Analysis of The Characteristics of Students' Critical Thinking Skills in Completing National Exam Questions

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JPPIPA 7(2) (2021)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

Journal of Research in Science Education

Analysis of the Characteristics of Students' Critical Thinking Skills in

Completing National Exam Questions
Nini Afriana1, A. Halim1,2*, Muhammad Syukri2

1 Science Education Study Program, Postgraduate Program, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia
2 Department of Physical Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v7i2.627

Article Info Abstract: This research is motivated by the renewal of the learning paradigm in the 2013
Received : February 9th, 2021 curriculum which prioritizes the application of higher thinking skills, which aims to increase
Revised : April 4th, 2021 the potential and skills of students in the 21st century. One of the life skills that students must
Accepted: April 7th, 2021 have is critical thinking skills, this study aims to analyze the characteristics of students'
critical thinking skills in completing the HOTS type national exam. The sample of this study
was 50 students of class XII MIA in SMA Negeri 1 Jaya in the academic year 2019/2020 using
purposive sampling technique. The data collection techniques in this study were test and
non-test and focus group discussion. The data analysis technique used was descriptive
analysis, the results showed that overall the critical thinking skills of students in solving
HOTS type national exam questions were still in the medium category with a percentage of
44.6. Of the 5 indicators that have been mastered well by students, namely indicators provide
simple explanations of 71.8% and build basic skills of 68.7% while other indicators are still in
the low category, namely indicators conclude by 32.4% provide further explanation of 15.9%
and set strategy and tactics 34.5%.

Keywords: critical thinking skills; national examination; hots questions

Citation: Afriana, N., Halim, A., & Syukri, M. (2021). Analysis of the Characteristics of Students' Critical Thinking Skills in
Completing National Exam Questions. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 7(2), 196-201.

Introduction do (Ennis, 2011). Furthermore, Ennis (1985) critical

thinking skills are the ability to think clearly and
The Ministry of Education and Culture of the rationally about what to do or what to believe, including
Republic of Indonesia, through the Joint Regulation of the ability to engage in reflective and independent
the Director General of Primary and Secondary thinking.
Education Number 5496/C/KR/2014, stipulates that National Examination according to
the 2013 Curriculum is one of the curricula that is Permendikbud number 5 of 2015 article 1 paragraph 5,
enforced in the 2014/2015 academic year National Examination is an activity of measuring and
(Permendikbud, 2014). The 2013 curriculum prioritizes assessing the achievement of national competence of
the application of higher order thinking skills, which graduates in certain subjects. The usefulness of the
aims to increase the potential and thinking skills of results of the National Examination according to
students in the 21st century. This is supported by the Permendikbud number 5 of 2015 article 21 paragraph 1
Partnership for 21st Century Skills which emphasizes are as follows: (1) Mapping the quality of education
that one of the life skills students must have in the 21st programs and units; (2) Consideration of selection to
century is critical thinking skills (Lai, 2011). Critical enter the next education level; (3) considerations in
thinking is thinking reasoned and reflective which fostering and providing assistance to educational units
emphasizes making decisions about what to believe or in an effort to improve the quality of education.
Copyright © 2021, Author et al.
This open access article is distributed under a (CC-BY License)
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2021, Volume 7, Issue 2, 196-201

