ 0.05.
Diets were supplemented with astaxanthin and/or b-carotene at various concentration.
Fish were stressed by 15 mg L)1 TAN for 72 h.
Body astaxanthin content (mg kg)1).
Total antioxidative status (mmol L)1serum).
Superoxide dismutase (U mg)1 protein).
Glutathione peroxidase (U mg)1 protein).
Alanine transaminase (U mg)1 protein).
Aspartate transaminase (U mg)1 protein).

Aquaculture Nutrition 17; 258–266  2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

Table 3 After high ammonia stress, the average body astaxanthin content and activities of serum antioxidation enzymes of characins,
Hyphessobrycon callistus fed diets supplemented with various types and concentrations of carotenoid

Carotenoid type1 (T) Carotenoid concentration2 (C)

Control AX MX BC 10 20 40 T·C
3 a a b y y x
AX 5.22 (1.12) 19.10 (2.96) 20.24 (3.62) 15.08 (1.17) 16.01 (1.93) 17.79 (2.49) 20.61 (3.96) ns
TAS4 1.17 (0.02) 1.21a (0.04) 1.25a (0.04) 1.21a (0.07) 1.23x (0.05) 1.21x (0.06) 1.23x (0.05) ns
SOD5 8.71 (1.65) 1.77b (0.10) 2.68b (0.56) 4.32a (1.41) 4.30x (1.37) 2.50y (1.94) 1.99y (1.49) ns
GPx6 95.30 (7.92) 49.53a (12.15) 40.68a (1.70) 50.45a (26.62) 60.75x (15.94) 48.22xy (19.12) 31.70y (4.49) ns
ALT7 9.35 (0.78) 4.51a (1.17) 4.63a (2.30) 4.58a (2.32) 6.10x (1.14) 4.11xy (1.53) 3.52y (1.28) *
AST8 31.15 (2.33) 11.18a (7.11) 9.92a (7.96) 12.86a (7.77) 20.03x (3.90) 9.41y (3.30) 4.52z (1.58) *

Under the same factor, values without a common superscript are significantly different (P £ 0.05).
Probability of significance for * is 0.01 < P £ 0.05.
AX-astaxanthin, BC-b-carotene, MX- mix of half AX and BC.
Total concentration of the supplement carotenoid (mg kg)1).
Body astaxanthin content (mg kg)1).
Total antioxidative Status (mmol L)1serum).
Superoxide dismutase (U mg)1 protein).
Glutathione peroxidase (U mg)1 protein).
Alanine transaminase (U mg)1 protein).
Aspartate transaminase (U mg)1 protein).

Table 2 presents the body AX content and activities of Table 4 The correlation matrix among body astaxanthin content
serum antioxidation enzymes of control and CD-fed fish and activities of five serum antioxidation enzymes under (a) normal
exposed to normal and ammonia-stressed environment. The environment and (b) high ammonia-stressed environment. The cor-
CD-fed fish had three times higher body AX content and relation between two parameters is shown by correlation coefficient
(r) value and significant level
lower SOD, GPx, ALT and AST activities than the control
fish. There were no differences in TAS between two groups of (a) SOD1 GPx2 ALT3 AST4 AX5
fish. Ammonia stress did not affect fishÕs body AX content TAS6 ns ns ns ns 0.4935*
but resulted in higher activities of all serum antioxidation SOD 0.5925** ns 0.6102** )0.6738**
GPx 0.7015** 0.5861** )0.8257***
enzymes except ALT. There was significant interaction effect
ALT 0.7908*** )0.6145**
of dietary carotenoid supplement and ammonia stress on AST )0.6326**
fishÕs SOD and GPx.
Table 3 presents the body AX content and activities of
serum antioxidation enzymes in fish-fed diets supplemented TAS )0.4931* ns ns ns ns
SOD 0.7168** 0.6650** 0.8192*** )0.8010***
with various types and concentrations of CD after high GPx 0.7773*** 0.8476*** )0.7362**
ammonia stress. Dietary CD type only affected body AX ALT 0.8322*** )0.6494**
content and SOD. BC-fed fish had lower body AX content AST )0.8116***

