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Recommendation Letter

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April 20, 2021

Jackson Juniper,
San Francisco Technical Services,
Senior Executive Branch Manager,

Jackson Juniper:

I am grateful and honored to have an opportunity to recommend Mr. Kevin Kehoe for Manager
of Technical Services. It was my pleasure to know him and work directly under him on the
Ocean Exploration Program in Cameroon. He has always been a guide to our team. As a project
manager, it was largely through his technical expertise, boundless energy, and organizational
skills which made our project so successful.
Mr. Kevin's clear-cut plan of work and Motivation has helped us deliver our project before time
and with better efficiency. More importantly, we have had a crisis during our project wherein
everyone panicked at a point in time, not knowing what to do about a glitch. Mr.Kevin has had
been calm and supportive towards our issue and helped us throughout with his exceptional
expertise in technology.
Moreover, I remember one instance where one of the employees practiced unethical means
concerning confidential data. Mr.Kevin stood against it strongly even after huge pressure from
his head. He was successfully taken out, and Mr. Kevin was awarded for his honesty and
Mr. Kevin has my highest recommendation for this position. I assure you that his commitment
and values towards his professional career will benefit him and the organization. Please feel free
to contact me regarding the same.

Your Name,
Your Phone Number,

M-Global’s Sanfransico Office.

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