Learning and assessment with various techniques conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Jaya. Determination of the
and instruments that provide opportunities for students sample in this study using purposive sampling
to develop thinking skills, including critical thinking, is technique, namely all students of class XII MIA 1 and
believed to be able to improve and develop higher-order MIA 2 which choose physics subjects on the National
thinking skills, especially in the form of written Examination.
assessments (Educational Assessment Center, 2019). The data collection techniques in this study were
Based on the results of the analysis of the using the test technique and Focus Group Discussion
difficulty level of the 2018/2019 high school level (FGD). The test technique in this study was a written test
National Examination questions at the Aceh Jaya consisting of 12 HOTS type questions in the form of
Regency level for physics subjects, it is still very low. descriptions. The test questions were taken from the
This can be seen from the average value for the higher National Examination questions which were then
order thinking skills (HOTS) type national exam analyzed in the Aceh Jaya Physics subject teacher
questions, which is 30, meaning that the students' level discussion FGD. The data analysis technique used in this
of thinking is still low. Noviana (2016) states that HOTS research is descriptive analysis technique, namely the
questions have four indicators, namely problem-solving data analysis technique used to describe the state of the
skills, decision-making skills, critical thinking skills, and object qualitatively. Students' answers were analyzed
creatives. Previous research has also shown that based on 5 indicators of critical thinking skills developed
problem-solving methods can increase HOTS (Halim, et by Robert Ennis (1993) and then processed in the form of
al, 2018). Based on this description, it can be concluded percentages. The percentage formula used is as follows:
that one of the skills students must master to solve HOTS
type questions is critical thinking skills. Number answered
Percentage = the maximum number of scores 𝑥 100 (1)
Critical thinking skills in learning activities can be
identified through the assessment process. HOTS The percentage value is then interpreted in the
question assessors can be seen from the results of the form of very high, high, medium, low, and very low
evaluation of learning through the National
categories according to Table 1.
Examination and school exams. According to Nisa Table 1.Critical Thinking Skills Category
(2018), 22 of the 40 items in the 2017 National Physics No Percentage Category
Examination were categorized as HOTS questions with 1 81 -100 Very high
a percentage of 86% of C-4 questions (analyzing), and 2 61 – 80 High
15% C-5 (evaluating) according to the revised Bloom 3 41 – 60 Medium
Taxonomy. Meanwhile, according to Ihksan et al, (2019) 4 21 – 40 Low
stated that the questions that were categorized as HOTS 5 0 – 20 Very low
questions in the National Examination questions in (Source: Riduan, 2013)
physics subjects from 2017 to 2019 out of 40 items each
year the average questions categorized as HOTS reached Result and Discussion
50% of the total questions.
In 2019 the number of students who chose the Analysis of students' critical thinking skills in
science program in Aceh Jaya District was 324 SMA N 1 solving HOTS type questions is measured according to
Jaya is one of the high schools with the most students the indicators of critical thinking skills, namely
from other high schools. This condition encouraged providing simple explanations, building basic skills,
researchers to make observations at SMA Negeri 1 Jaya, concluding, providing further explanations, arranging
where it was found that there were 50 students who strategies and tactics. The results of the analysis of
chose physics in the National Examination. students' critical thinking skills indicators can be seen in
Based on the description of the above problems, Figure 1.
the researcher conducted a study with the title analysis
of the characteristics of students' critical thinking skills
in solving national exam questions.


This research is a type of evaluation research,

which is carried out by collecting, analyzing and
reviewing the results of students' answers in answering
HOTS type National Examination questions based on 5
indicators of critical thinking skills. This research was Figure 1. Percentage of critical thinking skills
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2021, Volume 7, Issue 2, 196-201

There is a difference in the results of the on the information contained in the question statement.
percentage of students' critical thinking skills as According to Leicester & Taylor, (2010) Students think
described in Figure 1, the indicator providing a simple critically in stages through practiced habits in the form
explanation produces the highest percentage score of of formulating problems and answering questions that
other indicators with an acquisition of 71.8% with the require explanation.
criterion of high category critical thinking skills.
Indicators of building basic skills obtained medium Build Basic Skills
category critical thinking results of 68.7%. Indicators of The indicator builds basic skills with sub
critical thinking skills in the low category are indicators considering whether the source is reliable or
concluding, with a score of 32.4% providing further not. This indicator measures students' skills in using
explanation of 15.9, setting strategies and tactics of proper procedures through existing assumptions by
34.5%. Based on the diagram of the test results achieved conducting investigations to solve problems, resulting in
by students on each indicator of critical thinking skills, it an explanation of the problems obtained or analyzing
can be explained as follows. the symptoms or phenomena that arise from the
question statement. In this indicator, the students'
Provide a Simple Explanation answers analyzed are a step in determining the right
Indicators provide a simple explanation formulation according to the results of the analysis and
containing focusing questions, analyzing and evaluating concepts.
a question, and answering questions about an This indicator shows that students have been able to
explanation or statement. In this indicator, students determine the steps in determining the right formulation
make clear problem specifications by identifying according to the results of the analysis and concepts
important features and describing situations with the based on the phenomena that appear in the question
help of pictures, diagrams, and symbols based on statement. In this question, students analyze the
information in the form of data and facts. On this relationship between kinetic energy and potential
indicator, students are able to write down the elements energy to get the velocity equation in the collision
that are known and asked in the form of symbols and concept.
describe the diagrams contained in the question The results of students' answers to the indicators of
statement, write equations based on the known building basic skills obtained moderate critical thinking
elements. results of 69.%. This means that there are still as many as
At this stage the students did not make many 31% of students who have not been able to analyze the
mistakes, only some students were less careful in symptoms and phenomena that arise from the question
reading and understanding the meaning of the statement, especially in paying attention to important
questions. As the results of research that has been information contained in the questions, so that it is
conducted on the analysis of student errors in working difficult to analyze. A small proportion of students
on questions. Common mistakes are in writing what is experienced errors in identifying the relationship
known and asked in the question into physics symbols, between concepts and events from statements and
understanding the meaning of the problem, and writing questions. This happens because students forget the
down the data that is known to the question correctly. material and students tend to memorize in learning the
Errors are caused by students forgetting, not material, so it is easy to forget. This is in accordance with
understanding the physics symbols from the data the opinion of Carson, (2007) which states that even
mentioned in the questions, and not being careful in though students know a concept, students do not
reading and understanding the meaning of the questions necessarily know how to use it.
(Rahmat et al, 2017).
Students' critical thinking skills on the indicators Conclude
of providing this simple explanation obtained the Making conclusions means identifying the
highest level of skills from several other indicators with elements needed to draw conclusions from the report
a score of 71.8%. This indicator shows that almost all data, principles, judgments, beliefs or opinions,
students are able to write down the elements that are concepts, descriptions, questions and other forms of
known and asked. These elements are in the form of attributes. Conclusions can be drawn by reasoning
symbols contained in the question statement, and can deductively or inductively. Deductive reasoning is
write down the equation correctly and correctly. This is drawing general to specific conclusions, while inductive
due to the habits in answering questions that are always reasoning is drawing conclusions that are specific to the
done and trained by the teacher continuously, especially general public (Agustiana & Miterianifa, 2019).
in solving questions. It is hoped that students will be Critical thinking indicators conclude, in general,
able to identify pictures, diagrams, and symbols based expect students to be able to identify and solve a
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) April 2021, Volume 7, Issue 2, 196-201