and higher SOD than MX- and AX-fed fish. After high Probabilities of significance are ns, P ‡ 0.05; *, 0.01 < P £ 0.05;
ammonia stress, body AX content of the fish fed 40 mg kg)1 **, 0.0001 < P £ 0.01 and ***, P £ 0.0001.
Superoxide dismutase (U mg)1 protein).
CD was higher than those fed 20 and 10 mg kg)1 CD 2
Glutathione peroxidase (U mg)1 protein).
(referred hereafter as 40-, 20-, and 10-fish). Decreasing trends 3
Alanine transaminase (U mg)1 protein).
in SOD, GPx, ALT and AST activities with increasing die- 4
Aspartate transaminase (U mg)1 protein).
tary CD concentration were also observed. The descending
Body astaxanthin content (mg kg)1).
Total antioxidative status (mmol L)1serum).
orders were 10-fish > (20-fish = 40-fish) for SOD, 10-
fish ‡ 20-fish ‡ 40-fish for GPx, 10-fish ‡ 20-fish ‡ 40-fish
for ALT and 10-fish > 20-fish > 40-fish for AST. Dietary under normal environment (Table 4). Among those
CD type and concentration had interaction effects on ALT correlations, body AX content had negative correlations with
and AST, but not on body AX content, TAS, SOD and GPx. SOD, GPx, ALT and AST. TAS positively correlated with
Under either normal or high ammonia-stressed environ- body AX content under normal environment and nega-
ment, close correlations among body AX content, SOD, GPx, tively correlated with SOD under high ammonia-stressed
ALT and AST were observed except between SOD and ALT environment.

Aquaculture Nutrition 17; 258–266  2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

parallel to each other. In rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus
mykiss), an increase in AST activity was observed after 4 day
exposure to high ammonia concentration, but plasma ALT
activity did not change (Vedel et al. 1998). Similar results
The mechanisms of toxicity and lethal concentrations of were obtained in our study where ammonia stress resulted in
ammonia to various fishes and crustaceans are relatively well 106% increase in AST, but had no effect on ALT. On the
documented (Tomasso 1994), and physiological responses of other hand, an increase in AST and ALT activities was
environmental ammonia in fish is also extensively reviewed observed in carp Cyprinus carpio (Jeney et al. 1992) and
(Randall & Tsui 2002). However, information on antioxidant black seabream Acanthopagrus schlegeli (Kwon & Chang
enzymatic responses of fish to environmental ammonia is 1996) after exposure to high levels of ammonia.
quite limited. Ammonia assumes two chemical forms in
aqueous solution, the unionized (NH3) and the ionized form
(NH4+) (Butler 1964). Only the NH3 is toxic (Hampson
1976), as it has high lipid solubility and is able to diffuse
easily across cell membranes in the direction favoured by its As a result of the oxidative stress, fish like many other ver-
pressure gradient (Fromm & Gillete 1968; Emerson et al. tebrates try to reduce the damage through antioxidant
1975). When NH3 concentration in water increases, the rate defence system. Besides radical scavenging and associated
of diffusion from the blood decreases. The consequences are enzymes, the defence system includes many other antioxi-
adverse effects on membrane stability and enzyme-catalysed dants such as carotenes, vitamins E, C and A, glutathione
reaction, an elevation of haemolymph pH, reduction in the (GSH) and ubiquinol Q10 (Wilhelm 1996). In this study,
