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Nama Ra..

Clas ECE -A
Kag re 1201o3 o8

Solject Epra
vdan rodioral
Sohge Ui1e h3o3
ed. 21. 10.2
Arause al suahona

Speay tphas ckere velie eidgakn u k l

Vede eiualzas ad sild die flooriahodomh. ankk
ha iven Savotanh n tRe vedce periolra Acdoaoah mve wa
Comaidascd Jo Je ka met Haly ive The Aodattaah riveh

one Jh man ivdu man bonal in maylkdogial id hnk ar

vede ag
Wute a skest e en fha anuent Asy esly
he secon
T eayvedie age iy kuricd
milorriomBCE 4utoic.loenA collapse ha indus valey
a9urund 1100 BCE, gveups A dhor -oyah
Civilisahon, shich oc cUyed
Panplas mignoked into notl, -weskn
India and Atartad le
northern Indun valley- 8o0 BCf.
inhalst a

3 no i modan Aoenco?

fa natuu and ehovi h

Ihe agatemabie shudy
Tnozsil and phygeicasunivege egdn olsewahin,
laws to aike
aund measuoement and hfotmolahion o
Rn fas goussl Lotm
4fal lt ning min ohahadehiebscs 4uena
aljehaly val.lilil, ahalrasblb Syelonk
oplnlsulubly 4ploaisim siauhany t.
aloghutous 1,

SCompase kum and nahnedam

anl accenbd Jeunk

ony Jou nge se goin dounfilt

k n&mankind
Thate o
spe and deOns in kamdyomicak coth, leasa
a orsgy frm a kon Ceashu onopen dypla)

9p svbfual oave aph

maaial lesed, bick ad morta, pabapr

Tonfetead aymuhal
ka rd E Yove a pimanent atruckune JoRou ie daibes
Lruahen thoineain atora and tiuu ouoka
templu Aioepek ost rord rock camaintysing
arhiicial cave

in ethal ploczs in ndia

Arauseh all suapkiona
dukin. balelam
Wite not mke
piepk a s e e employel
in he coob
he eay vaoic

ud has vede kradlage e

and enparad hay
wielfosake kings andhair Jamilie Taay havted h. manh
haiy3nchal pepeily or
fer RaiyueCes in,ka balle Aold,
psptoen Ray king dons againet dinasa an
paptachan and a
doreit hiye onlelenal
matora calamibiel suh os floals, faming
achon ondcenvine
sahhel sih, tar
aterma . 2 MR kinga

7esordad kram osill valoable zi

t o i m y

cal powele Ray

a i s mag i sealG Ahahaolt n kalala
ond sty
and prcteced JRem
ceremochial apect Ckarakanda) feu velos
vedie pexel k,
JRair pkiloephical
cenbent inan akanda)
ook pecadena ovea

Ra oiginal
Jka vedi mantras escopadeotuptm,
t l e mest
e hym last Many umny ut coea nat
meaning of many of

ritual or cenuidered onn&cccialy
yedinJe Jorgotter, tore
cevenomial -pespeses
AeL ako g nadauadly
Joi tual
kotks chanto
ontime Jke vedas
eihon orcamu
a exolusive prileg
Loksle air stuly and
oa Frous priurly,
Akruusascionkhe ALotuktoni
al Duun .
a bime.hen.oul teiarhke ey
The Communitye najackan
Cot in commanAurable)uaitit
fndavoanekar incompaklke

Asklein problems s scienkheimaginahion


standasls legbnate prdkem

Acrotiny andl ka
inuoelaonakemaion ke Aanhke imaginahen
and wetldvieus

Eah invelusd ake conbroveay

Each wos Jeleued Joy peiod a etmalkdenca
Examples Coperims, Necten, havetie
Ahs o n all quaa tiona
olesn sodey
4Ci Tmeuer of Auena In
daily livu in evtyd eld,
Nea tenaly tmpah ous

cell phonas, Computos and netaorka andpewes

Mom ha calu,
lovke can X done tosie o o Ri,-bech machindy and
tgiver axionk e homany and jh can Je dora Kaubes
St makar aman e Fall eomfortable and tory bn Gve

Can We live ikhost aien ca

Withoot &oenceerr u n o human gyowth , mo hman g Tousth

ne te chnolgjicd advance n
o knoaledge ahahion

and he wo1 ataghat

witeot siona hosodd atbp

Lhat ia k de aciance andtecralogy in Accith

new 4ience
ond technology conbibote
The e%ena
and Ron
o scciehy i Re Creation nsknoualedy,
o koest ha paspesily
ublr zahon a t localedge
vasiou wues ng sou'eh
uman lives and te &olve
and technolayy in edocotn
uhat is Re ale sciena
belanke t h exabhg
Tmobaial and
Engeg ing young
p u a Ha
K ienc
koasn and

hsmuont achkd
*Ttaching tuhnetoocal lidwau4, Snitical
and pnoblunm Aouang through suina sducan
Audunts thu skills and knouludg huy
Why is tuchnalgy bad Jen Jecuty

