Resisting Metal Dusting Corrosion

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Resisting metal dusting corrosion

Metal dusting corrosion can limit operating conditions, but recent

developments in alloys are helping to combat the phenomenon


etal dusting occurs in rochemical industries where
environments contain- hydrocarbons or other strongly
ing carbon monoxide carburising atmospheres are
and hydrogen in the tempera- encountered. It is a catastrophic
ture range 350-800°C. Several form of corrosion that occurs
industrial applications are sub- when materials are exposed to
ject to metal dusting corro- environments with high carbon
sion such as plants producing activity. It breaks up bulk metal
hydrogen by steam reforming to metal powder (see Figure 1).
processes in industries includ- The suspected mechanism is
ing oil refining and ammo- firstly the deposition of carbon
nia and methanol production. Figure 1 Surface resulting from severe on the surface of the metal. The
Other examples could be coal metal dusting carbon is, for instance, derived
gasification plants, synthetic from carbon monoxide in a gas
gas production and direct iron alternatives and we believe with a carbon activity much
reduction plants. each solution could be effec- higher than 1. This carbon
The extent of corrosion in tive in given circumstances. forms iron carbides in the case
terms of general loss of mate- The article will discuss nickel of an iron alloy or diffuses into
rial and/or pitting corrosion alloys and their performance the metal in the case of a nickel
is severe, and pre-mature fail- and effectiveness in combating alloy and, in both cases, after
ure of tubes and pipes can lead metal dusting corrosion. super saturation the matrix
to loss of revenue and jeopard- decomposes to carbon and fine
ise the safety of equipment and Mechanism metal particles (and carbides).
plant. Lots of research activ- Metal dusting involves the dis- In a general understanding of
ity has taken place and sev- integration of bulk metals and the chemistry, at lower tem-
eral studies are still in progress alloys to metal particles, oxides peratures the rate of reaction
to mitigate metal dusting cor- and graphite at high temper- is too low to be significant,
rosion. Some of the ways and atures in environments that and at much higher tempera-
means developed by indus- are supersaturated with car- tures carbon activity and dep-
try to increase the life of tubes bon. It is generally believed osition decrease. A critical item
and pipes from metal dusting that the phenomenon is most of equipment that encoun-
include use of gas phase inhib- widespread in the tempera- ters metal dusting corrosion
itors and diffusion coatings. ture range 400-800 °C. Such is a boiler where the operat-
This article is not going to dis- corrosion has been observed in ing temperature zone is in the
cuss the pros and cons of these processes in chemical and pet- range 400-800°C. PTQ Q4 2018 1

Nominal composition of commercial alloys
shows that normalised maxi-
mum mass loss for VDM Alloy
699XA was close to 0.001 after
Alloy Ni, % Cr, % Fe, % Mn, % Si, % Al, % Ti, % C, % Others
Nominal % 4000 hours of exposure. Also,
600 72 16 8 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.08 no pitting showed in a total
exposure time of 5692 hours;
601 60.5 23 13 0.2 0.2 1.4 0.4 0.05
602CA 62 25 9 2 0.18 Y, Zr
690 59 29 9 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.02 the time to first pit was signifi-
VDM Alloy
62 29 4 3 0.02 Nb, Zr
cantly higher than 602CA, 601
699XA Balance 30 Max. 2.5 2 0.02 Nb, Zr and 690.

Table 1 Weldability, workability and

Nickel alloys as VDM Alloy 699XA, have a VDM Alloy 699XA has good
The use of high nickel, high maximum chromium content of weldability under argon.
chromium alloys is preferred 30%, which makes it one of the Welding recommendations and
as they have much better corro- better alloys to be used in this requirements need to be fol-
sion resistance to metal dusting application. lowed. Workability at room
than normal austenitic steels. However, any localised rup- temperature is comparable to
While alloying has enabled an ture of the chromium oxide 601. Also creep resistance is
increase in resistance to metal layer can lead to significant similar to or better than 601.
dusting corrosion, it also leads intake of carbon from the pro-
to other non-desirable proper- cess atmosphere into the alloy. Conclusion
ties such as difficult workability Here, the addition of alu- Refiners would like to run
and weldability. minium leads to the forma- their plant under peak operat-
tion of a protective aluminium ing conditions to take advan-
Importance of alloys in metal oxide scale or sub-scale. From tage of cost and efficiency but
dusting corrosion resistance Table 1 we can see that VDM corrosion of steel alloys under
VDM Alloy 699XA, an alloy Alloy 699XA has an alumin- such harsh conditions has been
developed by VDM and ium content as high as 2%. A a deterrent factor. While a lot
Tubacex in partnership, can much higher aluminium con- of effort is being put into the
produce seamless tubes and tent, such as 3%, would reduce research and development
pipes. Three key require- workability. of alloys for metal dusting,
ments for steels in this appli- Increasing chromium to recently developed alloys have
cation besides resistance to about 30% together with a low so far shown promising results.
metal dusting corrosion are iron content is necessary for
creep strength, weldability and high metal dusting corrosion Ramesh Venkat is Heat Exchanger
workability. resistance in nickel alloys. Product Manager with Tubacex’s Group
This combination of alloy- Global Technical Marketing department.
Corrosion resistance ing elements makes VDM Alloy Email:
A high percentage of chro- 699XA one of the best alloys for
mium is important in any stain- resistance to metal dusting cor-
less steel and in nickel alloys rosion in combination with its
for metal dusting corrosion good workabilty. Laboratory LINKS
resistance as it provides a sta- results of metal loss through
ble passive layer of chromium metal dusting in a highly car- More articles from the following
oxide. As can be seen in Table bonising gas (37% CO, 9% H2O, categories:
1, the latest alloys developed 7% CO2, 46% H2, ac=163, p(02)= Corrosion and Fouling Control
to fight metal dusting, such 2.5*10-27 bar at 600°C, 20 bar)

2 PTQ Q4 2018

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