transport of oxygen, increase in oxygen consumption by after high ammonia stress, lower SOD, GPx, ALT and AST
tissues (Colt & Armstrong 1981; Chen et al. 1991) and activities in CD-fed fish were observed, which could be
sometimes gill damage (Schreckenbach & Spangenberg 1978; attributed to the development of antioxidant defence system
Tomasso 1994), which may eventually lead to death. induced by higher body AX content. Because AX contains a
As ammonia toxicity ensues, like hypoxia or anoxia stress, long conjugated double bond system with relatively unstable
its low oxygen availability may result in oxidative stress electron orbital, it may scavenge oxygen radicals in cells
(Storey 1996). This is characterized by excessive production (Stanier et al. 1971) and therefore reduce cellular damage.
of reactive oxygen species (Sies 1991) and increased antioxi- Dietary CD effectively reduce SOD in fish. As SOD is a
dant defence (Lushchak et al. 2001). In the present study, superoxide reductase, which can protect the tissue from the
when fish were exposed to ammonia stress, there would have damage by oxidative process and phagocytosis, lower SOD
been potential generation of abnormally high levels of oxy- value may indicate higher cell protection in a certain period
gen radicals and induction of radical scavenging enzymes of time. It is speculated that after feeding with CD diet, the
such as SOD, acting on superoxide (O2·)), and GPx on H2O2 increase in body CD can result in more oxygen reserves
and lipid hydroperoxides (Halliwell & Gutteridge 1984). This within the cells (Ghidalia 1985; Latscha 1990; Oshima et al.
has resulted in higher SOD and GPx and lower TAS in 1993) or can inhibit singlet oxygen reaction, which is induced
ammonia-stressed group. Chronic high ammonia level can by stress (Di Mascio et al. 1991). Consequently, the need to
also impact fishÕs antioxidant enzyme response. Liu et al. produce SOD to scavenge superoxide radicals is lessened.
(2008) reported that hepatic SOD activity of Chinese The antioxidant defence systems, which have been devel-
longsnout catfish (Leiocassis longirostris) increased signifi- oped through dietary antioxidants, can respond to oxidative
cantly with long-term exposure (32 day) to different NH3 stresses differently depending on internal factors (e.g.
concentrations (0.004, 0.037 and 0.292 mg L)1). This is enzymes, tissues, and fish species) and external factors (die-
regardless whether the fish are fed ascorbic acid (AA)-sup- tary antioxidants, concentrations, and oxidative stresses).
plemented diet or the control diet. AA which was proven to be beneficial in reducing oxidative
In freshwater teleosts, ALT and AST play an important damage to tissues (Dabrowski 2001; Khassaf et al. 2003) was
role in ammonia detoxification (DÕApollonia & Anderson found to play an important role in rainbow trout O. mykiss
1980). The physiologically toxic NH3 level is neutralized in in resisting hypoxia stress (Dabrowski et al. 2004). However,
the organism by increase in AST and ALT activities (Nem- in Chinese longsnout catfish L. longirostris, dietary AA did
csok et al. 1982). The responses of AST and ALT to not show any effect on antioxidant activities such as
ammonia stresses in fish can be similar but are not necessarily hepatic SOD (Liu et al. 2008). In other studies, vitamin E

