Statement of Work (SOW) : (Your Logo (Optional) )

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Statement of Work (SOW)

Ref: {Ref Number}

{Title of Project}
for {Client Company Name}
{Event Name (Optional)}

{Your Logo (Optional)}

By Arwin Ramli

{Version Number}
1.0 Background
{Client Company Name} (herein referred to as “Client”) would like to engage {Your Company
Name’s} videography and photography services for its {Event Name} on {Date of Event}
(herein referred to as “Event”).

2.0 Scope of Work (Example)

2.1 Produce Post-Event Video

(a) Film the event journalistic style over 4 hours x 2 days ({Date/s}).
(b) Produce a 3-minute video with the footages.
(c) The filming location is at {Location Name or Address}.
(d) There will be {Number} rounds of review. Additional rounds of review and editing
are chargeable.
(e) The video will be published in HD, MP4 format to ensure high quality playback.
(f) Only 1 version of the event video will be produced. Additional version is
chargeable at a rate to be determined separately.
(g) The delivery schedule is as follow:
i. First-Cut: {Number} working days after the Event.
ii. Second-Cut: {Number} working days after receiving the first review
iii. Final-Cut: {Number} working days after receiving the second review

2.2 Event Photography

(a) Journalistic photo coverage for 4 hours x 2 days ({Date/s}).

(b) The edited photos will be delivered in high-resolution digital format by {Date} via
digital download or DVD, whichever is most practical.
(c) The photo editing service covers basic exposure correction and colour

3.0 Client Involvement

3.1 Media Asset
Client to provide the following assets:
(a) Company logo, graphic and photo (high-resolution, preferably in vector graphic,
PNG, Illustrator or Photoshop format), and video clip (if any).
(b) Any text to be included in the video.
(c) Any preferred music clip it wants to use in the video.
Note: Client to purchase and/or obtain the license to use the music clip from the publisher and/or
copyright owner, or Client to provide {Your Company Name} the name and source of the music clip to
procure, the amount which will be charged to Client.

3.2 Others
Client to support the following:
(a) Provide the event’s agenda at least {Number of Days} ahead of the event to
facilitate pre-production planning.
(b) Arrange for a site visit to assess lighting and sound condition, room configuration,
(c) Provision and obtain approval for filming at the event location(s).

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(d) Provide its own talent release form and have the staff sign it if he/she is featured
in the video.
(e) Provide the name, job title, and department name of the interviewee(s).
(f) Provide the corporate branding guidelines for reference.

4.0 Investment
4.1 Fee

{Amount} {Currency}

(a) The fee is based on the scope of work detailed in Para 2. {Your Company} reserves the
rights to adjust the fee in the event that the project scope is revised.
(b) Fee quoted is valid for {Number} days.

4.2 Payment Term:

(a) {X%} due on signing the SOW.
(b) Balance {Y%} due upon delivery of the video (final version).
(c) Payment Method: Cheque or Bank Transfer (Details will be provided in the invoice)

4.3 Cost of Extension:

(a) Video Filming: {Amount}/hr
(b) Photo-Shoot: {Amount}/hr

5.0 Contact
Feel free to contact us for further assistance regarding the SOW.

{Your Name}
{Your Job Title, Your Company Name}

Mobile : {Your Phone Number}

Email : {Your Email Address}
Address: {Your Company Address}

6.0 Terms and Conditions


6.1 Contract Termination: either party can initiate, notification (writing/verbal, period),
recovery of cost incurred if any, etc.
6.2 Client Revision of SOW: notification (writing/verbal, period), any condition you want to
impose, your approval required, cost recovery (for work and expenditure made
obsolete if the project has already started), change to the fee chargeable, etc.
6.3 Dispute: both parties to agree on the method of resolution, which jurisdiction, etc.
6.4 Any other clauses you deem necessary.

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7.0 Acceptance

Yours sincerely, Accepted by:

………………………………………… …………………………………………
{Your Name} Signature
{Your Job Title}

For and on behalf of …………………………………………

Full Name
{Your Company Name}
{Your Company Address}


For and on behalf of

{Client Company Name}

{Client Company Address}

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