*SOual mdia and mebilt duLs may

Ath as
Juad dopmyehologcal and phuypical nuu,
and dijiuutty Jauuin en unpstart
haut a
xThe ewAu uchnalogy may
childun and
on dualopihg
mo7u Aigniicant impact
SALrA and Tuhnalogy
*wouds Fant' Baunchud-biam tlud ron cooting
ad callidn
do Dstonu Quanhum
Gurg 1on
*unduustanding Thun Filma tyon Fautu

0)1) Signtcana duulopmurts in thu Eanly Vadi Taditar

TR Suti' dradiion - tht duant orugin Vada

Thu vedi tnadition has hun prusuud

strucd uptum
en Saual untuuU thnaugh a
mamenizotuon th hymns hy huan

Stududs would mumoniz hi hymns

yuans lgurually a)
day and yan atm ytan en
undin hu slest Aupuwisuon Aiachn t l bh

umamband uach and auany ued and s pemunciatoo

by huant
*Someunu th udad ws made-le
sumumbn the hymn uithou knouuti9huin muaning

* T Vadiu hymns u u d in

kanmakanda h punj0ruming the ruituals

DiuutionB adiubn
The Jay Mdle puuts uun employad

and umpuen
an the sDuts J i n g
untd thun vadit knauldge
uad thuh amú
zu kung
d r u uul.aru B
Thuy dhanted Jhe mantas Je thun Auccs
n the hatl la, qunual prespuruky e Jon

prabction and t h patudun oj thun kingdoms

and natuwal calaritis suth as
agaunt distast
neds and suutucal tronma
*Thus th ulatunshup btwun hu kings
anlightund ul4 inrtnuy
and tht pnuats

to maintaun t h puwuty o
*Thuy uuud
auuwnati porunuiation
mandias and t h u
the proudwmal
adhuu a s ouutly as pewibk t o

thu ojiungs,makung t
cputs prupauing
the subuals.
Ptungs and puyouming
uuth natuu taditions.
Cenordadtuen and

Th Aarly Riqvadi, hymns a u

bu tluast 5000 yos old
and comped
censudrud o
amouatad uth the
buyou the puustuy amulius
20nly duulepmut udam migr.atud tham
sandu- Sauauuathi sugon to th hangrui plaina

Acconding to an inugangy pBpulan

Auth migratiDn migh

haus happancd
2000 BC d u to dinmatic changs ond dhe
ghadual dnuyng up P thu suian Aanakuathi, urich
naw antuinc, hut diud up hd e uhich con stil
bt un in the batuluz uimage takun tuonm he
TFu dun and jall Vadism
*Th aVmilatuon uultid in the
callapst P thi sld and hu amuguna e a

eum o udim, uhith had dumunts th past as

a umindan e ib oninunity and upuuiouby

TALancund gods e wdas biuome

pandid and
meu atlundant geds n hu manu

colaunul ponthuen the nuw d , suulud by

3thu Tuuty and thun cenods

T JhL tuwe paths c t e l , the

path h a t uwunt to anutnal word and the

to the hull, uulud Jry

path Jhat tuaight

Jama, uhu Aunnn suoud suiatungly

p.ainul punishmunts Aol thun in
le a C1) A vantegue Moalanao'enta
Modesn Auere u an in ber discsiplinaduy opie entempasung

oene, becnalga and H, iJoadhong Sienuun ayeen.he

innptiaaeat Julds aund goni kmBely inke etna

explonatiar% anl exedhon alsoot -natuou and ka onivee

Siont ond Xhorology Oale eal ekas advanu 9aerhfi
Knocoledg u rted o Creae neu echolegia Nen hrdagies
en ollous Aden ba by exeote heoe in irant ama ond mak
has disoveuies Examples e n d gin Je.6 ave Dslpod
suene advana k. losuope bnd micTescefe

hion and eckrdez

nbsday' werll,ke nle
ndupendald, . Wemad Asene and ehndoy in evoy spkes
Ccunce or en oeck aab es

rain hickat
Seienca and technologs have made L
a l t easies
and olge a elle wik ee advanamont mods'ins and
en dugeoJ

moden Asence
Dis ad vantagel
t can e easy hondled Joy inesponaible peepk
We 0 Jer legorlanten teat
Se deatrey oor Ainple and SalR, Le
Somebimas it aet, ouk and Japlyle

lo. a-Cir) Sieniic yevolotion

Te Acieriie revelobien i tem commondolaung Ao ke

hanal etmakion n baboot nahuoe kaugl Adkek ea

atiuetdlan rads hon Was Fupla ced y se eallasmedan Aiene
ty Copasnics, Neden, faveien Enabein
Ni al Copesniaus
Nohals tnsa aybsmamus koon uke ko mal
Heuee a hel mokon eaogen buionut o preges a
ane, and e planal revolve
Rkcbu hary ba voiveu

Expevmentmakal,malrial pkilerphy
akapucl ehamit
Roolee laus
Payal aociehylorden
Poblie veicahen e Auona.
Evang eliata To icelli xpetiment
Natrve Arca motabhora Vacuüm and R ain has ikt
Haoc Neuton

Mostae mit

Neutorian world ayatem

Jillam gillet
magne be rell

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