Aquaculture Nutrition 17; 258–266  2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

(tocopherol acetate) supplement in diet, in the presence of the responses of different antioxidant enzymes in various
oxidative stress by oxidized oil, increased SOD but reduced tissues to an oxidative stress may not be all the same. In the
GPx in seabream (Sparus aurata), had no effect on SOD and study of Marcon & Filho (1999) on tambaqui, Colossoma
GPx in turbot (Scophthalmus maximus), and increased macropomum, a freshwater migratory teleost showing good
SOD and had no effect on GPx in halibut (Hippoglossus tolerance to chemical–physical environment fluctuation, they
hippoglossus) (Tocher et al. 2002). found that antioxidant defences located in different tissues
AX has higher antioxidant activity than BC (Miki 1991; and sub-cellular compartments act in harmony. There were
Naguib 2000; Goto et al. 2001). Such higher antioxidant good correlations between liver SOD and red cell SOD,
activity includes eliminating free radicals (Terao 1989), between red cell GSH and liver SOD, between red cell GSH
inhibiting the generation of singlet oxygen (Di Mascio et al. and red cell SOD and between plasma thiobarbituric acid-
1991), trapping peroxyl (Jorgensen & Skibsted 1993), and reactive substances and plasma SOD. Meyer et al. (2003)
inhibiting the formation of lipid superoxide (Lim et al. 1992; reported that a short-term (up to 8 day) exposure of killifish
Goto et al. 2001). In this study, however, when fish was under (Fundulus heteroclitus) to contaminated sediments led to
ammonia stress, dietary CD type did not reflect the superiority upregulated antioxidant defences, including MnSOD protein
of AX over BC on all antioxidant activities except SOD, where levels and GPx. They considered these responses were pro-
BC-fed fish showed lower activity than AX- and MX-fed fish. tective against the acute toxicity of sediments, and thus
This is because of the conversion of dietary BC into body AX represented part of the physiological process of acclimation.
for storage (Wang et al. 2006), which was further supported Monteiro et al. (2006) reported that exposure of characid
by this study. Although BC-fed fish had lower body AX fish, Brycon cephalus, to 2 mg L)1 of methyl parathion, an
content than AX- and MX-fed fish, it was sufficient enough to organophosphate insecticide, for 96 h resulted in a significant
enhance an antioxidant defence system against ammonia induction of SOD activity, catalase and glutathione
stress, which is equivalent to that of AX- and MX-fed fish. As S-transferase in liver, white muscle and gills. However, the
for the dietary CD concentration effect, although 40-fish had GPx activity decreased significantly in white muscle and gills,
higher body AX content than 20-fish, no further improvement whereas no change was observed in the liver. Hypoxia stress
on the antioxidant defence capacity was observed. appeared to trigger SOD activity in gill and muscle tissues of
ALT and AST in fish have been used as indices for the Leiostomus xanthurus, but had no significant effect in catalase
diagnosis of liver function (Yamamoto 1981) and damage activity (Cooper et al. 2002).
(Oda 1990). A study by Nakano et al. (1995) demonstrated for TAS had poor correlations with antioxidant enzyme
the first time that a dietary AX supplement had an effect on activity and body AX content. TAS is an indicator of the
liver function and increased defence potential against oxida- status of overall antioxidant defence against reactive oxygen
tive stress of rainbow trout. Further study by Nakano et al. species and intermediates. SOD is specific in catalyzing the
(1999) indicated that dietary red yeast, Phaffia rhodozyma, dismutation of O2) into H2O2. While an organism is first
which is rich in AX, had a reducing effect on oxidized oil- subjected to stress, SOD should be able to respond immedi-
induced oxidative stress in rainbow trout. In their study, the ately to the production of superoxide anion. During ammo-
fishÕs serum ALT and AST increased significantly when fed nia stress, TAS might not respond as sensitive as SOD and
oxidized oil. The supply of red yeast considerably lowered did not have a complete inverse (r = )0.4931) relationship
ALT and AST activities. In our study, results also showed with SOD.
that the increase in body AX content through dietary CD ALT and AST were highly correlated, where both show
supplementation reduced both ALT and AST under ammonia similar decreasing trend with increasing dietary CD concen-
stress. trations. On the other hand, ammonia stress had no effect on
ALT activity but increased AST activity by 106%. Our results
opposed the findings of Nakano et al. (1995, 1999) on rainbow
trout where dietary AX significantly decreased the levels of
The significant correlation between GPx and SOD could lipid peroxides in the liver and ALT activity, but not AST.
indicate that the removal of H2O2 by GPx was related to the
reaction of superoxide radicals by SOD. Lushchak et al.
(2001) observed an increase in SOD and GPx activities in
goldfish Carassius auratus under hypoxia stress, showing When characins were exposed to 15 mg TAN L)1 for 72 h,
synergistic relationship between SOD and GPx. However, regardless if they had been fed CD-supplemented diets for

Aquaculture Nutrition 17; 258–266  2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd

8 weeks or not, activities of TAS, SOD, GPx and AST eries Society. Northeast Society of Conservation Engineers (Allen,
increased, indicating positive responses against oxidative L.J. & Kinney, E.C. eds), pp. 34–47. Bethesda, MD.
Cooper, R.U., Clough, L.M., Farwell, M.A. & West, T.L. (2002)
stress. The enhanced body AX content through dietary CD Hypoxia-induced metabolic and antioxidant enzymatic activities in
supplement helped to develop antioxidant defences and liver the estuarine fish Leiostomus xanthurus. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.,
protection during ammonia stress. Dietary CD types (AX, 279, 1–20.
DÕApollonia, S. & Anderson, P.D. (1980) Optimal assay conditions
BC and MX) did not affect TAS, GPx, ALT and AST, for serum and liver glutamate oxalacetate transaminase, glutamate
because most of the dietary BC consumed was converted into pyruvate transaminase, and sorbitol dehyddrogenase from the
body AX and made AXÕs superiority over BC in antioxidant rainbow trout. Sulmo guirdneri. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci., 37, 163–
defence much less pronounced. As there was no difference in
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