problem so as to draw a conclusion. This indicator Concept understanding is a level in the cognitive
measures students' skills in describing and realm that shows the ability to explain simple
understanding various aspects in stages to arrive at a relationships between facts and concepts.
new formula (Faiz, 2012). Understanding the concept of physics is defined as the
Student activities are analyzed at this stage when ability to express the meaning of a physical concept. The
students determine formulas mathematically by ability to distinguish, explain, further elaborate, and
applying the right concepts, principles, laws and change concepts that contain ideas or ideas about a
principles based on the identification results that have material, experience, event or object based on the
been carried out in accordance with their basic characteristics of the object itself (Arends, 2012; Halim et
conceptual skills and how to derive equations so that al, 2020).
they produce equations in new forms. For example, Lack of students in understanding the concept
students are asked to determine the ratio of the density occurs due to the implementation of the learning process
of the two cubes immersed in liquid, where this problem which still prioritizes memory and understanding
requires students to derive the equation using processes. Students are more focused on memorizing a
Archimedes' law. At this stage the students made many concept they get and only source from books and
mistakes when completing the division count operation teachers (Ritonga, 2013). In this indicator there are still
resulting in the wrong equation. many students who have not been able to connect
This indicator obtains a percentage of 32.4% with a related concepts correctly. The answer given is still
low category, this is due to the low skills of students in inaccurate, especially in determining the acceleration
completing equation solving steps and most students equation, where students tend to write down the
have difficulty using arithmetic operations. As the tangential acceleration equation in the concept of
opinion of Sugiarto, et al. (2017) stated that the lack of circular motion, and what should be written is the
students' accuracy in doing calculations is one of the acceleration equation from Newton's law.
reasons for the low skills of students in carrying out
plans, to solve problems high accuracy is needed, if it is Set Strategy and Tactics
just a little wrong it will make all the answers wrong. Setting strategy and tactics is selecting criteria for
considering possible solutions or solving a problem.
Provide further explanation Students think with their own knowledge to formulate
Provide further explanations, namely an alternative solution by solving problems that occur,
constructing student arguments, being able to analyze especially in using mathematical operations that are in
and provide explanations in the form of defining terms accordance with the concept. In this indicator, the
and considering definitions using appropriate criteria students' answers analyzed are how to use arithmetic
and identifying assumptions. In this indicator there are operations in solving equations that require
still many students who have not been able to identify simplification from a combination of several other
assumptions. To answer the questions, it is necessary to equations related to the concept. The questions given to
have sufficient understanding of the material, if students students were pictures of two identical blocks fired by
do not master the material it will be influential in bullets from different rifles so that they had different
identifying assumptions and especially in solving heights. Students are asked to determine the ratio of the
problems, especially in describing the equations of speed of the two rifles. In this problem, it is hoped that
several related equations or looking for relationships students can choose possible criteria as a solution to get
from several equations. This indicator expects students the velocity equation based on the derivation of the
to be able to understand several related concepts, equation from the concept using basic mathematical
namely the concept of effort, regular changing straight arithmetic operations.
motion and the concept of force in Newton's law, which Critical thinking skills on indicators of managing
are then derived into new equations in accordance with strategies and tactics have a percentage of achievement
the question statement. of 35% with a low category. Based on the results of the
Critical thinking skills on indicators providing analysis of students' answers, most students have not
further explanation have the lowest value than other been able to decide the right action to solve the problems
indicators. Based on the results of the analysis of in the problem, especially in using arithmetic operations
students' answers, a percentage of 15.9 was obtained to solve the derivation or combination of several
with a low category, this is due to the low initial equations. This is because students are still not careful in
knowledge of students about a concept, making it using basic mathematical arithmetic operations,
difficult to link knowledge between concepts (Ivie, 2001; especially in the form of fractions. As stated by Sugiarto,
Wati et al, 2020). et al. (2016) the lack of students' accuracy in calculating
is one of the reasons for the low skills of students in
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